A Bridge Between Brothers

by Rammy

For Destiny

ബഐബഐബഐ Spike ബഐബഐബഐ

"I still can't believe you insist on teaching him something so girly as dancing." Garble grumbled for the millionth time as I was going through the stretches that Twixt'd had taught me.

"For the last time, asshole," Twixt'd cursed, faceplaming, "it's parkour, not dancing, and in order to not strain something he needs to stretch and work on his flexibility..."

"Look at me prancing around like a little fairy!" Garble sneering, fluttering his eyes like a girl while doing an extremely poor impression of ballet. "Avoid me and my girly aura or else!"

"What lovely dancing... Garbilenia."

"Why you little..."

I sighed and pinched my brow as the two started to trade punches along with the verbal barbs. It was like watching a dragonized version of Applejack and Rainbow Dash when then got a bit too competitive, only way more physical...

I wonder how the girls are doing... I so wanted to send a letter but given how my message flame worked in comparison to regular flame I couldn't. I suppose I could have had Garble fly my to a place far enough way so I could quickly send a message but... While I doubted H.K. lied about the leyonic cascade as he always left out information not outright lie about what he does say, I wouldn't put it past him to 'conventionally' fix it while I was gone then slip away. I hated that.

"I wish they would not fight like that..." Silver mumbled as I walked over to where he was resting.

I shrugged in defeat as I sat next to Silver. As much as I wish the same I had long given up breaking them up. It became clear very quickly that both needed it to let off steam and even though it was very rough, even rougher then at the Migration, I never got the impression that either one where truly trying to hurt the other. If anything it seemed to only strengthen the bond of friendship between them. Garble needed friends after what happened to him... I was just tired... Tired of the weight of everything... and the lack of help from the one person who should be helping.

"Don't loss hope Spike."

"That is easier said then done..." I sighed, trying not to look at Silver nor his injuries. It wasn't so bad when they were bandaged but they came off for the last time last night leaving the red scarring tissue out in the open. Why does every dragon worthy to be my friend have to be so scared? Garble by H.K., Silver by those shadow demons and Twixt'd by the streets I would assume...

My thoughts were interrupted by the ground shaking the ground causing me to stumbled onto my back.

"What the hell is going on?" Garble yelped out as he fell forward to be caught by Twixt'd

"I have no idea..." I stammered out as I try to get back on my feet with the continuing shaking.

Fearfully, I couldn't see anything that could be causing the earthquake which I hoped meant it was just a normal earthquake and the mountain finally decided to act like a normal mountain and not because the cascade that H.K. was so worried about was about to happen.

It was then that the one-eyed adult dragon that both Garble and Sliver had called a 'shaman,' who had 'joined' us and H.K. a week back, came rushing out of the library and towards us. All I knew it was he was in cahoots with H.K. especially after Twixt'd pointed out that the dragon was also watching us nearly everytime that H.K. was. If he was coming out of the library like that then it means... Oh, Tartarus no.

"Spike you are to come with me." He ordered as he approached us his wings already flaring out for flight.

"Not happening grandpa." I answered, crossing my arms. Even if it was the worst case senerio I was not leaving without H.K.

I yelped as the shaman attempted to grab me. I was almost caught off guard by how fast he was but I managed to jump back before to the surprise of him I jumped on his closed fist and ran up his arm.

"Go Spike!" Twixt'd laughed out as I somersaulted away from the shaman's other arm.

"Insolent whelping, stay out of this!" The shaman growled out.

I took advantage of Twixt'd distracting the shaman to jump off the back of the shaman and scramble away. I knew with how fast he was in trying to grab me I would have to book it like Rainbow Dash to have a chance. I could alreadying hear him spinning around before I heard a roar of frustration. I glanced back to see that Twixt'd had grabbed one of his wings and was pulling down with all his might.

I yelped as a large explosion knocked me down. I shook myself as I tried to get up, my ears ringing. I nearly lost it when I looked and saw that the explosion had come from the library. As the dust settled I could see H.K. on the ground with Discord floating above him. The look he was giving H.K. was one of murder.

"I'M GOING TO ENJOY KILLING YOU!!!!" Discord roared, rushing after H.K. with comically large balloon hammer that I'm sure only looked harmless.

"H.K.!" I screamed out rushing towards them. As much as I wanted to smack H.K. around I needed him alive, Equestira needed him alive. Why does the fate of the world have to rest of the shoulder of such a cowardly jerk like him!?

"Wait, don't..." The shaman cried out trying to stop me once again, but I slide under and past the shaman claws. I don't know how I could stop Discord before he killed H.K... or worse... but if I didn't do something H.K. would 'die' and use it as cover to run away yet again!

"WHAT DID YOU DO!?" Discord screamed before his hammer slammed into H.K. sending flying into the wall of the building on the other side of the Plaza.

I shivered in fear as I felt the air itself beginning to vibrate. From experience I knew that it could only mean one thing. If we don't get out of here at Rainbow Dash speed chances are we wouldn't... I rushed forward again.

"And you didn't think to contact me!?" Discord growled out as I breathless neared them. I'm so glad for all the sparring I had been doing otherwise I would have never had the stamina to get past the Shaman and rush here.

