//------------------------------// // 29 - Saved By the Bell // Story: Fading Suns: A New World // by David Silver //------------------------------// Starlight smiled sheepishly at the human version of Luna. "Not completely blind," she said truthfully enough. She wasn't blind at all, and she quickly figured trying to say she was when she was looking directly at Luna would not work well. "I'm actually looking for a specific student." Luna looked intruiged, crossing her arms. "These are school hours, miss...?" "Glimmer." "Miss Glimmer. Students can't receive guests at this time. What school do you attend?" The silent addition of 'and why aren't you there?' went unsaid. Laud looked over the giant of a woman. He decided that Starlight's assessment was fairly accurate. They were almost human, but not. They were the closest a pony would be to humanity, and he wasn't sure if it improved them. He considered his options, but to speak or otherwise misbehave would ruin the illusion that he was a service animal. They were in no physical danger that he could discern. "That's just the thing! I was supposed to meet and follow her. I'm going to be in town, and I don't want to miss school." Starlight was capable of spinning a lie, Laud saw. He would have to be mindful around her, but being able to lie when the situation demanded it was the sign of an intelligent person. Luna accepted the falsehood easily, her guarded expression lightening. "Ah, I see. What student are you searching for then? She should have-- Nevermind that, let's get you to class." Starlight winced faintly. "Oh, don't be mad at her. I gave her practically no warning. Do you know Sunset Shimmer?" Luna suddenly looked down at Laud, then up at Starlight. "Does the word 'Equestria' mean anything--" She paused. She may have bought the original lie, but she saw the reaction of both at the word Equestria. She heaved a loud sigh. "Why are you really here?" Starlight raised a hand, palm flat towards Luna. "We just want to see Sunset. We're not here to make zombies of the school or anything, I swear. She knows me, on good terms." "These are still school hours," she sternly reminded. "Visitors from Equestria will, without doubt, be a distraction to her studies." Her frown eased at Starlight's defeated slump. "Why don't we find a place for you to wait until school is done? If you intend to stay more than a day, come see me first thing tomorrow morning and we'll arrange a schedule." She knew? Laud quirked an ear up at her before daring to speak, "You are aware t--" Luna jumped at his words, and seemed just as surprised when his collar began to speak what was gibberish to her. "Do you... Nevermind. I never saw an Equestrian in the fur before." She turned away and began walking. "This way. Let's get you both out of the hallways before another student takes notice." Starlight followed, holding Laud's bar firmly. She leaned down to whisper, "I don't really know how much she knows and doesn't know. We'll have to ask Sunset when we see her." Luna pushed open a door into what looked like a cafeteria. "You can wait here. Feel free to have a snack if you want. Will it... be a problem when the students come to have lunch?" Starlight shook her head quickly. "No problems here!" Luna arched a brow down at Laud. "Most of them are well-behaved, but they are not used to service animals. Please don't give them any reason to be alarmed." Laud nodded without words. That was apparently enough for Luna, who strode off purposefully to whatever other duties she had. Starlight looked slowly around the large room and its long tables and benches for seats. She saw an old woman behind a counter, working on something. "Hello there," Starlight greeted with her free hand waving. Granny Smith looked up to see a student with a tiny horse attached. "Well ain't that just the cutest thing I ever did see? When'd they start makin' 'em so tiny?" She approached the counter and leaned up against it for a better look at Laud. It was only then she remembered some basic etiquette involving service animals. "Oh, look at me, just gushin' over a horse like that. She's on duty, ain't she? What's your name, miss?" Starlight put her free hand over her chest. "I'm Starlight Glimmer, nice to meet you...?" "Most just call me Granny Smith." She gave an elderly smile. "Right pleasure t'make yer aquaintence. Now when'd you sneak in here? It ain't feed time yet." "Luna just left us here to wait until the end of the day," confessed Starlight with a soft shrug. "Not much to do in here." "Sure ain't, 'less ya like cookin'." She squinted just a little. "Yer not, you know, blind, I guess?" "Not completely." Starlight wove towards the gap in the counter. "Need any help? Cooking sounds more fun than just sitting around." Laud gave a soft snort and refused suddenly to go past the gap, preventing Starlight's progress. "Yer guide's well-trained. A kitchen's no place for a visually-impaired student." She grabbed a tray. "Ah can offer a snack to a nice girl at least." Starlight was soon walking towards one of the many tables, her plan to waste time cooking dashed. She set the tray down carefully and sank onto the bench beside it. Softly she hissed out, "What was up with that?" "You intended to leave me to simply watch you? How did you intend to prepare meals while leaving any scrap of doubt that you can see perfectly fine?" Laud shook his head. "No to that idea. We will simply wait, together." Starlight frowned, but chewed on the fries and burger offered to her. "Huh, their burgers taste different than ours. Not bad, really, but different." Laud remembered the pony burgers. They were made of pressed and cooked hay. If these were not that... "Slip a little to me." Starlight broke off a bit of the patty and held