//------------------------------// // Subconscious // Story: Perfect On Paper // by NintendoGal55 //------------------------------// Another dream. By now, Rainbow Dash needed some answers. It had been going on for far too long by now. Something was wrong here. She wanted to know what in the hay was going on with her mind to conjure up these silly dreams. It was now two days after her date with Blazing Comet. Amidst trying to figure out a way to make Fluttershy feel better, celebrating a fairly awesome date and another soon to come, she was also trying to figure out the dreams she'd been having every now and then. When she wasn't having nightmares, she was dreaming about Fluttershy. A little too much. Especially since now, she was beginning to like them a bit too much. Which brings us to today. Rainbow Dash knocked on the doors of the Golden Oaks Library, waiting impatiently for Twilight or Spike to answer the door. After hearing the door unlock, the door then opened to reveal Spike, who grinned. “Hey, Rainbow Dash! Wait, don't tell me...you're here for the new Daring Do book?” Spike guessed, winking. “No, I'm here to see Twilight about-wait, did you say new Daring Do book?” Rainbow grinned then, mood changing. “Well, now that you mention it, definitely! Lemme in! I want it! Gimme!” Spike laughed, stepping aside to let her come in, then closed the door once she did so. “Okay! Twilight's in her room, I'll go get her for you.” Rainbow nodded as she watched the little dragon go on upstairs to living quarters of the library, then sat down on the floor to wait. She felt a bit antsy, and hoped her friend could help her out with this whole mess. Moments later, Twilight came downstairs with, unsurprisingly, a book being levitated by her magic. She smiled kindly at her friend, placing her book on the floor beside her. “Hi, Rainbow Dash! I haven't seen you in a while. How's it going? Did your date with Comet go well?” “Yeah, it went fine! We'll go out again when we're ready to! But more on that later!” Rainbow smiled. “Now on to business! VERY important business! First things first. Daring Do. Gimme!” “Hey, I haven't read it yet!” Twilight giggled, shaking her head as she went over to the bookshelves. “So what? You have a million other books you want or need to read, I think taking just one won't make a difference!” Rainbow pouted. “Now gimme!” “All right, Rainbow,” Twilight shook her head with a chuckle. She levitated a book out of the shelf, placing it in front of the Pegasus. “Here you go! Daring Do and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull!” “YAY!” Rainbow cheered, grabbing the book and hugging it. “All right! Daring Do, here I come!” The Unicorn chuckled before she sat back in her original place, curiosity overtaking her features once again. “Now that we have that out of the way, what did you want to see me about? Spike mentioned you wanted to see me for something other than the book.” “Right, well...” Rainbow placed the book down on the floor beside her, twiddling her hooves a bit nervously. “I kinda...wanted to ask you some things. It's about dreams.” “Really? Well, I'm actually reading a book right now about some elements of psychology!” Twilight said, indicating her other book. “So this could be right up there, too! All right, what do you want to know about dreams?” “Well, just, how do they work?” “Oh, nopony knows for sure. It's a bit of a mystery, you know? Because our brains still function fully, even when we're sleeping, it's part of why we have dreams. Some would say that they're something of a hallucination, except you're asleep and completely unaware. Others say that they're rooted in our subconscious. As an extension of that ideal, because our minds are filled with all kinds of information and memories, it's no wonder they can come off as mixed jumbled images we sometimes can't comprehend. Kind of like when we're awake and our minds are going awry and trying to think straight when we can't. Sometimes they say that what you eat before you go to bed can affect how you dream. Commonly, if you eat something that's hard to digest for whatever reason, oftentimes they can cause crazy dreams and nightmares. Of course, that does work differently depending on the pony.” Rainbow bit her lip, taking that in with a nod. “Okay... Do you think that dreams can...kinda tell you things, or represent something you want or don't want?” “Well, again, the cause and effect of dreams are not conclusive,” Twilight said thoughtfully. “We can't exactly help what we dream. Except for lucid dreams, where you're aware of the dream and can sometimes manipulate them, but that's a whole other story. The point is that for the most part, what we dream isn't exactly something we can control. That's all part of the mystery, really. But as for telling you things, well, like I said, it's very likely they are rooted in our subconscious. Something we're not quite aware of, and may appear in our dreams in a vague or vivid way. So...why are you asking? Are you having