//------------------------------// // New Alien, New powers to bear // Story: Ben 10 - Pony Tales // by Cybers Link //------------------------------// "Ough... come on stupid thing...ough... and stupid hoofs. I can't grab anything with this things." Ben struggles to make the Omnitrix work and change into something that will help him escape from the force field around the room but no matter how many times he punches the watch it didn't do what he wants. "Omnitrix reset code 10... Hmm, Benjamin Kirby Tennyson code 010: reset code 10... But what is wrong with this thing?" Every attempt Ben made to reset the Omnitrix was answered by a light pink flash emanating from the watch follow by a soft beeping. Frustrated, he leans back into the bed hoping for his partner to be ok. Rook is smart, he should be fine. right? His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door opening. "Here, I brought you something to... whaaa?!!" Twilight scream as she feels a sudden rush of air pushed by the alicorns wings attempting to escape by flying through the door, a thing that was of no use since the barrier was still on accomplishing only to hit himself hard on the head. " But what were you thinking? Are you crazy? This is a barrier made by Princess Celestia herself. It will take more than that to escape from it." Twilight said levitating a tray of food up her head saving it just barely from the sudden attempt of escaping. "But... how? How did you enter?" Ben asked trying pushing the light yellow barrier at the entrance of the room. "The only trapped here is you. The princess used you magic signature to trap only you in the bobble, anypony else could just enter easily" Ben just sits with his back against the barrier making a mad and tired expression. "Here, you said you were hungry don't you?" "Thanks" Ben greet the purple pony with a frown. He gets close to see a sandwich. orange juice and a cut apple in a bowl on the tray."Hmmm, by any chance you wouldn't happen to have a Mr. Smoothie around here? I am craving for one." "A... Mr. Smoothie? I believe I know a certain pink pony who can make a smoothie." Twilight turns to look at the stallion who was looking back at her with hoping eyes. She then gives him a smug smile. "I can bring you one if... you told me who are you and where you came from" Twilight had feared the white stallion since the first time she saw him laying down on that crater. It is unusual to have a fictional character from a children's story to be real... twice but once he waked up and started to talk he didn't seem that menacing. Her fear transforms into curiosity rather quickly or even into something else. Good, because I think he is kind of cute. Can you introduce me to him later? Twilight shook her head at remembering Nurse Redheart commentary from early. Twilight look again at the stallion who was talking to himself trying to hide her flushed cheeks. "Sorry. What did you say?" "Ough... I said that I already told you everything. We came from space and we had an accident with a criminal on the spaceship and ended up here by accident. Can you please let me go already. I have to find my partner He could be in trouble." "I am sorry but I can't do it if even I want to. Princess Celestia is the only one who could burst that barrier. But don't worry the spell should disappear in a couple of days. I am going to send a group to look for.. your partner in the meantime. If he... stands out as much as you do, he should be very easy to find" Ben, not very satisfied with the answer, sits in a chair and attempts to grab the sandwich with his bare hooves. "Humm. Ough... how you even..." "Hum... why don't you try with your horn?" Twilight asks confused. Ben raises his eyebrow before attempting to grab the food once again but this time by trusting the sandwich with his pointing horn. "I don't think this is any better."He says with the sandwich between his horn leaking mayonnaise and daisy petals down on his head. Twilight couldn't help it but laugh at the sight what give the male alicorn a frown. "Hey!!! I just did what you told me." "I meant with your magic doofus." Ben blink fast at hearing this. He sees amused how Twilight's horn lit up with a purple aura, the same aura as the floating sandwich above his head. "Here use this," The purple alicorn said putting aside the sandwich and floating a napkin at Ben. "So all of you can use magic by nature?" Twilight turned her head slightly. "Y-yes.... all unicorns and alicorns can use magic. So as you." "Me? No, no I can't. My cousin is the magic talented in the family." He said cleaning his head with the napkin. "What are you talking about. I see you blasting your magic at the barrier not so long ago." "I did?... I-I guess I did." Ben scratches the back of his head. Since he received his new Omnitrix from Azmuth, Ben's transformations had