//------------------------------// // Entry 19: Madness? // Story: Samudra's Journal // by vren55 //------------------------------// … Have I lost it? I’m… seeing things. And hearing them. And feeling they are there, but they aren’t, or at least I don’t think they are. It started out of nowhere. I was suddenly seeing guards and ministers when nobody is there. I will be talking to one pony and then another will come and ask me why I’m talking to a wall. I might hear something, see someone approach, but the moment I reach out to touch it, the pony isn’t there, but it keeps talking. I… I’m trying. I’m really trying to stay calm. Well, I tried, but I can’t help it. I’m panicking. It’s all I can do not to lock the room and let my doctors… at least I think they’re my doctors… help me through this. I don’t even know if I’m writing in this diary anymore. I might be hallucinating this entire entry. It’s all that I can do to just not lash out against all of this. I know there are ponies around trying to help me and that my subjects are very concerned. I just need to keep it together. Somehow, I’ll survive this. I’m not crazy. Something twisted, or someone, is doing this to me. I just need to hold together long enough to figure who has the power to do this.