The Bill-inning

by EmperorDalek

Chapter 36

One Falls…and Another Rises!


Mere seconds after re-appearing on his planet, Kami kicks Frost off.

The cold-hearted tyrant jumping back to avoid the kick.

His metallic feet tapping against the soft grass underneath him.

Assuming a battle-ready stance, he prepares himself for Frost’s attack.

However, Frost merely smirks back.

Putting his mechanical arms behind his back while his mechanical tail swats through the air.

Raising a hand to his cracked helmet, he gently removes it from off his head.

Holding it with his hand while presenting it to Kami.

Silently dropping it to the ground.

The helmet breaking upon hitting the ground.

His smirk stretching wider across his face and eyes narrowing menacingly.

“Simple, my old friend; the Cyber conversion failed!”

Kami gasps shocked.

“When you interrupted the process, I had only been partially upgraded,” Frost explains.

“If you had not come, I would not be here. I’d be flying away from Equestria on the shuttle that was sent to retrieve you.”


“Ah, you’re curious about how I survived!” Frost exclaims cheerfully.

Folding his arms across his chest.

“Well, it’s quite simple; it’s all in here.”

With his finger, Frost points towards his head. Tapping it with his finger.


As a light on Frost’s Cybermare helmet begins blinking, his eyes shot open.

Having finally been activated for the first time.

After standing up on his feet, he begins looking around the room.

Though, due to the rapidly deteriorating state of the ship the only conclusion is that it’s caught in the gravity of a star (or sun), and is on a direct course that will end in its termination.

Igniting his flaming aura, he speeds out of the room.

Shooting through the ships’ corridors as he flies in the opposite direction of the growing heat.

Noticing a glass wall in front of him he extends his hand and fires a ki-blast at the wall, destroying it.

Without hesitation, he flies out into space.

However, even after escaping from the doomed ship, he still feels the sun’s gravitational pull trying to overcome him.

Utilizing a last-resort, he turns himself around and holds out both hands in front of him.

Momentarily charging a pair of powerful ki-blasts, before shooting them out in front of him.

Launching himself backwards away from the sun.

Even as the ship is swallowed up by the sun and explodes, the shockwave from the explosion hits him.

Throwing him further away from the sun and closer to Equestria.

A large crack appearing down the helmet’s center, causing static throughout the helmet.

Shaking his head, Cyber-Frost ignites his aura and flies back towards Equestria…

*End Flashback*

“...and so, with the helmet critically damaged and my conversion having been interrupted it only took five minutes before I was back to myself again!”

“My mind freed, I focused my attention on the only thing that matters.”

Frost’s smile contorting into a stern, enraged frown.

“After coming to, I was unable to sense Luna’s energy anymore. Leading me to the only conclusion; your pupil has slain her!”

Frost balling his fist at the thought fueling his rage.

“Now, I will defeat you and return to that planet to end this once and for all!”

“Despite the Controller’s betrayal, there is a still chance that they are unaware of the existence of the Dragon Balls…”

Gasping, Kami realizes Frost’s plan.

N-no! If he resurrects Luna, then there’s nothing keeping him from blowing up the planet!

Sternly pointing a finger at Frost. Shouting, “No, I won’t let you!”

“I-I will defend them…even from you!”

Rolling his eyes, Frost folds his mechanical arms across his chest.

Closing his eyes, he chuckles softly.

“I wasn’t asking your permission.”

“And don’t speak as if you of all people understand my plans for that ball of dirt and water.”

Raising his hand, he holds up a finger.

“One person, and one person only…and I don’t think that person gives a damn about your opinion!”

Hearing this, Kami immediately assumes a battle-ready stance.

Preparing himself for however Frost intends to attack him.

Nervous beads of sweat running down along his temples.

Frost slowly opening his eyes again and smirking back.

Assuming a similar battle-ready stance as Kami.

Their auras igniting, enveloping them both in gold and blue flames.

The force swirling violently around the two figures.

Grabbing and blowing away anything around them.

De-facing and turning their surroundings into an ever-larger crater.

Despite the environments destruction, Frost’s silent smirk meets Kami’s silent stern frown.