come with a bit of knowledge of what abilities his aliens have inserted directly on his brain. He didn't know how they work or what name was given to those abilities most of the times and this time was no exception. He has used magic without even realizing. "Yea I did!! Cool!" He shouted this time with a smile. "Oh, if grandma could see me now, she will be so proud. Let me try again" Ben concentrates on the sandwich trying to levitate it as Twilight did. A dim green aura started surrounding his horn. Ben closes his eyes as the task seems a bit harder than he thought it will be but when he opened them again he saw the sandwich had been blast into ashes. "*Cough* *Cough*...What are you doing? *Cough* Do you want to burn the room? You wouldn't be able to escape, remember?" Twilight said as she levitates the orange juice and pours it into the flaming food producing a smoke that entered her lungs. "Ups, haha... Sorry first time trying to levitate things?" "Are you Serious? I have never seen a grown-up pony that doesn't know the levitate spell. Even Some foals and fillies can do it at two weeks after being born." "I told you, I am not a pony. I born on another planet. Besides, I have never seen magic used like this before." "You... really believe that, don't you?" Twilight turned around to face the window and see the blue sky."That you come from another planet? But again, I saw you crashing into the ground like a shooting star from outer space" Twilight put a thoughtful face as she throws away the ashes of the sandwich into a nearby trashcan thinking more thoroughly on the existential problem that will lead up if it was true. "But you are clearly a pony. How can you say you are from another planet? It seems very unlikely that two races eons apart evolved the same way" "Oh, you mean Helix? No this is not like I usually look." Twilight put an incredulous look. "I am telling you the truth. You see this. This is the Omnitrix. It allows me to change my DNA into any alien at will. My real race is a Human or Homo sapiens in nerd language." "You mean this strange round green and black circle can do that?" Twilight gets close to see his armor chest and tapped it with her hoof. "That is why you have it as your cutie mark?" "My cutie-what now?" "Your cutie mark. The thing on your flank? The thing that represents your talent?" "Oh, you mean the tattoo on my butt?... Ouch, what?" Ben asked as the princess uses her magic to slap Ben on the cheek with a red face from embarrassment. "Humm... If what you said is true. Change into something else. Alien" She said still mad. "Ouch... I-I can't. This thing is busted. I can't get it to work. Was the slap really necessary?." He said touching his cheek. "Wow, what a coincidence," She said sarcastically. "and yes, it was necessary. Sorry Superhero but you will not go anywhere until we are sure you are not a threat to Equestria." Twilight said putting her hoof down. "Ok, ok fine. Grandpa Max and the other Plumbers will start looking for us anyways. The will arrive any second and will clear all this mess in the meantime, can I have that smoothie you said early? I am still hungry." Ben said with a smile laying down on the bed robbing his stomach. "Sorry, I have better things to do. That slice apple should be enough for now," she said returning the smile. "Oh come on. Is this the way to treat your prisoners?" "Is not my fault you burn your own food." Ben was about to reply but he was stopped by the echoing of someone screaming inside the castle. "TWILIGHT!!!!!" A purple reptilian said screaming finally reaching up to the room passing the barrier and taking in between heavy breaths. "Twi..light... There is...a...problem ...in..." "Spike calm down. Take it easy, what's wrong?" Spike wait a moment to recover. "Twilight you have to come, it is huge Twilight!!" "What is hug..." But she stops at the sounds of buildings collapsing and ponies screaming outside as well as the quick pass of a flying tree rushing by the window. "A huge monster is attacking the town. It is enormous like anything I have ever seen." Ben quickly stands up from the bed. "It must be Vilgax, Princess you have to let me go. You don't know what he is capable of" Twilight was on the balcony of the room watching the town covered in clouds of dust from the houses already torn into scraps. "Helix, this is my town and I am a princess of this land. We had dealt with monsters in the past. Besides, I can let you go even if I want to, remember? Stand down superhero, we got this." Twilight nodded at Spike and both rush outside to the balcony flying to the direction of the screamings. Ben desperately try to follow them and get out of the force field with no success. "Wait, come back!!!" As the princess of friendship flyes with Spike in her back, they saw with wide eyes the culprit of such destruction. They