
by Undermine


Oh my child, you are gravely hurt.

You took quite a fall, yes?

Oh dear me, you are in quite a state.

Please don't move. No no, it will make the pain worse.

I can only take away some of the pain, at least enough to fix your broken bones.

Oh dear, and of all the places you could have landed...

What's that? You have to speak up...

Oh dear, you really clocked your head...



Oh. Oh, no no. I'm not a ghost.

Why am I...what? Glowing?

Oh, I'm just visiting this place.

It's ok. I won't hurt you.

Let me wipe those tears.


There. Can a ghost do that?


Now, listen to me very carefully.

I'm going to heal your bones but I'll have to leave right after.

It's...going to hurt. I'm sorry.

But don't stay in this spot. Otherwise someone else might find you.

Someone...not as kind, I'm afraid.

Go find the structure with the only stone archway intact. You can recover there safely.

Hm? Are they ghosts? Whoever may find you?

No. None of us are.

Now be still, and close your eyes.

On the count of 3.