Both charging their energies, -


…until suddenly, both vanish!

The sky ravaged by hundreds of intense explosions, one right after the other.

Shockwaves rippling across the surface, ripping up chunks of rock and randomly dispersing them throughout the landscape!

An ever-changing landscape, that never stays the same longer than a second!

Paying close attention, one might be able to make out a golden and blue aura lunge at each other.

Bouncing off each other before coming in for another hit!

Every hit sending another devastating shockwave across the landscape.

De-facing it again and again!

Continuous sonic-booms going off every other second!

Directly shooting towards each other, Frost and Kami pulls their fists back.

Both fighters’ hearts beating once as they throw the punch!

A bright flash erupting upon their fists’ impact.

Sending a blinding explosion of blue and gold across the landscape!

Carving out a separate yet immense crater in the first crater.

As the dust settles, Frost and Kami stares right into each other’s eyes.

Frost’s smirk growing more devious in contrast to Kami’s twitching frown.

Frost chuckling, and Kami uttering a strained groan.

“Not bad!” Frost remarks.

“Your banishment has not weakened you…which unfortunately means that I’ll be spending a little more time crushing you than I will be searching for the Dragon Balls!” he says at his smirk contorting into a frown.

Kami’s eyes widen, but his brows immediately narrow.

Sternly glaring at Frost.

“Don’t bet on it, Frost!”

He shouts at throwing another punch towards Frost.

Frost, however, intercepts it with his other hand.

Frost and Kami’s frowning faces staring intensely at each other until a smirk creeps back onto Frost’s face.


Kami nervously exclaims at noticing the smirk.

His eyes widening, before noticing something besides Frost.


Thinking fast, he headbutts Frost.

Knocking Frost back through the air.

Disorienting him long enough for Kami to hold out his hands together.

Aiming them straight at Frost as he fires several ki-blasts that launch him backwards.

Dodging Frost’s mechanical tail and its sharp tip!


Growling, Frost’s frown turns into a look of shock at the incoming ki-blast.

The blast exploding upon hitting him!

Kami’s head snapped back up towards Frost.

Assuming a defensive stance at the dissipating smoke.

Patiently waiting for the smoke to fade away.

Standing there, though, his brows jump as a red beam shoots out of the smoke.

Kami, though, easily dodges it.

Looking back towards the smoke.

Immediately, a barrage of countless beams shoots out from the smoke towards him.


Reacting fast, he super speeds out of the way.

Appearing elsewhere in the sky.

A second barrage commencing following his position change.


Like before, he quickly gets to dodging incoming beams.

Ducking, jumping up in the air, momentarily disabling his flight to avoid an incoming beam, and simply hovering out of the way.

The barrages finally stopping when Frost lunged himself at Kami from the smoke.

Kami turning towards Frost in time to intercept his incoming punches with his arms.

Frost and Kami growling as their gazes meet.

Frost uttering a strained growl at kicking Kami back away from him.

Kami groaning at the painful kick to his abdomen, -

Though, there was little time to focus on the pain as Frost immediately lunges right at him.

A shocked expression appearing on Kami’s face as he lunges directly at Frost.

Shockwaves erupting at their rapid exchanging blows.

The landscape blowing away by a large shockwave, leaving a large hole!

Frost finally punching Kami in the stomach, -

Leaving him open for Kami for Kami to punch his arm away, and re-adjust himself in mid-air.

Kicking Frost hard in the head.

Disorienting him long enough for Kami to deliver another hard kick that sent Frost hurtling through the air.


While holding the advantage, Kami used his super speed to get in front of Frost.

Elbowing him in the back!

Resulting in a painful scream from Frost before he fell down towards the surface.

Kami, though, wasn’t finished!


Even now, before Frost could recover he used his superspeed to reach Frost.

Grabbing ahold of Frost’s throat and began to choke him as they fell down through the air!

Frost’s eyes shooting open as he began gasping for air.

Growing as he attempts punching Kami to force him into releasing him.

However, despite receiving one punch right after the other, Kami continues holding on.

