//------------------------------// // 21: Division // Story: Seesaw // by MintLynx //------------------------------// As the sun began to set, shadows cast long over the urban spill below the city of Canterlot. 5:18 pm, with the city at its quietest as the day life transitioned into the nightlife. Owl would get glimpses of a daily life he hardly saw as it slowly shifted into the coming nightlife he knew and lived. Alongside Night Vision and Kevlar he would be blending in with the crowds, the looming eye of security cameras threatening to spot them and give them away hanging over like a stormcloud. Unlike a stormcloud, those cameras could hopefully be tampered with by Anomaly to keep them from spotting the three. The three would eventually wait at a place known as a bus stop, as Kevlar purchased them some tickets for one of the large autocarriages built to carry many ponies from one place to another. Though they were capable of flight, with similar reason to I&I's common use of InterCity trains as opposed to receiving police transport through a DF-80, they had to move along discretely and unseen. Rolling up to the stop was a large and long autocarriage that was segmented into two pieces, allowing it to more easily be shuffled around turns and traffic as it pulled into the stop. Stepping in they would be directed to their seat number through their wrist devices. Multiple two seat rows would be presented to them, the interior of the large vehicle lit up by interior fluorescent tubes contained behind glass on the ceiling. Most occupants were listening to music or watching videos and shows once played on cable television many decades ago, the interior was still quiet thanks to the Wrist Computer's audio-telepathy tech. Taking a seat the three bats would wait as the Bus rolled through the streets, most Autocarriages directed by the CCS to move out of the way. Going through multiple stops, letting ponies enter and leave, the Bus would eventually head into the spiral. The link for Autocarriages between Canterlot's various levels, it would be a combination of tunnels and curved bridges which spiraled around the mountain. Various points would give autocarriages access to the spiral from each level, both to enter and leave, and the Bus would go to the lowest level first to make its stop on that level. Keeping patient the three would wait for it to make its rounds on each level, though some apprehension was mounting. They were at least comforted by the fact that they may have managed to slip out of Everfree City without them knowing. Eventually, the Bus would make its stop at the top level, and the bats would step out. The two would make their flight the Royal Lunar Guard Headquarters, knowing they would likely be seen by the cameras on the front. That would not be their primary objective. as they would instead be heading towards the Castle itself. Looking to Owl, Kevlar would say "Alright, this could get hairy. We need to try to talk some sense into the Princesses and harmony council." Owl would reply "I don't think they will let us in..." Kevlar would remind him "The law shall not limit the actions needed to protect it. We need to get into there, tell the guards inside about this." Vision would remark "Shouldn't we go to the Lunar HQ first? Get on the intercom and tell them what's happening?" Looking to Vision Kevlar would ponder on the idea for a moment before nodding. "We'll need to get to my office, question is should we go plainly or stealthily? I'm in my officer's jacket, ponies will recognize me easily in there. Hopefully those S4's that let us go in Everfree will start spreading word." "We should head in directly, and at some point try to send out an Emergency Mail to as many Guards as possible." Vision would say "Get those loyal to us on our side, and know who is loyal to Myriad." Owl and Kevlar would nod before they flew toward the front door of the facility. ______________________________________________________________________ Back in Everfree, Data and Cypher would be looking for a safe place to stay. They would order a taxi for them to take them as far away from the Inn and Out as possible. Anomaly would contact them and bring them to a call "It's ironic, the situation you find yourself in. You're now branded criminals by the system you once worked for." Data would chuckle out loud, and reply in the call "Trust me, we know very well the irony of it. Can't believe one of them would go so far, and try to have Cypher and the Chief apprehended." Cypher would sigh as she said, "Myriad is attempting to better the world, but in a way that is extreme...and the others seem to be on board with it. Even the princesses seem to want ponies to have their minds open to be tampered with." "Heh....the whole idea of it is creepy. Ponies being able to tamper with my mind...change who I am. It's scary...I know I'm never getting any Brain Augs. Buck that noise, I'd rather keep my mind intact thank you." Data would say. "Well, I am the only ally you have for now so I suggest you cooperate with me from here on. I have helping ponies in my interest, I'm sure we can share that." Anomaly would say "I'll try to find a place for you to stay, if you don't mind me changing the Taxi's destination." Cypher would grimace some, before saying "Fine, I'll trust you mostly. I hope things go well for the Chief in Canterlot." "I've done my best to help them thus far, but I have been busy with other things." Anomaly would reply. "Other