bad dreams? Weird dreams?” “No, they're not bad,” Rainbow shook her head. “I keep having these dreams about...” “About?” Twilight prompted. “You can tell me, Rainbow. What are you having dreams about?” The cyan Pegasus hesitated, but knew that she had to talk to somepony about it. And who better than one who could give her some logical answers? Twilight was just the pony she needed for this. To finally get to the root of why she was always dreaming about Fluttershy like she was. “Fluttershy. Those particular dreams all had Fluttershy,” Rainbow said, her voice dropping a bit. “So, you're dreaming about Fluttershy,” Twilight surmised, raising a brow. “And what's wrong with that? I think we all have dreams about our friends and families.” “No, you don't understand! These dreams with Fluttershy, lately...they were all...ROMANTIC! In the dreams, we were in love together! There was even one where I was MARRYING her! And even though I sometimes tried to deny everything, there was always something that made me snap and I knew I loved her!” Rainbow held her face in her hooves, squeezing her eyes shut. “I don't understand them! I'm with Comet and I love her, but Fluttershy invades my dreams!! And I don't know why!” “Well, sometimes, it's believed that our dreams can reflect something we saw or know about,” Twilight offered. “Why are you so freaked out? They're just dreams.” “I know that, Twi! But they're so vivid! So REAL! I never knew I was dreaming until I woke up!” “That's nothing new. Sometimes we really can feel like we're not even dreaming, but realize we were when we wake up.” “I know, but, it just...I don't understand! I know Fluttershy loves me and that's pretty been my conclusion about why I was dreaming about her at first. But there's a few now, it's been happening a lot! And I don't have any idea why I suddenly like her that way in my dreams! I haven't even seen her since the date and I STILL dream about her!” Twilight thought for a few moments, raising a hoof to her chin. “Well...do you like the dreams you have of her?” “Of course I do!” Rainbow said with no hesitation. “That's why this is scaring me! I really like those dreams, Twilight...I can't help it! Fluttershy...she's just so much happier than I'd ever seen her in these dreams. She's always smiling and singing and so sweet...she's just her old self again, but so much happier in them. I can't help but enjoy them because of how happy she is,” she began to smile a bit at the thought, even in a somewhat dreamy way. “So, why is that a bad thing?” Twilight pressed. “It isn't! But the fact I'm enjoying romantic dreams with Fluttershy has to be saying SOMETHING! I have a girlfriend and I'm having romantic dreams about another mare! My best friend! What the hay do you think that says about me?!” “Well, for one thing, you've been really upset by how much you hurt Fluttershy, right?” “Duh! Of course I have! I feel awful!” Rainbow pouted. Twilight smiled. “So...don't you think that because Fluttershy is happier than she's ever been in your dreams, you can't help but like that? You're happy to have some kind of an escape where she isn't sad anymore?” “...Well...I guess that makes sense,” the cyan mare said thoughtfully. “I always do feel glad to see her that happy. ...But it isn't the same, Twilight. Not like in real life. I want to see that beautiful smile of hers for real, when she's really happy.” Still smiling, the lavender unicorn gave a little nod. “That's perfectly understandable, Rainbow. So, maybe, your dreams just kind of project your desires to make her happy. And maybe, in your dreams it just takes it to the next level by creating a world where you love her back.” A soft blush tinted Rainbow's cheeks. “Yeah, guess that could be it.” “Or...maybe you're actually in love with her and your dreams are trying to tell you that,” Twilight quipped, giggling a bit. “WHAT!?” Rainbow cried loudly, falling over onto her back as she lost her balance. “Whoa whoa whoa! No way! I can't be in love with Fluttershy! I'm already dating Comet! No! No no no no!!” Now she felt her cheeks getting hot, which already was a bad sign. Twilight laughed a bit, smiling. “Your reaction's beginning to tell me otherwise, Rainbow.” “I'm NOT!” Rainbow yelled out, sitting up again. “As a friend, in a platonic way, yes. I do. She's my best friend! I've known her since we were fillies! But no no! I love Fluttershy, but I'm not IN love with her!” “I'm just teasing you, don't worry,” Twilight assured, giggling. “More than anything, I was also saying that usually this kind of thing is a possibility. Our subconscious is the area of our brain that we are not fully aware of, but is still present in how we feel about things. So because our dreams are possibly rooted in our subconscious, it would be a possibility that it's a way of telling you something that you're not consciously aware of.” Exhaling, Rainbow Dash managed to compose herself enough to calm down. What Twilight was saying now made sense and wasn't a completely ruled out possibility