Fire of the Heart

by Dracoliat

Chapter 2

The next day went by extremely slowly as no visitors came to her except Rainbow Dash who as soon as she entered the room, Fluttershy lowered her head covering her face with her pink mane, to cover her blushing face. Rainbow Dash had just come to check up on her since she had absolutely nothing better to do and after five minutes she left again.

That night she had the same dream as the last. Only this time it was even more intense. Their lips touched and their tongues danced. Her mind no longer fought against it and embraced it allowing all the feelings to fill her. She woke up with tears in her eyes again. She knew her dreams would never come true, but as Rainbow Dash walked in later that day, she couldn't help but blush brightly. This time Rainbow Dash noticed and asked Fluttershy, "Hey what's the matter?"

"It's nothing," Fluttershy said looking Rainbow in her eyes trying to convey her feeling through that contact, Rainbow Dash just looked around for a while and finally saw Fluttershy staring and just stared back completely oblivious. Giving up Fluttershy's eyes dropped to the floor as the doctor came in.

"Well, your two days are up and you are free to go Ms. Fluttershy." Doctor card said cheerfully before adding, "but please don't try blowing out a fire next time, OK?" Fluttershy nodded lightly at the doctor, and got up of the comfortable bed and walked slowly behind Rainbow Dash blushing several times at the remembered dream.

After a few moments they had finally exited the hospital and stood outside. Fluttershy took a deep breath feeling the cool air tickle her throat ever so slightly. It was an amazing day; there wasn't a cloud in sight. "Wow the Pegasus ponies outdid themselves this time," Fluttershy commented as Rainbow Dash stood there deep in thought.

"What, oh yeah I guess so, how about we go to my house? I'm eager to lay on a real cloud." Rainbow dash said to Fluttershy. Fluttershy nodded slightly and Rainbow Dash stretched her wings before with one powerful kick sent herself into the air before flapping her wings and making herself hover there for a few seconds as Fluttershy did similar.

After over two days of not flying Fluttershy's wings felt weak and they took it slowly at first for Fluttershy's sake. Rainbow Dash said nothing along the way and they soon were well above the ground. Fluttershy's eyes flashed over to a upcoming cloud. With a small use of force, they easily flew above it and Rainbow Dash showed of by strutting across its surface before diving of its surface. She fell straight down for about two seconds before she extended her wings fully and soared back into the sky up to Fluttershy. "That was amazing Dash," She said in her cheering voice, which was barely louder then normal.

"Thanks," Rainbow Dash said as she regained altitude she had lost. "Hey once were back at my house, why don't we help you learn some cool new flying tricks Fluttershy?"

"Um, If you want to." she said and then whispered in her softest voice, "I'll do whatever you want me to" It was true; she was in love and nothing could stop it now. The wind was pretty loud up there so Dash did not hear her whispering.

'Why do you love her though?' a voice asked her, that seemed to come from her own mind.

Disturbed by this new contact in her own mind she stopped flapping her wings for a few seconds and started to fall before she recovered. It was her unconscious that seemed to be asking her. She thought to herself 'great now I know I'm going crazy, my mind is talking to me.'

Looking over at Fluttershy fall a bit Rainbow asked concerned, "hey Fluttershy are you sure your OK? Maybe we should turn around and go back to the hospital?"

"No, please, I'm fine; I just saw a... an animal, a pretty animal." Fluttershy said quickly making up an excuse and thought to herself, 'I didn't lie; some might call Rainbow Dash a animal, I mean they both have wings and legs right?' She stopped again and mentally slapped herself for talking to her own mind again.

About twenty minutes later a large cloud was finally in sight. It was magnificent, pools of rainbow's across the pegasus cities and in the background over fifty pegasus ponies could be seen flying about. Rainbow Dash put on some extra speed without even meaning to. She quickly realized what she was doing and slowed considerably; "sorry about that Fluttershy," she said embarrassed slightly.

"Oh, no its fine," Fluttershy replied as she sped up to match Dash's speed, and continued flying towards Rainbow Dash's magnificent house in the clouds.

It was the first time she had touched a cloud since over two months ago. During that time she had almost forgotten how nice and soft the clouds were. She nervously took a step forward afraid she would fall through for some reason, tentatively she took another. Slowly her cautious little step led her to Rainbow Dash's home.

