//------------------------------// // The Village // Story: My New Life // by Ark125 //------------------------------// My New Life Chapter 13 – The Village Pure Heart's POV “Alright Ms. Sky, this will be your living quarters.” I said to my new head of security. I opened the door to reveal a room with a cloudy night sky theme. I looked at her and her eyes were as big as saucers. “Oh my gosh! This is so much bigger than my room back on Earth. Is this really my room?” “Yes, yes it is. Now put your things down, you can unpack later. But right now, I want to introduce you to the rest of the family. After that, we will get you outfitted.” “Outfitted? For what?” “Your new armor, of course. You really think you can go around wearing armor that suggests you are a normal day guard?” She looked at the gold armor that she was wearing, then back at me and shrugged. “Okay, you're the prince.” “Yes, yes I am.” I smiled. “Why do you smile so much?” She asked after setting her stuff down. “Because it takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile.” I explained. “Is that true for ponies?” “...Actually, I have no idea. So let's just say I smile because it makes me more pleasant.” “Okay.” “Yep, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. Now, off to the family.” 5 Minutes Later “Luna, I'm back!” I yelled as I entered our room. To my surprise, it wasn't Luna who greeted me, but Tia and Death, playing with the kids. “Hello Pure Heart. Who is this?” Tia asked. “Oh, this is my new head of security, Vapor Sky.” She stepped forward and bowed. “Pleasure to meet you, Princess Celestia.” “Nice to meet you too.” Vapor stood back up and turned to Death, tilting her head in confusion. “I'm sorry, but I have not the slightest clue as to who you are.” He chuckled, “That's okay. I haven't exactly announced my presence to the public as of yet. My name is Death.” “Nice to meet you.” She bowed again. Suddenly, she was lifted up into the air. “Ack!” The rest of us laughed. “I see Moonbeam is getting better with her levitation.” I observed. “That's nothing. Yesterday, she lifted up Death without even flinching.” Tia chuckled. “HEY! Pony in the air not of her free will here.” Vapor complained. “Oops, sorry. Moonbeam, please let her go honey.” Moonbeam released her hold and Vapor caught herself in the air. “Well, now you have meet Moonbeam.” Suddenly a whoosh of air came soaring past. “Death, you want to grab her.” “Yep, hold on.” A tentacle shot out of the ground and grabbed her gently. He then hoofed her to me. “Here you go.” “Thanks.” I turned to Vapor and said, “This is Starfire. She is the Speed Racer of the family.” I set her down on the ground and she ran off in a random direction. “And finally, there is Nightshade.” Vapor looked around. “Where is he?” “Right next to you.” She turned to her left and flinched when she saw Nightshade standing right next to her, rubbing his head on her leg. “When did he get there?” Again, we all laughed. “He has probably been waiting for the right moment to pop up and scare you. He can turn blend in with his surroundings. He's like a chameleon. An Equestrian chameleon.” This time it was just me, Death, and Vapor who laughed. “I don't get it.” Tia said. “Don't worry about it. So now that everypony knows each other, I have a quick question.” “Of course Pure Heart.” “Where is Luna?” “Out in the jungle, investigating a strange disturbance.” Tia said while picking up Moonbeam and placing her on her head, to which she giggled. “WHAT?! Why wasn't I informed of this?!” I screamed. “Whoa bro, don't yell at my marefriend.” Death warned. “Sorry. Wait, marefriend? Never mind, you can tell me later.” I turned to Vapor. “Vapor, that armor fitting will have to wait until later.” I quickly ran off. “Wait, where are you going?” Vapor asked. “I have to find my wife!” I said as I ran towards the door. Before I got there, I was tripped by a strategically placed tendril. “Hold on Pure Heart. Why do you need to make sure she is safe? She just went to check out a disturbance.” I quickly got back up on my hooves and ran out the door, saying, “Because there is a pychopathic alicorn on the loose.” After a minute, I trotted back into the room. “Wait, where am I going?” Tia, Death, and Vapor all simultaneously facehoofed. 