A Shattered Diamond

by SuperPinkBrony12


Diamond was still in something of a state as shock as Dizzy Twister brought her home from the orphanage. Everything had unfolded in the span of just a few hours, yet she'd gone from having a loving father, to being an orphan, to now being part of a hopefully better family. Of course, that all depended on what kind of a pony Dizzy was, and the pink coated filly had no leads on that. Scootaloo had mentioned her parents a couple of times, but for the most part avoided the subject (not that Tiara blamed her, parents were a controversial subject for her as well).

"I know this is all a lot for you to take in right now, Diamond Tiara," Dizzy Twister spoke in a gentle and soothing tone, as she walked side by side with her new daughter. "For right now, know that you don't have to call me 'Mom', 'Mother', 'Mommy', or anything along those lines. You can address me as Mrs. Twister, and my husband as Mr. Twister, and that's fine by me. I want you to be comfortable and call me your mother when you think you're ready."

"Okay, Mo...... Mrs. Twister." Diamond quickly corrected. "It feels so weird to consider her my mother now, even if she seems better than my ex-mother I guess I can call that mare now. I just don't know about all of this, it's so confusing! What will Scootaloo think when she finds out about this?" As she thought to herself, a realization dawned on the pink coated filly. "Now that I think about it, since her mother adopted me and what not, that technically makes us sisters. That's definitely going to take some getting used to. But I always did want a sibling, even Silver Spoon had a big sister to look up to. Father always said he couldn't just buy one, and I think mo-the mare who used to be my mother mentioned something about 'the talk'. Wonder what she meant, and what that has to do with anything?"

"Ah, here we are. Welcome to your new home, Diamond Tiara." Dizzy Twister called, snapping her adopted daughter out of her mental ponderings.

Tiara looked up from the ground, and her cornflower blue eyes beheld a rather unusual sight. The building standing before her was a fairly unimpressive, simple two story structure. Really, all that stood out about it were the Cloudsdale like pillars for what was clearly a Ponyville house. A definite downgrade from her luxurious mansion, but barring an adoption from Silver Spoon's parents (assuming of course they had room for another filly), the filly hadn't been expecting to come home to luxury. And she supposed she could do worse, she could've been adopted by one of the Apples and made to live on Sweet Apple Acres, that was a definite "thanks, but no thanks" for her. "So, this is where Scootaloo lives?" Tiara asked, then mentally groaned. What kind of dumb question was that?!

“Huh, I always thought pegasi lived in cloud homes, but you live in a home that's on the ground. It's kinda strange, but I guess because Scootaloo can't fly yet you have to live here?" Diamond Tiara asked her new mother.

"Indeed," Dizzy confirmed, then nodded happily. "It's nothing anything particularly fancy, but a home is a home and it's been that way for my family and I for many years," Using a wing, the amber coated mare then ushered her new daughter gently inside. "Let's get you settled in and decide where you'll be sleeping for the time being. Sorry we don't have any guest beds at the moment."

"Beats sleeping in the street, or one of those small orphanage beds." Diamond commented to herself, as she allowed Dizzy to more or less coax her into the house.

The inside was definitely better looking than the outside, it had soft, carpeted floors, and beautiful light yellow walls that matched the ceiling. A staircase a short distance away led upstairs to what seemed to be a series of rooms, while on the other side of the ground floor was what Tiara assumed to be the kitchen and dining room. The filly was glad to at least have somewhere to set her suitcases down, they were getting pretty heavy.

"You can just wait here for a minute, right?" Dizzy asked Diamond. "I need to send a letter to my husband, letting him know he needs to come home by tonight. I'm sure he'll want to see his new daughter, and I think you're going to like him."

"Um, Mrs. Twister?" Diamond sheepishly asked, almost embarrassed to say such a thing. "What's your husband like, exactly? In fact, what are you like? You're not the mean, controlling, always yelling at me kind of pony, are you?"

"What?! Oh no, no, no! I'm certainly no pushover, and at times I've inflicted strict punishments, but I'm certainly nowhere close to being that sort of pony," Dizzy replied with a firm shake of her head. "I'm guessing Spoiled Rich was like that a lot, wasn't she?"