Grunting at every punch, but not daring to release his grip.

In fact, his grip intensifies, causing Frost excruciating pain!

Flames reflecting in his right eye.

A city sinking into the earth with fire towers shooting up in the sky reflecting in his left eye.

Seeing a final silhouetted humanoid explode in his mind, his rage explodes!

Screaming infuriated as his aura reignites!

Noticing the rage on Kami’s face, Frost begins screaming.

For the first time in a long while, he feels fear again!

Screaming at igniting his aura as well.

His eyes beginning to blow, before shooting a pair of blue beams into Kami’s face!

Kami screaming in excruciating pain as an explosion envelops them both.

Though, passing through the smoke, Kami is still grasping Frost’s throat.

However, his face twitching in pain and his grasp having weakened.

Half of his face covered in black soot.

Seeing his chance, Frost kicks Kami hard in the stomach.

Coughing up more saliva on Frost’s face, Frost ignores it.

Swatting Kami away with his tail.

Kami catching himself in mid-air and righting himself up.

Groaning in pain at holding his stomach.

Attempting to hold back one excruciating pain for another!


Frost, however, using his super speed to appear in front of Kami Screaming as he punches Kami violently in the stomach.

Knocking the air out of him!

Frost smirking before beginning to punch him violently in the stomach.

Focusing a majority of his strikes to Kami’s ribs.

His punches intensifying significantly at striking Kami’s ribs.

A final punch to the chest, which made Kami vomit up blood!

Frost planting his feet against Kami’s chest.

Pulling back before kicking off hard against Kami’s chest.

Sending both away from each other, before Frost began spinning in mid-air.

Conjuring a sonic boom at kicking off in mid-air.

Launching himself right at Kami with his hands together.

Kami, however, was able to detect Frost incoming.

Turning around in time to catch Frost by the arms.


Frost exclaims, before Kami begins spinning him around by the arms.

Picking up more and more speed until finally releasing his grip on Frost.

Sending him speeding towards the surface.

Kami panting softly in mid-air.

Two strands of blood running across his cheek.

Dripping onto the surface below.

Slowly raising his head and looking down towards Frost.

Watching him continue shooting towards the surface.

The roles having reversed!

Inhaling a deep breath, he mentally prepares himself.

I-I…I cannot do this anymore. It must end…now!


Frowning angrily towards Frost, he outstretches his arm.

Readying himself by holding his close together.

“Ka…me…ha..., -!”

A bright ki-blast begins charging his hands.

His voice exploding into a loud scream.

Triggering his aura around him.

The flames flaring intensely around him!

The ground breaks apart, and its fragments begin lifting into the air at the raw power he’s exhibiting!

Everything stretching all the way into horizon breaks apart!

The furthest parts merely crumbling apart and collapsing in on itself.

Kami’s hair turning golden! Standing up on his head.

“Huh?! What the-?!”

Frost exclaims at lifting his head. Looking back up into the sky.

His eyes widening at spotting Kami having reignited his aura.

A bright blue light in particular drawing his attention.

Again, his eyes widen. This time in fear.

“N-no! H-he cannot!”

Adopting a stern expression, Frost immediately reignites his aura as well.

Staring back up at Kami as he balls his fists.

Frost groaning hard as he tries to amplify his power before Kami can attack.

His aura flaring as electrical crackles around him.

Huh? What’s happening?

Kami wonders at spotting Frost’s reignited aura above the crumbling landscape.

He’s probably realized the seriousness of the situation! I doubt he’ll hold back now, so I guess everything I have left will have to be enough!

Faint electricity appearing around Kami as his Kamehameha continues gathering strength.

The clouds swirling around both Frost and Kami.

Randomly discharging lighting, due to the clashing powers.

Putting his left hand on top of the other and pulling both back, Frost’s aura suddenly begins randomly discharging purple electricity!

Whatever mountains and hilltops remain exploding at being struck by the purple electricity!

This is the end for you, Kami! Your lineage dies here, today!


Frost screams in his as he suddenly vanishes.

What!? W-where did he-?!

Kami screams panicked in his head, -

Only for him to turn around. Spotting Frost above him!