3 Hours Later There it is, the Catatonic Jungle. I thought to myself as I got closer to the canopy of trees in the distance. I was able to convince Vapor to just stay at the castle and get settled in. She tried to pull the 'As your body guard' speech on me, but I was able to resist. Tia and Death didn't try to stop me, knowing I would go no matter what. Oh, there is the village. I sighed. Wow, it sure is lonely being by myself. It almost makes me miss Ark. Almost. I chuckled. I descended down to the village, causing a cloud of dust to be stirred up. When the dust settled, I saw a resident making his way towards me. “Hello, welcome to our humble village. I am Chieftain Green Feather.” “Hello, I am Prince Pure Heart. I am here to see my wife, Princess Luna.” “Ah, I see. Yes, she is here. Please follow me.” Green Feather turned and started walking away. I shrugged and followed him. The village was something else. The buildings were all made of bamboo and tree branches. It reminded me of those commercials where they ask you to donate money to save those kids in Africa. I sure did eat a lot of fruit roll-ups. “Here we are.” He stomped his hooves three times at the door. When it opened, a mare stepped into view. She was probably in her mid-forties. “Oh, Chief Green Feather. I wasn't expecting company.” “Hello Water Vine. Is the princess awake?” “Not at the moment. Shall I wake her?” “That won't be necessary.” I said, stepping forward. “And who might you be?” “Prince Pure Heart. I am the princess' husband.” “Oh, well in that case, please come on in.” Water Vine opened the door more and beckoned us inside. “Ms. Vine, you have a lovely... hut.” “Why thank you. It's not much, but it's home.” “Yes. So, where is my wife?” “Ah, yes. She is through there.” She pointed to a curtain. I blinked as I realized that the hut was composed of this sitting room and whatever lied on the other side of the curtain. I thanked her and walked the two meters to the curtain. I pushed aside curtain made of large leaves and slowly walked in. As soon as I had, I found that I was in an even smaller room than the previous. The only things in it were a window and a reed mat that was spread out on the floor. On top of said mat was my beautiful wife, looking rather uncomfortable as she slept. I knelt down on the dirt floor and nudged her with my snout. “Luna.” I whispered into here ear. She slightly stirred. “Luna, time to wake up.” She stretched her right foreleg. “Five more minutes Tia.” I chuckled and then kissed her on the forehead. “Luna.” I said in a normal tone and nudged her a bit harder. This time, she actually opened one of her eyes, then slowly closed it. “Hi Pure Heart.” She smiled and turned over. “Three...two...one...” I counted down. She then shot up. “PURE HEART! What are you doing here?” She said in complete shock. “Oh, you know. Just taking my daily stroll through the middle of nowhere.” She then proceeded to tackle me through the curtain and into the next room. “Oh Pure Heart. I've missed you so much!” She hugged and kissed me like I had been gone for years. “I've missed you, too. But ponies are staring.” She stopped and looked around at the two other ponies in the room. She blushed deeply. “Oh my, how embarrassing.” “Don't worry about it princess. As far as we know, we didn't see anything.” Water Vine winked. “Good.” She turned back to me. “Now then. What are you doing here?” “I came to make sure you were safe.” I responded. “Safe? Safe from what? I only came out here to investigate a minor disturbance.” “Isn't that a job that the guard could handle?” I asked. “Not when it requires interaction with other cultures.” “Oh, well still, somepony could of informed me.” “And risk blowing your cover at the academy? I don't think so. Besides, you know I can handle myself in a situation.” She said with a defensive look. “I know, I know. It's just... I wanted to make sure you were okay. Plus, I missed you.” She gave me a look. “You are hiding something.” “Me? No I'm not.” I said, getting nervous. “What did you do this time?” She asked disdainfully. “Nothing that bad. I might of let a psycho alicorn get away. But...” “YOU WHAT!?” She said in anger. “Calm down, calm down. Let me explain.” She raised an eyebrow and sat back on her haunches. “I'm listening.” One Hour of Explaining Later “Okay. So while investigating the uprising at the academy, you meet another human who turned out to have a crush on you.” “Yep.” “And this ultimately lead to a showdown between you and another unicorn who turned out to be an alicorn.” “Yeah, that about sums it up.” “Well, there is not anything we can do except question his group of lackeys and hope it helps us locate him. But that is going to have to wait. For now, I am actually glad you are here.” “Wow, love you too sweetie.” I said rolling my eyes. She hoofed me in the shoulder, which I have to admit, I actually kind of missed that. “You know what I mean. I want you to accompany me into the jungle tonight.” “To do what?” I asked. “We are going to search for the rare Blue Panther.”