"Y-yeah, it kind of feels weird to be talking about her like this to be honest. Normally I'd be afraid to speak up around the house for fear she might overhear," Tiara confessed, a couple of tears forming in her eyes. "I just don't get, how could she treat me so poorly? Like I meant nothing to her? I am, or I guess was her daughter, yet she treated me like some unwanted pet or something. And the sad thing is, since Father was always working, she was more often than not the pony who'd be there when I was home. I just wish I'd told him when I had the chance, told him how badly she was treating me. But now it's too late."

Dizzy instinctively wrapped a wing around the filly, and pulled her close. She was used to doing this whenever her daughter was upset about something (her biological daughter, Dizzy had to remind herself that Diamond was her daughter too), and tended to work pretty well. "Well, you don't have to worry about your old mother now, she's no longer a factor in your life. She ceased to be your mother when she dumped you off at the orphanage and left you without a bit to your name. So don't worry about or think about her, you can forget all about her if you like. You have a new mother now, one who's going to make sure her daughter gets treated like the free spirited filly she is!"

"Thanks Mrs. Twister." Tiara sniffled slightly. She had to admit, that pep talk made her feel a bit better about her situation.

Dizzy just flashed a motherly smile. "It's no problem at all, my daughter," She was quick to add. "You're okay with me calling you that, right? I wouldn't want to push too far too soon."

"It's fine, you can call me whatever you want. Beats the heck of the not so subtle ways my ex-mother used to describe the ponies I hanged out with. Sure hope Father didn't leave her with all the money." Diamond replied, as she and Dizzy shared a passionate hug together. Their first as mother and daughter.

Alas, the hug was interrupted quite suddenly when the front door swung open, and an orange blur dashed in. Said blur soon revealed itself to be Scootaloo in all her tomboyish glory. "Hey, Mom," She greeted, cheerfully unaware of what had transpired in her absence. Of course, she soon found out, for she saw her mother sharing a hug with Diamond Tiara. In confusion, the filly exclaimed. "What the hay is going on?! What are you doing with Diamond?!" Realizing she was sounding perhaps a bit too possessive, the tomboyish filly toned her voice down and blushed a bit. "I mean, not that I have a problem with Diamond Tiara staying the night or something. Did she and her mom get into an argument again?"

"Actually, Scootaloo, that's what I need to talk to you about." Dizzy Twister spoke up, abruptly ending the hug.

"What? Are you and Dad going out for the night, and you want Diamond to foalsit me?" Scootaloo asked, raising an eyebrow.

"We're the same age, Scootaloo!" Tiara protested.

"So? You're a couple months older than I am." Scootaloo said back.

Dizzy shook her head and corrected her daughter. "Diamond isn't here to foalsit you, or anypony for that matter. Her father unfortunately passed away last night, and her mother dumped her at the orphanage and just took off. So I ended up adopting her."

Scootaloo's mouth dropped wide open in shock, and her eyes grew to the size of dinner plates! "Does that mean what I think it means?!" She wondered out loud.

"Yup, you and Diamond are sisters now," Dizzy answered with a firm nod. "And I was just about to write to your father, so he can come home and hear the news for himself."

As Dizzy left the living room to do so, Scootaloo turned to Diamond in eager excitement! "Sweet! I get another sister! Now I have somepony I can talk to or hang out with when Rainbow Dash and my friends all busy!" But she took one look at her new, pink coated sibling, and her happy mood faded as she realized how unhappy Tiara must feel. Slowly and not so subtlety, Scootaloo trotted over to her, hugging the filly closely. "Sorry about your dad, and everything that happened afterward. I can't believe your mother, or whatever she is now, would just do that to you. Maybe I should go and give her a piece of my mind?"

Diamond just shook her head and frowned. "You don't have to pretend to feel sorry for me, Scootaloo. I know you're probably already a bit jealous of the fact that we're now siblings. I still haven't technically apologized for the wings comment a few years back."

