Fires of Friendship and Ice of Hatred

by Super Ponyman

Chapter 19: The Fault of the Sun and Moon

(Everfree Forest, Castle of the Two Sisters)

Everypony stared in shock and fear as Midnight Sparkle, who they once heard was only found in the mirror world, was standing right in front of them.

Sunset was the first to speak, her voice shaky and filled with dread, "I-I-Impossible! I destroyed you on the other world. How did you get here?! Sci-Twi gave up your power and you were defeated! How?!"

Midnight Sparkle laughed, "Hah! Oh Sunset, you are so incredibly stupid. Did you really think that I wouldn't have a contingency plan in the rare case I was beaten? I think you would have anticipated the return of me after all these years... funny how you ponies always forget your problems so easily."

Rarity hissed, "Well, would you care to explain why you are here?! Also, your attire is overwhelming. All that purple and black is hard on the eyes and doesn't give Off a regal view, if you're aiming to look like an Empress."

Midnight Sparkle snarled, "Its SUPPOSED to look intimidating, you snobby fashionista! UGH!"

Midnight collected her thoughts, and began to speak, "I'm sure you are all wondering how I am here, so let me explain. In my universe, after the events of Friendship Games and The Everfree Event, My essence fled through one of the various rifts that were opened to Equestria, that was my contingency plan... if I fled the body of Sci-Twi instead of being destroyed, I would be able to survive."

Burning Star growled at Midnight, "That still doesn't explain why you ended up in our Twilight!"

Midnight continued, eyes full of an eerie purple light, after a few months, I found a new home in Princess Twilight, this was the pony I was looking for! You see... YOUR Twilight craved knowledge, and I provided it to her. Burning Star, You ever wondered why Twilight began to learn from you so quickly? She wasn't learning, I ALREADY KNEW ALL THOSE SPELLS!"

Twilight finally got the courage to respond, "All those things you said, giving me powers beyond my limits... you were just using me? Using me to gain power and escape into your own body?! How could you?!"

Midnight picked up Twilight with her magic and said in an almost motherly tone, "No, Twilight. I will give you the powers I promised, I am not untrustworthy, unlike Celestia and Luna.

Quickfire stepped forward and said, "You are wrong, Celestia and Luna told me that you are a deceiver! Don't trust her Twilight!"

Midnight conjured a magic prison around the other ponies, leaving her alone with Twilight.

She whispered into her ear, They refused to teach you anything about Dark Magic, they kept you fearful to use your true, unchecked powers, they are holding you back, I offer FREEDOM! I offer a chance to let go of that pent Up energy and feelings of doubt, fear, and... other urges that you kept buried for so log. You won't need your friends to help you, you could be the ruler you always wanted to be! Ponies would kneel before you! Not even Celestia and Luna could surpass you!" I should know, I am you, after all... but better!"

Twilight Sparkle closed her eyes, as much as she hated to say it. Midnight was right!

Celestia, Luna, and Eclipsio have deceived them, they put up a facade of peace and harmony... the world is dark and scary as well...

Burning Star, hearing the conversation, sadly agreed as well, saying to everypony, "Midnight, as much as I hate to say it, is right on certain issues. Celestia and Luna have deceived us on occasions, I once heard from a wise pony that Everypony can be a villain under the right circumstances and series of events, but right and wrong do not matter to that pony. To the ponies that become villains to save others, there's wrong, and then there's WORSE."

He turned to Applejack and said, "AJ, you're the element of honesty, can you tell if Midnight is telling the truth or not?"

Applejack knocked on the barrier and called out, "Hey, Midnight. Ah think we would like to speak openly with ya, but only if you tell us the truth about this, Why do you really want Twilight to give into your powers?"

Midnight dropped the barrier and said, "Because I feel betrayed by them! How could they squander Twilight's, no... all of your potential to be greater. They chose to say that you can't do this and that because they are afraid that you can become more powerful than they ever can be!" They deny the fact that there is darkness in Equestria, and I am the one that will show the ponies of this world that their lives will not always be prosperity, sunshine and rainbows, (despite ponies having the ability to create those three things). I just want to show them what will happen if somepony with REAL power, power enough to rival them, found out that the kingdom they built wasn't as candid and pure as they say it is."

Applejack sensed that Midnight was telling the truth, the cold, blunt truth.

Shining Armor, the present one stepped forward saying, "Twily, listen to me. Why would Celestia and Luna fear you? You would never hurt one of us, right?"

Twilight Sparkle winced when she said, "I had many a desire to hurt all of you, I just buried them away along with the rest of my negativity."

Midnight put one of her Raven-Black wings around Twilight, "And from that hate and rage, which Celestia considers blasphemy to feel, I was born again. If it would put peace to your mind, why don't we ask the two of them what they have planned if Twilight, or any of you went out of control, shall we?"

Without Warning, Midnight engulfed everypony in a globe of darkness and flew towards Canterlot.

She said to herself, "Soon I will finally be rid of those tyrants, the darkness in ponies hearts cannot be suppressed forever... sometimes you have to let it free. Sometimes, Good must become Evil in order to see both sides of the spectrum. There is no good or evil, just ponies... ponies who want a ruler that gives them freedom from suppressing their negative feelings... and that is me..."

(Canterlot Castle, Throne Room)

Meanwhile, Celestia and Luna had been sitting on their thrones talking to delegates about the recent string of Windigo attacks, for some reason they had stopped...

Had Burning Star actually won?

Luna turned to Celestia and said, "Sister, I have a strange feeling that something or somepony is approaching fast, and whatever or whoever it is, it is cloaked in Darkness."

Celestia quietly said back, "Then King Sombra may have launched his attack, do you sense anything else?"

