//------------------------------// // a three way negotiation // Story: Twilight: The Dragon Sorceress (Old story) // by ExoDemonG //------------------------------// “So… Cadenza-” “Call me Cadence, it’s better.” the pink alicorn told me as we ran through the tunnels. Sunset used her magic to lead us as we did. “Alright, Cadence what happened to you? How did you get captured?” I asked. “To give you the short version I was simply walking to my bedroom until I saw… myself then I was knocked out. Then I ended up here.” she explained me. I glanced over at her for a moment before my brain tried to processes this. “Wait, why would anypony try to take your place? Money? Power? In your position they could do… anything.” I said to her. “It’s love.” Cadence said. Sunset skidded to a stopped, making the two of us do that same. I had to use my wings to slow my stop so I didn’t run into a wall. “Hold on, all of this, the cloak and dagger scheming, the messing of me, everything just for love?!” Sunset asked. “Yes, you see Sunset the imposter is really a Changeling.” she said which made me snort. The two looked at me. “What? I heard of Changewings and they don’t go after love… more like...small boars and such.” I explained. “No no, not… uhh, Changewings, ChangeLINGS, they are an insectoid race that can change into anypony they want as long as they saw them before.” Cadence explained. I blinked at this, muttering over the names. Changewings, Changelings, wings, lings… “Okay, I still don’t understand. Why Love?” Sunset asked. “Well, in short love is their source of food. Changelings feed on love. Without it, they will slowly and surely die off.” Cadence explained more. “And what better way to get it by taking the spot of the Alicorn of Love.” As she was explaining everything I thought back to my talk with Princess Luna, the fact that some patrols seemed off, the way they move and incense with each other. “I don’t think it’s just the imposter, I think it’s most of the guards here.” I told them. Cadences eyes widen at them. “If that’s so...then there’s a whole army of Changelings in the city!” she proclaimed. Sunset had the same look worry and fear as Cadence while I just thought about it. “Wait, if they just want love why can’t they-” “We have to stop her!” Sunset yelled as she and Cadence ran off through the tunnel, leaving me there. “Just… talk… ugh.” I groaned as I followed them. After many twists and turns, we finally made it out of the caves. That was the good news, the bad news was we’re outside of Canterlot. More good news we're we’re inside the dome, more bad news was that just about. The dome’s wall was right on the mouth of the cave, making getting out a pain. “I think I can squeeze through…” Sunset said, looking at the corners of the entrance. As she did that I looked to Cadence. “Can’t we just teleport out?” I asked. “Do you think I would’ve done that in the first place? Due to the certain type of crystals here the magic to teleport out is little to impossible.” she explained. I looked at the wall and saw the part that could work for my idea. “You two stand back!” I ordered. When they did I charged my magic and fired a beam the tunnel out of the cave. After a good five minutes I stopped and a hole big enough to let both Cadence and Sunset out, I was still too big to fit. “You two go stop the imposter, I’ll catch up.” With a nod, they climbed out of the cave. A tale-tell sound of a teleport meant they were gone. I took a deep breath as I charged my magic again and blasted my way through. It took another five to ten minutes until I made a hole big enough for me to fit through. “Sometimes I hate being half dragon…” I muttered to myself as I climbed out. Now outside I quickly summoned a quill and paper and began to write. “Uncle come quick, a large attack on Canterlot is happening here,” I stopped as I thought about it. “Don’t bring the whole army, going to try to stop it here. Will send a message with more info.” I wrote. With that done I took a deep breath and breathe out flames. I watched at my magical flames took the message to my uncle before flapping my wings and flew towards Canterlot. As I flew I looked around at Canterlot and saw a familiar sight; Amber flying. “Amber!” She heard me and felt towards me, “Twilight! Where were you?! We’ve been looking for you all day!” “We?” I asked her before looking down to see the two Dragoons on the streets. I smiled at this as the two of us flew down to the two. “Archmage! You’re okay!” Tessith said worriedly. “Yeah, you disappeared all day, wherein Bahamut where you?!” Derolth asked me. “I’m fine, we have more important issues to take care of.” I told them. “What do you mean?” Amber