things?" Cypher would ask, before choosing to follow up with "What things? Looking out for the Freedom Fighters I hope." "Yes, that is what I am up to. But I am also trying to prepare my measures for the future, to deal with both Myriad and the Freedom Fighters. I won't lie, it involves my copy of the virus, but I won't use it to cause damage." "Depends on what your definition of 'damage' is whether or not you'll use it to cause damage." Cypher would say "Using it in some misguided attempt to open the populace's eyes will cause a lot of damage to the social order." "I don't intend to be so heavy hoofed as Digital Hoof, but I will take some drastic actions. They are needed, given the dire nature of this situation." Anomaly would admit clearly. "I hope you won't turn against me when I carry out those actions, you will most likely be in no place to." "If you do dangerous stuff we ain't gonna just follow you through it." Data would say "You may have those fancy Brain Augs but you are no infallible tech goddess, filly." "I am under no illusion, I am merely a mare with ambitions. Ambitions to fight against those that seek to exploit ponykind, no matter which side of the official law they sit on." Anomaly replied firmly. "Just know that I won't do anything at the expense of innocent ponies, the only ponies who will likely die are those I deem necessary." "Die? You're going to have ponies killed?" Data would say. "Dire times call for dire measures, and I honestly have no sympathy for a mare like Myriad," Anomaly replied bluntly. "And if she or any others need to be dealt with for good I won't hold back." Cypher and Data would look to eachother, before Cypher would say "We'll cooperate, but only as far as you are helpful. We will try to stop you if you try anything crazy, especially once this whole situation is resolved." "Will it be resolved? Will you truly manage to turn Harmonize from its course and be accepted back in? What will you do if you end up permanent enemies of Harmonize? Form your own splinter faction? Reveal their betrayal of you to the public?" Anomaly would ask. "And what if any Guards who turn to your side are either eliminated or taken into Myriad's mind control program? Ponder on these questions one at a time, and I'll send your ride to a safe place." Cypher and Data would indeed ponder on the questions she raised, as they rolled away toward the outskirts of Everfree City. _________________________________________________________________________________ Walking into the RLG facility the three bats would greet the occasional bat and office worker they passed as they moved toward the floor for Sector 1. Sector one being management, running all the Sectors within the Lunar Guard. Entering the Sector they would head toward the Chief's office before entering it. Closing the door behind them Kevlar would walk up to his desk, looking to the two guards and saying. "We are going to need to be prepared, prepared to get the buck out of here and get to the Castle as soon as we can in case things go down. We may or may not get them all on our side, and we will not want to fight them." Owl would nod, before pulling out his gun, looking it over as he asked "What if we can't turn the Council away from that plan. What if they insist on this whole mind control system? What do we do then?" Vision would look to Owl, then to the Chief as he said: "That's a good question, and what if we can't at least turn the Princesses from it? Are we going to go so far as risking to threaten their lives? Using force on them?" Kevlar sighed as he said "We will be forced to turn against them, but we will seek to turn society onto our side. To the side of the Guard that has protected them from the worst for years." "How will we do that without revealing everything to society, taking that risk?" Owl would ask. Kevlar sighed as he said "I don't know, but I will give at least one order, something to work in whatever unpredictable outcomes might come." looking to the two of them he would say "Protect society, in any way possible, from any threat that might face it. Uphold this no matter what happens, even if we are left enemies of the state for the rest of our lives. That is your order. This next thing I will say is a request to you both. You need not do it if you cannot handle it...." "What is it....?" Owl would ask. "If I get captured by them, and have their mind control equipment installed. If I am artificially turned to their side, enact code red Protocol on me. Not Green, not even Yellow......Red." Kevlar would say, firmly. The whole idea brought pain to both Vision and Owl's hearts. Killing their own Chief, a stallion they worked with since their start in the Guard. They knew why he wanted them to do it, as it was clear he saw no life in being altered from the mind. It still pained them to even think about it, and only Owl would get the strength to say... "I'll do it, if you're turned to their side I'll make sure you get to rest. Even if it further makes me an enemy of the kingdom, I won't support no kingdom that goes this far..." He would be looking down, but then look up and say. "But as a Lunar Guard, even if my place in I&I is lost officially I'll continue to fight to protect Equestria. They may take the risk of branding me as a traitor, and try to make an example of me for traitors. But I won't let that hinder me from my duty, I'll be there to protect Equestria even if it is from the shadows." Vision would