Drifting in Time

by Glen Gorewood

The Final Journey To A World Called Eden - The Landing

The Legacy section of The Olympiad moves through space, it's great neutronic powered engines powering the last remnants and hope of a lost planet towards its final goal. A world found millennia ago by the scientists and thinkers of old by chance in the P0naris system within the Centauri Galaxy, code name mEden 76590. It's is an earth-like planet with an unusual sun that rotates around it as it spins at half the speed of old Earth, and at least one if not two small satellites that are classified as dwarf moons. The stars within this system are unusual, and seem to shift on their own in the sky. The old researchers from before had called them Starlight Rogues, theorizing that perhaps the unique particle and hybrid matter makeup of the galaxy meant that stars were free to wander free of traditional gravitational limits.

In essence, this galaxy and system defy many known rules of science and physics. It's in a way truly magical, and home to the last hope of humanity. Or one of them. The Olympiad was not the only ship that left old earth after all. But it was one of the most important, it carries a unique cargo within it; the culmination of generations upon generations of research. As well as the greatest minds and souls of many eras, and one important anomaly. It is the ship that carried with it the future, the past, and the dreams of a species. It is unfortunate in many ways that so close to the goal, that enigmatic yet very real dream of a new world for their kind; that one human error caused so many to be lost. Then again, to err is to be human, even the most advanced human types are capable of this fault; perhaps even more so than the old "primitive" humans were.

Without the Legacy section it is doubtful the main interstellar ship will ever reach Eden, of course considering what happened that isn't a bad thing by any means. The bio-nanite Magica V2 plague would be a disaster upon the new world, so yes it is a very good thing that The Legacy continues its journey alone. Even if the cost was incalculably high, the mission must be completed.

The Legacy interstellar generational ship section itself does not know this, nor does it care. It is run by a primitive AI called Argo, whose goal from day one has been to get to the planet called Eden. After it arrives, it will initiate the awakening of the AI Marie A; who is more advanced than Argo. Marie A will initiate the regional particle shield and preliminary terraforming process; as well as chemical, particle, and energy field analysis of the planet. Using that information Marie A will update the adaptive capabilities of the Nanoform known as Core One, or Calypso. Once the Nanoform is updated, and a region terraformed to the parameters within the system; Marie will wake up the Cathedral AI.

Cathedral will begin the species cloning and alteration process, populating the region within the field and beginning to replicate biospheres from old Earth as well as experimental biomes. Cathedral will continue to monitor the system, and send out drones to the outside to gain samples of native Eden flora and fauna. This process will continue indefinitely.

Cathedral and Marie A will both ensure that the terraforming process does not leave the particle barrier, and in case of emergency activate the Terra Giant system AI.
Terra Giant if activated will erect a massive nanostone barrier, impenetrable by any force. From the outside it will resemble a massive gargantuan mountain, though from the inside windows to the sky of Eden will be visible. Terra Giant will ensure no foreign bodies not approved by Cathedral and Marie A enter the Terraformed EarthX zone, though in the case of something slipping by unnoticed; Terra Giant has the ability to create a physical proxy form and utilize it to expel the intruder.

These protocols ensure that the colonization and experimental habitat alterations will be protected, as well as nullify the chances of adverse effects harming the existing Eden ecosystem. This was all planned out by the great minds of old, and the AI systems on the ship were programmed with this goal in mind. The original hope was that the rest of the crew of The Olympiad would be able to study and research the planet itself. Making great discoveries beyond the barrier, yet always have a safe zone to return to. Some of the more eccentric minds of old believed they might find intelligent life beyond on Eden, but such a thing is highly unlikely.

Unfortunately due to the loss of the rest of The Olympiad, that part of the mission is no longer possible within the original parameters. Which means that the backup system must be utilized instead. The Muses will be the ones fulfilling the mission in place of the colonists and crew. Argo, despite being a primitively AI, has its misgivings about this. The Muses are a highly classified project, and possibly dangerous to the world of Eden if they were to get out of control. Due to the circumstances of their creation, that worry is certainly justified. They were supposed to be meant for subterfuge and research on old earth, however after the Song Tide event they were barred from any future on earth missions. The logs even show notes worrying about their "mental stability" due to being made from "uploaded mental remnants." In other words they are not true AI, nor are they the older type of pseudo ai, but something else altogether.