in a situation like this. But at the same time, she knew it couldn't possibly be true. “I know what you're trying to say, but it can't be that. Fluttershy and me? It just wouldn't work.” “Can I ask why not?” “We're too different. There just wouldn't be anything. Sure, they all say 'opposites attract', but how true is that?” “Well, you're not entirely wrong. There does still have to be common ground and a good balance between your differences and your connections,” Twilight told her. “But if I can say something, I think you and Fluttershy mesh really well.” Rainbow hesitated, then looked at the unicorn. “You think so?” “Well, yeah! I think if you gave her a chance, and I'm not at all saying you should, you're already dating Comet! But what I mean, hypothetically, is that if you did....well, I think you guys would make a nice couple,” Twilight smiled a bit. “...Well, I guess that's a nice sentiment all the same, Twi. But I'm not good enough for her. Not at all. She needs somepony who will make her happy, love her unconditionally, and who would be as rooted to the ground and around the animals as she is. ...I'm way too fast for her. I need somepony who can keep up with me, and she needs somepony who can slow down like her,” Rainbow sighed, looking down at the floor. “It's okay, I've known that all along, and it's pretty much been established before I even knew it!” Frowning a bit, Twilight cocked her head. “So...if you know that and even accept it...then why do you look so sad?” Stricken by the question, Rainbow gaped, and then squeezed her eyes shut to try to block out any implications that entered her mind. “I don't even know anymore, Twilight. I guess...sometimes I just wish I could make her that happy. ...Anyway, do you know where Fluttershy is?” “I think she's at Sweet Apple Acres right now. Why?” “...I need to see her. I really have to see her now. And I'm going to do all I can to make her happy again.” Wandering around the fields of Sweet Apple Acres after having done some chores to help out Applejack and Big Macintosh, Fluttershy was given a reprieve for a while since they were harvesting some of the apples. Applejack could see that she needed some time, and told her to just go walk around the field. “Walkin' does wonders! You even think better when ya do!” She had said. Deciding to take her up on that for now, Fluttershy decided to do so. For probably the millionth time, she wondered if she would ever move on from this. All she felt in the past few days since her disastrous confession felt sorrowful. She barely even smiled! Even her animals friends were getting more and more concerned about her, especially since Angel started to rally them up to start taking care of themselves for a bit since she wasn't quite fit to do so herself. She didn't sleep very much, even her eating habits lessened. Her mane was limp, her eyes dull, and it felt as if her coat lost its bright splendour. All she ever wanted was for Rainbow Dash to be happy, to achieve her dreams and do whatever she wanted in her life. She wanted her happiness so much. But why was it so hard to feel that now? Was she really going to feel sorry for herself the rest of her life? The loss of what could've been? Even if she did confess her feelings before Rainbow went out with Comet, it was likely she would have been met with the same results. Minor details slightly altered, but the same thing. She didn't love her back, and liked Blazing Comet. In other words, rejection. But if the sacrifice of her own happiness was what it would take to make Rainbow Dash the happiest pony alive, so be it. She just had to muster the strength to let it happen. Sitting on a hill within the fields, amidst apple trees, with the view of the fields and trees beyond in her vision, Fluttershy relaxed herself. The air all around her; the trees, the apples, and the fresh grass filled her nostrils. Sounds of the birds chirping, cicadas buzzing, and the wind whispering within the leaves of the trees was all music to her ears. Below her hooves was the soft grass, tickling her coat with each movement. The beautiful smells and sounds of nature continued to soothe her spirits and her body, wrapped in a warm yet expansive cocoon. The breeze fluttered her mane, the blossom-pink strands dancing along the wind's flow. As she closed her eyes, absorbing nature's gifts all around her, it was then a song rose in her heart. She opened her mouth to sing, with softness, barely getting the sound out, but still carrying beautifully. “I hope you hear me I hope with all my heart you see Just how much I love her so But I ask not for that, you know All I ask is her smile To bring her life that extra mile Please bring her this light I ask that you give this with all my might...” From a way's off, Rainbow Dash flew all over Sweet Apple Acres, searching high and low for Fluttershy. If she was even still there. Her next try would be her cottage, but there was a lot of the farm to check, so she didn't give up just yet. Higher she flew, though