follow up with. "I worked in I&I for almost twenty years, and even in these times where you intended us to act like stealthy S4's and leave our comfort zone I followed your plan for Equestria. Whether they be Terrorists or corrupt ponies in power I ain't going to let either scare me from protecting Equestria, anyway I must I'll fight against any foe. As a guard I will uphold my duty, even if the Princesses themselves Undermine it. For Equestria." "For Equestria." Owl would follow, saying firmly. "For Equestria." Kevlar would say, before pressing the intercom button. "Attention all Sectors, I must make an important announcement to all of you. Sector 2, Sector 3, and Sector Four, there is a threat we must face that lies within the very castle this facility stands by. The Harmony council has decided to take on drastic measures in the wake of the terror attacks, using the very hacking methods of the terrorists to control ponies. They have decided it best to force ponies in line through controlling their minds just like the terrorists. For the Equestrian Citizens, we must stand together and stand against them, stand against the princesses even if necessary. We must force them to turn away from this method, and protect ponies through the way we have for decades. Please spread word of this news to any of your fellow Sector members who may be at home or on the Field at Everfree city. I am in hope you will all stand by me, and not whatever orders the Council or Princesses bring. Know that I will not have to fire a bullet at any of you, even if you do turn to their side. You are my guards, loyal and capable agents and soldiers of law and order. I hope even in these times you will remain so. Make your decisions, and think them through well." before removing his hoof from the intercom button. Owl would then have a call come to him from an unknown number. Answering it he would hear Anomaly's voice on the Telepathic line. "Worry now Owl, for even if things go to their worst I have plans. I have plans to fight against all of these forces." "What is your plan? How will you fight Harmonize? And what if we make them see reason." "I don't believe they will, not the way they are going." She would reply to him. "As for my plan, I plan to create a tool that can be used to harness the InterNet against any of these Enemies of Equestria. An artificial intelligence, one made to be free of the biases and power hunger ponies can have, yet balanced with a pony keeping it in check. It's not a perfect solution, but it is an effective one. I intend to use the tool of the Freedom Fighters, any tools I can acquire toward this goal. I intend to make use of you, and Metal Heart both as well to fight these forces in the physical realm." "Metal heart?" ______________________________________ An autocarriage would roll up to the Royal Solar Guard Headquarters, a four-door five-seat model built with high capacity storage space in the back. It was a somewhat older model, from around five years previous, but a reliable one that Metal rode to the facility. The mare would step out of the vehicle as it parked, dressed in an old grey digital camouflage combat jacket and pocketed utility pants. She wasn't dressed for work because work wasn't exactly what she had in mind. Walking toward the door she would push it open, before hearing a message on the intercoms on the building. "Attention Solar Personnel, attention! We have a situation going on in the Royal Lunar Guard HQ. Two I&I agents and the chief are believed to have been mind-hacked by the terrorists and are now attempting to mobilize the Lunar Guard with claims that WE are rogue. Mobilize Heavy Enforcement, attempt Code yellow Protocol if possible, but don't be unprepared to escalate to Red." Said the Solar Chief, Gem Sword. Scowling Metal would go walking toward the section of the building marked for Sector 4 of the Solar Guard. She would draw some eyes due to her unorthodox current dress. A call would come to her Wrist computer from the Chief, to which she would answer. "I know, there's a 'situation' going on. I'm already here." "That is strange....I thought you went to Las Pegasus on leave." Gem would say. "I did, but I had reasons to come back here. Halt the mobilization, something's amiss within the guard and the whole Royal government." Metal replied. "There is something amiss with the Lunar right now, which is why-" "Did I stutter?" Interrupted Metal. "I said the WHOLE guard and government, and I am hoping you are not involved." Entering the Heavy enforcement place she would look to the mares and stallions gearing up. They were all either heavily augmented with bionics or appearing totally natural only to truly be in full bionic bodies. "There's something up alright, but it's not involving those two I&I guards nor the Chief. I don't recall hearing of him even having brain augmentations." She would call out to all of them, getting some questioning looks. "There's a plot amongst the government to try to use the tools of the terrorists to control the minds of everypony. In fact, the Terrorists stole the tools that the Harmony council are gonna use for that plan." More confused and surprised chatter would come from the Heavy Enforcement ponies, it was quite the bombshell for them to receive especially after hearing an immensely worrying order from their chief. One would ask her "How do you know all of this?" "Same hacker who saved me during the block incident, and if you don't believe