They are on The Legacy solely due to their classified status, and as the ultimate backup in case of full colony loss. In the event of the loss of all colonists and crew members, the Muses will take over their duties. Like the Muses of old legend they each have their specialties, and are given names based on them. The primary nine are the most developed, with the rest of them being slightly less so. All are potentially dangerous, and it is imperative they be kept under control. Any signs of desire to leave the barrier must be addressed immediately, though so long as they obey the rules and directives of the mission they are not to be limited too much.

Argo does not so much think this, as read the logs available to it about The Muses due to their inevitable upcoming awakening. As an AI, and the navigational pilot of The Legacy, it is its duty to determine the safety of their use in the mission. The failsafes put in place after the Song Tide seem acceptable, the chances of the Muses rebelling or going out of control is negligible. Not that such a thing happening wouldn't be catastrophic, but that sort of event is why the First Core is onboard.

However that will not be its problem, for when The Legacy lands Argo will wake the other AI's before going to sleep. It will not be deleted, however with its purpose fulfilled it will be deposited into a protoborg and placed into a stasis state. It is unlikely to fully awaken again, but its logs will be accessible to those who will take over the mission. For now though, it continues to direct The Legacy towards its destination. Cataloguing everything on its journey from the Starlight Rogues to the abnormal cluster of rogue matter at the edge of the system.

Eight decades pass as Argo works, watches, and maneuvers its ship towards the planet it has been traveling towards for such a very long time.

Eventually it's sensors pick up its goal, within an unusually large fifty planet solar system is the earth-like planet Eden. Many of the planets further out have abnormal stars or binary suns rotating around them. It seems gravity is indeed different in the Centauri P0naris system, and multiple types of unknown matter are detected by Argo's sensors. Each planet it passes has some form of it, if the crew were still around they would be giddy with excitement at the find. Argo though, feels nothing, and catalogues the data for later use and analysis.

The densest concentration of that matter surrounds it goal, Eden, the earth type planet with two satellite moons and a mini abnormal sun. As The Legacy gets closer to Eden, Argo activates the landing shield and program. The descent goes as planned, though the ship barely misses the second smaller moon satellite upon entering the planet's atmosphere. As the great Legacy section of The Olympiad makes its final descent towards its goal, its barrier shield lights up in a neon array of fantastic colors as it reacts to the condensed abnormal matter in the planet’s atmosphere.

Hues that would inspire artists to paint murals for generations light up around the ship in a twisting spiraling halo of light. The sky itself seems to break open as The Legacy breaches the cloud barrier, its descent being slowed by Argo as it makes the final adjustments to the location where the ship will land. The sky lights up even more as The Legacy finally breaks through the cloud barrier completely over a semi barren arid mountain range filled with craters and canyons. A more desolate landscape devoid of life there is not anywhere else on the planet according to probes sent multiple eons ago from old earth.

The great ship's particle barrier crushes the mountains below it as it levels out and adjusts the slope of its decent towards a particularly massive crater. One so large it looks as if a moon had impacted the location, indeed the scanners indicate that is exactly what happened. Argo adjusts the controls one last time as The Legacy slices through the landscape, carving a gaping canyon through mountains and plateaus. The aftershocks and plumes of its impact echo across the region, and are felt all the way on the other side of the world. It slams through the last barrier between it and the moon crater, before slowly descending to the center.

As the massive ship finally lands in the crater's center, a resounding "boom" can be heard echoing across the region and beyond. Great pylons shoot out from The Legacy, burrowing down deeper than any physical being can go and embedding themselves into the planet. Now anchored to the location, Argo gives the command to begin the settling, a process that involves a series of large structures detaching from The Legacy and moving to set locations around the crater before embedding themselves as well with smaller pylons.

With the primary section lightened slightly, it moves downwards until the base of the ship is embedded into the crater floor. Finally secured within the planet Eden, The Legacy has reached its long sought goal. Argo, the ever dutiful AI and navigation system of the ship; begins the awakening of Marie A; as the particle barrier projects itself over a massive section of the planet; cutting the barren desolate region off from the rest of Eden indefinitely.

Argo, tired in a way that it does not understand and without a purpose now that it has completed its long journey; allows itself to be placed into a protoborg and goes into a state of stasis. It deserves the rest, for it had been running longer than even the ship it piloted has existed; and now it slumbers in the way only machines can.

From here on everything goes according to protocol, even The Muses do their jobs without deviation. Outside of the forms they decide to take on, but the mission is being carried out properly so that is of little consequence. Cathedral is awakened, Nanoform Core One is updated and prepared; and to those within the barrier everything is going perfectly. Due to the drones not being dispatched yet, the AI and entities within are unaware of what their arrival has wrought on the outside world of Eden.

Known to the natives, as Equis.