//------------------------------// // Chapter 7 // Story: Angels Among Us // by Dash32 //------------------------------// Applejack and Rainbow Dash finally made it to the mess hall and grabbed separate trays to hold their food. They remained silent as they made their way through the line. Rainbow Dash cringed as the lunch lady dumped a chunk of yellow slop down onto her tray. “Um...ma'am? What is this?” The lady grinned evilly before replying. “Dig in and find out. If you figure it out I'd love to hear it myself.” Rainbow felt sick to her stomach as she gulped. “T-Thanks...” The woman replied innocently. “Enjoy...” Rainbow walked over and grabbed a cup of water before she walked to one of the tables and sat down. Applejack sat by her soon after. “I wanna go home AJ...” “Ah know Dash. Ah do too. But we can't. We get court marshaled if we leave...” “Ugh...stupid government mandate.” Rainbow scowled at her food before scooping up a small chunk and taking a bite. She instantly regretted it as she gagged and almost vomited from the taste. Applejack ate hers with no problem. “How the hell can you eat this crap?!” Applejack shrugged. “Ah've eaten worse than this...” “Ugh...suddenly I'm not hungry.” Applejack glared at Rainbow a bit. “Eat it, Dash. Ya need yer strength.” “It's disgusting! There's no way I'm eating that crap!” “Eat it, Dash...” “No!” “Ah said EAT IT!!” Applejack yelled and kicked Rainbow hard in the shin, making her bite her lip and grunt in pain. “Agh! Alright alright! I'll eat it! You don't have to kick me!” Applejack grinned and leaned forward a bit. “Ah dunno. Ah think it was kinda fun...” Rainbow scowled at her green eyed friend and pulled her legs up into the seat. “Don't even think about it...” “Too late...” Rainbow rolled her eyes. “I hate you sometimes...” “Ah love ya too, dear...” Applejack giggled at Rainbows annoyance. Rainbow sighed deeply. “So...what do you think it'll be like? Out there I mean...” Applejack frowned and stared down at her food. “Ah dunno. Probably hot...it probably ain't gonna be pretty...” “I...I don't want to hurt people Applejack...” “Ah don't either, Dash...at least we ain't gonna be the ones ta shoot first. The United States Military only shoots as a defense. Even if it means takin' other people's lives...” Rainbow Dash sniffed and rubbed a tear out of her eye. “W-What if I don't come back? I can't do that to Fluttershy...it'd break her heart...” “Ah know, Dash...It'd break mine too...you and Ah have been friends since we was kids. Ah could never imagine what my life would be like if Ah didn't have ya around ta pester me, or vise versa. Ah'm sure it'd hurt the other girls somethin' fierce if ya weren't around no more...” Rainbow clenched her hands tightly and struggled to keep her voice even. “W-What if we lose YOU...I don't want to lose you...I c-can't...” Applejack leaned over and wrapped her rainbow haired friend in a tight hug. “Ya won't lose me. Ah'll be by yer side 'til the end. That's an Apple Family Promise...” After a while of sitting in silence the two girls finished their meals and made their way to the barracks. For the next couple of hours they talked about various topics, until curfew came. By this time the other recruits had made their way back to the barracks and were chatting amongst themselves. Suddenly Admiral Stone walked through the doors. “ATTEN-TION!!” The recruits immediately quit talking and stood at attention at their respective bunks. “It's lights out maggots! Tonight, you little shits will sleep with your rifle. You will give your rifle a girl's name. Because I hate to tell ya fellas, but this is the only pussy you people are going to get. Your days of muching on the ol' fur burger are over. You are married to this piece, this weapon of iron and wood. And you will be faithful. PORT, HUT!” Each of the recruits pick up their rifles with their right hand before grabbing the lower part of their weapons with their left. “PREPARE TO MOUNT!” Each of the recruits took a step back on either side of their bunks. Applejack placed her rifle on the side of her bunk on the top. Rainbow Dash remained still. “MOUNT!!” Everyone quickly rolled onto their bunks on the bottom while everyone else jumped up to the top bunks. The rifles remained at their right sides. “PORT! HUT!” As part of the night exercise, the recruits picked up their rifles with their right hands and held the other end with their left hands. “Pray!” The recruits close their eyes and recite the prayer they were taught. “This is my rifle. There are many like it but this one is mine. My rifle is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my rifle is useless. Without my rifle, I am useless. I must fire my rifle true. I must shoot straighter than my enemy, who is trying to kill me. I must shoot him. Before he shoots me. I will. Before God, I swear this creed. My rifle and myself are defenders of my country. We are the masters of our enemy. We are the saviors of my life. So be it, until there is no enemy. But peace. Amen.” Admiral Stone nodded a bit. “Goodnight, ladies.” The recruits responded in unison. “Goodnight, Sir!” Admiral Stone turns around and walked out before acknowledging one of the recruits by the doorway. “Hit it, sweetheart...” The recruit nodded and turned off the light. After a few minutes of silence Rainbow speaks up. “I hope four years goes by quickly, AJ...” “Ah do too, Dash...Ah do too...” “I just...I really don't want to have to use this gun...” “Deep down...Ah don't think anyone WANTS to use their gun, Dash...but we owe it to our country ta protect them. It's why we're here...” “I...I know...” “Get some sleep Dash...we'll talk more tomorrow...” “S-Sure...” “Night, Dash...” “N-Night...” After a long time of silence, both girls finally slipped to a deep sleep, awaiting tomorrow's training.