close to see the ground with no problem. Anywhere that her yellow, pink-maned friend may have been, she would see her. She only hoped that Fluttershy would be willing to see her, to hear her out. But if there was a chance she didn't, she would back off. But the thought of it stung her heart. Would she really be unable to have both? Her best friend and her marefriend? Would she really only be able to choose one? How would anypony make that kind of choice? No. Rainbow Dash refused to believe that Fluttershy would put her into that kind of a position. Their friendship lasted through so much over the years, from bouts of impatience and disagreement all the way to their minds warmed at the hands of Discord. She would not let this tear them apart. Eventually, catching sight of Fluttershy, she paused and lowered herself to the ground. Before she could approach, she was stopped by hearing her singing. Actually singing to an unseen audience. “Power of Love, hear me say That though my heart will never stray All I ask is her happiness for all time Bring her this gift as the bells will chime Keep her, protect her heart And let me do my part Power of Love, listen to my plea Do this for her, though not for me... Many ask for some Others ask for more to come Most may ask for less than more Others may ask to the core...” Captivated, all Rainbow could do was...listen. The creamy yellow Pegasus just sang so beautifully. It had been some time since she heard her sing. Her song, though it contained the same kind of heartwarming passion and strength as when she sang with her about finding a pet, this was not the same thing. Gone was the excitement and happiness in her voice. All that was left was wistful sorrow. Was she singing about...her? “I ask for nothing, I can get by All I ask is for her heart to fly In all my years I can see What is truly meant to be Though I cannot be as I wished to be Though now she will forever see How she is the wind beneath my wings How she knows it is her that for my heart will sing Power of Love, hear what I say Bring her happiness day by day A love so true, I know Keep this love within her so Give this to her, oh Rainbow Dash My love, to whom my heart races in a flash May she forever be blessed upon with this Though it is her love I have missed I cannot be the wind beneath her wings I cannot be the one to bestow the love her heart sings I cannot give her as I wish that I would I cannot be the one who could Rainbow, my love, hear where I come from Be happy for all time to come Know that though I love you so It is not I who can be yours, no Oh Power of Love, hear me say That I will love her for all time to stay A time will come for when all is well Even though my love surely will swell Her happiness, give her this Though it is not I who she will miss Give her happiness for all time to come Bring her the gifts of love and then some Be happy...Rainbow Dash...” Tears. For yet another time in their lives together, Fluttershy had managed to reduce Rainbow Dash to tears. She was even sniffling, trying to hold herself together after hearing the touching words to her song. To think that all she wanted was the strength to be happy for her. That she wanted the “Power of Love” to be forthcoming. 'What did I do to deserve her unconditional love?' Was all she could think. Unable to take it any longer, the cyan Pegasus crossed over to her best friend, slowly, so as not to startle her, but enough to signal her presence. She wiped her eyes, looking up in time for Fluttershy to turn around and look at her. No words were spoken between them. They just looked at each other, eyes locked, unmoving. Rainbow moved first. She lunged forward, embracing her best friend in a tight hug. Holding her as close as she could, unwilling to let her go. She just wanted to lose herself in her warmth, her touch, and her scent. Oh, her scent! Rainbow always loved the way Fluttershy smelled. She smelled like flowers, like a beautiful spring day surrounded by all kinds for flora. Every hug or moments of closeness with her always brought upon her wondrous flowery scent, a joy to smell any time of the day. It was just so Fluttershy, hooves down, no contest. All their lives together, she just loved how she smelt. Joy overtook her when she felt Fluttershy's forelegs wrap around her as well, holding her closer. Welcoming the contact, the cyan pegasus snuggled into her friend and buried her face in her mane, crying silently as she could. Judging by her best friend's trembling and the moisture she felt on her neck, she was crying too. “Or...maybe you're actually in love with her and your dreams are trying to tell you that.” Rainbow Dash nearly stiffened at the memory of Twilight's playful quip. How it could've been a possibility. She wasn't exactly opposed to the idea in principle, but there was just no way she was in love with her. Not like this. Not when everything just didn't make sense about the idea. While it was true you couldn't help who you fell in love with, it couldn't be. 