The Dalek Invasion

by the ghost

Chapter 17: The Other Watch

Chapter 17: The Other Fob Watch.

The two Daleks, Lez and Zek where having a discussion about what their next action should be. Oh did I say discussion? I meant argument.
“WE MUST NOT.” Zek argued back. Why does he disagree with everything I suggest? Thought Lez. Why can’t he say ‘Lez that’s a brilliant Idea why didn’t I think of that?’
“The zebra warned us of danger. We should heed it’s advice.” Said Zek.
“Alright, how about this? Said Zek. You take half the troops through the Everfree Forest. I will take my half the long way.”
“Do not worry. 5,000 Dalek’s are enough to conquer Canterlot.” Said Zek. “Besides it’s never good to leave all your Daleks in one basket. Now if you excuse me I have to make a phone call.”

Lez wondered whom he could be calling but it didn’t matter. He had to inspect the mine and get it running. He moved towards the entrance to the gemstone mine. It had been home to the Diamond Dogs in it before they were… dealt with.
Lez heard this conversation as he moved down the mineshaft.
“This helmet is too tight!” Said a white Unicorn with a violet mane and diamonds as her cutie mark.
“PONY YOU WILL CEASE MAKING THAT NOISE!” Said a very annoyed Dalek.
“But the working conditions are simply dreadful in here! I haven’t even taken a bath in ages. And speaking of baths, I’m getting thirsty will you please, be a darling and get me a glass of water?”
“ENOUGH YOU WILL OBEY OUR COMMANDS OR BE EXTERMINATED.” The Dalek turned to see Lez coming down the hallway. “PLEASE SAY IT’S TIME TO TURN ON THE HELMETS?” Said the Dalek
“YES IT IS TIME.” Said Lez. He turns on the Machine.
“Wait what are you do-” suddenly the white unicorn stopped talking.
“THANK THE EMPEROR I DON’T HAVE TO LISTEN TO THAT ANYMORE.” Said the nameless Dalek. “PONY YOU WILL NOW RUN INTO THE WALL.” The white unicorn did as she was told and ran strait into a wall. Blood ran down her beautiful face. The Dalek was satisfied with his revenge.
“YOU WILL NOW SEARCH FOR GEMS AND PUT THEM ON THIS CART.” The white unicorn with the purple hair obeyed and got right to the task. Everything was going smoothly. So Lez decided to leave.

