My Little Pony: Morphing is Magic

by Tricondon

Chapter 13

Author's Note: Written by Samaru163 and Tricondon.

Chapter 13


I looked around the room uneasily. It was so bizarre, seeing my exact double talking to Fluttershy. I only knew it was really Fluttershy because she wasn’t saying much; the Fluttershy-copy was gabbing to both Pinkies. I brought a hoof up and pulled the brim of my hat over my eyes, trying to block out the strange sight.

“T’ain’t natural,” I muttered. Nopony seemed to notice that I’d spoken and just continued with their business. All except one of the Twilights, though I couldn’t tell which one. She came over and spoke to me.

“Hey Applejack, why are you all by yourself?” It was obvious now which one I was speaking to.

“Ah don’t feel like socializin’ Twi,” I said, shifting my hat some more.

“But everybody’s enjoying themselves,” Twilight said, her eyes almost sparkling. “Just think! We could never get this sort of opportunity again!”

“Ah don’t care,” I said louder than I intended. “This jes don’t seem right.” To my surprise Twilight gave me a funny looking grin. It almost looked like she was apologetic.

“I know what you mean. Usually we try not to morph sentient beings,” Twilight said. It took me a few moments to really register what she’d said, and I stared at her. I could feel my mouth drop open in shock. My gaze fell on her flank and I could feel my expression fall further as I saw it was just plain purple.

“Why’d yah go and fool me like that?” I asked in a mixture of annoyance and frustration.

“It was their idea,” she said gesturing over to the two Pinkies. “Sorry.”

I tilted my hat further over my head and shifted myself away from Prince Jake.

“Well yah didn’t hafta go along with it,” I said, finding the wall much more interesting to look at for the time being.

“Pinchy knee ear flopple eye twitch!” Pinkie suddenly shouted. This time I made sure to check if it was really her. The room fell quiet as everypony turned to look at her. Pinkie looked around, a look of wonderment on her face. “Well? Why isn’t anypony else worried?” she asked.

“Pinkie, dear, I’m quite afraid that’s a new one for me,” Rarity patiently explained.

“Oh, right. ‘Cause it almost never happens! Somepony is spying on us through a window or open door!” Pinkie whispered.

“How do you know that?” the other Pinkie asked.

“Because my Pinkie Sense told me,” she replied with a smile.

The other Pinkie - Ax was it? - looked at her with confusion.

“Your species possesses the ability to detect whether you’re being watched or not?”

“No silly, just me.”

I could see the Pinkie copy make weird faces as she tried to understand Pinkie. I sympathized with her to a degree; Pinkie wasn’t the easiest pony to understand at times.

“C’mon, let’s go see who’s watching us,” Rainbow said, jumping up from her duplicate and rushing for the door.

I quickly ran after her; anything to get away from these fake ponies. When we exited the library I quickly scanned the area for the slightest clue, though it was difficult since the sun had already set. Rainbow tried flying high, but from the look on her face her luck fared no better.

“Dang it, I think they got away,” she said with a distinct edge in her voice.

“Well, to be fair, we did waste a bit of time coming outside,” Twilight said, walking next to me. I eyed her carefully, checking for her Cutie Mark. She looked back and frowned. “Relax, Applejack. It’s really me this time.” I nodded, but didn’t stop looking until I saw the familiar six-pointed star.

“Sorry Twi, just didn’t want t’ look foolish again.”

She nodded with understanding.

“I saw what happened, and while I agree it was wrong to trick you don’t you think you may have overreacted?”

“Maybe Ah did, but Ah couldn't help it,” I said, kicking at the ground. “Ah don’t trust any of em one bit.”

Twilight was silent for a short while.

“Applejack, Spike had a mind controlling slug in his brain and tried to attack me. It was with Prince Jake’s help that I figured out how to help Spike.” Twilight paused, taking a deep breath. “I don’t think they’re bad.”

“But that don’t mean they’re good either.”

“Aw come on Applejack, give them a chance,” Rainbow said, nudging my side.

“Wait, you trust them now?” Twilight asked in shock, staring up at Rainbow.

Rainbow let out a small laugh.

“No, but I do like their spirit. Especially the one who copied me.” Rainbow hovered vertically, punching the air with her hooves. “I teach her how to actually fly, and maybe I’ll finally have somepony who can give me a challenge.” Both Twilight and I found ourselves laughing at her spunk.

“Well I think we’ve spent enough time outside. Let’s head back in,” Twilight proposed. Nodding in agreement the three of us headed back for the library. Twilight went in first, but I paused before following her. I stopped and turned around, staring down the darkened street. I could see a few lights from other houses, but otherwise it was impossible to see. Still, for a moment I could have sworn I saw something moving. Brushing it off as a trick of the light I headed inside.

