//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 // Story: Blueblood's Blush. // by Sophocoles //------------------------------// The stallion shook the strand of blond hair off of his face as he sat down on the stone floor. Now that he was out of the castle, might as well stay out. He looked back at the ground, pouting. He had only decided to come to the show because of the attractive mare on the cover poster. If anything else, he had come just to show himself that he still knew how to be around ponies. It had been such a long time since he had allowed himself to be out like this. Some could say he had turned sour. Now, what was the mare’s name? Trina? Tia? Something with a T. Blueblood sighed at his view of the stone floor before his eyes shifted to his finely manicured hooves. He turned them over, admiring them, and noticed a slight scratch on the side. He let out a stifled gasp of horror as he stared at the spot. “My manicure… it’s ruined… Auntie… this is all your fault. I stay inside so I don’t get…. Dirty.” His bottom lip stuck out as he placed the hoof back down and tilted his head up to look at the stage. The blue mare with the purple hat was balancing on her unicycle with a bowling pin carefully settled on her nose. She had a look of concentration on her face as she kept her weight evenly distributed. Blueblood couldn’t help but chuckle. She looked ridiculous. Plus, the hat and cape were a total fashion faux pas. The mare jumped off the unicycle and gracefully landed to the ground. She took a low bow and the crowd cheered. With a sly smile, she looked out at her fans. Everypony was cheering. They loved her! She scanned their faced, observing the awe on them. Her gaze halted on the white stallion in the back. She saw him chuckling. Laughing at her. Mocking her? Was this a challenge? She reared up and set off more fireworks, which caused the youngsters up front to ‘wow’ in amazement. “The Great and Powerful Trixie will need a volunteer for her next feat of magic.” Excited little ponies raised their hooves, ready to be chosen. They squirmed and wiggled their arms, trying to make it more apparent that they were willing to volunteer. “Trixie chooses….. you. The handsome stallion in the back with the pouty face.” She put emphasis on the word ‘pouty’ to get Blueblood’s attention. She smiled and put on a challenging expression. Blueblood did a double take. “P-Pouty! Volunteer?! I-I…. I must decline,” he huffed and turned his head up. Some of the crowd’s gaze held on him, their jaws dropping open. He could hear mutters of “Prince Blueblood… here?” and “It’s him!” Trixie, however, was unimpressed. “Awww. Poor little Princie. Afraid you’ll look like a foal in front of everypony?” Blueblood looked to the mare, disgusted. He stammered, searching for words. “Hey! I-I…f-fine!” He quickly stood up. The ponies in the crowd moved aside to make a path for the Prince. He took his time, putting grace and power into each of his steps. Once at the stage, Trixie moved aside to make room for him. He refused to look at her. His nose was held high, pointed at the sky. Trixie scoffed. "Think you're better than The Great and Powerful Trixie?" The prince kept his nose in the air. Trixie used her magic to make a box appear. "Get in the box, if you dare." She smirked at him and pushed him in the right direction. The Prince took his time to get in. The moment he was fully and securely in, the latches on the box shut and he was levitated into the air. "A-ahhh!!" he was surprised by the sudden rush of movement. The crowd giggled. Trixie let out a laugh. "Watch in awe as Trixie saws Prince Pouty Pants in half!" As she spoke she revealed a saw from under her hat. The crowed 'ooh'd and 'ahhh'd. Blueblood's eyes got wide. "Do WHAT?! No! No no no no! I refuse!" He struggled against his bindings, but there was no use. Trixie placed the saw on the top of the box. 'Who's laughing now, princie,' she thought to herself. She began to saw into the box. Blueblood let out a high pitched scream as the saw cut into where his chest would be. The scream was quickly drowned out by the laughing of the crowd. The audience pointed and roared with laughter. Seeing the Prince scream like a little girl was hilarious to behold. Blueblood looked at them in horror as the saw blade went straight through him. His ears turned downwards along with his gaze. A hint of red blush crept into his cheeks. They were laughing at HIM. How... how embarrassing. Trixie noticed the blush and smirked. She opened the box and revealed Prince Blueblood in one piece. The crowd went wild with cheers and whistles. The prince was too embarrassed to move. He just stared at the ground, his ears and face still downwards. Trixie cocked an eyebrow and whispered into his ear. "Wait backstage. Trixie will meet with you there after the show." Blueblood nodded in agreement and quickly trotted his way out of sight. He had never been treated like this before. Never. Nopony had ever... well... put him in his place. Other than Rarity, no other mare he had ever encountered had treated him as if he were not a prince. The show went on for a few more minutes before Trixie stepped off the stage, leaving a cheering crowd. Her blue mane twisted in the late night breeze as she turned to look at the Prince. Blueblood started stammering again as he looked at her. "I-I... y-you.." He just didn't know what to say to this mare. She was so.... different. Trixie let out a tired sigh and took a seat on the floor. She looked at the babbling prince and stated, "What's wrong, princie? Cat got your tongue?" He stomped a hoof down. “I am a prince. I refuse to be treated this way." He once again stubbornly turned his nose so it pointed in the air. The mare laughed mockingly. “You’re just embarrassed." She brought back the fireworks and props from on stage, placing them neatly in a box and sealing it shut. She made her way back to the prince, her coat and hat vanishing. “All you royalty are the same. Stuck up and afraid of getting your hooves dirty. Afraid of the bustle and boom of the outside world. You just live all protected up in your castle while Trixie is down here, making all the good pony folks happy and entertained." Blueblood bit his tongue. That was... all true. He felt as if he needed to come back at her with a retort. “Well... you.... You didn't have to put me on the spot. You made them all laugh at me!" Trixie once again let out a laugh. “You did a pretty good job of making yourself look like a fool." Blueblood thought for a moment and he looked over the blue mare. As he looked at her, something struck him as seeming rather attractive. Her light blue hair was still twisting and turning in the warm night breeze, and her eyes were a stunning shade of purple. "WHAT exactly do you think you're doing?" Trixie had noticed him checking her out. She squinted her eyes angrily and pushed her nose against his in anger. “The Great and Powerful Trixie is no prize to be won!" A blush once again crept into his cheeks at their sudden touch. From this angle he could see her eyes better. Her beautiful purple eyes. His mind raced for something to say. "Dinner." Trixie took a step back, confused. "Wh-what?" He looked away, moving his eyes to the floor and desperately searching as if the words to say would be carved into the floorboards. "Dinner. Erm... y-you and me. At the castle. You... you owe me." Why was he stuttering so much? He used to frequently ask mares out and go on dates. Maybe he was just a bit out of practice. He dared to look back up at her. She looked confused. "Trixie.... Trixie owes you nothing!" She stomped her hoof to make her point. Blueblood's ears turned down with disappointment. He nodded and sidestepped the mare before making his trek back to the castle. His blond hair was picked up in the warm wind as it blew across his face, chasing the blush away. He could hear hoofsteps behind him, and he stopped to turn around. Trixie had taken a step closer. She had a hoof raised. "Trixie, though she does not owe you a thing, will, however, meet you at the castle tomorrow… for dinner.” She allowed a slight smile to brush on her face before nodding and heading back to her stage. Blueblood grinned and continued home, this time without pouting or staring at the ground. He had a spring in his step and he held his head high in order to nod hello to any passing ponies. For once in a long time he was happy, truly and honestly happy.