//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 // Story: Of Scales and Moonlight // by TheTraveler //------------------------------// CHAPTER 3 Of Scales and Moonlight The bright afternoon sky had given way to a beautiful twilight as Celestia made her way through the palace gardens, her frayed patience from her meeting with the envoy of the House of Lords slowly healing as she took in the beautiful sights and sounds of the summer-kissed gardens around her. Sighing contently and making a mental note to thank the gardeners upon her next meeting them, her stroll through the private gardens suddenly took a detour as she turned from the set path through the masterfully sculpted landscape. Moving, instead, onto a rough track, obscured to those who did not know of its existence by the hedgerows that surrounded it, she started to walk toward what could easily be called her favourite part of the castle. The Stardew Allotment. As the old stone wall that she knew so well came into focus, signifying that her walk had come to its end, Celestia couldn't help but feel her heart soar ever so slightly as she looked upon the old stonework in front of her. For something as simple as a wall, she was still amazed at how quickly it brought back so many of the warm memories she held of those long summer evenings that she and her son shared in this magical place. Allowing herself to succumb to those precious memories, Celestia smiled warmly as she gazed at the stonework. It felt like only yesterday that the entire area around her was little more than waste scrubland, long forgotten to all, including herself. Even now Celestia could remember his excitement as he showed it to her, and her considerable scepticism at his idea of turning it into a vegetable garden. Not that her doubts were helped by her son getting himself stuck up a tree at the back of said scrubland merely days after his discovery, causing more than a mild panic among her and her personal staff when he did not turn up for dinner that evening. That aside, however, the Princess of the Sun was more than happy to admit that she was proven entirely wrong on her initial scepticism. Having watched her dear Spike not only pull together his cousins but all the friends he had made along the way as well, in the face of such a mammoth task before them, she couldn't help but brim with pride as she thought about how they had turned the once overgrown wasteland into something beautiful. Something that had since, with the aid of her nephew, gone on to help so many of her little ponies in need by providing them with food that was not only nutritious but, more importantly, affordable. Yes, thought Celestia, her mind drifted back to the present as she used her magic to gently push open the ivy-covered door leading into the allotment, my dear Spike will be quite the crown prince when he comes of age. As she entered the allotment, she felt her ears give a slight twitch as she heard the sound of laughter echoing around her. Quietly making her way through the stone archway, ensuring that she went unnoticed by her son and her sister, she silently watched their conversation, both of them too engrossed in their conversation to notice their new audience, as Spike energetically moved around the raised beds. No doubt he was telling stories about all the memories he had made within the grey walls that surrounded them, concluded Celestia, while Luna quietly listened, clearly rapped on his every word. Smiling at the heartwarming sight, Celestia couldn’t help but wonder if she had made it in time to hear him tell his aunt the story about the Black Watch and the greenhouse; one of her personal favourites. Or, failing that, perhaps the time that that cute filly from the Wonderbolt Cadets, one he had quite a crush on at the time, had nearly caused a mass flood of the gardens by catapulting the unsuspecting dragon into one of the rainwater tanks. Maybe I should take another stab at getting the two of them together. They did make quite the adorable pair after all, though Celestia as she giggled happily into one of her hooves. “You seem in good humour your Majesty,” said a warm voice beside her, snapping her out of her plotting. “Ah Lord Greenhoof, good evening,” replied Celestia with a smile as she gave the old stallion a polite nod, “I thought you would be here. Especially considering I have just spent the last 3 hours in an audience with young Orchid.” “If it is any consolation, your Majesty. I did attempt to talk some sense into that son of mine. Unfortunately, the young fool seems as stubborn as I was at his age.” Smiling, Celestia turned her gaze back towards her own son. “I wouldn’t worry about it Cereus,” she replied kindly as she gave a gentle nod, “I know what it’s like to have a stubborn son myself.” Chuckling to himself for a moment before he too turned his gaze upon the young dragon in front of them, his smile slowly fell away into a concerned expression. “How’s he taking it. Finally meeting her after all this time?” he asked softly. Celestia’s smile wavered slightly at the stallion’s question. “I’m afraid I got called away shortly after introducing them to each other," answered Celestia with a soft sigh, "how have they been