"She's kind of right, I don't remember ever getting an official apology from her," Scootaloo thought to herself. "I know she's a different pony now, but now I'm supposed to consider her my sister? I'll bet that means I have to give up my room, no way am I doing that!" But the filly reluctantly pushed those nagging thoughts to the back of her mind, now wasn't the time to get jealous and possessive. Her parents had always raised her to be the bigger pony in these kind of situations, besides the Cutie Mark Crusaders' unofficial motto was "Never turn your back on a pony in need." (the official motto never said anything about that, but Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle at least considered it to be part of their goal ever since they'd helped Troubleshoes and Diamond Tiara with their cutie mark problems). A motto she wasn't about to break, no matter how much a part of her might want to. "Hey, I'm being sincere you know," She remarked, ribbing Tiara a bit. "Gosh, just because your old home life stunk doesn't mean everypony's so cruel and selfish all the time. All that stuff's water under the bridge now, more or less."

"But, but..." Tiara stammered. Truth be told, the filly had always suspected Scootaloo held something of an unspoken grudge against her since the flag carrying fiasco. Sure, she'd never shown signs that was such was the case, but Scootaloo was pretty good at hiding things she didn't want other ponies finding out about.

"This is something so bad, I'd feel sorry for you even if we were still enemies. Of course, those days are well behind us now, but this is still going to take A LOT of getting used to," Scootaloo said, as she pulled her new sister close and looked her square in the eyes. "I thought we agreed to more or less let bygones be bygones? You wouldn't bring it up and I wouldn't hold it against you. Besides, we have far more important things to worry about. I mean, surely you don't think you can sleep in my bed with me, right? It only fits one pony after all."

"Actually, I was just thinking of sleeping on the couch down here. I even packed blankets, though my ex-mother didn't give me enough time to pack my favorite pillow." Tiara commented with a forlorn look.

Scootaloo tried her hardest not to laugh. "You can't actually be serious, Diamond. No way are you sleeping on the couch like some stranger who's just crashing for the night. I have a sleeping bag you can borrow."

"Are you sure? I... wouldn't want to be a burden or anything." Diamond nervously answered.

"It's okay, I don't really use it and it's washed and everything," Scootaloo insisted. "Usually there's a spare bed for me to sleep in, or if the weather's nice enough I'll sleep in a tent."

"Oh, Scootaloo, you really didn't have to do that for me. I don't know what to say! This is just so much so soon!" Tiara happily exclaimed, hugging her sister (man did it feel weird to be calling Scootaloo that) tightly.

"O-okay, okay, just your gratitude is enough. You're kind of choking me here." Scootaloo pleaded with Diamond.

Diamond blushed, ending her hug sooner than she would've liked. "Sorry, guess I forgot about my earth pony strength. And all these times, I thought Father was just playing with me when he said I gave killer hugs," A sigh of longing escaped her lips as she added. "Oh, what I'd give to be able to feel his warm embrace one last time, and hear that sweet, down to earth voice of his."

"What exactly did he die from, if you don't mind me asking that is?" Scootaloo innocently commented. "Your dad seemed to be in pretty good health, and I don't recall ever seeing him in the hospital or anything."

"Doctor Stable said it was a cerebral hemmorrhage, whatever that means. I didn't exactly get a chance to ask him," Tiara reluctantly answered, as tears welled up anew. "All I know is, Dad tucked me into bed, then went to bed himself. And by the time I woke up next morning he was already dead."

"Oh, wow, I... didn't know," Scootaloo realized. Now she felt guilty for having ever asked. "You sure you're okay, Diamond? I know I'd be pretty torn up if one of my parents suddenly died like that, and I'm gonna guess your ex-mother didn't particularly care about helping you cope."

"I'm... fine. I'll get through it eventually," Tiara commented, even as the fluctuations in her voice betrayed her. "Just don't pity me or anything like that."

Scootaloo watched as Diamond trotted off, all the while a nagging thought lingered at the back of her mind. "Why don't I feel more pity for her? Why do I still feel sort of jealous?"

Scootaloo was still sorting out these thoughts, when her dad, Quick Shot, came home that evening. He had the same overall coat and mane color as his daughter, but his orange coat was darker, and he had dark blue eyes instead of his daughter's purple ones. His cutie mark was a flying hockey puck.