'No, I don't...I can't! I'm with Comet. I can't hurt her like this. She's been so awesome to me...and she's perfect for me. I can't do that to her. Fluttershy's my best friend, that's all it is. I am NOT in love with her! My dreams are just messing with me. That's all.' She tried hard to push those thoughts out of her mind. None of it mattered now. None of it. All that mattered to her was the sweet pony she was holding right here in her forelegs. Not even the rain that began to fall around them was enough to deter her. Rainbow ignored it, she wanted nothing to ruin this moment. “I'm sorry, Fluttershy! I'm so sorry!” The cyan mare uttered, holding her closer and trying to choke back sobs. “Forgive me, Fluttershy...” Silence. Only the rain all around them provided any source of sound, which then worried Rainbow. But when she felt Fluttershy's hoof run up her back, her head nuzzling into her neck some more, it was all it took. “There's nothing to forgive,” Fluttershy whispered. “Please don't cry for me.” Sniffling, Rainbow held her tighter, but pulled her head back a bit to look in her eyes. “But I hurt you, Fluttershy...over and over, all I did was make you feel miserable!” A smile, though saddened, gently spread on Fluttershy's face as she gently nuzzled her head into her shoulder. “No you didn't. It's just my heartbreak...I know you would never try to hurt me on purpose. I'll be all right, Rainbow.” “...I heard you sing a bit,” Rainbow admitted, holding her close again. She sniffed her again. The smell of the rain coupled with her sweet floral scent was all but intoxicating to her now. “That's one of the sweetest things you'd ever done for me, Fluttershy.” “...I mean it, too, Rainbow...I...I need time to feel better, but I want you to be happy. I truly do.” Pulling back, then gently bringing the creamy yellow Pegasus' face to meet her gaze, she felt a big smile cross her face. “I believe you,” was all she needed to say. Even with the rain falling around them, neither seemed to care. For however long this seemed to be, Rainbow wasn't sure, all she knew was that she could not take her eyes away from her. Despite the tints of sadness in her eyes, Fluttershy did still look as bright and radiant as ever as she smiled at her. Not quite like in her dreams, but far better. Nothing could beat the real Fluttershy when she was happy. Her mane was plastered against her head, wisps of it against her face and around her eyes. With little hesitation, Rainbow reached over to gently brush them back. Just to clear Fluttershy's sweet face. Had her mane been dry voluminous the way it usually was, it would have been framing her face in a the shape of a heart. She really was just so beautiful. In a quite a cute, graceful, sunshine kind of way, to say the least. Despite her resolve, her hoof remained against her cheek. She knew this was wrong, she had to stop and let her go, because all she was doing now was likely leading her on. It wasn't right. She could never do that to her. Quickly, she lowered it, but didn't take her gaze away from her best friend. 'How'd Fluttershy get to be so beautiful...' Rainbow mused. She could feel her heart pounding, her insides warming up, her muscles relaxing, and her stomach quivering. What was this? Why was she feeling...nervous? Yet happy? This was her best friend. Since when did she ever make her feel nervous? It didn't make sense. Impulses were coming over her, some she only ever had felt around Comet. Only, there was a tint of passion she wasn't sure was present before. 'No no no no! This can't be happening! I can't do this! I can't want to kiss Fluttershy! That's cheating! Comet would be hurt! And Fluttershy would be hurt! Why the hay would I kiss her? ...I mean, not that I'm against that...DARN IT! I can't do this! I have to get away! I have to get away before I might-' “There ya are, Fluttershy! Been lookin' fer ya! An' Rainbow Dash, too!” Both Pegasi turned, seeing Applejack coming over to them along the hill, an umbrella strapped along her back. She looked at them with mild confusion, clearly unaware of what was going on. “It started rainin' an' Ah knew you were still out here, Fluttershy. C'mon inside, don't want ya gettin' sick! You two, RD. ...Ah gotta talk to ya, anyway.” the orange Earth pony shot her a pointed look. Swallowing, Rainbow nodded. “Got it! Let's go, Fluttershy.” “Right, I'm coming,” Fluttershy nodded. All three ponies ducked under Applejack's umbrella, heading back for the house. The entire way, all Rainbow Dash could even think about was the entire moment between her and Fluttershy. She was trying all she could to make sense of it, but at the moment, was coming up short. No answers could be given, to say the least. All she could do was try to fight back the urge to blush, as well as the urge to force out the thoughts of what COULD have happened. I wrote the song myself, I called it "Fluttershy's Plea" X3 It's very loosely inspired by "God Help The Outcasts" from Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame