I Think I Summoned a Ponk: The Arrival of Derp

by TheMajorTechie

In which Pinkie has the Elements of Definitely-Totally-Harmony.

Pinkie, Derpy, and I burst into class. Literally. Through the wall. On a rocket. At the speed of sound. With a pungent smell of burnt cupcakes wafting around us. Because we were all on fire.

Not anymore!

*le sploosh*

Aaaaaand we're drenched. And poor Derpy's upset as well. Her muffins are soggy.

*le flame*

Aaaaaand we're on fire again, but Derpy's now got crispy muffins.



"What?" Pinkie shrugged in return, holding up what seemed to be a pile of jewelry. "These elements?"

~~~{Meanwhile, in one of the many Equestrias of the multiverse...}~~~

"WHERE ARE THEY?!" Twilight screamed as Cybernetically-Enhanced Tirekicorn lumbered through Ponyville, "PINKIE, I SWEAR, IF YOU TOOK THEM AGAIN, I'LL PERSONALLY BANISH YOU TO TARTARUS!"

"Woah." said the aforementioned Cyberneticaly-Enhanced Tirekicorn, grabbing the tiny Twilight by the scruff of her neck, "Evil enchanteress, I'm guessing?"

Definitely-not-an-evil-enchanteress-of-the-dark-arts-Twilight scowled deeply at the vailiant protector of Equestria.

"Meh." Tirek continued, flicking the pony into a nearby conveniently located opened pony-sized cage flanked by guards, "Take her to Celestina, guys."

Suddenly, the pile of jewelry began to shudder violently, glowing with the entire visible spectrum of light.

*le boom*