“Now learn what happens when you mess with the most powerful being IN THE UNIVERSE!”

“Galick Gun!”

Frost screams, shooting his arms out in front of him. Firing a purple beam directly at Kami!



Quickly turning and screaming at the top of his lungs, Kami fires his Kamehama back at Frost!

Intercepting his Galick Gun.

A bright explosion of purple and blue lights erupting in the sky!

A destructive shockwave shooting across the landscape!

Rounding the whole planet before meeting itself!

Large cracks spreading across the planet. Ripping open large chunks of continents, which break apart upon lifting into the air!

The powers clashing to such an extent that bolts of gold and blue lightning shot down into the ground.

Piercing the surface and going down into the core of the planet. Destabilizing it!

The entire planet shakes, causing the cracks to spread all across the entire planet!

The intensity of the tremors ravaging the planet only getting worse the longer Frost and Kami’s clash continues!

Similar destructive electrical discharges shooting outwards from their clash. Spreading across the planet!

Frost and Kami groaning strained at meeting the other’s powers.

Frost beginning to be pushed further and further up into the sky.

Kami’s Kamehameha beginning to push his Galick Gun back!

Frost’s rage finally exploding!


His aura exploding to a larger size.

Frost’s power exploding as it begins overwhelming Kami!

Pushing Kami’s Kamehameha back towards him.

Frost’s will to survive empowering his rage.

Overpowering Kami’s Kamehameha with ease.

However, ignoring the one thing stronger than ones will to survive; sorrow!

For as Frost’s Galick Gun closes in on Kam, ready to obliterate him once and for all, a single voice rang through the broken Saiyan’s head.

The one who perished in the hellfire of their planet’s destruction!

“Please, father, help us! HELP US!”

Kami’s son’s final words to him echoing in his head once more.

No! Not this time, Frost!


Kami screams as bright white light shots out of his eyes.

“Urgn! What the-?!” Frost exclaims.

“What is that!?”

He screams at the light shining in his face. Blinding him!

“Now’s your chance, father!”


With a final scream Kami’s power explodes outwards.

Unleashing everything he’s got left against Frost!


Staring back down towards the clash, Frost’s eyes turn pale with fear at seeing his Galick Gun be pushed back!



However, he’s interrupted by his Galick Gun exploding into tiny particles.

Kami’s Kamehameha collides with Frost and begins pushing him fast into the sky!

Frost’s agonizing screams echoing, even as the beam shots up into space!

The vast blackness giving away to a rapidly bright light.

Managing to weakly look behind him, Frost’s eyes widen in fear at spotting a star.

Watching the star get closer and closer horrified!


He screams at being pushed into the star.


His scream of terror turning into one of pain at the flames and heat of the star beginning to scorch his flesh!

Every inch of his body experiencing the most excruciating pain he’s ever felt before in his entire life!

His flesh melting away, revealing flesh and bone underneath.

Closing his eye before the end, -

F-forgive me, Luna! I-I was not strong enough!

…only to shoot open an excruciating pain enveloping his body!


Flames enveloping him. Swallowing him before the star explodes!

The star’s explosion sending enormous shockwave through space.

Back on the planet with Kami, the feedback from the explosion from his final attack shots right down into the planet through one of the lightning bolts!

Unable to handle the raw power sent into it, the core explodes!

Releasing an intense explosion that is sent throughout the entire planet!

Kami smiling as his destroyed eyes close.

His body falling out of the sky towards the surface.

“I-I did it!” he says with his final breath.

His dying body slamming into the ground.

An explosion of golden light erupting from the ground.

Through the cracks in the planet, lava and hot magma pours out onto the planet’s surface!

Towers of fire piercing the surface and shooting high into the sky!

Intense lightning shot across the sky. Booming and crackling intensely!

A bright light erupting from the very core one final time before finally exploding!

A shockwave shooting out across the whole galaxy!


Celestia utters terrified as the vicious shockwave of intense energy ripples across the landscape.

Discharging purple electricity through the air at her.

Missing her, but exploding into a large mushroom cloud behind her!