Very little had changed while we had stepped out. Both Pinkies were talking to each other, though Ax seemed to be growing more and more frustrated with every answer Pinkie gave him? Her? I brought my hat down over my eyes again, mumbling in confusion.

Across the room the two Fluttershys seemed to be having a similar situation. Tobias was explaining something and Fluttershy was listening with huge interest. I could only make out a few words here and there; something about hawks. I didn’t bother to listen in and made my way back to my corner.

I couldn’t have been standing in the corner for more than five minutes before I heard a timid voice ask, “Um, excuse me? Applejack?” I turned to look at myself.

“What’d yah want?” I asked calmly. She inhaled slightly before continuing.

“I’d just like to say thanks for allowing me to acquire you,” she said, almost shamefully. She then extended her hoof to me. “We never introduced ourselves properly. My name is Cassie.”

I eyed her carefully. It was surreal, staring at myself, seeing everything that was the same, with only minor differences between us. I looked at her face, ignoring the lack of a hat, and was met with what should have been a friendly smile. But to me it was just shocking to see something I usually only see in the mirror looking back at me. My smile, my eyes, my freckles, all moving independently of what I was currently doing.

“This is weirding you out, isn’t it?” she asked. Slowly I nodded in reply and she pulled her hoof away shamefully. “I’m sorry Applejack. I really do wish there was another way.”

The way she spoke caught my attention. I looked at her again, trying to ignore how wrong it felt to look at myself. I tried tricking myself into thinking I was staring at a totally different pony.

“Ah realize Ah haven’t been the most trustin’ of ponies, but yah have t’ admit this is a tad much t’ take in.”

She let out a small laugh, which sounded so bizarre to hear from anypony besides me.

“I know what you mean. Me and my friends reacted the same way when we learned of the situation ourselves.”

I thought for a moment.

“So, yer sayin’ you weren’t born into this?”

“No, it was sort of thrust upon us,” she said. “We were just five normal kids who happened to meet a dying alien one night. He told us everything and gave us the ability to morph. And from that meeting we formed our group and began our war against the Yeerks.”

I looked down at the floor. She was just a kid, probably not much older than me, and she was fighting in a war she didn’t even want. I thought about how I might react if it’d been me who was forced to fight. I let out a small laugh; in a way, I was as much a part of Cassie’s war as she was at this point.

“Have yah been winning yer fight at least?”

“No, at best all we’re doing is slowing them down. It’s only the six of us against all of them,” she said calmly. “But we’ve done some damage. Destroyed their primary food source, blew up an underwater base, prevented them from infesting our world leaders-”

“Woah, woah. Prince Jake isn’t the leader of your world?” I asked, a little louder than intended.

Cassie’s eyes widened in realization.

“Er...well we have a leader above him, like the king and queen. Only we call him our president. Jake, er Prince Jake, doesn’t have as much power as the president, I’m afraid.”

I could tell she was keeping something, I never was good at telling lies, and I could tell when somepony else was lying to me. It was even easier since she looked like me, too.

“Ah see. So what is he in charge of?”

“He’s in charge of the town we live in; planning its defenses, leading us into battle against the Yeerks, and most other things,” she finished with a smile, though I thought it was just a tad too big, too toothy.

I was about to go further into our discussion when Ax spoke up.

“Prince Jake, we have about fifteen of the current minutes left in morph.”

“What does that mean?” Twilight asked curiously. Prince Jake turned to look at her.

“Oh, right. We can only copy another creature for two hours. Any longer and we’re stuck like that. Forever.”

The room’s tone suddenly became a lot more somber.

“Oh, finally!” Not-Rarity said, standing quickly and walking away from Rarity, who was left sitting there, levitating her brush and pouting.

“But you can’t go yet, you still have to straighten and curl!” she said desperately.

“Don’t worry Rarity, you’ll have plenty of time to make up for it,” the other Rainbow said, looking at their Rarity with a sly look. “I’ll make sure of it.”

“Is there someplace we can demorph privately?” Tobias asked.

“You can use the basement.” Twilight pointed a hoof at one of the nearby doors. Prince Jake nodded and quickly headed for it. He fumbled with the doorknob with his hoof for a time, and I laughed at the absurdity of it. After a few more failures Twilight used her magic to open the door. Prince Jake gave her a nod of thanks and they made their way downstairs.

I waited until they were all gone before speaking up.

“Ah don’t know, Twi. Are ya really sure they’re all that trustworthy?”

