
by BronyAugustus

The visions part 1: coming home

Disoriented by the sudden transition, Button took a second to realize where he was. It seemed odd, until he realized it was his living room. But not quite. It was almost as if every was... Fuzzy. Like he was seeing it through a thin mist.
"Luna, why is everything fuzzy?"
No answer.
He looked around. He couldn't see Luna anywhere.
"Great. Now what's gone wrong."
Luna appeared, as if she had walked through an invisible door. He noticed that she was clear looking, unlike her surroundings.
"Sorry about that. My dear sister insisted on speaking to me immediately."
Deciding not to push the subject, Button re asked his question
"Why is everything fuzzy around the edges?"
"This is a glimpse of how things might turn out. Since it is just a vision, it's not perfectly in focus."
"If you want a more thorough explanation, try asking princess Twilight. I'm sure she'll give you a complete lecture on clairvoyance, though I'd advise you to set aside a few hours before you do."
"Oh." Button quickly decided that he was satisfied with Luna's explanation.
"So, when is this?"
"Tomorrow. In this time line, you have followed through with your plan. You killed yourself several hours ago."
At that moment, Button heard the front door open.
"Button! I'm home!"
His heart skipped a beat. So this was what Luna was going to show him
She came into view. She looked tired, as she always did after work. She sighed and put her saddlebag down.
"Button, come down here! I'm going to need your help making dinner!"
She waited a few moments, and when he didn't respond, she walked towards his room. They followed her.
"Come out here, Button." She was growing worried, and her voice showed it.
She opened his door and smiled, thinking he was asleep.
"Okay, nap time's over. Get up."
She walked up to his bed and nudged him with her hoof.
He didn't move.
She nudged him harder.
Still nothing.
Button's mom started crying
"No... NO! Not my little foal. Why?"
She fell to the floor, crying hysterically.
Luna spoke up. "Let's move on a few minutes."
The scene instantly blurred. Within a second Button found himself back in the living room, Luna by his side. He could see into the kitchen, where his mom and nurse Redheart were talking.
"What happened?" asked his mom.
"It's a little early to tell, but we think it was an overdose on painkillers."
"But why!" His mother sounded like she was on the verge of tears.
"Maybe this will shed some light on this situation." She handed Button's mom a note.
She read it over, and began to cry again.
"It's my fault!"
"No, it's not your fault."
"But it is! Maybe if I had payed more attention to him, or maybe if I had..."
Nurse Redheart cut her off. "Don't start asking yourself the what ifs. You need to hang on here. You did your best. But sometimes that's just not enough."
Button's mom was still sobbing. "I've been being strong for so long. It's been so hard for me to carry on like this. After my husband died, I had to start working again. I've had a hard time at my job. Mr Rich is a good boss, but his wife is so horrible...and...and I've had so little time with Button. I love him, but with all I've had to do, we almost never talk. And he's been so distant lately, it's like I don't know him anymore...or I didn't know him... Oh faust, what I wouldn't give for one last chance to tell him 'I love you.'"
Nurse Redheart hugged her. "I know how you feel. My sister killed herself when I was in college. I always wish I could have a chance to say goodbye."
Luna cleared her throat, catching Button's attention.
"Time for another jump."
The scene blurred once more. The living room now contained several individuals, all dressed in black and talking quietly. Button's mother, wearing a black veil, sat across the coffee table from nurse Redheart. The two were talking.
"So, Mrs. Mash, how are you feeling?"
"I wish I could say I feel better. It still hurts a lot. I wish I could have a chance to actually say goodbye." She began to cry.
"That's it, Let it out. It's better than holding it in."
"I'll never see him smile again, never see him bounce with joy at the sight of a new game." She smiled a weak smile. "I remember the first multi player system we got him. He and his dad would play on that thing for hours. He even slept on the couch one night when he fell asleep in here. And they both did everything together."
Nurse Redheart laughed. "They sound a lot like my sister and my dad. I was always closer to mom, but she was always closer to dad. They did almost everything together."
Button's mom frowned, and put her head in her hooves, on the edge of tears. "Oh faust, why did I have to lose both of them, and so close together. I feel like don't have anypony else left. I've lost so much."
"No, you have plenty of ponies that care about you. Just look around. Everypony in this room cares very much about you."
"I know. I just feel so hopeless."
The scene froze. Luna turned to Button.
"What do you think now?"
Button had tears in his eyes, but he answered "She's hurt, but she'll recover. She's already got a good friend with whom she can sympathize. She'll get better after a while."
Luna sighed. He was fighting it. She remembered when she was suicidal. She was so sure it was her only option, she shut out all reasoning that tried to dissuade her. She would have to work harder if she was going to save him.
She cast a spell, creating a door resembling the front door of sugar cube corner.
"Are you ready for the next vision?"
Button nodded.
"Then let's go."