Exploding into a mushroom cloud behind her.

Her eyes widening. Snapping back towards the Everfree Forest.

“They won’t stand a chance against that kind of raw power! They’ll be obliterated!”


Without hesitation, she teleports away.

Another discharged bolt of lightning just missing her.

Appearing in the sky above the forest.

Specifically, above the Everfree Castle.


One of the frightened guards reacts.

Looking up into the sky to find Celestia hovering there in the air.

“Hey, it’s the Princess!” the guard cried.

Pointing up into the sky.



“It is! It is the Princess!”

Despite the rough winds blowing in their faces, the horrified and scared Equestrians cry out.

Knowing their leader is here and will set everything right!

Narrowing her eyes brows towards the incoming wave, she clenches her hooves tightly.

Releasing a small shockwave of her own as she screams.

Her aura igniting around her.

Amplifying her already rising strength!

Her aura steadily increasing in size as well.

Her power continuing to rise. Much like how the shockwave continues getting closer with every second!

A vast shadow falls over the castle as the shockwave towers over it!

Just before it hits, though, Celestia’s screams explodes into an intense shriek.

Her voice shooting out across the forest.

Causing trees to bend and sway violently at her intense volume.

“FINAL, -!”

She screams at holding her hooves together in front of her.

A crackling ki-blast materializing at her hooves.

The charging blast randomly dispersing golden lightning amongst the surface.

Explosions erupting from amidst the forest.


Her scream, as well as the charging blast, exploding outwards!

A crackling beam of golden light shooting outwards to the shockwave.

An explosion of colors erupting at Celestia’s Final Flash and the shockwave’s impact.

The bright light blinding everyone but Celestia.

Distracting everyone but her from the intense clash taking place.

Her Final Flash beam pushing back against the raging shockwave!

The shockwave having been stopped here, at the Everfree Forest!

All over Equestria, terrified, and now confused, Equestrians look up in front of them.

Staring at the frozen shockwave that suddenly stopped in its tracks!

The destructive and violent energy inside it trying to push forward, but to no avail!

The confused villagers unable to do anything but look.

Look upon the wall of destruction that would’ve claimed their lives!

Celestia groaning at the intense struggle pushing back against her.

Slowly, the pressing shockwave begins pushing her back.

Her body slowly moving further and further back.

Losing ground to the shockwave, which begins moving in on the forest.

Absorbing countless trees into itself. Destroying them!

Her Final Flash beginning to crack and break like a twig.

Slowly bending in unnatural ways that weak it!

The shockwave slowly continuing onwards into the forest.

Disintegrating more and more trees!

Closing in on the Everfree Castle, itself!

Equestrians running in terror towards the castle.

Crossing the bridge.

“No, this can’t be happening!”

A guard utters terrified.

The entire castle as he looks out towards the purple wall of destruction before him.

Watching it inch its way though the forest. Approaching the castle faster and faster!

“T-this can’t be happening! I-I-“ he stutters.

“I refuse to believe that this is the end!”

Raising his head, he looks up into sky.

Eyes widening as he gasps.

“T-the Princess…s-she’s losing. Badly!”

“Her energy is dropping fast! At this rate, she’ll most likely drop dead from exhaustion!”


A thought popped into his head.

His brows.

“It’s a long-shot, but it’s our last option!”

A magical spark emerged from his horn.

The spark floating down through the air into his throat. Amplifying his voice.

“Hey, listen everypony, this is the Captain of the Royal Guard speaking!” his voice echoes across the forest.

Every Equestrian within the forest stopping what they were doing.

Instead turning around and looking back towards the Everfree Castle.

“Listen, the Princess isn’t in such good shape! Her energy is dropping fast, and when it’s finally gone we’re all gonna die…but we can still make a difference!”

Everyone in the forest looking at each other concerned.

But nodding at each other. Ready to help the Princess if things were this dire that she alone couldn’t stop it.

“Unicorns, donate your energy to the Princess! Help yourselves by aiding her now!”

“Earth Ponies and Pegasus Ponies, merely raising your hooves in the air will donate your energy!”