me riddle me this. How else would Brain augmentations be able to be hacked when not advertised to even have InterNet connection? How else other than such a connection being built in by the manufacturers?" They would all look to eachother, the oddity of brain augmentation being hacked certainly gave her claims a strong case. Another would say "That's crazy but then again thinking that Brain augmentations are JUST getting hacked is even less believable." "We need to head to the Chief, see if he's not in on this mind control plan." Metal would say to them. "And what if he is?" One would ask her. "We'll try to make him reconsider." The Heavy enforcement personnel would follow the mare as she walked toward the Sector 1 section of the building. She would open up the door before looking upon the chief as he was in a telepathic comms call. The all white colored stallion would look up to them all, dressed in a formal suit as per usual with the chief's badge on it. He would ask them calmly. "What did Metal Heart tell you all?" "That there's a whole thing going on involving mind control through the use of Brain augmentations." A Solar S4 would say before she asked. "Are you in on that whole plan? Or do you know anything about it?" He would look to Metal, who drew a light scowl with piercing, scrutinizing bionic eyes directed towards him. He would sigh and say "There is a plan, one whose assets have been exploited by these Terrorists, but it is not for just a purpose of mind control. It is made to be an ultimate safety measure so that no pony has to worry about any crime ever again. To take all of Equestria under the safe wing of this new system, while we go on one big operation. Seeking out the criminal scum and enacting code yellow on as many as possible, red on those who can't be taken by force. The plan seeks to destroy the underground which plagues our society once and for all." Metal Heart's scowl would grow more intense, the artificial muscles on her face forming it as her eyelids narrowed and she said. "And you intend to use the Corporate infrastructure to have all citizens install the brain augs." "Yes, but know that Myriad is not just in this for corporate money, she's a mare who believes in using technology for the good of ponykind, and that it shouldn't be hindered. I believe in that notion, and this plan involves the ultimate use of technology for the betterment of ponykind. Not only will these brain augs allow for ponies to be kept watch over and safe, but it will also allow them a new form of access to the internet entirely through their brains. This is the path toward a brighter future, an escape from the dystopia we live in. A more stable system, and a final solution to the problem that is the underground which we have been forced to fight and hide from society for years. It took us years to fully hide them, and now they threaten to make themselves known to society in the worst way. We have to go through this plan, and put it into action, for the good of Equestria." "Monitoring ponies' minds is one thing, I wouldn't oppose that. But letting ponies' have their minds altered freely by those on top is not a way toward a better world. It's a level of power over ponies that none should have, and you have megacorporations on this?? Do you not think they won't exploit this for their own competitions, secretly war online to manipulate ponies to buy their stuff? Or worse, what if some other hacker jacks in? Guess what they'll be able to turn an upstanding citizen into a psycho." The other S4's would look to eachother and nod with scowls, looking to the Chief. Gem would sigh as he said to them. "This is going to keep ponies safe, protect them from many things. It'll let us fix psychopaths, it'll let us keep track of everypony so that none can commit crimes without being mind jacked and mentally detained. It will let us kill crime, and manage law and order directly and efficiently. Don't you want a safer and better world for your grandkids Metal? This is the way toward it, merely monitoring through their minds will not be enough." Metal would stare him down with a death glare, before saying to him. "I sure as buck ain't gonna let my grandkids have their minds tinkered with like bucking code. Nor will I let them grow up in a world where ponies are made into BUCKING COMPUTERS!" Her words would be followed by words of agreement from the many S4's that were behind her. The chief would look at her with sad eyes as he sighed and said. "I'm sorry, but have forced us to do this and we can't take chances...not in these times." ___________________________________________________________________________________ In the Lunar Guard HQ Kevlar, Owl, and Vision would be out in the sector 1 lobby to see many a Lunar Guard from each sector present. Some were confused but others seemed to be firm and ready to listen to the Chief's words. He smiled lightly as he looked to them and said. "Good to see I haven't been shot as of yet, I won't lie you're all at an unpredictable risk helping me. It is good to see many of you are loyal, as for those of you who are confused and surprised I do not blame you. All of this has happened quite unexpectedly fast, and unexpected for me as well. As for what we are to do, we need to confront Luna and Celestia about this. For even they are on board with this system, and we need to confront them about it. That said if any of you wish for your families to not have a loss you may stay