//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 // Story: Blamed // by Madox //------------------------------// Sunset Shimmer took her first steps into the downtown area of Canterlot and stretched, her muscles stiff after the long bus ride from her neighborhood. She already noticed the first downside of her new living arrangements: Her parents' neighborhood was relatively new and without any markets or shops nearby, so she had to take the bus to get everywhere on her own, which would be the case for the following week. They were even the first ones to move into that neighborhood, as far as she could tell. Seeing so many empty buildings without anyone nearby was a bit creepy, but it also gave them the opportunity to get the best house out of it. Her mother left town with her husband around noon for Manehattan to supervise the moving of the last delivery of their bigger pieces of furniture from their old home, leaving Sunset to herself for the week. Her mother was reluctant at first, but Sunset had assured her that she was not a child anymore and could survive on her own for a week. Soon after her mother's departure, she decided to explore the city and check out her new school to get familiar with the faculty and layout before attending after the winter break. Now, Sunset stood at the bus stop, her eyes fixated on the building in front of her. Canterlot High was bigger than she expected but not as big as her old private school. At first, she thought of entering the building and taking a look around, but she wasn't sure if she was allowed to walk the halls yet, and from the lack of students around, school had probably let out some time ago. A bit disappointed, she decided to explore the area near the school and try to keep a mental map of the neighborhood, and after a few minutes of walking, a grumbling from her stomach reminded her that she skipped lunch, so she decided to take a break and looked around for a place to eat. She looked around for a bit before noticing a cheerful-looking pastry shop nearby. "Cute place," she said to herself. "Let's check it out." The inside was warm, a nice contrast from the chilly weather outside, and was filled mostly with young people idly chatting with each other. Sunset walked up to the counter, and after a warm, if a bit hesitant, greeting from the blue-skinned woman from the other side, she bought a small box of cupcakes to satisfy her hunger. Thanking the woman, she turned around and made her way through the shop to the door, but she slowed to a stop after a few steps. She had not noticed anything at first, but as she thought about it, the atmosphere in the room got quieter and quieter as she made her order at the counter. Now, the whole shop had fallen silent, and as Sunset looked around, she saw that everyone else in the store were staring at her. What bothered Sunset the most, though, was that they weren't merely staring; they were glaring. "Is... Is something wrong?" she asked no one in particular, but received no answer. Growing more and more uncomfortable by the whole situation, she slowly made her way to the door, still keeping an eye on the other people, just in case. As she finally made her way out of the shop, she sighed in relief. 'Well, that was strange,' she thought. 'I wonder what that was about.' After mulling it over a bit, she thought, 'Maybe they thought I was someone else? Or maybe they don't like newcomers.' Ultimately, she shrugged and continued, 'Well, whatever. It's not worth my time. I'll probably never see them again, anyway. Unfortunately for her, as she made her way down the road, she failed to notice the small group that emerged from the shop she just left behind. Sunset walked down the street, munching on one of her cupcakes while she looked around and took in every shop that looked interesting. But try as she might, she couldn't fully put from her mind the weird situation in the bakery, nor could she shake the odd feeling that she was being watched. Finally, after half an hour of walking, Sunset found that she had left the town's center, judging by the abundance of office buildings. She decided to call it a day and turned around to find a bus stop. Suddenly, as Sunset walked past an alley, someone grabbed her and yanked her inside, where she found herself colliding with some trash cans. Groaning in pain, she looked up to see a girl slowly approaching her, a smirk on her face. "Hey, what's your problem?" Sunset yelled, rising back to her feet. The girl stopped her approach, and Sunset took in more details about her. The girl was slightly taller than her and wore a brown, leather jacket with a pair of jeans and boots. Her hair was mostly white with light-purple highlights at the tips. But what stood out to Sunset the most were the girl's eyes. They had a glimmer in them, like a predator looking at its prey, without any mercy. She was a hawk about to swoop down. "You know what my problem is! Some of the others had fun dealing with you the other day without inviting me," she said with a raspy voice while cracking her knuckles. "Well, now it's my turn. And I ain't sharing." Sunset blinked, confused. It was her first day in Canterlot. She had never met this girl before. "What are you--" Before she could finish, the girl rushed forward, slamming her fist into Sunset's left eye. Sunset crashed back down to the ground with a yelp. She lay still on the ground for a bit, holding the left side of her face. She could already tell that wouldn't be a pretty sight for the next few days. "What the hell!" Sunset yelled, looking up at the girl towering over her. For her part, the girl stood with her arms crossed over her chest, a disappointed sneer on her face. "Don't tell me that's all you got. I expected more from you." The thug took a few steps back and motioned for Sunset to stand up. "I want some fun, so get up. Let's dance." Slowly, Sunset got back to her feet and shook her head to clear away the last few stars from that last punch. 