Nodding their heads, every one of the Unicorns pointed their horns up towards the sky.

Their bodies enveloping in a blue glow. Same with their horns

Each and every Unicorn’s energy flowing out their horns upwards into the sky to Celestia.

Upon raising their hooves into the sky, the Earth and Pegasus Ponies donate their energy to Celestia as well.

A blue glow envelops them.

Small forms of energy flies upwards into the sky.

Floating up from many places within the forest.

Going directly into Celestia’s horn, and restoring her rapidly dropping strength!

Her eyes shoot open at this immediate explosion of energy.

Her aura reignites, enveloping her once more in flames.

Whoa! Where did all this energy come from!?

I-it’s like I’ve unlocked some hidden power deep inside me, this is so immense!

“Wait what-?”

Celestia lowers her head and looks down. Seeing the bright energy fly up towards and into her horn.

Her eyes widen and jaw hanging slack at looking around the forest.

Shock overcomes her at realizing what exactly is happening.

T-they’re donating their energy! Everpony is giving me their energy!

While she looks down upon the forest, she doesn’t notice her Final Flash pushes back against the shockwave.

Perhaps a little too well, as the shockwave begins to crack. Her Final Flash leaking softly into the shockwave!

Ever second her power continues climbing higher and higher, the more her Final Final penetrates deeper and deeper into the shockwave.

It’s no longer just pushing it back. It’s delving deeper and deeper towards the shockwave’s core, itself.

High in the skies above the crumbling pyramid, the very heart of the shockwave pulsates like an actual living heart.

Continuous waves shoot out towards the shockwave.

Intense waves shoot outwards. Ramping up its already destructive power, - …when a golden beam pieces it’s dark, violent mass. Shooting straight for the core, itself!  However, before the core is reached another wave is discharged that halts the beam from getting any closer.

Rapidly waves shoot out from the core. It’s energy drastically intensifying with every second!

The core prepares itself for the end, and begins spinning around in mid-air.

Getting faster and faster until it’s nothing but a bright blur in the skies above the Changeling Kingdom.

The doors to Empress Pollus’s throne room open, and a guard gallops inside.

Running across the throne room, only for the floor to crack open.

The guard almost falls down into the crevice, only to fly out of the hole.

Finally reaching Empress Pollus’ throne and bows.

“Empress, something strange is occurring at the Dream Demon’s pyramid!”

“Speak!” Pollus replies at sitting atop a shaking throne.

The walls crack, and the debris plummets towards and crash through the floor!

“Empress, it’s, -“


“It’s falling apart!”

Standing up on her hind legs, the young Princess Chrysalis looks out through her room window.

Eyes wide with horror at the bright lights and explosions surrounding Bill Cipher’s pyramid.

The sky swirls violently around the tip of the triangular structure!

Through the cracks bright beams shots outwards and flashes in colors that are ever-changing!

A whirlwind vortex spinning underneath it, causing the destabilized structure to sway unevenly back and forth!

“Huh?” she reacts at spotting something through the clouds.

She looks up into the sky. Narrowing her gaze upon the bright light.

“W-what is that!?” she inquires.

The ball of light begins to intensify.

Projecting a bright light that blinds anyone and anything that looks upon it!

Meanwhile, Celestia slowly turns her head back to face the shockwave.

She narrows her brows whilst glaring at the raging wall of death.

Feeling every Equestrians (in Everfree) donate their energy to her. Ramping her worn power beyond anything she’s ever felt.

The only time she’s felt power like this was when she and Luna wielded the Elements of Harmony against Sombra and Discord!

Thank you, everypony! Wow!

Without warning, she screams loudly at the top of her lungs once more!

Suddenly raising her voice startles the Equestrians that were all giving her energy. Interrupting their donations!

The Captain looks back up into the sky towards her.

Smiling after he’s sensed her energy output.

His smile doesn’t falter in the slightest, even as the air around Celestia swirls around her!

Slowly pushing him further back with ever-growing force.

“Do it, Princess!” he screams into the air before he’s knocked against a wall.

“Do it!”

Every Equestrian cry out as loud as they possibly can.

