Enter the Frostborn

by mattchilly

Crystals meet Frost

Prince Shining Armor and fifty of his best solders trudged through the snowy mountains that are two day’s walk north of the Crystal Empire. Three days ago a group of miners had arrived after abandoning their mining base due to strange noises echoing though out the valley it was based in, the foreman swearing it almost sounded like a battle between two armies. After having his wife Princess Cadence send her aunt Celestia a note with what was happening Shining Armor got his men together and went to investigate despite Cadence’s pleads. He wouldn’t admit it but ever since Queen Chrysalis captured him as a plot to take over Equestria and Lord Tirek easily rendering him powerless he’s been feeling like he doesn’t deserve his rank considering his sister and her friends had to save him and the kingdom both times. (This time I will be the one to figure this out.) He promised himself as the group entered the valley the snow coming down hard but before he could take another step a gruff voice echoed around them.

“HALT! Who are ye and why do ya intrude upon Frostborn lands?”

“What do you mean Frostborn lands? This valley is part of the Crystal Empire!” Shining Armor replied. “It has been for the last thousand years.”

“Bold claims but ye can’t fool us. There are signs that ye ‘ave only been here for three years. Not to mention what folks ye had here fled, and we ain’t ones to let good ore go to waste. Now answer the question before ye test our patience!”

“I am Prince Shining Armor of the Crystal Empire.”

“Can you back up your claims?” A second voice yelled.

“Don’t be daft man. Cant ya see the subtle inlines on his helmet?” The first one countered. “That be a sign of royalty if I ever saw one.”

After Shining said this four shot humanoid figures appeared each one was as tall as Shining himself which surprised him as everyone human or ex-human in the case of some of the Slayers was taller then almost every other Pony he knew the only exceptions being the Princesses Celestia and Luna. Each one also had large beards that went down to their waist but with all the snow billowing around him he couldn’t make out much else about the strangers. “My apologies for the welcome yer Highness.” One said and by the voice Shining knew he was the one who had first called out his the Ponies. “Come along. My second in command and I take ye and yer men to meet the king.” Some of the guards groaned at the prospect of more walking through the snow but they never once thought about abandoning or disobeying Shining Armor.

 “Are you sure we trust these Humans sir?” The Pegasus Flash Sentry asked.

“We’re Dwarfs not Humans.” One of the Dwarfs corrected.

“Oh sorry.” Flash said. “A lot of Humans appeared in this world within the past few years and I just thought…”

“Apology accepted laddy.” The Dwarf said. “It’s true we aren’t from this world but these mountains sing to us in voices even sweeter than our old home. They’re almost begging us to find the ore and treasure buried inside em.”

“What are your names and who is your king?” Flash Sentry asked.

“I’m Kurgan Ironfist the Wyrm-Slayer and this is Grugni Redbeard the Unyielding. Our king’s name is Muradin Bronzebeard but we of the Frostborn clan prefer to use the name we gave him when he joined our clan, Yorg Stormheart.” Kurgan said but one of the Crystal Guards snickered. An angry Kurgan turned to look at the Unicorn guard “You find something amusing laddy?!”

“You got a title for killing worm? What next butterflies?” The guard was now outright laughing with both of the Dwarfs looking ready to kill.

Flash looked at Shining with a silent question in his eyes and when Shining nodded Flash and bashed the laughing guard upside the head. “You dumbass! He said ‘wyrm’ not ‘worm’. Next time pay more attention to what’s happening and less to what you want to do to your mare-friend!”

“Ok you. You I like!” Grugni said with a bark of laughter pointing at Flash.

“For your information laddy a ‘wyrm’ is another kind of dragon, specifically and undead dragon. I got the title for killen fifty Frost-wyrms single handed over the course of a single night to protect a small village while Grugni kept the civilians safe in a cave.” Kurgan said. “And I suggest you keep your mouth shut for now lest you’ll have the wrath of the Ironfist’s aimed at you and your descendants for the rest of time!”

Not only did that shut the guard up but he also moved to the back of the group. Shaking his head Shining said. “I’m sorry for how my guard acted. For this mission I decided to bring a couple rookies so they can get some experience while under the watchful eyes of those who have seen some action. The reason we’re out here is our miners heard strange noises, and the foreman saying it almost sounded like two armies were clashing. Do you have any idea’s what caused it?”

