The Rotten Pear

by Catrina37

A Promise to Luna

Chapter 11: A Promise to Luna

“I found myself in the presence of Princess Luna, Sister of Celestia before she became Nightmare Moon,” narrated Grand Pear, “I was both honored and confused..."

"It is nice to meet you, Princess Luna," Grand Pear said, "But how did I get to this courtroom, and how did my son and these ponies get here?"

"To know, you must take a closer look at them, Grand Pear.” Princess Luna instructed.

Grand Pear took a closer look at the ponies, and to his shock, they all turned into him as they glared. Even Big Bosc turned into him.

"It's me,” he says with realization, "I tried to declare myself guilty. So this is a dream?"

"It's a nightmare," Princess Luna said, "It represents the negative emotions you have inside your mind and heart. You've listened to your son say about how bad you are, so you forgot the good things about yourself just as he did. I came into your dream to help you through and remind you of the good inside you."

Grand Pear sighed and sobbed, "A lot of good that did for me. Pear Butter is gone, and I'll never get a chance to tell her how sorry I was about the day I left."

"I understand. I too have regretted my actions against my sister and Equestria, but you can't let guilt and self-hatred eat you up inside, Grand Pear. You just need to find a way to make things right."

"How do I do that?"

"There are three grand-foals who would love to meet their grandfather. One of them is one of the six who saved Equestria. Her name is Applejack, and she is a hard worker as you are."

"You think they will have me after all I did to hurt their mother?”

"I can't tell you that, but I know your daughter would want you to get to know your grandchildren and end the feud. Just promise me you will do that when you feel ready."

Grand Pear thought for a moment. He may have lost two of his children, but he doesn't want his grandchildren growing up without knowing him. He spoke up and said as he bowed, "I promise, Princess Luna."

With that, Princess Luna ascended herself into the sky and left Grand Pear.


“Soon after, I saved up enough money for my retirement and left the business to Pear Spice. I decided to set up a small booth in the market like I used to. Not long after, I met Apple bloom, know the rest.” Grand Pear said.

"So that’s why you came back,” Applejack said.

"But Luna was in my dream before," Apple Bloom said, "Why didn't she tell me about you?"

"I told her I'd rather be the one to tell you about myself, and she respected my wishes," Grand Pear said.

"What happened to Peary?" Flim and Flam asked.

"Our son became a whirlwind of emotions," Posy said, "One minute he would get angry, and the next, he'd sulk in his room. Other times, he would sneak off and come home the next day. When I caught him sneaking home one night, he told me he found a friend who understood how he felt to be alone. I'm very glad he found someone to help him through his pain, but he won't tell me who this friend is."

"I take it that cart act today is just his whirlwind of emotions, huh?" Granny said.

"Yes. It is."

Granny Smith suddenly couldn’t help but feel guilty about how she had thought of Grand Pear before.

"You know, Grand Pear," Granny said to him, "When you left your daughter the way you did that night, I made a wish that you would get what you deserved for what happened. But, after hearing your story about what you, Posy, your sons, and your daughter went through, I wish I had taken that wish back."

"No, Granny," Grand Pear said, "I deserved it. This is what happens when you let pride get to you. You hang on to it so much, it can cause a lot of damage in your life. Pride can even drive away the ponies who matter in your life until you're alone. That was a lesson I had to learn the hard way. That's why it's best to swallow your pride and take responsibility for your actions."

"And I learned something from your story, too, Grand Pear," Apple Bloom said, "I learned why it's important to forgive someone after what they did. If you stay angry at someone, it just makes everyone hate you."

"That's why it's called the Hate Plague," Pear Blossom said, "It’s also why I've forgiven Daddy for what happened. I don't want anymore anger spread to my family."

Grand Pear hugs Pear Blossom.

“Thank you, Pear Blossom.”

And his daughter hugs him in return.