Having heard the guard before he hit the wall.

“Do it!”

Their voices merge together into a single voice that reaches Celestia.


A second Final Flash blast discharges from her hooves, and shoots down along towards the end!

The blast disappears as it vanishes into the shockwave. Travelling down through the wild and chaotic mass of the shockwave towards the other end.

A bright light grows brighter at reaching the end.

Despite being nowhere near the first Final Flash’ blast strength, this newest blast shoots directly into the other end.

A bright flash erupting from the Final Flash blast before it shots forward and pierces the core straight through the center!

The core begins to twitch and spas from having been interrupted.

Waves shot out from the core as it thrums loudly.


An Equestrian shout and points their hoof towards the shockwave.

Panicking Equestrians stop in their tracks and turn around. Looking back up towards the shockwave.

Watching in shock as light-blue waves shots through the shockwave.

The shockwave’s advance slowly grinds to a halt, before it begins slowly backing away from the Equestrians.

The shockwave’s slow retreat revealing large and desolate. Absolutely devoid of life.

As Celestia witnesses the shockwave’s retreat, ends her Final Flash blast.

Her flaming aura keeps her suspended in the air above her and Luna’s castle.

Smiling as she gently begins to fly down.

Gently descending through the air towards the nearest tower where she plants her hooves on the stone floor.

Her brows jump at hearing countless voices from behind the tower’s battlements.

She trots closer and peeks out from behind the battlements. Looking down.

“Behold, Princess Celestia, our savior!”

The guard that organized everyone into donating their energy to her shouts.

Pointing his hoof directly at her.

The ever-growing crowd around the castle erupting into a loud roar.

From high up in the tower, a gentle smile stretches across her face.

It being decades since the last time she’s heard cheering like this.

Not since the Dark Years when she was defeated, her kingdom reduced to ruins, and what little remained of her evil banished to the cold North.

Something clicks in her head and she becomes motionless.

The world around her darkens. Turning into a dark void that surrounds her, except for a small circle of light.

The cheers of her overjoyed subjects fade away into eerie silence.

A silence that is only interrupted by a pair of glowing eyes.

Meeting the disembodied eyes, her eyes widen with fear.

Her courage from moments ago fading away. Soon replaced with a dreadful fear.

Whimpering, the powerful Alicorn Princess cowers before the dreadful presence before her.

The glowing eyes tilting to the side.

Narrowing gleefully upon slowly approaching her.

Deriving great joy from watching her suffer, which only terrifies her more!

Closing shut, the glowing eyes vanishes!

Celestia gasps at their disappearance, and quickly turns her head in random directions to find them again!

However, she doesn’t have to search long, for a dark figure immediately appears in front of her!

A wall of fire explodes outwards from behind the shadowy figure.

The wall of fire pulls back to reveal a dark and terrible throne room.

Torches with dark flames aligning the wall. Illuminating the room, and the two figures inside it.

Staring up at the shadow that stands before her, Celestia can only look on in horror at the being before her.

Every breath she takes comes out cold.

Despite torches being lit, there is no warmth, nor joy, nor happiness, nor courage left in the room.

Only untampered malice and fear!

A tall and slender figure towering over her small and insignificant form.

Tilting its head to the side, the figure gently steps forward!

Terrified, she quickly rises to her hooves and backs away from it.

Each step taken by the shadow reveals more of it, -

The shadows on it’s chest gives way to dark and crimson armor. Revealing a chest plate, and armor on the legs...

Next, the swirling shadows around it forms a long cape that trails along the floor…

The dark nothing pulls back to reveal a youthful, even beautiful face, -

However, its eyes immediately open to reveal the glowing eyes!

A crimson crown sits atop her head with three jewels in it.

Red beams shot from her eyes towards Celesta!

Her beautiful face becoming stone-faced upon projecting the beams on Celestia.

Her cold stare paralyzing the frightened mare in her tracks!

Unable to move an inch from her spot.

The dark female extends clawed hands out beside her.

Her smirk opening to reveal sharp fangs.

Reaching out towards Celestia with her sharp claws, whilst black tendrils slither out from behind her back.