Immediately, Quick Shot instructed both Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara to go upstairs and just play in Scootaloo's room. Scootaloo knew that whenever her dad made such a request, he usually wasn't very happy, and didn't want his daughter (or in this case daughters) to overhear anything. "I hope Dad's not too mad with Mom for adopting Diamond Tiara so soon." Scootaloo mentally thought, but said nothing and respected her father's wishes.

Quick Shot was indeed not happy with his wife, and he let her know that in no uncertain terms. "I thought we agreed to talk to Scootaloo before we considered even the possibility of adopting?" He remarked with noticeable (though fairly restrained) anger.

"I'm sorry, Quick, something just came over me," Dizzy apologized as sincerely as she could. "It just burned me up inside that Spoiled Rich could DARE be so cruel to her own daughter, her own fur and blood!"

Quick sighed. "Celestia bless that big heart of yours, Dizzy. I just wish you could learn to better keep it from controlling you." "I understand Spoiled Rich doesn't have a very good reputation, and quite frankly I'm appalled and disgusted that she could stoop so low as to dump her daughter so soon after a tragedy. But raising another filly, especially one with such emotional baggage, is very taxing. We already spend a lot as it is just taking care of Scootaloo and making sure she goes to school and has an education. And you know I'm away a lot, especially at this time of year."

"I'm aware of that, honey. I can always work longer outside the house if needed," Dizzy pleaded. "Please, I can take on another shift at the weather factory, and even serve as a substitute teacher in Cloudsdale. And Rainbow Dash tells me there's always openings for good paying jobs at Wonderbolt Headquarters."

"And that would mean leaving Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara in the care of my older sister and her wife," Quick Shot remarked. "They may love Scootaloo to pieces, but I don't think they're up to the task of helping raise a filly with such a troubled past on top of that. What Diamond needs most, is a family that can support her and will be there for her."

Dizzy argued back loudly. "So what would you have me do?! Rip up the adoption papers and take Tiara back to the orphanage?! Surely you don't think that's what she needs!"

Quick shook his head, even as he sighed. "I'm not suggesting that, my dear. The last thing Diamond needs right now, is to go back to that orphanage, she's been through enough heartache as it is and she needs a stable parental figure or figures in her life. But maybe it would be best if we let her be adopted by Holiday and Lofty, Scootaloo could still see Diamond Tiara all the time, and so could we. It'd put less of a strain on us, and you wouldn't need to work yourself so hard. Celestia knows how many birthdays and Hearth's Warmings I've missed being on the road with the team, and we both know how close I came to not being able to attend our daughter's cute-ceañera. Do you really want to impose that kind of hardship on Diamond?"

"No, but I just don't know what else to do. After already going through the trouble of adopting her, I'm not about to just give her back up for adoption without an honest attempt to make it work out!" Dizzy firmly vowed. "Please, Quick, let's at least give this a month or two and see how things work out from there."

Quick sighed again, his lips quivering a bit. He really hated arguing with his wife, especially when she brought up such good points. "Well, it's easy to see where Scootaloo gets her stubbornness and determination from," He remarked, and then he reluctantly looked at his wife and said to her. "Fine, a month, but that's it. If it's not working out after that, I'm contacting my sister and letting her know about Diamond," He paused, putting a hoof to his chin, before he suddenly added. "Despite what you might think, Dizzy, I'm not mad at you. Frustrated and a bit peeved if you'll excuse my language, but not mad. I want this to work out as much as you do. But we both have to be aware of the facts, and the risks. Are we really up to the task of what lies ahead of us, raising Diamond Tiara as our adopted daughter?"

"Well, we'll just have to give it our best shot! It won't necessarily be easy, but I think we can do it!" Dizzy said quite seriously, a look of fiery determination could be seen in her rose colored eyes.

"Alright then," Quick spoke, as he got up from his seat at the dining room table. "I think it's time I met the newest addition to my family. It's sure gonna be weird having a daughter like Diamond Tiara around."