Group Precipitation

by FanOfMostEverything

Decorating the Tree, by SaintAbsol

"Please help me!"

Applejack jumped away from the lockers she 'd been leaning against, nearly dropping her phone as Fluttershy suddenly latched onto her, the other girl wearing a hat to cover up the frail, gray locks that her hair had become with the continued approach of winter. "Wha—"

"Rarity!" Fluttershy interrupted, looking around nervously. "I-I appreciate what she's trying to do... but I just can't take all these wigs she keeps trying to give me anymore!"

Applejack blinked a few times, her mind still in a bit of shock. "O...kay?" she finally said. "Not sure what ya want me to do about it."

Fluttershy managed to give her a look that might have passed for incredulous. "Talk her out of it?"

Applejack just shook her head. "That ain't gonna be happenin'; when it comes to Rarity, ya gotta know when to fold'em. Now's one o' those times."

Fluttershy bit her lip as she looked around once again, sure that Rarity was getting closer as they talked. "Distract her and I'll increase your farm's produce by twenty percent!"

AJ started, staring at her friend. "You can do that?!"

"... Kinda?" Fluttershy rubbed at the back of her head, a few hairs falling out as she did. "I-I mean, I'll have to spend a few days as a tree again, so I can talk to them, a-and it's a bit too late for it to effect this year's crop..." she trailed off as Applejack raised her eyebrow, before just desperately grabbing the farm girl's shirt. "Just please help me!"

Applejack sighed, her posture slumping in defeat. "Okay. I'll buy ya a few minutes."

"Thank you!" Fluttershy hugged her with a surprising amount of strength for a non-earth aspect. "I'll make sure to—"

"There you are!" Rarity's slightly manic voice cut Fluttershy off as the fashionista rounded the corner, an unbalanced glint in her eyes as she stalked forward. "I've been working on some new designs and— MMPH!"

Now, it was Rarity's turn to get cut off as, without any preamble or pretense, Applejack simply walked up to her and gave her a kiss. The unicorn aspect was surprised for all of a second, before she nearly melted as she returned the display of affection. Several moments passed with the two of them kissing, before Applejack pulled away.

"Huh?" Rarity blinked hazily, as if she was just waking up. "What just..."

"Ya were actin' a bit loco," Applejack explained. "Figured I could shock ya outta it fer a little while like that." A quick glance confirmed to AJ that Fluttershy had taken the opportunity to flee, meaning her end of the bargain was complete. "Sorry."

Rarity gave a quite chuckle, giving Applejack a quick peck on the cheek. "Don't be, I most certainly am not." She smiled, before putting her finger to her chin in thought. "Now... what was I..." And, just like that, the spark of unhealthy inspiration was back once more. "Oh, right; now I remember. Oh Fluttershy~."

Applejack sighed as she watched Rarity run off to find their mutual friend once more, leaning back against the lockers as she had been previously. "Mah girlfriend is insane." She paused, then chuckled as she went back to her phone. "Then again, so's everyone else in this school, includin' me."