Cutting Celestia off from any possible escape routes she might’ve had.


An eerie whisper echoes around her.

The female entity’s head snaps left!

Looking towards…something!

Celestia turns her head towards what’s attracted her attention.

However, she can make out two distorted figures in the doorway.

The female entity slowly turns back towards Celestia.

Shooting her a malicious grin as a wall of shadow erupts behind her.

With a screeching roar, she suddenly lunges straight at Celestia!

A dark castle flashes in her head!

A castle with three mountains atop it.

The sounds of a male and female echo in her head!

“NO!” she screams as her eyes shoot wide open.

The cheering Equestrians fall silent at her sudden outburst.

Everyone silently staring upwards at the tower in shock.

Then, gasp as Celestia suddenly collapses.

“Hurry, hurry! The Princess might be in critical condition after her battle!”

The guard shouts.

“Fly you fools!”

He commands to the Pegasus Ponies, who immediately take to the air.

Immediately flying up towards the tower.

However, a bright light suddenly draws his attention.

Turning his head, he looks straight at a bright light.

His eyes widen shocked…

Meanwhile, Celestia’s indeed collapsed atop the tower, but not from a physical affliction.

One that can cripple even the greatest; sorrow.

Behind the battlements, she sits with her back turned to the battlements.

Two tears running down across her face at the same time.

Leaving two wet streaks on her face.

One tear each for the two screaming voices that keeps echoing over in her head.

“Princess Celestia, is everything-…alright?”

“Hm?” she replies.

“Mhm! I-I’m fine!” she says wiping both tears with her hoof. “I-I just want to be left alone for a bit!”

However, despite the sparked sorrow at reliving horrible memories, she looks up from the floor at glimpsing a bright light on the wall in front of her.

“Huh!? What the-!?”

Upon rising to her hooves, though, she looks behind her.

Only for her eyes to widen in horror at what’s before her.

Despite hovering close to the tower, the Pegasus Ponies are petrified with fear at a bright light in front of them!

Everyone of the Earth Ponies and Unicorns are all staring in paralyzed terror!

Every single Equestrian’s unable to look away or feel anything but fear and shock!

While they’ve been relishing in their victory, the shockwave’s been steadily overtaken by a white, bright glow.

Everyone that’s looked upon this light have found themselves afraid!

The courage draining out of them until there’s nothing left but fear!

Now, gazing upon the light, Celestia’s experiencing the same fear.

Like all millennia ago, she’s consumed by a cold fear.

Back in the skies above the Changeling Kingdom, the destabilized core continues to spin, but in the opposite direction!

Spinning around so fast that no one’s able to follow it.

The whirlwind underneath the pyramid stretches up into the sky towards the core.

The ferocious force of the whirlwind tugs at the Changeling’ Castle.

Causing the enormous structure to creak.

Tilting softly to the side as it’s foundation gets more and more uprooted by the wind

The spinning core finally explodes!

Flashing a blinding light upon the whole Changeling Kingdom, while sending a final wave of intense energy the Equestrians’ way…!

Raging beams of light explodes outwards from inside the pyramid.

Crashing through the walls and ceiling and shoots into the sky!

The pyramid falls out of the sky and violently slams into the ground!

Blowing up a wall of dust.

Reaching the other end, the already glowing shockwave glows brighter and finally explodes!

A white light envelope the Equestrians and the castle.

Celestia’s attention snaps down, only for her eyes to widen in horror at the sight greeting her.

Both the castle and the Equestrians disintegrate into dust before her eyes!

She’s about to leap into action, when the tower, itself, explodes and is sent flying through the air from the aftershock!

“NOOOOOOOOOOO!” she cries out.

Reaching out with her hoof towards the trapped ponies, only to watch as flames engulf the whole of Everfree Forest!

From space, cracks as bright as fire spreads across the planet!

Oceans boil and rumble as the oceans part ways, and pour into the vast crevices!

The ground cracks and breaks apart, destroying whole continents at once!

Also, visible from space is the very core of the explosion shooting into the space!

A final burst of light erupts from the enormous explosion that envelops Equestria!