Group Precipitation

by FanOfMostEverything

An Autumn Complication, by FoME

"I still can't completely believe that the seasons change on their own in this world," Sunset said as she entered Canterlot High, trailing a few fallen leaves behind her.

Twilight grinned alongside her. "I can't believe that ponies actually industrialize weather!"

"Hey, factories on this end affect the weather too. Cloudsdale just does it on purpose."

A gentle "Good morning, girls" cut through the resulting giggles.

Both turned and said, "Good morning, Flu—" They both stopped, mouths hanging open, glancing at one another. Volumes of unspoken communication passed between them, only some of it telepathic.

Fluttershy gave a slight frown. "Is everything okay?"


"You see..."

"Fluttershy!" Rarity sent the other girls sprawling as she charged past them, eyes only on Fluttershy. "What happened to your hair!?"

"What do you mean?"

"What do I mean? What do I mean!? Your lovely locks are going positively gray!" Rarity held up some of the fading tresses to emphasize that. Several hairs snapped off in her grip, making her shriek and jump back.

"Oh, right. Well, it is November."

"Are... are you implying that you will go completely b-bald all winter?"

Fluttershy shrugged. "I suppose. But it's just hair. My feathers don't seem to be affected."

"Just hair!?"

Twilight and Sunset watched as Rarity planned an entire line of wigs in her outrage. "Am I ever this bad?" said Twilight.

The embodiment of, among other things, Honesty, bit her lip. "You're differently bad?"

The flat look Twilight gave her said everything.