Fires of Friendship and Ice of Hatred

by Super Ponyman

Chapter 3: Fire vs Ice, Round 1!

(Twilight's Castle, Twilight's Room)

Queen Twilight and King Dawn "Burning" Star slept together in their bed, they were exhausted from heading to the Crystal Empire and picking up their kids, Ash Mane and Star Tail.

Star Tail had become just like her mother, a bookworm with an obsession with gaining knowledge. But she wasn't afraid to get her hooves dirty in a fight, usually with her brother.

Ash Mane took after his father, being smug, powerful, charismatic, and proud of it. His most interesting development was his ability to harness Dark Magic, which had turned his mane and tail gray, which didn't match his navy blue fur.

Both were equally mischievous, such as turning a 10 pound weight into a 1000 pound weight, which ended up smashing through the floor of the crystal palace. Flurry Heart dared them to flex their powers, and they did.

She didn't know how much power the twins had!

But now, Burning Star was laying in the bed beside Twilight, having a very odd dream.

(Burning Star's Dream)

The Fire Alicorn woke up in the middle of a forest clearing. It was very peaceful, he heard birds chirping and saw squirrels running around a Odd looking tree nearby.

The tree was colored White, and had yellow and red leaves, some sort of golden sap was oozing out of a crack in the wood.

Burning Star approached the tree and looked closer, the branches resembled antlers of some kind. The roots had a vague resemblance to legs.

Burning Star knew exactly who this was, and he sighed.

He said in a tired voice, "I know you are there, come on out."

Suddenly, the tree began glowing a bright white, the black Alicorn had to shield his eyes from it.

When the light died down, a ghost white elk stood in front of him. It was much, much taller than Burning Star.

He said to it, "Well this is an unexpected visit."

The white elk bowed its head and said in an echoing voice, "Greetings Alicorn of Fire, it has been a long time."

Burning Star rolled his eyes, "For you, Spirit, Not really. It's been twenty years. That's a blink of an eye for you."

The white elk smiled, "I see your wit has not left you, old friend." I am The Spirit of the White Tail Woods, I am White Tail. And I have been watching Equestria for tens of thousands of years."

Burning Star cleared his throat, "Yeah, Yeah, you've told me this before White Tail. So what do I hold the privilege of seeing you again?"

White Tail was not amused, and said "I am here on a serious issue, Alicorn of Fire. An ancient evil has resurfaced in Equestria, it threatens life itself."

Burning Star shrugged and said, "So there is a problem how? I've dealt with foes like that before, White Tail. besides, who could it be anyways that has spooked you?"

White Tail answered, and Burning Star went pale. "The Windigos."

Burning Star backed up, before saying "T-T-the Windigos? As in, the Icy Demons that nearly destroyed Equestria with an endless winter? Those Windigos?"

The spirit nodded, saying "Yes, they threaten the balance of life and death as we know it, their queen is ambitious and is willing to invade Equestria, once winter arrives. The one time of year when my powers are useless."

Burning Star sighed, knowing what could happen if he did not handle this situation with extreme care he could start something he wanted to avoid.

A World War.

Not like the war against Daybreaker and King Sombra, that was minuscule compared to what a war with a race which was pretty much indestructible thanks to being created from ice and snow.

Hundreds of thousands of lives would be lost. And millions would be homeless, both from his army and theirs...

White Tail sensed the pressure Burning Star was under, and it felt sorry that somepony so powerful had so little immediate options. It wanted to calm him somehow,

But how?

The White Tail Spirit put one of its ghostly hooves on Burning Star's horn, and the black Alicorn saw a vision of his him and his family during his childhood.

He watched from an outsider perspective him being reformed by Twilight Sparkle.

He saw how he had the strength to stare down the Shadow King Sombra, and not falter at all...

White Tail asked him, "Such wonderful friends and family, Alicorn of Fire. Why do you suppress these feelings and hide behind your facade of charisma and intellect?"

Burning Star was in tears, he had meant to hide these memories away. He turned towards White Tail, now in tears of frustration.

"Because I don't want to lose them... I can't get attached to anypony, not even my own family."

White Tail shed a single tear, "Do not push them away, they love you. And you hate yourself for loving them back because your so afraid to lose them... you are strong, Alicorn of Fire. But, now you must have faith in the ponies around you. For they will be the ones who will grant you powers to surpass the gods..."

Burning Star nodded, wiping away his tears and saying, "Thank you for showing me this, old friend. I know what I've got to do now..."

White Tail disappeared with a gust of a warm breeze, "Goodbye, Burning Star."

Burning Star woke up with a start, it was still dark out.

He looked over to Twilight Sparkle and thought to himself, "Have faith in the ponies around you...

With that, he quietly got out of bed, wrote a note, and attached it to the desk.

Then opened the window and flew out towards the north.

(The Ponyville Express Destination: Frostveil the northernmost settlement in the Frozen North)

Frostveil, a small village on the edge of the deep tundras and ice floes near the North Pole of Equestria, buildings creaked and cracked as a harsh cold wind whipped the sides of the houses.

