Lovely little Tyrant

by Zarius9998

That's right, I'm talkin' to You!

Ooohhh, goody! It is finally MY turn to enthrall you crowd of creatures known as Humans, yes? Oh, joy! Joyous indeed! I promise not to dumb down this already booooring story with unnecessary thoughts about non-important subjects, unlike probably have been doing.

Hmm, where have we left off...? Ah-hah! Luna is searching for answers now, I do believe! Which means I'm sure all of YOU are as well! Well look much further, for I have the answers! But they are not for your eyes...not yet.

In due time, my friends, in due time!

First, how about a nice chat with Celes-Tia again...


"Discord! Awaken, now!"

Such a demanding tone...oh, why can't Tia be the one to awaken me? She would have been much gentler about the process, I am sure!

"Please, Celestia! I am trying to catch my beauty sleep!" I snapped back, scowling angrily at my captor, "Even though I am clearly already handsome enough."

"We really do not have time, nor patience, for your games at the moment, Discord."

Yes...she was getting worse. Her voice had strayed so far from it's prior identity, I probably shouldn't even call her Celestia anymore! More commanding every minute, yes! Soon enough, I might have been facing torture instead of interrogation.

"Fine, fine. But you know how much it pains me to ignore games." I conceded. Where was Tia, though? I wondered, spinning and resting my head on the couch's arm. Trapped in a tube all of eternity with only a single piece of furniture is something I would never suggest anyone do, might I add.

Oops! Seems like I lied about not interjecting my own thoughts!

"Oh, Dissy," her accentuation change threw me off guard, I will admit. So hear the old Celestia right after being reprimanded by the Tyrant, "We're starting to wonder if maybe it was your games which did this..."

I shook my head no, but provided no verbal response.

"Right, I figured th-aaand how do we know he's really telling the truth!?" Again, her speech pattern changed. The voice slightly deeper than before. The accentuation more commanding than before. Even her posture stiffened up more than before.

All in mid sentence, too!

"I Pinkie Promise that I am not fibbing." I stated truthfully, although Celestia kept her angrily stern stare trained on me, "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!"

A small, girly giggle escaped Celestia's mouth—which sounded oh so cute—yet her face remained as stern as ever.

Maybe I did mess her up by accident...?

...Ehhh, nah.

"Cute." Celestia snorted, turning with a snobbish flick of her mane, "But in all seriousness, you need to tell us..." Without turning around, she asked, "Does this condition have something to do with Chrysalis?"

I grinned. Of course I already knew what was happening, and of course she already knew that I knew. The thing is, with a mind as chaotic as mine, especially with all of the thinking time I have, I can ponder, quite literally, everything. Somehow—and I couldn't tell you how—my subconscious generates a number of outcomes to every situation and event, which I then personally decide on which is more likely to happen.

Ever wonder why I so willingly allowed Twilight and her friends to fire their Super Friendship Cannon of Rainbows and Love? I had decided that I had no chance of losing from the above description, and since I had yet to be wrong before, I just...accidentally let it happen!

Oh well, it'll work out in the end for me. There's a 99.99999 percent chance that I'm right!

"Yes." I answered, eliciting a quick, but barely noticeable glance from Celestia, "But there's more than that." This time, her whole head turned, and remained intently fixated on my mocking grin.

She hated that I knew more than her.

I, on the other hand (as you humans say), loved that fact!

"Everything that has happened since Luna's return...From Nightmare, to Me, to Chrysalis...everything from one thousand years ago is coming BACK!" I watched as, slowly, her eyes started darting around the room, head reared back and tilted slightly to the floor while her mind raced!

I LOVE my job!

"The more and more you realized this, the more anxious you became, clearly." I shrugged, just to emphasize how clear it was. Well, clear to me, at least, "Because you know that if your dear little sister ever discovered what you did—everything you did—then you know that she would hate you for the rest of your life!"

Her anxiety rose through my whole speech, denoted by the fact that she had started to breath somewhat erratically, "Or, that's what you think, anyway. Celestia, I have thought of five very likely outcomes to this situation." Her eyes instantly refocused on me and her breathing completely stopped. Guess she was holding her breath for what I had to say, "One involves the end of all life as we know it, oddly enough." I gave a small laugh at the sudden look of shock and fear she gave me. Oh, it was hilarious! But I had business to attend to, so I allowed only a short chuckle, "Another ends with the usurpation of your thrown by Chrysalis, and the third ends with your very death, also by Chrysalis." Again, that look of shock and fear. She should probably breath soon...ah, there we go! Her face was turning purple, hehe, "One ends with your death by your Little Luna's hooves..." she was about to cut me off with, most likely, an outburst of rage or denial, but I shouted to stop her from doing so.

"Celly, just be quiet and listen!" I hate to admit it, but it did love her at one time, long ago...but...this is for another time. You just needed to know why I am telling her all this, is all, "You did very wrong by Luna, and you know that, which is the whole reason why one of those four endings are more likely to occur! But if there is anything you should know..." If you couldn't tell, I was no longer in a playful mood, "It is that Friendship is Magic." cheezy! But...still true, "So family must be something even more deep-rooted, more transcending than that!"

I paused, taking a moment to recollect myself while Celestia processed her thoughts on my outburst.

With a sigh, I continued, clearly not in the mood to play games at all...I promised I wouldn't! "Lastly, you can save your relationship with Luna, and remain as the Loving ruler you swore to be."

Without missing a beat, she finally asked the question she had originally came to me for, and which I already had the answer to, "What of Chrysalis?"

"If you must know...she dies." I stated bluntly.

"What!?" Tia gasped at this notion, "But why? She doesn't have to...does she?"

I was about to respond, but Tyrantlestia cut me off, "If it will fix the damage! Then so be it!"

She started to storm out of the room, clearly uninterested in anything else I had to say...too bad for her, though.

"She'a going to die no matter what..." I muttered, even though she couldn't hear me any more, her hooffalls echoing back from the long hallway she exited through, "Either by Celestia, or Luna..." I shrugged again, rolling back over on the couch to get to sleep, "It's only natural for the death of a leader or two to be necessary to bring about order, after all."

I guess now that you know what is happening're wondering which outcome I have decided is most likely, then?

Not my job to tell you. It's the writer's. Complain to him, not me.

...well this quickly went sour.