“Twilight get ur’ hoof out of my face.” Said Applejack.
“I would, but my leg is caught underneath Fluttershy’s wing.” Said Twilight
“Um. I’m sorry but my wing is caught on Rainbow Dash’s face.” Said Fluttershy.
“I can’t move either my face is stuck against Applejacks flank.” Said Rainbow Dash.
“Well that’s just great.” Said Applejack
“Eeyep.” Said Big Mac.
“You say that about everything.” Complained Scootaloo.
“Eeyep.” Said Big Mac
“Take it easy everypony. I almost have the gate open.”
Almost everypony in ponyville was trapped in a large gray room. Well it wasn’t a room more like a prison cell and it wasn’t nearly large enough. The confused ponies where stacked on top of each other in what seemed to be the prison cell of Zek’s ship that crashed. They had arrived there after the Daleks had “EXTERMINATED THEM”. They had been locked up for about three hours. Twilight was picking the lock with magic.
“Hurry up most of us have to use the little fillies room.” Said Apple Bloom.
“I already went.” Said Scootaloo smiling.
“Ewwww that’s gross.” Said Sweetie Bell.
“I’m just teasing you.” Said Scootaloo.
“Not funny.” Said Sweetie
“Twilight hurry!” said Apple Bloom
“Almost… There got it!” said Twilight in triumph. The ponies slid like water out of a tap, out of the cramped cell.
There was a stampede of ponies flooding their way out of the ship desperate to find the bathroom. The only ones who stayed in the room were the mane... Four who had discussing to do.
“Alright everpony.” Said Twilight addressing the Mane Four. “So somehow we escaped the Daleks. We now we are in some unknown location in Zek’s space ship with out any explanation, we are missing Rarity and Pinkie Pie, and the elements are fakes. Anyone have any bright ideas?
“Well the first thing we have to do is warn the princess.” Said Applejack.
“That’s a good idea. But we have no way of reaching them.” Said Twilight. Anypony else have any good ideas?”
“You can start by looking behind you.” Said Zek. At the sound of Zek’s mechanical voice the ponies spun around and saw Zek behind what seemed to be glass box. Twilight had heard of this before from Pinkie, she believed that it was called a “computer monitor”.
“YOU! You have a lot of nerve showin your face around here!” Said Applejack.
“You are in my ship…” Said Zek
“How dare you cheat in a race!” Said Rainbow Dash. Typical, thought Twilight, Dash was upset about him cheating in a race when a short while ago he had been shooting her with a lasers.
“Don’t make me come up there and kick your flank!” Said Rainbow.
“Dash, he’s behind a computer monitor you can’t get to him. He’s not even in the room.” Said Twilight
“What the hay is a computer?” asked Dash.
“I think Pinkie would be better at explaining that.” Said Twilight.
“I don’t care none for this fancy smancy computer.” Said Applejack. “What I want to know is how the hay we got into this room.”
“I secretly replaced our death rays with experimental capture rays.” Explained Zek. “They are designed to transport any living target into my prison cell on my ship.”
“Oh so then you saved us! You must be on our side, right?” Said Fluttershy hopefully. Her ears went up.
“No.” Said Zek firmly. Fluttershy’s ears went down. “I am loyal to the Daleks. It will not happen again. Next time we meet you will be exterminated.”
“Then why did you help us?” Asked Twilight.
“I was paying off the debt to you for saving me from my ship. Now I have one a few last pieces of advice to give. First do not try to stop the Dalek invasion. You will be EXTERMINATED. Secondly you must find a space ship and get off this planet.” Said Zek. Twilight shook her head.
“We couldn’t do that even if we wanted to.”
“Why?” asked Zek.
“Because there are no spaceships that can take us any farther then the moon.” Said Twilight. “Equestrian technology is nowhere near advanced enough.”
Zek stared at the screen thinking. He hadn’t considered that the ponies would not have a way off the planet. He thought hard. He knew for a fact that there was one spaceship in Equestria, but if they used it then he would wake up. Zek decided that it was worth it. If he decided to stick around and fight, Zek was confident he could take him down, but somehow he knew he was going to regret waking him.
“Do you see that drawer?” Zek asked Twilight.
“Yeah.” Said Twilight.
“Open it.” Instructed Zek.
Twilight went to open the drawer. It had a Dalek handle, but she could still open it with magic. She reached into the draw and pulled out a fob’s watch.
“It’s a… watch?” Said Twilight confused.
It is an essential part of the time lord devise known as a Chameleon Arch. It is used to store a Time Lord’s personality and memories. That one belongs to the Time Lord known as the Doctor. If you can get him to open it he will keep you safe. I stole it from him while he was regenerating”
“Hey I thought you said Time Lords are evil?” Said Rainbow Dash. “How do we know we can trust this “Doctor”?”
“They are the enemy of the Daleks so that makes them evil.” Said Zek. “However the Doctor is trustworthy.”
“How will we recognize the Doctor?” Asked Twilight Sparkle interested.
“You know him. He is under the alias Mr. Time Turner Whooves.”
The four ponies let out a gasp.
“You mean the colt who works with all them clocks?” Said Applejack.
“But that’s impossible he’s been living in ponyville for three whole years.” Said Twilight. “And before that he was at the academy.”
“He is a Time Lord.” Zek repeated. “His memories are false. He only thinks he went to the academy. He doesn’t even know he’s the Doctor Is he their with you?
“No.” said Twilight.
“Then he must be hiding somewhere in Ponyville.” Said Zek
“How do we know we can trust you?” Asked Twilight.
“You cannot trust me.” Said Zek. “But what I say is true.”
“Thank you so much for saving us Mr. Zek.” Said Fluttershy. “I knew you weren’t evil.”
“Fluttershy don’t thank him! He’s the enemy!” Said Rainbow Dash.
“Still thank you. I knew you would be our friend.” Said Fluttershy.
“I am not your friend. I am a Dalek. We are enemies. I WILL EXTERMINATE YOU ON SIGHT!” Said Zek.
“I think you’re just in denial.” Said Fluttershy.
Zek was silent for a couple of seconds. And then he said.
“RAISE COMMUNICATIONS BARRIOR!” His image on the screen disappeared.
“I think he’s just shy.” said Fluttershy.
“Well now what’re we gonna do?” Said Applejack.
“Well. I could be a trap, but this “Doctor” person sounds promising. Even if he turns out to be evil he’s an enemy of the Daleks. An enemy of my enemy is our friend right?” Said Twilight
“Aright it’s settled then. Let’s go give the Doctor a house call!” Said Rainbow Dash.