An everyday pony would freeze to death in the subzero temperatures, usually an average of almost -10 to -30 degrees Fahrenheit.

Good thing for Burning Star he wasn't an everyday pony.

He was the Alicorn of Fire, and the cold never bothered him. He simply raised the temperature of the air around him and walked through the snowy streets with ease.

He opened the door to the local tavern and stepped in, he lit the fireplace with blue fire and sat down at a barstool.

Burning Star looked around, seeing a large group of blue and white ponies were gathered around the largest table, eyeing him as he walked to the bar.

Something was wrong...

He needed to know if his suspicions about the Windigos were right...

So, He asked the bartender, a grayish-brown earth pony with a black mane "Hey, Barkeep. Can you make a Crimson Firestorm Tequila?"

The barkeep bent over the bar and began to pour the ingredients for his drink, he had a way to tell if those ponies were who he thought they were.

As soon as the bartender finished mixing and pouring his drink, Burning Star tossed about 150 bits on the table, knowing full well what was going to happen next.

Burning Star approached the table where the group of blue and white ponies sat and asked, "Is this seat taken?"

One of them grumbled out, "No."

So, Burning Star sat down and began to talk with them, "I'm guessing your thinking I'm not from around here and I don't know anything about your culture, huh?"

One of the ponies, a Pegasus, growled out, "Why are you drinking that drink? Don't you know that drink is incredibly hot?"

Burning Star nodded, "Yeah. I'm heading out into the deep tundras for research on a ancient species of monsters called Windigos. Since you live up near their old territory, I was hoping you could fill me in on them? Some ponies have reported sightings of them, but they went extinct thousands of years ago, so I'm not so sure these sightings were true. What do you all think?"

An ice blue earth pony responded, "If the Windigos are back, then they will reclaim Equestria, no pony can defeat them for good, as they can regenerate their icy bodies. They only had one weakness... Intense Heat."

Burning Star smirked, "I'm surprised that you know so much about them, it's almost as if you have met with them personally, or the other possibly... You are one."

Burning Star lifted his drink, "There is only one way to find out."

With blinding speed, Burning Star tossed the contents of his glass at the Earth Pony, causing him to rear back in pain as his Windigo form was revealed.

The Alicorn of Fire slammed on his side of the table, sending the other six ponies, who revealed themselves as Windigos as well, flying towards the wall. The bartender ducked, knowing that this won't end well.

The Windigo Burning Star tossed his drink on lunged at him, and was immediately shot with a blast of fire, melting and evaporating him into nothingness.

The other six proceded to fire beams of icy energy at Burning Star, which were immediately blocked by an advancing wave of fire that destroyed the other six ice monsters.

Burning Star took a breath and ran outside and watched the bar burn down, but the barkeep followed him out.

The barkeep transformed into his Windigo form, it was Frost Soul!

He said in his snake-like voice, "Impressive, Alicorn. It's not every day that you can kill a Windigo, let alone 7 of them."

Burning Star turned around and narrowed his eyes, "So I'm guessing your the big boss, huh?"

Frost Soul smiled evilly, "Yes I am. I am Frost Soul, Champion of the Windigos, and your killer... Alicorn of Fire!"

Burning Star had no time to react as Frost Soul shot a sharp Icicle through his front right leg, causing Burning Star to scream in pain.

Frost Soul blasted a bright white freezing laser at the Alicorn, hoping to freeze him solid and shatter him to bits.

Burning Star saw the beam charging and began to charge his own beam of fire.

Both combatants fired their attacks and the two engaged in a Beam clash.

It was the classic showdown

Fire vs Ice...

Good vs Evil....

Burning Star vs Frost Soul!

Burning Star flung a ball of electricity through his beam, breaking the clash and letting him rush Frost Soul and tackle him to the ground.

Frost Soul escaped the pin by Turing into Icy mist, barely avoiding Burning Star igniting his mane and tail.

Frost Soul Attacked from the air with a blast of blue lightning, his opponent countered with a blast of red lightning, the two bolts clashed and fizzled out.

Burning Star pried the icicle out of his leg and cauterized his own wound, then said to Frost Soul "Sorry Snowflake, but I'm in a rush here. I've got to go see your queen, and I won't let somepony like you stall me any longer."

Frost Soul spat back, venom in his voice. "I will not let my queen embarrass herself just to humor you, Alicorn of Fire!"

Burning Star smirked and caused a column of fire to engulf him, when the fire disappeared, he was gone!

Frost Soul looked around, using his natural night vision to scan the area, he couldn't see anything.

Suddenly, Burning Star roared down from above him and slammed into him covered in fire, engulfing the Windigo in his red hot flames.

Frost Soul screeched as he felt the flames begin to melt his body, he was forced to turn into mist and fly away.

"This is not over, Alicorn of Fire!" He said, flying away with smoke trailing him, a result of his burned and charred skin.

Burning Star looked up and saw the smoke trail Frost Soul left, he purposely let him go to follow the smoke right to this Windigo Queen's home.

He said to himself, "That's right, take me to your leader, pal."