asked. “Right now Princess Candaza isn’t really here, she’s something called Changeling, a being that’s able to change their appearance at will.” I explained. “Like a Changewing?” Tessith asked. I nodded. “Yes, but instead of the environment it’s other ponies, right now Sunset and the real Candaza are going there to put a stop to it and-” Before I could finish the dome around the city shimmered and started to dissipate. Soon screams and yelling were filling the streets as a wave of buzzing black covered the sky. “Their attacking!” I looked at Amber. “We need to get to the palace!” “What?! Why do we have to go there!” Amber shouted over the buzzing. The dragoons pulled out their weapons to fight. “Because they are doing this to get love, they feed on it and it’s the only thing that keeps them alive. You have to stop it!” I told her. Amber stared at me as if I was crazy, and fear. “But… what can I do?! All I do is fly around and just be… me!” Amber shouted. I pulled her head down to mine and looked into her eyes. “You’re Amber! The Princess of the Dragon Empire! You also have a hard head and a loud voice, sometimes you just need to be like this! You are the only one that can stop a future war between Pony, Dragon, and Changelings!” I told her. She stared at me for a good minute, fear and uncertainty. “You… you think I could do it?” she asked me. I gave her a warm smile. “Of course I do, we all do.” I told her, letting her head go. She straightened her head and looked at the two Dragoons. “I believe you can do it, Princess.” Tessith answered with a nod as she held both her swords. “Heck yeah! If anyone can it’ll be you!” Derolth also answered as he held his great ax. Looking back at me I simply nodded at Amber. Her expression turned from fear to determination as she looked forward. “Let’s go.” she said firmly. The four of us soon started running through the streets, we would’ve fly but the dragoons can’t fly. As we ran we came to a stop as we saw, what I guess are changelings. They had black, furless bodies with a dark blue carapace on top. Transparent wings buzzed over the carapace as their legs had holes through them. Instead of manes they had fin-like spins down their heads with fangs coming out of their mouths. Their eyes were simply a solid blue colour with a curved horn on top of their heads. When they saw us they let out a loud hissing sound towards us. The Dragoons stood in front of us with their weapons at the ready but Amber stormed past them. “Princess wait!” Derolth yelled at her. She ignored him as she took a deep breath and let out a loud roar. The whole place shook at the sheer strength of it and shutting the Changelings up. When she finished the Changelings simply stood there before turning into clouds as they ran off. “Uhh, never mind.” The four of us continued on forward until we came to the palace. The whole place was a battle ground, pony and Changeling were fighting one another as I looked up, seeing more fighting in the sky. “We need to get up there!” I yelled at them. I heard a grunt from Derolth as he stopped a Changeling charged at him. “You two go! We’ll hold the bugs here!” he yelled as he blew fire on his ax. The flames wrapped around it and simply kept burning. “Go Archmage, Princess, if this plan works it will be a short fight.” Tessith said as lightning seemed to be sparking off her swords. “Say, what if one of these bugs changed into one of us?” Derolth asked. “I’ll punch any that look like you.” Tessith answered. “What if it’s me?” “I’ll still punch you, in the face.” Tessith answered again. Derolth blinked a few times before shrugging. I looked over to Amber and nodded. “Let’s go.” I said to her as the two of us took flight. The two of us had to dodge and weave through the air battles until a few of the Changelings flew in front of us. I took a deep breath and let out a torrent of purple flames. This made the bugs flew away from us. Amber had the same idea as she did the same, her reddish-orange fire with my purple. The two of us continued as she made our way up to my room… and broke the balcony door. “Did you have to fly into it?!” I yelled at her. She shook off the shards and glared at me. “No time lets move!” she ordered. I rolled my eyes and the two of us ran towards the throne room. We ran as fast as we can, we didn’t run into anymore Changelings, guess they were all outside fighting, as we turned to the hallway with the doors of the throne room ajar. Amber wasted no time as she charged through the doors and let out another roar. As it was going on I saw Sunset and her friends trapped in some sort of green goop along with a few other Changelings next to what looked cocoons