//------------------------------// // Chapter Four // Story: Wishing Well // by Nobrains //------------------------------// Chapter Four “How long are we going to wait?” “As long as necessary.” “But the human has already had enough time. We need to begin.” “We will wait as long as necessary.” “Curse you.” The voice paused. “Hear can hear all of this.” “So he can. It appears that once we made the leap, we seemed to chain together on a mental level.” “How does this bode for us?” “It does nothing. He can't prevent what's to come.” You suddenly felt like something was breathing down your neck. “Don't even try to stop us. You'll only know pain and despair otherwise.” You rolled out of bed suddenly and fell on the floor. You know you had done something bad at the well. Now whatever the hell these things were, they were loose. They sounded evil, demonic even. You had to warn someone, perhaps Celestia? You looked out the window, the sun was just barely making its rounds across the sky, indicating it was dawn. You made sure everything was in order (which was particularly easy, considering you had nothing to actually worry about,) and opened the door, looking out into the halls of Canterlot castle. Why you didn't care about talking to Celestia now was beyond you, you just knew you needed to tell someone about this. But those things said you couldn't prevent what was to come. You couldn't, maybe, but surely Celestia could! Then you reminded yourself exactly how helpful she had been through the Mane Six's adventures. Coming in after the fighting and given a meager speech or being overwhelmed by an enemy's power, such as the pitiful romp with Chrysalis. You then proceeded to scold yourself of even cutting down Celestia like that. She was a princess for Christ's sake! She was easily more powerful than you, and you had no place to truly put her strength up for debate. Besides, she was letting you stay in the castle as a kind gesture, your criticism was not even valid at this point. You followed the halls, trying to remember exactly the path that the guard had led you down. The halls kept winding and winding and you were soon disorientated. “It's quite the big castle.” A voice came from behind you. It was the same guard that had escorted you earlier. “Where would you like to go?” He asked. You told him of how you needed to tell Celestia something of importance and it needed to be as soon as possible. “She does not hold audiences until a bit later in the day.” He said with a tinge of apology. “Would you like to wait in the throne room until she makes herself present?” You nodded wordlessly, and were lead through the castle once more, this time returning to the place of origin. No one else was in the throne room except you and the guard, and it gave the whole room a sort of open-ended feeling, hollow even. The guard made his leave, as he was needed elsewhere, leaving you alone. Minutes passed by as you simply leaned against the wall in the huge throne room, bored out of your mind. Minutes gave way to hours and eventually the throne room began to come to life as ponies filled its interior. Guards filled their familiar positions and Celestia soon followed after them, seating herself upon her familiar throne. It was fascinating to see the customary habits that had been formed upon entering the throne room time after time for all the ponies, everyone seemed to know exactly where they were suppose to be at all times. You had never payed this much attention to detail when you were just watching the show. Even beyond the searching and scanning for the background characters and other such novelties. You weren't looking for some gag, but you were studying the people and their characteristics. It gave you a whole new dimension to look at in this world. You then reminded yourself why you were here and pushed yourself from your resting place upon the wall. The guards watched as you walked right up to the throne. They did not bother to stop you, they must have sensed the sense of urgency within you. The princess eyed you curiously. “Is something on your mind, human?” You nodded. “Well let us hear what you have to say then.” You began your lengthy discussion on how voices within your conscious were talking of destroying this land and setting it ablaze. You then discussed how you were possibly hearing them through 'chained mental state' theory that those voices had come up with. Finally, you described how this was a viable threat. Only after you had finished your dialogue, you realized how much you sounded like you just a had a bad acid trip. The princess did not seemed to react at all to what you had said. She just kept a faint smile. “We'll be sure to look into it, human. I promise.” You deflated. She didn't believe you. You know you sounded ridiculous, but seriously? Your arms fell limp in defeat. “Oh don't be so depressed.” She pleaded. “There's so much for you to do in this glorious city that you shouldn't worry yourself with matters of the kingdom. I appreciate your concern for my land, I really do, and so does everypony else.” You stood up straight, understanding what she was trying to say. “Why don't you go explore the city?” She suggested. “Enjoy the sights and ponies. We're all very friendly, I assure you.” You decided to take her suggestion and made your leave. You made a mental note to touch back on the subject