didn't even need to fly to be able to see it. "Princess Twilight over here" "Mayor Mare. Is everypony ok? Any injured?" Twilight and Spike landed next to the Town Hall where a brown earth mare was weaving her hoof trying to get the prince's attention. "No, luckily not. Fluttershy was the first one to see this creature and we had enough time to prepare. We evacuate every pony and are on his way to your castle as indicated on your emergency plan." "Good, I am glad we discuss that. The castle should be strong enough to withstand anything. Mayor Mare, have you seen my friends?" But as she was about to answer, Spike poke her side to get her attention. "Aaa...Twilight?" He said pointing upwards where a blue pegasus was seen flying at high speed directly into the direction of the creature quickly follow up by an explosion of rainbow colors. The pegasus strikes the creature on the stomach pushing him back a few steps back but it quickly recovered leading out a thunderous roar. "Yes, I can see. Spike would you do me a favor and go around town looking if somepony still need help evacuating I have to deal with this." "I will help with that" Mayor Mare said as the three noded running on separate ways. Twilight looks up at the big bear-like creature with a deep purple star pattern. "Why is there an Ursa major wake up from its hibernation? We should still have another five hundred years before that happen." "AAAAAAAH!!!!" Twilight heard Rainbow screaming as she was falling at high speed into the ground. Twilight quickly created some sort of purple slide with her magic redirecting her momentum and sending her up again instead of down and catching her as she was about to land. "Huff... ough... Rainbow? Rainbow?!" "Ha?... what?" "Rainbow are you ok?" "Yea... I - I am fine. What happen?" "That is what I was about to ask." "Oh yea. that stupid bear pushes me as I was circling it. But I will get him next time" "Are you out of your mind? Do you want to punch an Ursa Major? That is impossible. What we need is to get him back to the cave where it came." "Could you just get it to sleep as you did the last time?" "No, that worked the last time because it was an Ursa minor, a baby. This is an Ursa Major probably the mom of the Minor. Speaking of, where is it? It should be next to her mother. Have you seen it?" Dash just shrink her shoulders. "Ough... what about the other girls? "They are dealing with the bear with me trying to stop it from destroying the whole town. All except Fluttershy and Rarity. I think they are helping in the castle calming down the ponies there." Both look at the Ursa as his paw was around a rope trying to get him back to the forest. "Come on, We need to find that baby. That will be the only thing able to stop it from destroying the town." Twilight said as both ponies take up wanting to meet with their friends. Once they arrive next to the Ursa, they could see Applejack and Pinkie trying their strongest in pulling the rope. At some point, it looks like it was working but soon enough the rope was cut getting it loose and sending the mares back. "Wha'? That was ma favorit' rope you..." But the orange pony word was cut as she saw a big paw coming there way. But then another rainbow explosion appears hitting the claw saving the mares. "Huuu-we!! Thanks, Rainbow. That was close." "Pinkie, AJ" "Twilight," Both mares said standing up from the ground. "Twilight, I am so glad you are here. Can you make this bear go back to sleep just like u did the other one when~" "Sorry, Pinky I can't, that is an adult bear. I am not sure she is the napping type." "What if I prepare a nice warm milk and bedtime story. Will that work?" "Ah really doubt it, sugarcube. So wha' is the plan Twi?" The three mares stare back at the Ursa being distracted by Rainbow as if a very annoying fly she was. "Have you girls see the Ursa minor? The smaller one?" "I can say I have, Pinkie?" "Nop" "Oh, this is bad. I think she wakes up ahead of time because of... ah... the pony who crash in your orchard last night and waked both her and her baby. I bet she is just mad that h0er baby is not with her," "Oh, that fellow that come out from the sky. How is he anyway?" Applejack asked being truly a concern for him. "Oh -Oh. yes, that Stallion alicorn. Is he the new Nightmare moon? Or should I say NIghtstallion moon? Do you already defeat him? Or, Oh- Oh. or something better, Is he already reform? We tend to do that a lot because if he is, make him help cause we will need all the help we can~" Pinkie was interrupted by an orange hoof on his mouth. "I don't think we had time with that." Apple Jack replay. "Twi, tell us you have a plan" "Actually, I do. The Ursa must be looking for her baby. We need to find it and lure them both into the cave where they came from. Can you two go around and look for it? Rainbow and I will