Group Precipitation

by FanOfMostEverything

Pretty Much All There is to Say on the Matter, by ArtieStroke and FoME


"All I'm saying is metafictional narrative is a popular device that's on the rise, and I think it's pretty cool!" Lemon said, clicking the next blue ==> link on her phone.

Sunny was less than impressed. "I still say it's an unnecessary stratification of complication- especially in that awful comic. It's like... it's complex just for the sake of complexity!"

"A, you're only allowed to call Habitrapped awful if you've been with it since 'Enter Name,'" Lemon said, holding up a finger, "And two, that's actually both the point and what the complexity is mocking! It's genius writing!"

"Ah yes, jokes about meteors bigger than 'your mom'. The absolute pinnacle of wit."

Lemon stuck her tongue out, "Whatever, you're just mad because you got the lamest new aspect-zodiac combination."

"I REFUSE to be identified as a LIGHT player simply because I have an expanded vocabulary!"

"Yeah- Heart is an awesome power, though."


The next table over, two girls with larger than normal perspectives on the universe and larger structures were suffering from more than the usual effects of talking to Lemon Zest.

"He shouldn't be right. He has no right to be right about any of this."

"He knew about the bubbles. How did he know about the bubbles!?"

Twilight couldn't help but smile. It was nice not to be the one pulling her hair out about some magical absurdity for once.


A young woman stands in a webcomic author's home office. Though it was only a few short years ago that she finally got that tiger and achieved godhood, it is only today that the circle of stupidity will complete itself as she confronts said author about his uncanny knowledge of universal laws. What is this young woman's na—?

"I don't have time for your shenanigans, Drew."

Alright, fine. The young woman's name is SUNSET SHIMMER and she is not a HAPPY GODDESS—

"I'm not a goddess either!"

Well jeeze, what do you want from me? I've got this whole metanarrative schtick, throw me a metaphorical bone.

"Just— Okay, fine. I've actually come here to offer you a job."


"What do you mean 'nah'?!"

I've got comic deadlines. Hiatuses to prolong.

"You're like, one of TWO people with ANY knowledge on probability space!"

Haha holy shit I was that close to what it's actually called? Nah, sorry. Listen if at some point you need an expert on overly complex romantic states or needlessly complicated shenanigans I can provide a consultation fee but seriously if I don't get this game out soon the masses are gonna come with ropes and pitchforks, painting the town grey with unsealed face paint and flooding the streets with half-rate obscure soda brands.

"Alright, fine. That's better than nothing I guess."