of the guards and some wedding guests. At the far end was a cocooned Celestia while a taller Changeling stood in front of her. Like the other Changelings, she had a black furless body with a greenish blue carapace on top. Her wings were the same, be it a bit bigger. She had a dark solid dark blue mane and tail with antenna that looked like a crown on her head. Her eyes were slitted green eyes as a wicked horn over them. She hissed at us as Amber finished her roar, which turned into a laugh. “Well well well, it seems you dragons can’t seem to leave things alone.” she said, her voice simply dripped with acid as Amber growled. “Stop this right now you… you… wait, who are you?” Amber asked. I face hoofed at this. “And you were doing so well…” I groaned. The Changeling hissed at us. “My name, and I’ll say it slowly so your tiny dragon brains can get it, is Chrysalis.” she said slowly, which made me frown. “And you two dragons are a pain.” She walked around a bit where I saw Cadence and Shining Armor away from each other. Shining seemed to be out of it as there was a greenish glow in his eyes. He was being mind controlled, after what I learned last night that just ticked me off. “Everything was going perfectly, I was simply going to marry this stallion and gain a steady flow of love I needed for my hive and that was it, oh sure Cadenza over there would have simply disappeared in the tunnels under Canterlot but it was a small price to pay.” she explained. “What price you… witch!” Cadence yelled. Chrysalis snarled as she zoomed over to her, making her yelp. “Well, if you want to ask, a price to pay to save my hive!” she said. Amber looked over at me. “Save her hive?” she asked me. I shrugged as the Changeling queen flew back to the Cocoon. “Do you know how hard is it to get love out in the Badlands, yet over here there’s enough love to feed three hives over! Yet you squander it, sure I sent some of my drones out to gather the love but it would take days, weeks for them to return. Some don’t even come back at all!” Chrysalis snapped at Celestia. “My hive is on the brink of starvation yet you… so sit on your throne and do nothing.” “Then why didn’t you come and ask for help!?” I called out. “What!” I heard Rainbow yell out. “Why should we? She’s some sort of… bug!” “Not helping.” I muttered to myself. “See, right there! Ponies don’t care about anyone else other than themselves! If they can’t give us the love, then we’ll just take it from them!” Chrysalis said. “But no… you dragons came and ruin everything! I was close, so close to getting everything! I won’t let this slip through my-” Before she could finish Amber bolted forward, slamming the Changeling into a wall with her head in her claw. I flew over as Amber spoke. “Now listen here Chrysalis, like Changelings Dragons get a bad rap for being mean and greedy, but as you can see me and my friends are trying to change that. Today, we all can get what we want if we stop and talk about this.” “Why! They’re not going to do anything! And why do I have to listen to you!?” Chrysalis asked angrily. Amber leaned in and growled. “If you don’t I’ll fry your insides and turn your hive into an all eat buffet for the Dragon Empire.” she threatened. Silence filled the room we were in. My eyes darted back and forth between the two until Chrysalis sighed. “Fine…” her horn lit up and I heard a loud buzzing sound from outside. “I told my hive to back off for the moment.” Amber seemed to calm down as she let her go. The Changeling Queen took a few wobbly steps towards the cocoon and simply opened it, letting the Princess out. She then turned to me. “I guess we’ll need a quiet place to talk, luckily I know a place. I’ll meet you all there.” With that, she walked out of the room. I ran over to the others and used my magic to free them. “Thanks for this.” Sunset said. “No… problem… hold on.” I said as I got the rest of them out. “Ewww~ this weird goop is messing up my fur and…” Rarity took a good look at the goop and tilted her head. “You know, I could use this colour as a dress.” “Really Rars, Really.” Applejack deadpanned. The rest of them shook off the goop as Amber walked over to us. “This is step one, now for the negotiations.” she said as Celestia walked over to us. “Yes… I believe so, I heard of Changelings before and… I had dealings with them before. We don’t have a good history.” she explained. “I thought I was doing the right thing but…” “Okay, stop.” I said to her. “You laughed a bit when we met you, did other things that destroyed my image of you, now you beating yourself up about this is going to make my head exploded.” She stared at me before chuckling, ugh, she stood up straight