Kurgan nodded. “Aye that be a smart plan, and I hope this be a lesson to all of ye. Never insult a Dwarf for we never forget a grudge. As for what caused it I might have a few ideas. Three days ago some of our scouts were ambushed by Frost Trolls, nothing they couldn’t handle but their battle might have been what scared off your miners.”

“Noted.” Flash said. “We’ll be sure to keep an eye for these Frost Trolls in the future.” The rest of the walk was very quiet with the exception the unicorn who insulted Kurgan apologizing but Kurgan’s only reply was a nod. Shortly after Flash and Shining heard a cacophony of sounds but one sound that was clearer the others, is the clear ring of hammers striking metal. Slowly the snowfall slowed and eventually stopped and everyone could see what Kurgan and Grugni looked like. Both have light blue skin which to the ponies looked like they were suffering from a severe case of frostbite but they guessed this is where the name ‘Frostborn’ came from. Kurgan’s coal black beard was tied into two neat tuffs while Grugni’s dark red beard was tied into a well kept braid.

Both Dwarfs are wearing almost identical dark blue armor made out of some unknown ore with obsidian black leather armor underneath. Kurgan’s armor looked like it was designed to allow him to be quick on his feet without sacrificing and defense and he has a large weapon on his back that looked like a combo of a war hammer and battle axe, with two hand axes tied to his belt, while Grugni had a short sword tied to his belt and a massive shield on his back but he also had turtle shell like shield tied to his arms.

“Welcome to Frosthold, home of the Frostborn clan.” Kurgan said.

“I want everyone but Flash to wait here and get your strength back. Flash you’ll join me while I meet King Yorg.” Shining said.

“Yes sir.” Flash said with a quick salute as the rest of the company sighed in relief. Out of the corner of his eye Flash saw that Kurgan was quietly inspecting the pony’s armor while Grugni was talking to other Dwarfs in a different language one of whom saluted and ran off. Taking the opportunity to look around Flash saw they were at the base of a mountain. Several stone huts dotted the area while with the sounds of hammers on metal coming from fifteen huts grouped together, and about a hundred Dwarfs were working on the mountain side creating what Flash guessed was going to be a large door.

When the messenger returned he said something to Kurgan in their own language before running off again. “Yer lucky, King Yorg is planning to head out soon on a hunt and is in the training fields with some rookies to make sure they’re ready.”

Shining nodded not saying anything as he and Flash fallowed Kurgan. When the three reached the training fields Shining and Flash saw that there were thirteen different groups of two dwarfs sparing with each other. Each one in armor similar to Kurgan but it’s of a far more simple design. Walking between all the different groups is a Dwarf with a long bronze beard which was styled with two long tuffs and between them is a long well groomed beard that almost reached his feet. The armor he wore was unlike every other suit the Dwarfs owned and looked like it had been refitted so he could use it. It was mostly a steel-silver color and the shoulder pads remembered boars while the helmet has large ram horns. In tied to his belt are two maces. On his right looked like it could also be use for smithing but the one on his left is much larger and of a similar fashion as his armor and on his back is a javelin.

“King Yorg this is Prince Shining Armor of the Crystal Empire and one of his knights, Flash Sentry.” Kurgan introduced after a quick bow.

“How many times have I told ye to call me Muradin?” The Dwarven king said with a small shake of his head before looking at Shining Armor.

“Several times but you’ve proven to all of us that you carry the same spirit, so we choose to call you by that name even though you now know who you really are.” Kurgan explained.

Muradin chuckled. “Aye I suppose that be reason enough. Now while I talk with the Prince you’ll be looken after the rookies.” Kurgan nodded and started to walk between the groups, stopping here and there to give some advice before moving on. Muradin turned to Shining Armor and offered a hand.  “Well now that that’s over with we can move on to more important matters. I’m Muradin Bronzebeard, King of the Frostborn. It’s a pleasure to meet ya laddy.”

“Likewise.” Shining Armor said and shook the offered hand.

“…What is that armor made of? It looks more like the kind used for special events and not combat. Heck if I didn’t know better I’d say they were made of gold.” Muradin said as he inspected both Shining’s and Flash’s gear.

“For your information these were made by the best smiths in the Crystal Empire and are a unique fusion of crystals and gold. Each set is also given the best possible enchantments to make them stronger and more resistant.” Shining said.