here. Hopefully, we will be able to talk some sense into the Princesses and or Harmony Council. If we don't we may need all of you to be ready to help us in time, but for now only the bravest and most daring are needed." Many would raise their hoof, mostly S4's but a few I&I Cyberguard as well. Their reasoning for wanting to join involved their feeling of near uselessness in stopping the cyberattacks, making them inclined to try to do something they might not fail at. Kevlar would look to them all and say "Let's move then, we need to head to the castle." As they were moving a few of the personnel would suddenly collapse, mainly office workers and CyberGuards. Kevlar would look behind to see this happen as he said "Oh buck no do not bucking tell me that...!" but then they would start to get up, before saying in an almost robotic tone. "Halt and stop, don't resi-" before they stopped. Owl would be gain a call from an unknown number, answering it he heard Anomaly say. "Get moving now, Harmonize is trying to use their Virus in both guard facilities. I wish you luck, but will be ready to help if things go awry. I'll try to stop their virus as much as I can." Owl would shout "We have to move! Myriad's trying to have them mindjacked!" Thus those without brain augmentations would take flight alongside the Chief, Owl, and Vision following along. They would exit the facility before talking flight toward the castle. ___________________________________________________ Metal would seemingly find herself pulled out, only for her to be put back into her mind before she could fully go through another mind uploading ordeal. She and a couple of solar S4's would draw their guns, one aiming at and putting a bullet through the screen of the Chief's wrist computer. The bullet would interrupt the call that he was evidently in, and would also embed into his foreleg as he cried out in pain. "Using the bucking virus on us aye? Weren't counting me having Anomaly along to help." "Buck that crazy self-righteous hacker!" Gem would say, cringing at the wound he had as he removed his wrist computer. "You forced us to-!" He would be left unable to finish his sentence before Metal kicked his desk, sending it and him falling backward. "We didn't force you to do horseapples! You turned on us Gem Sword, turned on us! I wasn't even going to bucking shoot you, now you've triggered one of ours to put a bullet in that foreleg and frankly I don't disagree with that action." "Metal......we were soldiers once! You were one of my best!" The Chief said, struggling out from under the heavy wooden desk. "That was over thirty years ago, as for one of your best your Celestia cursed right." She replied, a bitter venom in her tone of voice. "What are you going to do now, now that your best guards are against you?" He would look up to her, seeing his reflection glaring bionic eyes built to replicate nature grey colored eyes. Meanwhile, some large utility autocarriages without markings would pull into the parking floor of the RSG facility, ponies in suits with kevlar vests strapped to them stepping out. The intercom of the building would activate, and Myriad's voice would come through. "I hope to tell you this soon and clear, for it was hard to get put into the Intercom system and Anomaly may very well take me out. I do warn you that your continued resistance will result in your elimination, you will be eliminated one way or another. Want your families to hear of you dead, and risk them being worried about the division you are causing? You and Kevlar both? It will be hard for us to explain your deaths, and even if you escape alive you'll risk the populace knowing the division. If the Guard is divided, and at war with itself it will risk destroying the societal order you are duty bound to protect. Face it Metal Heart, this is the way to do things, and your resistance will only destroy things and result in you betraying your ideals. Are you truly going to become a terrorist? Because you can either join us or join the underground and risk damaging the societal order. I suggest you surrender, and cease this resistance against the plan, against something even your princesses support. No good will ever come from your resistance, I'll give you time to think before I send my agents in after you. If you chose to see to reason inform them of your change of mind. If not.....go ahead and see how far your self-righteous quest takes you, and how many ponies will suffer for it." Metal looked up to the intercom speaker, before looking to the other S4's. In a worried tone one would say to Metal "W-what are we going to do? Run out of here and form a splinter faction??? What am I going to say to my wife???" Metal would look to them all, before saying to them "There's no telling what is going to happen if we surrender, they'll likely detain us and then try to modify our minds. Make us blindly loyal to them and the Guard most likely, you want your families to lose the ponies they love? Have them changed for Myriad's agenda? We've gone to the point of no return, it's likely either be altered or fight. We'll fight in the shadows, keep it from the populace's eyes as much as possible. They won't let it be seen by the populace either as much as they can. They'll likely try to kill us and pin it on something else, but then we have a chance to not die and to stop all this. Besides, there's at least the chance that the Lunar chief can talk some sense into the