again and nodded. “I’ll… go find Chrysalis.” With that, she started to head out with Sunset following her. I looked over at Cadence as she was trying to snap Shining Armor out of it. I walked over to them “Shiny? Come on Shiny wake up, it’s me, Caddy!” Cadence said to her soon to be husband. He simply stared off into space. Her ears flatten on top of her head as I got there. “Let me.” I told her as I lit my horn and freed him from the goop, along with dispelling the mind control. He blinked a few times and groaned. “What… what happened?” he asked before Cadence hugged him. “Caddy? You… you look terrible.” “You too Shining, you too.” Cadence said. Shining looked around until he looked at me. “Twilight? What are you…” “No time, right now Amber, Princess Celestia, Sunset and the Changeling Queen are going to talk things out. I need to go to help Amber do this, her confidence can go so far and she needs me there.” I told him. “Wait, shouldn’t I be there too? Also Aunty Luna?” Cadence asked. “No, you’re needed here to help Shining Armor.” I told her, earning an odd look from both of them. “But, I’m fine. Why should she-” “Because as it turns out I’m your long lost sister that was fillynapped all those years ago and yes it’s pretty shocking and we’ll talk more after everything is done.” I told them before turning around, leaving the shocked couple and heading out to find the others. The room just had a table and a few chairs in it, each filled with me, Sunset, Princess Celestia, Chrysalis, and an unknown Changeling. Amber was simply laying on the floor as she was too big to sit in the chairs. The Unknown Changeling looked a lot like Chrysalis only with an ember coloured mane and eyes. She was also smaller than Chrysalis and slender. “Umm, who are you?” I asked her. She looked over at me and blinked. “Ril, nice to meet you.” she answered with a smile. It was… odd, seeing her smile. “Quite Ril.” Chrysalis said. “Sorry mother.” Ril answer, wait mother?! “Now, if you all don’t mind I want to get this over with.” Chrysalis said, glaring at Celestia. “And hope that things don’t go over like they did with my past family.” Celestia winced a bit before composing herself as I cleared my throat. “As we all know, today is the day of Princess Cadenza’s wedding with Captain of the Royal Guard Shining Armor, but it seems to take Cadenza away and replaced her to marry Shining Armor.” “Yes, and as I said I can get a steady stream of Love to my hive, bringing it back from the brink of starvation.” Chrysalis hissed at me. Ril seemed to tap her hoof on her mother's leg, Chrysalis seemed to calm down a bit before looking to Celestia. “And yet, you and your family did nothing to help!” “Chrysalis, I know what happened in the past with my family, and for that, I can’t say on the actions of them and-” Chrysalis slammed her hood on the table. “No! You all don’t care about us Changelings! You talk about harmony this and harmony that, but really you’re all are as greedy as dragons! No Worse than Dragons!” she snapped at Celestia. Celestia reared back at the outburst. Sunset looked at her with worry as Celestia seemed to hang her head, her mane seemed to dim a bit. “Hey, what’s going on with her?” Amber asked me. “I...don’t know. I guess she feels, guilty for what Chrysalis is saying.” I told her. “Mother, please.” Ril said. Chrysalis looked at her before taking a breath. She seemed to be calm now but still held an angry glare at the Solar Alicorn. I saw some anger come from Sunset, her eyes darken at the Changelings as Amber cleared her throat. “I understand that there’s some tension between us but right now we need to leave what happens in the past in the past.” Amber said, looking over at me. I nodded for her to continue. “So, as we all know I was sent here by my father to arrange a treaty with Equestria, but it seems that this treaty is going to extend to the Changelings as well.” “Wait, you're serious!” Sunset said, wide-eyed at Amber who simply nodded. “As they said they’re about to go into starvation and-” “But they attacked Canterlot! Took maybe ponies hostages for being sucked dry like… Vampire ponies!” Sunset retorted. “What would you want us to do, starve to death you worm!” Chrysalis snapped at her. “Oh you’re one to talk, you’re just a giant bug!” Sunset retorted. The two yelled at each other as Ril tried to calm her mother down as Celestia was too out of it, she seems to not know what to do. I knew the look she had as the one of guilt, probably guilty of what was going on to Chrysalis’ hive. “Ugh, I don’t know how my father does this.” Amber said, rubbing her head. “Chrysalis wants to save her hive while Celestia wants to keep her