I gulped as I looked up at H.K. He was bleeding hard from several cuts and one of his eyes had started to swell over and with the way he was hit I suspect he had at least a few broken bones. I don't know how resilient alicorn's where in comparison to most ponies but he looked bad.

"I didn't exactly have time and you are not exactly an easy person to contact!" H.K. snapped before groaning as he slowing got onto his hooves, dust and debris pouring off of him. "But even if I could I wouldn't have told you anything on what I was doing nor where I was going."

"What!?" Discord sputtered out after blinking several times. "This is Hourglass City the final resting place of the once proud Draconequui race and I am their last scion. I deserve to know what is going on!"

I groaned shaking my head. Great, even to the 'Lord of Chaos,' H.K. was an arrogant, manipulative, cowardly slimeball. Though I shouldn't be surprised for if he did it to me his 'brother' how much more would he be with his supposed 'best friend'?

"Have you forgotten why you were stoned?" H.K. countered looking away from Discord. Was that shame I saw? "They shouldn't pay for the crimes of those long since dead..."

I snapped to attention at that. Why Discord was stoned? Crimes? They? I always thought it was because he was causing endless unrest and unhappiness with his powers of chaos. Was Oathbreaker responsible for more then just keeping me away from H.K.? Not that she had much to worry there. H.K. was doing a very good job in pushing me away on his own.

"Are you saying that... that... THEY ARE REPONSIBLE FOR THIS AS WELL!?"

H.K. signed then looked straight at Discord. "Yes."

At first Discord looked like he was blow his top just like Twilight but then after a second he deflated and floated slowly to the ground... I stood there stunned, I had never seen him so small before. It was a shock to see someone that was as nearly as arrogant as H.K. would ever be like that.

"It's not your fault..." H.K. put a hoof on Discord's shoulder.

"But... it was... if I had only..." Discord sniffed out, tears flowing down his face.

"No, " H.K. shook his head as he put down his hoof, "I should have tried... but I was afraid, and I just didn't want to lose you again... I have lost too much already as it is..."

H.K. turned away as he began to cry. A war raged in me on whether it was crocodile tears or genuine tears that were falling.

"What can we do now?" Discord whispered out. "I can feel the imbalance of the ley lines reaching critical and I am no good at this kind of thing."

"What I always do Discord what I have done since the day I found my emblem." H.K. voice faded as his gaze rose to the top of the Spiral Spire. "My purpose."


"Discord do you remember what I said was greatest action one can do for his friends?" H.K. quietly asked, still looking up towards the top of the tower.

"Yes, but..."

"Just do what you can to shield Spike..." H.K. requested as he galloped towards the tower and reaching it, began to climb.

What was he trying to do going up the tower... No. No. No, no no no. Not AGAIN!

"Let me go!" I roared as I struggled to get out of Discord's grip. "H.K.!"

H.K. stopped looked back at me and merely smiled before continuing his steady march up the Spiral Spire.

"Yeowch!" Discord yelped as I bit his paw and ran forward.

I didn't get a step in before I heard a snap and found myself tied up. I scoffed as I looked down to see a rope made from candy wrapped tightly around me. If he thought licorice rope was going to hold he had anoth... Urk... I quickly spat out as much of the candy as I could before I lost it and throw up from the awful taste of the licorice. That cheat! He made sure that the licorice, which I really hope wasn't but strongly suspect was dirty diaper, was so bad that I wouldn't be able to bite it off.

"Let me go!"

"No." Discord responded as he dragged me back towards the shaman and my friends.

"Shaman, I..." Discord began as he tossed me at Garble who caught me and quickly tore through my bindings.

"If you do anything funny you'd better hope that the raw mana gets you before I do."

"Noted..." Discord gulped as he turned back toward the tower, now bright from the funnel of mana crashing down on it like lightening.

I tried to push forward only to be blasted back by the wind that was now blowing at us. With a grit I tired once again, then a third time before before I collapsed in defeat, sobbing. There was nothing I could do and worse I could see that both the Shaman and Discord were struggling against the tide of raw mana that was now arcing around. I had not magic, what chance did I have? WHY MUST I BE SO WEAK!??!!!

...throw me...

"H.K.?" I wondered. I had long since lost sight of him but somehow I could almost hear him calling out but there was no way that I should be able to hear H.K. or anything for that matter over the roar.

...throw me...

Why is he...? I suddenly remembered the last time something like this happened. Back when Twilight and I found H.K. dying in that cave in the Everfree. He had said 'use me' then...

I looked down at the gem that I had been wearing for the past couple of weeks. Could it had been some protective enchantment that activates when H.K. is in peril?

I growled in frustration at that. The only reason I kept the gem as it was the only thing I had that could track down H.K. We just got real lucky that we found H.K. in the way we did, to find that when H.K. left Equestria heading south he stayed in that direction. I remembered that last time this had happened that somehow H.K. survived... So I threw the gem with all my might towards the Spire. I just hope that it won't be the biggest mistake of my life and if H.K. somehow escapes I swear I will find a way to drag him back to Equestria to help. And then...