"Your not going to fall, so don't worry," Dash said as she watched Fluttershy take her tiny little steps. "Now how about we get started on those tricks tomorrow, I'm sure your tired from today huh?" Rainbow Dash asked Fluttershy who nodded slightly and followed Rainbow Dash upstairs.

As she walked upstairs she couldn't help but start fantasizing about Rainbow Dash, she imagined that Dash would pull her aside and start kissing her. As they reached the top of the stairs Fluttershy held her breath but nothing out of the ordinary happened; as she had expected. She thought to herself, 'I have no right to fantasize about Dash that way, it will never happen so just stop hoping it will.'

After her quick mental negative pep talk. The shy pegasus hid her head under her pink mane. Her silent hoof-steps, only made more silent by the clouds, cautiously followed Rainbow Dash. A few moments later, without looking, she accidentally bumped into Rainbow Dash's flank causing her to fall forward in surprise. "I'm so sorry Rainbow Dash," Fluttershy said quickly, as her cheeks started blushing deeply.

Getting up, Rainbow Dash just laughed, "don't worry about it Fluttershy, you didn't hurt me. Anyways, here is your room." She opened the door slowly and inside was a single large spacious, white room. It was empty except for a single floating cloud, that dominated the majority of the space in the room. "Good night Fluttershy," Rainbow said as he shut the door softly leaving Fluttershy alone in the bland room. The pink Pegasus walked up to the cloud curiously and sat down on it lightly. She slowly leaned back and laid down on her side. Her entire frame seemed to be enveloped in it's warmth, yet at the same time the warmth was not over powering. She finally fell into a deep slumber.

That night her dream got even more detailed; this time she remembered and felt exactly the feelings she had when Dash was saving her life. Only in the dream it was different. Instead of shying away like she did in real their tongues wrestled over each other to gain access to the others mouth they drew apart every so often to laugh and smile at each other. It was complete and total bliss.

She woke up and at first worried she had died and gone to heaven, as her eyes tried to make sense of the white in front of her eyes. After a few moments she remembered last night, and the cloud she was laying on. Fluttershy laughed slightly at her own sillyness in her soft voice.

Walking downstairs Fluttershy was surprised by the lack of creaking that usually came from her house's hard, wooden, stairs; before she again remembered she was on a cloud.

Fluttershy's face turned a bright cherry red as she came into the living room and saw Rainbow Dash with her flank in the air and her hooves digging around the sofa. Fluttershy walked up next to her and asked, "Why are you doing that?" her voice barely louder then a whisper.

Rainbow Dash said back to Fluttershy, "sorry I lost my breakfast in here this morning and I can't find it." After another moment or two, Rainbow Dash stood up and cracked her back before saying, "OK, there is breakfast on the counter. Once you're done with that meet me out front and I will start your lessons." Rainbow Dash gave a quick smile before she silently walked outside, leaving Fluttershy alone.

As Fluttershy walked up to the counter she saw two uncut, and unpeeled pears laying there. Her lack of cooking skills disturbed Rainbow Dash.

As she ate Fluttershy wondered what Dash meant by 'training' until she remembered her promise a few days ago about the aerial tricks. Butterfly's soon filled her stomach as she imagined herself failing horribly in front of Rainbow Dash. After all, Fluttershy knew next to nothing about aerial acrobatics.

After about a minute Fluttershy slowly poked her head out of Rainbow Dash's house. Her blue eyes scanned the cloudy expanse, they quickly spotted Dash's rainbow mane and tail swaying in the wind as she waved wildly to catch Fluttershy's attention. Smiling slightly at this simple gesture, Fluttershy flew over to Dash. Even though the flight only took a moment it still seemed like an eternity to Fluttershy as every possible worry of failing filled her mind. The pink maned pegasus finally approached Rainbow Dash and Landed lightly on her hooves.

Rainbow Dash smiled and commented, "nice landing Fluttershy, but are you ready to really learn how to fly?"

Nervously Fluttershy's delicate head nodded almost imperceptibly, but it was enough for Rainbow Dash.

"OK, in that case follow me," Rainbow Dash yelled down as she ascended with a powerful kick of her back hooves. She ascended about twenty feet before finally coming to a stop and hovering there for a few seconds before Fluttershy managed to catch up. Rainbod Dash said, without wasting anytime, "OK this first one is pretty simple. It's called the classic barrel roll. You can do it by lowering the wing you want to spin over, then raise the other wing and keep your wings like that. When your ready to stop spinning, level your wings out again and regain your balance, easy right?"