“Applejack, why would you ask something like that?” Rarity asked. “After what they’ve done to help Spike and telling us about these horrid Yeerks, and from what they’ve said that is taking a huge risk.”

“Yeah, and besides it’s so much super-duper fun to meet new friends!” Pinkie shouted. “I never thought I could ever play with myself, but now I have and it was so much fun! I hope Aximimimimi can copy me again!”

“And speaking with Tobias has been interesting,” Fluttershy said softly. “You should really hear some of his stories of living as a hawk. The way he describes it is so amazing.”

“I hope I can find a way to copy their copying power,” Twilight said. “Think of all the things we could learn about other animals. I could learn so much about Ursa Majors and dragons if I could figure it out for myself.”

This swapping of stories and ideas continued for a few minutes, my original concern having been forgotten. Since I didn’t have anything to contribute I headed back to my corner and picked up snippets of conversations here and there.

After a while the door opened and the six of them came back up in their natural states. I stared at them for a while. I hadn’t realized how much taller than me they were. I had to look up just to see their faces. I had to smile as they all bent over to walk through the much smaller door, though the open space of the library was clearly a relief for them.

“Umm, how are we going to work out sleeping arrangements?” Rachel asked.

Twilight brought a hoof to her chin and pondered for a moment.

“We could have you all sleep on the main floor and in the basement while we sleep on the upper levels.”

The six of them looked at each other and then nodded in agreement.

<I’ll find a branch to rest on,> Tobias said. I still didn’t like how their voices just popped into my head. <I feel more comfortable outside anyways.>

“Me and Cassie can take the basement,” Rachel said.

“Then that matter is settled,” Twilight said. Quickly she trotted to one of her closets and brought out spare pillows and blankets. “I’m sorry I don’t have any spare mattresses.”

“That’s alright,” Prince Jake said. “It’s no worse than spending a few nights in that forest.”

“Aww, you’re all going to sleep?” Pinkie complained. “But I wanna play! It’s been so long since our last sleepover, and now we’ve got more friends to have fun with!”

“We never said that,” Cassie said, leaning down to look Pinkie in the eye. “What types of games were you thinking?”

Pinkie grinned wide as she bounced in place.

“We need to tell ghost stories and bake marshmallows and have a pillow fight and do each other’s manes and play truth or dare and-”

“I think they get the point Pinkie,” Twilight said. She stopped bouncing and let out a small giggle.

“Silly me, of course they’d know about slumber party games. Who doesn’t?”

“A slumber party? Really?” one of them muttered. I guessed it must have been Marco. Prince Jake turned around to glare at him and Marco looked away.

<I am confused. How can you prepare a party if everyone is asleep?>

Pinkie gasped loudly, jumping up in the air.

“Aximimimimi, have you never had a slumber party before? Oh, this is terrible! We have to make this the best slumber party ever!” At this, Pinkie dashed out of the library, running down the street as fast as she could.

“Where’s she going?” Rachel asked.

Twilight groaned.

“Oh, perfect. She ran off to Sugarcube Corner to grab a bunch of sweets for the slumber party, most likely.” Behind me, I heard Marco snicker at something, but when I turned to look he acted innocent.

I groaned inwardly, remembering the last slumber party I’d had with Twilight and Rarity. Although, this time might be better, since everypony else was here, even if we did have to share space with these odd creatures. Plus it would be a good way to keep my mind off of the whole space slugs taking over ponies.

About a minute after she left Pinkie came in with a large cannon. I looked over at Prince Jake and the others, who were shocked by what they saw.

“Pinkie,” Prince Jake asked, “why do you have a cannon?”

“Oh silly, what’s a party without my party cannon?”

Upon finishing her sentence a huge stream of confetti, streamers, balloons and various other party materials burst out of the cannon, hanging around the library and decorating it in an instant. I looked at the aliens, all of whom were staring around in shock, most of all Ax.

<This. Isn’t. Possible.> he said, whipping his head around wildly.

“Ax, the sooner you stop questioning Pinkie, the better,” Twilight said with a smile.

At this, Pinkie bounced over to Ax and stuck a party hat on his head, both of his bizarre eyestalks inside it. I couldn’t help but start laughing as Pinkie did the same to the others. She even got a mini-hat for Tobias.

Call me crazy, but the sight of those bewildered shapeshifters as they tried to accept Pinkie’s shenanigans made me think they weren’t so bad after all. I knew they were still hiding something and I was determined to find out what, but I figured it couldn’t hurt to have a little fun beforehoof.

“Alright, then,” I said loudly, grabbing everyone’s attention, “who knows a good ghost story?”