distract him in the meantime" Applejack nodded giving Twilight a determined look. Pinkie, on the other hand, salute her like if she was part of the royal guard. "Sure can, C'mon Pinkie. Ah take that side and you the other. We hav' to find that creature" "Roger" Then both earth ponies take their way through Ponyville. "The Ursa Minor shouldn't be far from here." Princess Twilight then take the flight to help her friend. By Shooting beams from her horn, Twilight manages to save Rainbow from an incoming slash from the Ursa claws. "Rainbow, we need to buy time. Are you still good?" Rainbow look at Twilight like saying do you even know who I am? . Twilight snorted at this "As Oinkie and Apple Jack are looking for the baby, we need to get her the closest to the mountain over there as possible." Both ponies do there best to maintain the Ursa Mayor away from the town. Flying around and shooting beams of magic at it, they try to tire the beast. But as time pass and they fly around the giant bear dodging its attacks, the ponies were the ones getting tired. Especially the bookworm of the princess. At some point, Rainbow back away preparing to do another Sonic Rainboom as Twilight started shooting beams of magic in her eyes trying to blind it. But the Ursa Major was much tougher than the baby and the only thing Twilight was doing was making her angrier and angrier. With Twilight distracting the big bear, Rainbow feels more confident in strike it in the forehead to break its balance without being swallowed alive. She waits for the Ursa to stand in two and when it finally did she came rushing at high speed. The Ursa little by little stumble back finally managing to get it in the Everfree forest territory. If it had fallen on her back that will be a mission accomplished but sadly that didn't happen. The Ursa resist the hit and grab the now tired pegasus in between its big and sharp claws, She has done three Rainbooms this day already and it had drained her energy without Dash even knowing until it was too late. "Let go of her" Twilight desperately try to free her friend shooting at its paw but it was fruitless. The celestial bear throws an even louder roar what break Twilight's concentration and momentum at flaying losing velocity and enable her to dodge the incoming claw slash. She had the enough reflects to create a shield around her before it strikes though pushing her deep into the ground. She was watching helplessly inside the crater how the Ursa Mayor let out a final roar before tossing Rainbow Dash into her mouth ready to chew her alive. "No!!!" But just before the Ursa closed its mouth, a lasso went around the pegasus stomach and push her away from it. " I got ya" Applejack have pushed Rainbow saving her. "Oh thanks, Celestia. Good job Applejack!" The Ursa mad that her meal was taken away look at the purple alicorn in the ground and let go of her entire weight attempting to stand in four and stomping the alicorn with her leg on the way. Twilight tried to run away but her legs didn't obey her. At trying to stand up, her legs start to shake to later fall down in the ground by her own weight leaving her there hopeless. She closed her eyes waiting for the worst. For the weight of the giant celestial to crush her entirely and end her right there but... it never did. When she felt that nothing was happening she opens her eyes again. There, standing next to her was a tall white Stallion holding the paw of the Ursa with two green hands. "He-Helix? Is that you?" "Princess... are you ok?" Ben was having troubles pushing the paw up stopping it in mid-air. He was feeling the pressure on his horn increasing but he was still able to stop it. "But how do you escape the princess' barrier?" "Can we talk about this latter? You know, when there isn't a giant bear paw trying to crash us" Ben said almost sarcastically as he falls to his knees for trying to stop the Ursa. "Twi, Quick. Grab mt hoof" Applejack demanded to her friend before she helps Twilight out of that crater allowing Ben to finally take a rest and jump aside as the heavy paw that leaves a mark on the ground. *Roooooaaarrrrr* The Ursa Mayor let out a cry loud enough to shake the ground. "Dude, you need a mint. At least you don't smell like fish. I was really hoping you were Vilgax though" "Helix, Why are you out of the room? Oh... princess Celestia will get mad when she finds out" Twilight was biting her hoof standing up with the help of Applejack. The hit from before made her legs numb and she still wasn't able to stand up on her own. "Well, I am glad he did." AJ replay. "He is our hero Twi. When Pinkie and Ah were looking for that bear, all of the sudden it attacks us from behind. If it weren't for that fella over there we would be supper for that Ursa by naw. He is a real hero." "A superhero, you forget the important part," Ben said all of the sudden giving a proud smile. "And don't forget humble. How do you even break the spell?" "Oh yes, that's very interesting you see...