//------------------------------// // GNAWED EVEN // Story: TALES FOR NIGHTMARE NIGHT! A collection to read AFTER the lights are out! // by De Writer //------------------------------// Haytwist and her three fiends, um, make that, her three fRiends were laying wait in their chosen ambush spot. Sopar hissed quietly, “I love Nightmare Night! All that we are going to need is a good net!” Moana agreed, “And the right place! Wouldn't do to catch the wrong one!” Bale pointed excitedly! “Look at the turf! It is starting! This was a great call, Haytwist!” Haytwist took her end of their net in her mouth, saying, “I was pretty sure that this one would pay off! I visited here for the last several days. I could smell it down there! I nearly watered the whole place by drooling so much!” While they watched with rapt attention, a decaying hoof pierced up through the sod! It was followed by a head, equally rotting. Another hoof shoved through! With a heave accompanied by some scrabbling, the rest of the rotting zombie rose from its grave in the Ponyville cemetery! The four charged forward! They encircled the undead creature with the net! Bucking the monster from its hooves, they finished entwining it in the meshes! Sopar slammed it in the head with a stout club! It took three powerful strokes before the unponylike glow faded from its moldering eyesockets and the undead truly became dead! The four dragged the now quiescent corpse into the bushes. They lifted it to a portable table and removed their net to use again, some other time. Bale picked up a plate and big carving knife. “What would you like, Haytwist? This was your idea, so you get the choice cut!” Haytwist's smile showing very unponylike fangs, she replied, “Shoulder slices for me!” Soon the glade was filled with the festive sounds of Ponyville's secret ghouls happily feasting on the carcass of the fallen zombie!