"Ok, I think I get it, maybe" Fluttershy said in her high pitched whisper. Across from her a audible sigh came as Rainbow Dash saw she needed a demonstration.

"Fine, just sit there and watch me," Rainbow Dash said as she started to speed up by flapping her wings faster and faster, after a while she turned, and started back towards Fluttershy. She slowly exaggerated the movement required and went into a quick barrel roll, soon, as she had explained, her her wings leveled out perfectly causing her spin to stop.

"Um, I'm not sure I can do that," Fluttershy whispered as Rainbow Dash stopped in front of her.

"Come on, this is one of the easiest tricks I know," Dash said quickly getting annoyed at Fluttershy's unwillingness. "How about if I coach you through each step mid-flight?" she said caringly.

"Ok, please don't ever leave me," Fluttershy said under her breath.

"What was that Fluttershy?" Rainbow Dash asked concerned.

"Oh, I said Ok," Fluttershy said. Her face flooded with red but she quickly hid it beneath her mane.

"So... ready to go right now?" Dash asked Excitedly.

"Yes," Fluttershy responded in her quiet voice.

Rainbow Dash needed nothing more and started to fly faster. Fluttershy hesitantly also sped up; Rainbow Dash told Fluttershy gently, "Ok now lift your left wing up, and lower your right wing."

Fluttershy's delicate, yellow feathered wing tips pointed up and down respectively as she slowly did a single twist, and then another, and another. She quickly lost control, and ignored Rainbow Dash's instructions on how to get out of the roll. Panicking Fluttershy's wings locked to her side. Her entire body shook as she started to plummet to the ground.

"I'm coming Fluttershy," Rainbow Dash shouted as she dived down after her. After a straight nose dive she caught Fluttershy. Dash's wings opened and started flapping ferociously slowing themselves down as she brought Fluttershy back to the cloud. Before Rainbow Dash asked, "Are you ok Fluttershy?" in a kind caring voice.

"Yes..." Fluttershy responded her voice still shaky from the experience. Her heart was beating as fast as a hummingbirds. Still scared, as soon as she was put on her feet, Fluttershy fell over like a fainting goat.

"Your not much of a stunt pegasus, are you Fluttershy?" Rainbow asked sincerely, as she helped her paralyzed friend to her feet..

"I don't think so," the pink and yellow Pegasus replied to Dash as she regained her balance.

"That really is to bad, I wanted to get a partner who I could trust," Dash said her voice trailing of somewhere.

At this comment Fluttershy's face brightened and saw her chance, "what do you mean with a partner?"

"Oh well since you asked there is a new Competition coming to Cloudsdale in a few weeks and It's only open to dual performances," Rainbow Dash explained excitedly as Fluttershy's face flushed with color again and she hid it not listening to the rest of Rainbow Dash's speech on why she would win this contest to.

'Fluttershy, give it up, she doesn't like you like that,' her mind told her.

'I know but I can't give up, not on something this important,' she replied to her own subconscious. Rainbow Dash called her back from her state.

"Hey, Fluttershy, don't worry about not being my partner, I'll find another," the blue Pegasus said, before she walked back to the house. Leaving Fluttershy standing alone and silent on the training field.

In the distance Celestia could be seen using her magic to lower the sun, and Luna on the other side raising up the stars and the moon. Fluttershy however just sat there looking up at nothing in particular as she thought about what exactly Rainbow Dash had said.

'She needed my help and I failed her,' Fluttershy thought to herself.

The the voice that seemed to come out of nowhere at times popped into Fluttershy's head, 'you know there is a way you could still help Dash. However, it will be hard and long.'

'Please tell me,' she pleaded with the voice in her head.

'You have to practice, not like Rainbow Dash practices, even harder then that, and don't say you aren't capable. You stood up to a fully grown Dragon. If you truly love her you will at least try,' the voice responded much louder then Fluttershy expected.

Fluttershy felt overwhelmed as she realized the daunting task in front of her. What she was thinking was next to impossible, but then again so was her and Dash being together. Maybe if she accomplished the one the other would follow.

Fluttershy's brows started to furrow and her heart started to beat faster and stronger. With one strong kick Fluttershy leaped into the air as she began to train.