at another time. You knew that this was serious, even if no one else thought so. The guards nodded in acknowledgment as you passed them by to the main door. You gave one last look back to the throne room, where Celestia gestured for you to go enjoy yourself. You didn't even know what you could enjoy in town, you just felt really awkward. You finally pushed open the doors and stepped out into the courtyard. The noon sun was high in the sky, causing glare across the whole city. There was so much you hadn't seen before, and thoughts of whatever those voices were up too were already wiped from your mind. You left the courtyard quickly, descending into the city itself. The ponies all gave a weird look but quickly went back to what they were doing. They were way too courteous for belief. You looked around for your first stop, and realized you were broke. Broke and hungry. You had no cash, or rather bits, on your person. What could you do without any money in a town like Canterlot? You were about to turn and make back for the castle when a familiar voice cut through the air. “Getting ahead of yourself I see.” The doctor said descending the steps from the castle. “Heh, yeah.” You said sheepishly. “Don't worry, how about I show you around town? I've only been here on occasion myself, usually from the summons of our regal princess.” You were here for just a couple of days and the doctor was already considering Celestia your princess too like you were a citizen of the land. It wasn't a bad thought at first, but you still couldn't help but feel like a sore thumb. “Don't worry about money, either. I'm a doctor for Celestia's sake.” He said cheerfully. The sights and sounds of the city were magnificent and something else entirely from the big cities back on earth. After hours of walking, you found yourself seated at one of the tables outside of a café. The doctor was sitting there, telling you of his wife and kids back home in Hoofington, but you weren't paying attention. There was so much going on around you. It almost made you feel like you were in the big city again. So many ponies caught your eye as they always did when you were just an onlooker from a different world. “You aren't ogling the mares, are you?” The doctor asked jokingly. “What? No!” You quickly denied. “Relax, I was just kidding. Aren't you going to eat your food?” He asked innocently. You looked down at the meager meal laid before you. It was a daisy with a side of bread. You took the bread and munched on it softly. “You ain't going to eat that daisy?” The doctor asked. You shook your head, and in that instant the doctor reached a hoof over and dragged the daisy over to him. “Thank you very much.” He said with his mouth full. You continued to look around, still locked in fascination of how active the city was. “I knew you were looking at the mares.” The doctor muttered. You glared at him, and he only chuckled in response. “Are humans always this easy to irritate?” He asked in between convulsions. The rest of the day was quite fun actually. The doctor took you to a fine art museum where you able to look at showcased art from a different world. It was quite fascinating really and what really impressed you was that some of the artists were not, in fact, unicorns. You even got to walk across the ramparts protecting the city which did nothing but gave you another great view of the city. Of all the negatives you kept worrying about, they were always overwhelmed by the positives as the doctor kept showing you place after place. You were sure you had already fallen in the love with the city countless times before the day eventually came to an end. The sun was falling when you were reentering the courtyard in Canterlot castle. “I'm glad you seemed to enjoy yourself out there today.” The doctor said with a grin. “Yeah..” you said sleepily. You had had fun, but were now exhausted from it all. “I make my leave back to Hoofington in the morning.” The doctor said with regret. “It has been a pleasure making your acquaintance.” he finally pushed open the doors to the throne room. You stepped in after him and were bombarded by a series of eyes. “How did you enjoy the city, human?” Celestia asked from her throne. You told her you had a lot of fun and enjoyed the sights and sounds of the city. She seemed pleased by the revelation. But she had obviously not caught your attention just for simple reassurance on how much you enjoyed yourself. “I have somepony that wants to meet you in the morning.” She announced. “I hope you won't be to put off by her 'curious' nature. Is this okay?” You told her it was fine and she relaxed. “Again, it is a pleasure having you here, human. That is all.” You were lead back to your room by the familiar guard from the past two escorts. He gave a kind gesture and set off once more to do his duty. You went back into your room and collapsed on your bed. You were tired now, that was for sure. You could almost take a guess at who Celestia was referring to when she had told you that someone wanted to speak with you. You kept your mind off the matter, though and instead went back to the voices that you had heard this morning. Perhaps you would find someone you could talk too about it tomorrow? More than likely that would be the case. You sighed as you laid face down on the bed, Equestria sure had a way of draining you of all your energy.