subjects save.” I nodded and opened my mouth until I thought of something. They both want the same thing. I saw Amber seemed to get the same idea as she looked at me. “Are thinking what I’m thinking?” “Yeah… it’s kinda scary.” I said. “Yeah, let’s not do this again.” she said before looking at the others and frowns. “You three shut up!” With a loud voice, the three stopped yelling and looked at Amber. “Okay, I tried to my like my father but it’s not doing it for me so I’m going to do this my way, very blunt.” she turned to Chrysalis and Celestia. “Your family's clashed before, you tried to negotiate but didn’t work, well forget what happened back then since their now dead and you two are here.” The two of them frowned at her and Amber bit her lip. I took this time to speak up. “As what Princess Amber is saying is that yes, there was clashing but right now their not here, you two are and right now, in this room, we can make history.” “Why, how can I be sure that these ponies can keep their side of the bargain?” Chrysalis asked. I looked over at Sunset and Celestia and back at Chrysalis. “Because Dragons are big, mean, greedy monsters.” I said. “Over many moons ago, the Dragon Empire and Equestria had their borders closed between each other, yet wild dragons ransacked the place and painted the other dragons as such. But I know for certain that a small, purple Earth dragon lives with a Unicorn right now and so far he’s happy.” “Do you mean Spike?” Sunset asked. I nodded which made her smile a little. “Yeah… it took a little getting used to and convincing but… Spike’s the closest friend I’ve ever had.” “See, with a little time anyone can get along.” I said to them. “Sure it will take some time but if you all tried the Changelings hive could co-exist with Ponies.” Ril looked at her mother and whisper something to her ear. Chrysalis looked off to the side and whisper something back before speaking to us. “My Daughter told me that you ponies are… a forgiving race… but how can I be so sure? What if this friendship is only a farce and you all will turn your backs on us.” she asked. Celestia, who hasn’t said anything so far, looked up at her. “They won’t, I won’t.” she said with a sad look. “Chrysalis, I’m sorry.” “What?” Chrysalis asked. “You heard me, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for not seeing you and your hive in danger, I’m sorry for not helping where I could of, and I’m sorry for my family aggression towards you and your family.” she continues. Chrysalis looked at her with wide eyes before looking around at all of us. “I can attest to the forgiving part.” Sunset said, shrinking a bit. “I… a few years ago I got into some bad stuff. So bad that Princess Celestia should have banished me, or lock me in prison for life. But she didn’t, she gave me a second chance.” Celestia pulled Sunset over and gave her a hug, putting a smile on Amber's face. We all turned to Chrysalis as she looked at us all before sighing. We then saw her… tired, more so than before. “Mother?” Ril asked, looking worried. “I’m… tired.” Chrysalis said. She looked up at Celestia and stared at her. “I believe… that we should put our issues in the past. For now, I’m going to draw my hive back to some forests and mountains. We’ll talk more after some time.” “Of course and Chrysalis.” Celestia said, smiling again. “I do hope we can come to an agreement.” “We shall see.” Chrysalis said before standing up. “Do enjoy the wedding, those two are meant for each other. After all the… cutesy talk, I was tempted to abandon my mission.” With that both Chrysalis and Ril walked out of the room, leaving the rest of us in the room. Celestia sighed as she slouches in her seat. “I think… we all should push everything back.” “Yeah, I feel like I ran a marathon.” Sunset said. Celestia looked over at me and Amber and smiled. “I think the whole treaty between Equestria and the Dragon Empire is solidified after this… in truth I wished for better circumstances but, as the others say it, beggars can’t be choosers.” Celestia said. “You uh, bounce back pretty quickly after that.” Amber said. “When you live for as long as I am, you’ll bounce back from anything.” Celestia said. Sunset stood beside her and smiled. “Thank you two, if it weren't for you two I wouldn’t know what will happen.” Sunset said. “Eh, not a problem.” Amber said with a sigh. Celestia chuckled at this. “So… what’s going to happen with the wedding?” I asked her. “We’ll move it to next week. I think we all need a week to relax.” she said as she opens the door. Shining was standing right outside with Cadence. “You’re my sister?!?!” he yelled. I groaned at this. “This is going to be a long night.”