'No idea what her problem is or what's going on,' Sunset thought, 'but if she wants to dance, I'll show her some moves! Not the first fight I've ever been in.' Sunset got into a fighting stance and prepared herself for whatever her opponent would do. Sunset was not a fighter, preferring to use her mind to deal with her problems, but as she planned to prove to the thug, she was far from defenseless. The girl rushed forward again, her right fist pulled back, but this time, Sunset was prepared. Ducking out of the way, Sunset countered with her own punch, landing a clean blow into her opponent's gut. The brute gasped in pain, but almost immediately started grinning. “Now that's more like it!” she cheered. Sunset scowled. The aggressor's excitement was a bit intimidating, and Sunset had to force herself not to let the thug psych her out. 'Don't think. Just fight,' Sunset thought, repeating the mantra until she was mentally prepared to fight again. Over the next minutes, Sunset and the girl traded blows. Sunset's right hook was parried, and the girl's low punch met Sunset's liver. Sunset blocked the girl's jab and kicked her in the shin, punching her across the face when the girl was distracted by the pain. Blow after blow, the two put all of their focus into dropping their adversary. Both girls were panting hard, and every movement burned. Eventually, the two backed away from each other to catch their breath. Sunset wasn't so sure if she would come out on top, but it looked like her enemy was thinking the same. The girl lowered her arms and stood up straighter, still panting. Sunset, on the other hand, stayed in her fighting position, not giving an opportunity to strike in surprise. “Phew! I knew you were tough, but you really surprised me today,” the girl said with a small smile on her face that made Sunset uncomfortable. “I don't know if I could beat you in a fair fight.” Her smile turned dark. “Good thing I don't fight fair.” Sunset's eyes grew upon hearing that, but before she could react, she was grabbed by two pairs of arms from behind. She tried to struggle, but she was too weak after her fight to break out of their grip. “Had enough fun, G? Took you long enough. We were worried you wouldn't share,” a female voice from behind her said. “Oh, shut up. I wasn't gonna share, but since you're here, you might as well have your turn,” G said. She walked up to Sunset and cupped Sunset's chin in her hand to look her captive in the eyes. “Sorry, Shimmer, but you brought this on yourself.” She let go of Sunset's chin, but before Sunset could say anything, G punched her in the solar plexus, knocking the wind out of her. The other girls released her, and she fell to the ground, clutching her stomach and gasping for breath. “Well, I had my fun. She's all yours,” G said before stepping back. As she backed away, she heard a clattering on the ground and stopped. Sunset looked over, her eyes tearing up as she struggled to fill her lungs, and saw her phone near G's boot. It must have fallen out of her pocket during the fight. G noticed her worried stare and grinned. Raising her foot, G stomped on the phone, smashing it with a sharp crack. Not satisfied, G stomped on it over and over again until the phone was reduced to tiny pieces. “Oops," she said. "Sorry. I think I stepped on your phone.” With that, G began cackling as she backed up. The other girls laughed as well before starting to kick Sunset over and over. Sunset tried her best to shield herself against the assault, but they were relentless, and soon, her entire body was aching from the abuse. Blessedly, after what seemed like forever, G stepped up again. “Alright, I think she's had enough for now. Let's go.” The other girls reluctantly left Sunset and walked away, while G kneeled beside her. “Best regards from Rainbow and her friends. She paid us good money to give you this message. Shut down the account and stop messing with us, or we'll be back. Oh, and don't even think about going to the cops. I got some friends there, so I'll know about it, and you don't want to face those consequences. And before you think about hatching any other schemes, just know that I know where you live.” Finally finished, G stood up and walked away with the other girls. Alone in the alley, Sunset drew upon the last of her strength to crawl up to one of the walls and lean against it, resting her aching body while she tried to figure out what in the world just happened.