it out towards Laud under the table. He reached a hoof up towards it before realizing he could do little with equine hooves. With a grumble, he leaned in and bit the food away from Starlight. The greasy snack bounced around his tongue. Savory, well-prepared. Meat. It was an actual burger! "Despite the Canterlot Highs being more pony than human, they are omnivores, like me." Starlight hiked a brow at that. "Yeah? Why do you say that?" Laud swallowed the morsel down without hesitation. "Those are hamburgers, fashioned with beef." The word 'beef' had to be said in English. Equestria had no word for it. Speaking English was suddenly as much a challenge as speaking Ponish when he was a human. "What's that?" She looked guarded, eyeing her burger as if it might suddenly attack her. "Cow." That word he knew. "That is cow. Decently-prepared, though I can--" He was suddenly cut off, noticing Starlight looking ill. She dropped the burger onto the tray, gagging. "I... ate a cow? Why would they serve that?!" "it isn't that bad..." She leveled an accusing finger at the rest of the food. "Is this all meat?!" Laud circled around and hopped up beside Starlight, sitting on his haunches on the bench. "Potatoes, Corn, a dessert, milk." She relaxed at the proclaimed safety of what had been offered to her . "Take the burger if you like it so much. I will pass, thanks." So they ate together, even if Laud needed help afterwards cleaning his equine snout from the juices and condiments on the burger afterwards. A bell echoed through the entire school, loud and rapid-striking. Laud hopped to the ground and had his sword drawn into his mouth almost instantly. Starlight cocked a brow at him. "You should put that away. I'm pretty sure that was just for the students, not an attack." "Right," he said, words slurred a little by the hilt he held firmly. He swung it back carefully and slid it away just in time for the doors leading to the hallway to burst open. The student body had arrived. Starlight quickly grabbed Laud's guide bar. "Remember, you're a well-trained horse," she whispered as she smiled at the oncoming students. They noticed the pony, as was inevitable. While most went to eat, a sizable portion gaped at the little equine visitor and the human attached to him. "What's your name?" asked a faintly irritated Trixie. "And are you allowed to have a horse in school?" Starlight barely held in a laugh, recognizing the human version of her friend. "He's my guide pony. He's also on duty, so no petting please." The students accepted this provision with some disappointment, but the crowd began to thin out. A hand came down suddenly on Starlight's shoulder. "Starlight?" It was Applejack. "What're you doin' here? Wait." She looked down to Laud and back to Starlight. "First off, do you know me?" "Of course I remember you, Applejack." Starlight waved a few fingers in a wriggling. "Nice to see you again." Applejack let out a sigh of relief. "Landsake, Ah thought a moment ya were Starlight's copy, who was blind or somethin'. Speakin' of that..." "Long story," deflected Starlight. "I really am glad to see you. Where's Sunset?" Applejack pointed across the cafeteria to where Sunset and the others were seated and talking. "Ah just happened t'see the fuss and figured I'd see what--" "Ohhhhh!" Fluttershy had joined them. "What a cutie!" She dropped to her knees close to Laud. "Hello there, little--" She paused, looking for something on Laud. "Guy?" Had she just sexed him without actually looking down there? "Nice to meet you." Starlight coughed into her free hand. "He is a guide pony, and on duty." "Oh. Right." Fluttershy gathered herself up. "Starlight?" It was as if she just noticed the human attached to the adorable little horse. She glanced at Applejack, who nodded. "When did you need a guide animal?" "Long story, and one I'm eager to get into, once you all get out of school." Starlight gave a wry smile. "But there's not much we can do until that happens." Applejack put two and two together. She whispered harshly, "Is he from Equestria?!" Starlight nodded. "I'll go into details when we meet up after school, I promise. Until then, relax. We come in peace." Fluttershy giggled softly. "You're a friend, why would we be worried about you? And if he--" She gestured down at Laud. "--is your friend, then he's ours as well." "Exactly." Applejack nudged Fluttershy along. "We'll see you after school." When things grew relatively quiet, Laud whispered, "Is there magic here?" "Not nearly as much as Equestria, but some. My friends have more of it than most." She took a sip of the provided milk carton. "When there is, it can be bad news." Their mirror world treated magic more like his own worlds? That was an interesting quirk of fate. Was it human nature to be distrustful of magic, just as it was pony nature to embrace it? He mulled over the philosophy while they waited for the day to pass. The human world had proven more boring than anything else thus far. When the lunch crowd had passed on, Starlight stood up. "You know what? We don't need to wait here." Laud stood up. "Where will we wait then?" "At the mall!" Starlight grinned. "I've been there before. They have icecream." Laud hesitantly nodded. "You have professed your love for that confection, but how will we meet your friends then?" Starlight's smile faded. "You have a point there. Look, I don't wait to just sit here. We can at least take a walk around the block, get some fresh air, and move. Doesn't that sound better?" Laud rose and shook his guide bar at Starlight, who took it in hand. "I will lead the way," he said confidently. He was her eyes, or so that strange world believed. Starlight smirked at that. "Keep me out of trouble then." Together, they left the school-proper.