The Chocolatier

by LordBucket

2 - The Roommate

Mr. Stars, or Ambient as he preferred to be called, had paid for the construction of a crude temporary home, more of a bunker really, on the outskirts of Ponyville, somewhat near Fluttershy's cottage, but not too near. When pressed, he admitted that at least during the early stages of preparatory spellwork, it was best that his project be kept a safe distance from town. Or anything living for that matter. That admission made some ponies quite nervous, but he assured them he was working with the full knowledge and approval of Princess Twilight. For reasons he never understood, that rarely diminished their concerns.

As for Bonbon, she spoke with Mr. Stars not nearly as often as she might have preferred. It would take at least several more days, perhaps a week, for him to ready his experiment for the Princess' initial safety review. As a result he spent entirely too much of his time cloistered away in his steel-reinforced concrete basement on the edge of town. Occasionally however, she would see him completely by chance when he happened to pass by on his infrequent and irregular twice-a-day market trips that required him to walk only a very short distance in the opposite direction of the market in order to pass by her store. When he did, he would always cheerfully greet her to inquire about her health, her business, her general well-being, and the expected arrival date of a certain cocoa bean trader. Occasionally she would close her store for a brief two or three hour lunch so that they could frolic through the park together, discussing such things as their favorite manner of eating chocolate, whether they preferred white or milk or extra dark, whether chocolate liquor was best poured over strawberries or cherries, and whether it was best to use cocoa beans with more or less of a natural fruity tang to them. True, chocolate was only one small component within the field of confectionry in general, but it was a part, and she loved that he took such a deep and personal interest in a topic so close to her heart. She adored the fiery passion in his eyes when he waxed poetic about the benefits of single-source vs blended cocoa beans. And it stirred her soul when he lamented that so many ponies claimed to prefer milk chocolate over dark without even knowing that adding powdered milk was only a cost-saving measure, and that real chocolate consisted exclusively of various refined cocoa products and sugar without any unnatural additives.

Come to think of it, he was also so very kind, and both interested in and considerate of her feelings. She'd become quite fond of his deep and gentle smile that seemed to grow just a little bit wider every time he stole a furtive glance into her eyes. It was a smile that she couldn't recall ever having seen on anypony else's face before. At least, not while looking at her, and she found it a little bit odd that he never looked at anypony else in nearly the same way. He possessed all of the charm and elegance, but none of the condescension Canterlot ponies were so well known for. He brought bread for the ducks in the park during their walks. Two loaves, once he realized she enjoyed feeding them as well. He really was such a wonderful pony and she'd come to enjoy his company very much. And of course, he liked chocolate. In a town where the preferred venue for sweets was the local bakery, the significance of that really couldn't be understated. Ambient was all around such a wonderful and relatable pony, she thought, and it would be a terrible shame if anything unexpectedly tragic should happen to him.

"I'm telling you he has the hots for you! He comes to see you every day. Most days, twice!"

Bonbon sighed. Lyra could be so dense sometimes.

"And I'm telling you, he's just a concerned customer keeping tabs on when my next cocoa bean shipment will arrive," she insisted. "He's been in Ponyville for a whole week now, and he misses how easy it is to get quality chocolate in Canterlot. Of course he visits occassionally. I do run the only candy store in town, remember?"

"Don't by silly, Bonbon." Lyra dismissed. "Look at all the time you spend together. He's just using chocolate as an excuse to visit. "

"Nonsense. He's certainly not faking it. Nobody could speak with as much passion about chocolate as he does unless they really mean it. Oh, should've seen the fire in his eyes when he told me about sprinkling unrefined cocoa solids on his cereal as a young colt. And did you know that cocoa butter melts at just below pony body temperature? Apparently you can put a slab of it in your mouth and it will melt right on your tongue!"

"Yeah, that's just gross." Lyra grimaced. "Seriously, who likes chocolate as much as that? I mean sure, it's good on cupcakes, but you don't even sell cupcakes."

Bonbon frowned. Lyra had never expressed much interest in her work. Not nearly as much in the making of candy as the eating it, anyway. "Lyra, it's not the same. Pinkie makes lovely cupcakes, but they don't actually have any chocolate in them. It's mostly sugar frosting, with barely a dash of 'chocolate flavor' mixed in as an afterthought. If you'd ever had real chocolate you'd know the difference."

"Didn't you make it once?" Lyra struggled to recall. "I kinda remember you throwing a fit one time when I ate a tub of leftover fudge or something."

"My mistake," Bonbon sighed. "Anypony other than you would be able to tell the difference."

"Aww, don't be like that, Bonnie. You know I love your candy. Especially the...what do you call them again?"

"Imported Bordeaux lemongrass truffles," Bonbon slumped in her chair. "From Bordeaux."

"Yeah, those are great!" Lyra exclaimed. "When are you making your next batch?"

"The next delivery is expected in August. I ordered double the usual so that I might have some left over to sell after you've finished gorging yourself."

"Thanks Bonnie," Lyra nuzzled her. "Looking forward to them!"

Bonbon accepted the nuzzles. Reluctantly at first, but then more enthusiastically, and even returned them. It was so rare for her to receive any genuine display of affection and Lyra...well, was Lyra.

"Lyra," Bonbon asked hesitantly, "have you given any thought to, you know?"

Lyra instantly pulled away from their contact. "Aww, Bonnie. I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking at all and I just-"

"I know," Bonbon sighed. "I just thought that maybe, because...well-"

"Because I nuzzled you?" Lyra sighed.

"Yeah. Because of that."

"Look Bonnie, I'm sorry, ok?" Lyra curled into herself. "I've just always been a real affectionate mare. You know that, right? I didn't mean anything by it."

"I know, Lyra. It's just that you and I have always been so close. With the stallion to mare ratio in Ponyville being what it is, it's not like we'll ever have any real chance at marriage, and I just can't let go of how you make me feel. I know we can't ever have foals together, but we could still have something very special between us."

"Shucks, Bonbon. I know what you mean. You're great, and honestly I think we'd make a cute couple. But there's something that a stallion brings to a relationship, and I'm just not ready to give up that chance, you know?"

"You don't have to give it up," Bonbon insisted. "If you ever found somepony special, I'd step aside. You're my best friend and I love you. I'd do that for you."

"I can't do that to you, Bonnie, " Lyra sighed. "As hard as this is, it'd be a lot worse if we hooked up and then I just abandoned you the first time some stallion looks my way. I promise i didn't mean to tease you with the cuddling. You're just...really cuddly, is all."

"Thank you, Lyra," Bonbon smiled. "Even if it doesn't mean the same to you as it means to me, it means a lot to me to hear you say that."

"Thanks, I guess."

"Lyra," Bonbon sighed, holding back tears. "I really do mean it. I love you. And yes of course I want you all for myself, but whether or not I can have you I want you to be happy. So if there's ever anypony you think you might want to be with, even if it isn't me, promise me you'll go after him?"

"I don't know if I can make that promise, Bonnie. But I'll try."

The two friends sat in front of the fireplace, together, and yet alone with their thoughts.