princesses...." ____________________________________________ Kevlar would lead the guards into the castle, mostly unchanged from its centuries of existence other than the placement of security cameras throughout. They would push through the doors, entering the throne room before Kevlar called out to Luna. "LUNA!" walking before the throne where the alicorn sat. The room was mostly unchanged as well minus the security cameras alongside a table on which the Harmony council usually met and talked. The alicorn would look down to him, sorrowful eyes as she sighed and said "Have you even thought all of this through, Kevlar? Are you really so scared of ponies being capable of being made better?" "It's artificial Luna, the whole system Myriad pitched is an artificial peace!" Vision would say, stepping forward. "Using technology to force ponies in line. Instead of letting them think for themselves under our guidance this will take away their ability to think for themselves! What will we be as ponies if we can just be changed with some manipulation of code? huh??" "Ponies will be allowed to think for themselves, so long as it is within parameters set. The laws will be enforced though and ponies will be pushed toward it. It will be easier to protect ponies this way." Luna said. "I've heard that same point already Luna." Kevlar would say, a glare on his face and a coarse grit to his tone. "What of those who don't get brain augmentations? You think everypony will just get brain augmentations, even if they let them access the InterNet?" Owl would ask. "Everypony will be pushed toward it gradually and in time." Luna would reply firmly to him. "You should reconsider taking side against us." "What about the ponies of the underground?" Owl would ask. "Those that will never accept the system, are you just planning to use the Guard to kill the ones you can't detain?" "Yes." Luna said firmly. "Those that threaten to oppose the system will be dealt with. If they can't be captured and put into the system they will be eliminated. It is sad that it is needed, but we must do this, the underground is a threat Owl. All of it is, and it must be eliminated by any means necessary. Only then can we hope to have a society as peaceful as the society of old." Owl would think back on his experiences, before asking Luna. "You how there is no poverty in Equestria? Seems like quite the sign of an advanced society, doesn't it? It's not, in the competitive job market how can there be no poverty. Ever thought perhaps the Underground has a lot of the ponies who couldn't find a place in this world? Will you have them killed and brainbucked?" "They'll be steered in a better direction, and given a place in society." Luna would say "Only those who resist worst will die." Kevlar would look to Owl, before looking to Luna and saying. "He might have a point there..." Owl would say "In that Underground bunker complex that the ponies there named 'Earthsdale' I didn't see a complete den of monsters. I saw ponies living their lives, even saw some kids living there. It didn't look perfect, but it didn't look chaotic either. I didn't see everypony there as criminals..." "Anypony not within our system is a potential if not a full-on Criminal Owl." Luna would say sternly. "Its a risk we cannot take." "Maybe this is just the fact that you're trying to patch the problems with an extreme solution." Kevlar said "There's clearly the issue with the underground, but not everypony in it is a psycho or a potential terrorist. In fact according to reports that digital hoof group is even against the terrorists." Kevlar would say "This extreme measure is not the way to go, and it will leave the ponies of society open to having their minds jacked even by criminals. Especially outside Equestria..." "That is why drastic measure are needed to be taken, they must be eliminated. And we will soon expand our efforts beyond. Help other lands create their own systems. This is the way forward, it may have its risks and costs but they will be worth it in the end." Kevlar looked her in the eyes and said: "Turning ponies into flesh-bound machines will not be a worth it cost Luna, we are not going to stand with this." Standing up, the alicorn would say "I believe it is, and sadly that cost will have to include all of you." Her horn would glow as she fired a focused beam into the bat's chest. Kevlar would gasp, falling over to his side as a hole was bored into him with magic. The other S4's would draw their weapons, only to be hit with a rapid flurry of beams shooting like a minigun. Owl would duck, and slip away to hide on impulse as the S4s were cut down. Vision took a bolt to the shoulder, ducking down and feigning death. "Fortunately there are many more like you, many more that will hopefully remain loyal and not betray me." She looked to see Owl missing, before saying "There is still a chance Owl, you can redeem yourself from this. Come on out." ________________________________________________________________________ Metal and the Solar S4's would be at the ready to fight back within the Sector 1 lobby, keeping weapons ready as they heard hoofsteps start to approach. Looking to the others she would say "We're going to push, head to the parking lot, and take out any buckers who try to stop us. Are you all ready?" A few would nod, but many would shake their heads. The mare would have her pistol at the ready, looking at the hall and muttering. "I'd say Celestia help us all....but even she won't..."