*Slam*" Twilight and Applejack look in horror how the Ursa everypony seems to have forgotten about slam once more its paw where Helix was standing just a second ago. "Helix!!!!!" Twilight screams trying to run to see if he was still breathing under that paw. She didn't notice that the Ursa was about to do the same to her luckily at the last moment Rainbow kick it in the eye making it fail its attack. "Hey, big guy. I had plenty of rest now. Let's continue where we left off." Rainbow continue distracting the Ursa making it back away from all the others. Twilight take a quick glance at the pegasus that was distracting the Ursa and how she seems that she was pushing herself just by flaying. "Helix! Helix! are you ok. Hel..." "Uff, That was close." "Haaaaa" "What the hay?. Where did you come from?" Applejack asked the alicorn behind her. "You know. I should probably stop ignoring my enemies that are in front of me. That's is how I ended up here in the first place." "Did- did you teleported behind us?" "Wait? Can I do that? Awesome! I never had a guy that can teleport before" "Then how you..." "Oh, I make it intangible. I mean the bear paw. It was kind of weird, Usually is my body the one that I make intangible with the powers of others aliens but Helix can make stuff intangible rather than itself. Isn't that cool!!! That is actually how I get out of the room." AJ was listening to him understanding not a single word coming out of his mouth but Twilight, on the other hand, was in deep thought, "Did he just use a low-density spell in the Ursa? On an organic matter? And on a magic barrier?!! H-how is that possible. The spell is very basic in theory but it needed a lot of magic to do it in thick walls and in other living things but in a magical shield? That is unthinkable? If he really did it, he must be as strong as all the alicorns princesses combined" Twilight look at the alicorn that no so long ago couldn't levitate a sandwich being able to withstand the weight of an Ursa major with his magic. "Hey, you three. I hope my flying around this thing isn't interrupting your conversation. or anything" Dash scream as she dodges the attacks of the Ursa. "Oh right sorry. So what is the plan again, it had something to do with the other smaller bear from early, right?" Ben asked. "Oh yes, you find it? where is it? and where is Pinkie?" "Oh Pinkie, she is bringin' the Ursa, she will be here soon," AJ said this with a smile. "By herself?!!" Twilight asks concern. "Don't worry Twilight. You know Pinkie, she can take care of herself" "Yea, that pink pony is crazy but she has good ideas and she told me she was going to make me the most delicious smoothie I ever had when this is over. Huff... I will be the judge of that." "Yea, right... anyway, until she comes with the baby, we need to push that Ursa back to her cave over there." Twilight points at a mountain in the middle of the Everfree forest. "Once the two are inside, collapse the entrance to block it. That way she will return to her hibernation... maybe." "Maybe you say? I like your style princess" "Can you guys lend me a hoof here already!! I don't know how much I can distract this thing" Rainbow scream. Her fur already all mess up full of dirt and leaves from nearby trees and completely covered in sweat. "Ok, I will lend you a hoof or even better, a hand. or two, or four, or eight" Ben says as floating hands made up of green magic started to appear multiplying its numbers every time he was saying it. "Ok oversized bear, I will show you a technique from my favorite T.V. show. Eight Consecutive Hundred Pounds Open-Palm Strikes." Ben flies to the stomach of the bear and with the magic hands he strikes the bear with multiple hits. With the open palms, he forcing it to take steps back from all the pain and the force of the hits. After a few seconds, Rainbow watch astonished how he had pushed the Ursa closer to the cave that she ever had so far. With a final cry, he finishes his attack by hitting it harder and fusing all the hands into a giant one finally making the enormous bear fall down on its back. "Cool, I always wanted to try this but not even Fourarms can move his palms as fast to make it appear to be eight." "Wow, That... was... Awesome!!!!. Who are you?" "I am just your friendly neighbor Ben 10, full-time superhero. Nice to meet you." Finally Rainbow had meet somepony with an ego bigger than hers. "But you didn't do it bad yourself. What is your name?" "Rainbow Dash. Member of the elite group, the Wanderbolts. The fastest flyers in all Equestria." "Nice to meet you Rainbow Dash," Ben said extending an arm for a brohoof. "I like you." Both bump there hoofs together. "AHEM!!!" Twilight said out loud