Muradin’s eyes went wide in shock. “You use armor made out of crystals and the weakest metal on the planet?! Are you daft?! It doesn’t matter how you enchant it, gold is the worst possible choice for armor or weapons! Come with me. We’ll get you set up with some REAL armor and weapons!” Grabbing Shining and Flash by the forelegs Muradin dragged them to the group of huts where the smiths were working. After telling them what happened to two female Dwarfs in the other language the two who Flash and Shining assumed were the ones in charge of the forge looked shocked and for some reason a little offended. Both of the female Dwarfs were wearing identical outfits made from leather. The one on the left wore her grey hair like a Mohawk while the other kept hers in two neat buns.

“These be my Forge Masters. The sisters Midgrend and Midgrund Steelblood.” Muradin introduced first motioning to the dwarf with the Mohawk then the buns.

“Aye and I can’t believe and race would use gold for their tools apart from a little extra flourishes.” Migrend said as a gleam entered her eyes. Shining recognized that gleam from when he was a colt. It was the same one his sister got every time she got a new book, it promised hours of boredom *For him at least, for while he did enjoy a good book every now and then. Shining preferred to spend most of his time training to become a Royal Guard.*

 “Now git that armor off so we can have a look at it!” Migrund said.

“E… excuse me?” Flash gasped.

“How else are we going to know what kind of build you use?” Migrend stated. “We need to know its weight, how thick it is, what kind of enchantments are on it. Everything important so when you go back to yer home you can do it with your heads held high for being the first of your race to have Dwarf made armor.”

“There be about fifty others who are wearing the same kind of gear, but most of em don’t even carry weapons.” Muradin scoffed. “If the need is great enough, I’m sending you two to the Empire to fix the poor state of their armory as a sign of good will and a promise that we’ll help defend the home of our new friends!”

Both of the sisters wooped in joy both were literally shaking with excitement. “We haven’t had a project of this size since helping the Alliance storm the Icecrown!” Shining and Flash looked at each other.

“Permission to bail sir?” Flash asked.

“Denied.” Shining answered.

Muradin laughed. “If these two are scaring you then I’d both hate and love to see what happens if Grungni gets angry around you two! There’s a reason he prefers to fight using shields.”

Once Shining’s and Flash’s armor had been taken by the Forge masters Muradin gave them two simple silver necklaces each adorned with three rubies. “These will help keep ya worm until ye get yer new equipment.”

“Thanks.” Flash said. “but I have a quick question.”

“Aye?” Muradin said.

“How many of the Dwarfs here used to be human? I mean there are a lot of other Displaced in Equestra. I know Shining Armor’s little sister is dating a Demon named Jack who used to be human.” Flash inquired.

Muradin took off his helmet and placed it on a nearby table his hair neatly trimmed. Taking a deep breath Muradin looked at the Ponies. “What I’m about to say is not to be repeated to anyone. Understand?” Flash and Shining nodded. “The only one who used to be Human here is myself. Years ago I was sent to the world known as Azaroth where my soul fused with Muradin’s. Muradin was dyeing ya see. I won’t go into details but when it happened I awoke had a bad amnesia I’d forgotten just about everything. Luckily I didn’t piss of the guardians of time by messing up the timeline, and once the Lich King was defeated my entire clan was taken from our world and placed here.”

“So you were Displaced twice.” Shining said still trying to fully comprehend what Muradin told him.

“Aye.” Muradin agreed stroking his beard. “It’s been so long that I barely even remember who I was before fusing with Muradin, but I don’t really have room to complain. I’ve got the Frostborn after all. In many ways they’ve become my new family.”

Neither Shining or Flash knew out to respond to that until Flash asked. “Where did you get that armor? It’s so different then every other suite we’ve seen since we got here.”

Muradin grinned. “Well while everyone was scrambling to get ready to siege Icecrown, I decided to take a more… direct approached for my preparations. One night I snuck into an enemy strong hold and stole some armor used by the Ymirjar Lord’s which are half-giants who swore their allegiance to the Lich King to gain power. Now I use the armor of my enemies as a symbol of hope.”

Both Shining Armor and Flash Sentry expression went from shock to hearing who and what he stole it from to admiration to what he had made the armor into. “…Damn that’s hard core.” Flash muttered.

“Aye one could call it that.” Muradin agreed. “But enough about me and the Frostborn. Please tell me a little bit about this world and these other Displaced.”