Luna was about to respond when the doors to the castle were blown open, and a ball of darkness flew inside.

Many of the politicians screamed and ran, while Celestia and Luna braced themselves to fight the Shadow King Sombra one more time...

What they saw surprised them, it was Twilight Sparkle and the rest of the ponies sent to fight the Windigos!

But there was another figure, who had its Raven-Black wings wrapped around them, Celestia didn't like it.

Celestia asked the figure, "Show yourself, Winged Beast. Who are you?"

The giant wings unfurled and what Celestia and Luna saw was terrifying...

It was Twilight Sparkle, but she looked like she had been Corrupted by Dark Magic!

They then looked to the right and saw the real Twilight Sparkle, not corrupted by Dark Magic.

The two Alicorns were understandably confused, until the Dark Twilight spoke in a voice that sent chills down their spines.

"I'm disappointed in you, Celestia. You don't even recognize or acknowledge your former student? Then again, I do look different, don't I?"

Celestia narrowed her eyes and said to the Twilight that looked normal, "Twilight? Who is your dark-colored acquaintance that looks like you?"

Midnight Sparkle stepped forward and cut off Twilight's sentence, "I am Empress Midnight Sparkle, formerly Twilight Sparkle. I gave up that name when I learned of the deception you spread from your castle, I know you, Celestia. You lying, conniving, Alicorn. You try to surpress my powers, and it blew up in your face! Hah-aha-haaa!"

The other Twilight began to speak again, "What my dark version of myself is trying to ask for in an odd way is this, Celestia and Luna. Have you been holding information from us that prevents us from climbing up in power?"

Celestia and Luna went white with shock, they couldn't believe that their former student was questioning them on if the two of them have ever lied to Twilight before...

Luna was the first to stammer out, "O-of course not Twilight! Why would you think that we would lie to you? Who could have told you that we could be lying to you?!"

Burning Star raised an eyebrow, "Something bothering you, Moon-Butt? Seems you have been caught, huh. You see, Ms Midnight here tells us that you have been concealing the darker parts of Equestria so you can keep everypony happy, is this true?"

Celestia nodded, "Yes, but I did it so that... That I..."

Iron Steed got up and said, "That you could do what? Keep everypony unaware of the fact that the apparent utopia you created isn't perfect? The fact you blotted out specific parts of history so that you retain your power?"

Burning Star saw Celestia's eye begin to twitch, and Luna's teeth begin to grind.

His mane slowly began to catch fire, he knew what was coming...

Celestia roared in her Royal Canterlot voice, "Twilight, I demand to know why at this time you are questioning us?! Has something happened that has changed your perspective on us?"

Midnight Sparkle narrowed her gaze into a smug look, "What is wrong Celestia? Have you not been telling the whole truth? Because I would LOVE to divulge what your secret plan for Twilight is, unless you both have the guts to tell her right here, right now!"

Celestia and Luna started to snort in annoyance, Wind Walker picked up on this and said to Rainbow Dash and Thunder Fury,

"You two, fly across the skies and evacuate the city, Celestia and Luna are not reacting well to this confrontation. Go! Quickly!"

He turned to Hiller and Quickfire and said, more urgency in his voice.

"You two, go to the barracks and subdue the Royal Guard, I can sense that a messenger has been sent to alert them to our confrontation, go!"

Rainbow Dash and Thunder Fury flew out the door, and Quickfire and Hiller ran through the castle hallways towards the barracks, knowing full well what happens next.

Luna shouted in her Royal Canterlot Voice, "This is ridiculous, Twilight. Thou can't believe this demon of darkness, she musth be lying herself! You do not understand the Forces you trifle with!"

Wind Walker sensed the air heating up around Celestia, the breath of Luna quickening, he sent one last whisper into the ear of everypony but Burning Star, Twilight, and Midnight.

"Everypony, get out of here, now! Celestia and Luna are losing control of their anger. It's just as we suspected, they are lying to us about Twilight's fate. I think I can gather enough air to shield you from the oncoming event. Once it's up, Run and get your families to safety!"

Midnight smirked and said, "Looks like somepony got caught in a lie, since you aren't going to tell her, I'll tell her." Twilight, THEY are the reason the Windigos are back, THEY are the reason the villains continue to return, why else do you think ponies flock to the two of them for safety against those God-like beings?"

Midnight Sparkle suddenly lunged at Twilight and tackled her to the floor, Burning Star also hit the deck as gigantic beams of solar and lunar energy flew over their heads!

Celestia and Luna stood tall, eyes full of rage, both of them saying.

"We will not tolerate this uncalled Defiance any longer!

Midnight Sparkle whispered in Twilight's ear, "I told you they were untrustworthy! Would you like those powers now? You know, since we are dealing with That?!"

Twilight Sparkle looked up, and saw what Midnight was talking about.

Celestia and Luna had lost it and transformed into their evil alter egos, they looked very MAD.

Before her stood Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon, and they both were glaring daggers at Burning Star and herself.

Daybreaker said in a truly frightening tone, "I will crush your rebellious natures, Twilight Sparkle and Burning Star!"

Nightmare Moon continued, "When this is over, both of you will never wake again!"

Twilight Sparkle took a deep breath and absorbed Midnight into her horn, transforming into her.

Burning Star ignited his mane and tail, as well as spreading his wings, his eyes burned with blue fire.

He turned to Twilight and said in his speech voice, "Ready for this, Twilight?"

Twilight's eyes shined deep purple and she glared at the two mad Alicorns, before saying...

"A Princess's duty is to protect her subjects, I am a princess, and I have to protect The Nation of Equestria from the very ponies that created it!

With that said, the four Alicorns lunged at each other...

And the Final Battle for Equestria begun!