trying to get the attention of the two ." Guys, we are not done yet. Look!" Twilight, still holding on to Applejack, points at the Ursa Major who was trying to stand up once again. It seems the only thing Ben do was a minor discomfort in the beast making it very mad. "Where is Pinkie with the Minor?" As if it was an act of premonition, all the ponies turn there head back to the sound of a happy melody played by several different instruments coming there way. "I believe she is already' here Twi" Twilight eyes could see Pinkie far away on the path playing ten instruments at the same time creating her own band of one pony. Not so far behind her, there was a big light-purple ball dancing whimsically at Pinkie's rhythm with a big smile on his face showing off his sharp fangs. "Is Pinkie playing to the Ursa Minor?" "What did I tell ya. Is just Pinkie being Pinkie." "Girls!!! Benny!!! I brought you the teddy bear." Pinkie saluted them almost catching up. "Ok, now that the Baby is here, let's do the last part of the plan. Rainbow how are you holding on?" "Me? Pufff. please. The Wonderbolts training is harder than this. I can keep going, superhero." "Can you do one last explosion of colors like before?" "You mean a Sonic Rainboom? Of course." "Good, why don't we help our friend here to get back home and catch a nap" "You guys do that. I will take care of the Minor." Twilight said trying to walk on her own. "Twilight, What are you saying? You can barely even walk." AJ asks concern holding on to the princess who barely can hold her own weight. "I don't need to. Just get me close to it." Applejack, despite her better judgment, do as told. The white alicorn and the blue pegasus were flying high up ready to fall to gain the needed speed. They let gravity do its job and they drop down at high speed but just as they were about to crash into the ground they extend their wings changing their direction with a big explosion to fly directly into the Ursa Mayor's stomach. Rainbow with her usual rainbow color trail left behind as she was flying and Ben with a green colored trail. Both ponies extended their hooves to push the Ursa that was just a few kilometers away from the entrance of the cave. "The two struggle at first but little by little they were able to push the Ursa into the big cave but the Ursa Mayor would go to bed without a fight. The ponies and the Ursa were struggling in the edge of the cave as the beast was holding on to the sides of the mountain. Letting out an intimidating roar, the two ponies were losing there push. The colorful aura no longer presents around there body and flipping their wings desperately but the Ursa didn't move from that place. "Oh no. We are losing it." Rainbow said. "Oh no we aren't." Ben stops pushing and fly back to create two big hands out of his magic that he uses to hit the claws the Ursa was using to hold on to the cave. He finally was able to break the walls around the paws what make it fall inside. With the Ursa already there, Ben pushes it one last time dipper into the cave by combining the two hands he created into a giant one and push it with it. "Now Helix, destroy the entrance!!" Ben heard Twilight from inside the cave. She was on top of the Ursa Minor that was now on top of the head of the Ursa Mayor raiding it like a horse. Trusting the princess, Ben make sure Rainbow was outside to shoot a beam on the ceiling of the cave making it collapse on itself blocking the entrance. Ben take a last look to see the Princess vanishing in a flash of light and the mother Ursa holding the baby Ursa cuddling him with a big smile. "Now you two. Go to bed." "Yea!!! Whohoo!!! We did iiiiit" The ponies on the ground where celebrating. Twilight was seeing next to them laying down giving a tired smile at Ben. "Good job Rainbow Dash with that last... Rainbow? Ben looked around to see where she has been and when he find her he saw how she was falling. Ben created a hand big enough to hold her with it and flying her next to her friends. "Rainbow? Rainbow! What' is wrong with her? She does not open her eyes" Applejack said. "Dashy!! No.... She was too young. Too young!!!!. Daaashyyyy" Pinke screams crying out loud while holding her close. "Pinkie. Pinkie!! I am fine. I *yawn* I just need a quick nap ok" Rainbow said without open her eyes. Pinkie at hearing this squishing her tighter into a hug asphyxiating the poor pegasus. "Ok, Pinkie. Let her rest she deserves it. You two Helix. Thank you and sorry for doubting you" This should be a very nice sentiment if it weren't for the fact that she was laying down on her stomach trying to look up as her neck was shaking. "Are you ok Princess?" "Yea yea. I am ok. I just feel my legs and wings as they were made up of lead. I have never flown that long in my life before. I think that was like two hours or so." "Sugarcube, the Ursa attack was half an hour ago and you weren't there all along." The princes' cheeks turn red as tomatoes trying to avoid eye contact with a nervous smile. "You should really stop reading that many books and start exercise more." Everypony started laughing, even Ben. "Well, Ah guess ah'm going to tell everypony in the castle the good news. Ah also want to know if ma family are ok. If you excuse me. Pinkie, are you ok with Rainbow?" "Yep, yep No worries." Pinkie said as she lay down Dash on her back like if a piece of cloth were about hanging her hooves in the air but it seems Rainbow didn't mind that since she just limits herself to snoring. "I will give her my super duper extra energy boost smoothie and she will be back in no time. and any pony is invited too." Declining the invitation, AJ gives a last "see ya" and went her way. "Yea, a smoothie. If you insist. Let's go" "Wait!!, Helix. I know I should be grateful you help us and all but.. can you please return to the castle. Please!! If Princess Celestia didn't find you there she will get really mad. She trusted me to keep you there." "Oh, come on princess. Can a guy get at least a smoothie before getting back to his cell? She is inviting after all." Both Ben and Pinkie were watching Twilight with pleading eyes. "Ough.. fine. One smoothie and back to the room ok?" "Yes" "Then is a smoothie party. Whoo-hoo!!" "I better follow Applejack though. Ponyville probably would want to know what happens. " Twilight try to stand up for herself but her legs didn't want to stop shaking. "Hum.. actually. Twilight, do you mind go to Sugar Cube Corner with us. There is a friend who wants to meet you and the more the merrier, is what ponies said, isn't? I will give you an energy boost smoothie too and you will feel good in no time. I promise." Pinkie said with her usual smile. "But I still have many things to do and... ough." Twilight tries to take steps but it hurts every time she tried. "Come with us, princess. I can even lend you a hand if you want.. he... he." Ben levitates the princess with one of his hands. "Fine Pinke. Just because I need a ride back to the castle." She said a little embrace that a strange stallion is levitating her like a little filly. "And what friend wants to see me Pinkie? Wouldn't he or she be in the castle with the others?" "Nop, He is a new friend I meet today and he insisted to stay in my Party Planning cave. He was really obsessed with meeting you" "Another fan I supposed from another town. Great. Fine let's go already" And with Pinkie leading the way, the ponies started walking to Sugar Cube Corner. ~~~Canterlot Castle~~~ "Luna? Luna! Are you up" Princess Celestia had arrived at her castle looking for her sister and bursting from door through door without even noticing that the guards that were supposed to guard Luna's room weren't there. When she finally enters her bedroom, she notices the darkness of the room. All the windows were covered and very few sunlight was entering from them. She didn't even bother to turn the switch to turn the lights on since she knew her little sister always like it dark when she goes to bed. "Luna, wake up. I know you must be tired from your night shift but this is an emergency." Celestia gets close to the bulge under the bed sheets in Luna's bed expecting to find her. "Luna?" "But Luna didn't respond. She didn't even move from her bed. Standing next to the bed, Celestia moves the bedsheets away and surprised she was at not finding her sister but a bunch of pillows under it. "Sorry, do you were expecting sompony, Celestia?" A familiar voice was heard from between the shadowy corners of the room. "Tirek!!! Show yourself." The princess started to shoot magic beams out of his horn at random corners where she believes Tirek was hiding. "Princess, Princess, Princess. I thought you were smarter than this. I would though you have already figured out that me here would mean that I have the strength to fight your magic." Tirek makes himself visible by entering the more illuminated part of the room. With a confident smile, he opens his mouth absorbing all the magic Celestia was throwing at him. "But again, you were so rushed in seeing your little sister that you didn't notice we have already taken care of your guards outside." "The guards? What do you do to them? What did you do to Luna?... Wait did you just say We?" Vilgax take this as a cue to make himself present. "I believe this is what you were looking for" Vilgax extended one of his tentacles hands that was taking hold of an unconscious Princess Luna between its grasp. "A squid-like creature... I demand to know who are you?" Celestia said never losing her guard or her glare at the two giant monsters in front. "Who am I? I am your new ruler" Both Vilgax and Tirek started laughing menacingly as Celestia looks at them with a frown.