while they’ve been with you?” “He seems... hesitant to speak freely with her. Always referring to her by her name or her title, yet speaks openly when mentioning you,” answered the Lord softly. Sighing sadly, Celestia slowly turned her gaze to him. “And my sister?” “The same I'm afraid," he replied before hesitating at his next sentence. "If I may be so bold to air my own thoughts on this matter, your Majesty?” Seeing the old stallions hesitance, a rare sight even for her, Celestia gave him caring smile. “Dear Cereus, you are one of my son’s dearest friends. I will always be happy to give an ear to whatever it is you have to say. Especially in matters such as this.” Nodding at the Princesses reassuring words, the stallion pressed on. “I’m afraid that I can only talk on behalf of Spike in this instance, but given his history with your sister… I believe he is scared that she will not accept him. At least, not in the way that... well... Perhaps I have said too much.” “Don't worry Cereus. I believe you are quite right in your observations,” she replied with a nod. A sad frown now adorning her face, Celestia mulled over the old Lords words as her gaze drifted over to the smiling pair in question, both nephew and aunt blissfully unaware of the conversation going on about them as they continued to chat happily about the plants around them. “I’m afraid, I don’t have any answer to solve it, however.” Pausing, Cereus stroked his beard in thought, his gaze joining Celestia's in watching the chatting pair, “after all. We both already know how stubborn that dragon can be on such matters.” As a playful spark suddenly flicked across the Princesses eyes, she flashed the stallion a knowing smile. “Oh, I don't think we need to worry about that dear Cereus. After all, I do believe my dear Spike has already done all the work for us in this matter." Saying no more, save for a friendly farewell, Celestia left the perplexed Lord to blink in confusion at her retreating form as she made her way toward her family. All the while, a smile gently graced her lips she worked out the steps of her latest plan. "Best of luck Celestia," muttered the Lord quietly before chucking softly to himself, shaking his head in bemusement, "whatever your plan may be, I hope you're ready for the consequences." The colours of the day had since past, the moon now shining brightly on the city below, as, next to a dimly lit fire, a dragon lay sleeping. Curled up comfortably on a large pillow, his mother and aunt sat across the room, each sipping at their drinks as they watched on, the elder of the two giggling lightly into one of her hooves. “I think you may have worn him out, Luna. Usually, he's still up at this time, working away on this or that for my dear student while arguing about how he doesn't need a bed-time anymore." “Your words ring familiar, dear sister," replied Luna, nodding gently in response. "It reminds me of thou at the same age. Staying up all night, reading or practising your magic. Driving poor mother up the wall with arguments about how you where a full grown mare and could decide your own bedtime, only to fall asleep in one of old Starswirls lessons the following morning." Taking a sip of her drink, Luna allowed Celestia to see her smirk in full view, "yes, dear sister, you were truly a bastion of how all young ponies should behave.” Chocking on her drink slightly, Celestia looked away and made several muttering noises in retaliation before turning her gaze back to the sleeping Spike; an act that was soon emulated by her younger sister. “I must admit," started Celestia, in a poorly veiled attempt to change the subject, "I was glad to see you both getting along so well back at the allotment. I was quite worried we would have a repeat of when I introduced you to-” “We shan’t talk about Blueblood, Tia,” cut in Luna harshly, in no particular mood to recall the previous day’s events. After all, it was hardly her fault, and she was confident that his tail would grow back in no time. Giving a soft sigh, she took another sip of her drink as her mind slowly moved from thoughts of one nephew to another. With a penitent look set on her face, Luna turned her head towards her sister, startling Celestia slightly with the growing sadness in her eyes. “Tia. Dost, thou think that young Spike will accept us as his...” she paused as her gaze fell to the floor before drifting back over to the dragon in question, “dost thou think that Spike will accept us as his aunt?” Letting her gaze fall back to Spike also, Celestia used her magic to move another small log into the fireplace before turning back to her sister, a sincere smile on her lips. “I can tell you, Luna. Without a shadow of a doubt, as sure as I love my son, my dearest Spike loves you.” "But sister. How can thou be so sure of it? We have only met this very afternoon. Surely there is no way that Spike would even know us, let alone see us in any such light?" Without saying a word, Celestia stood and slowly made her way to a locked stained-glass bookcase near her bed before placing the tip of her horn into a small hole in its door. There was a soft, sudden, click as her magic undid the locking mechanism -a security feature, Luna recalled, that ensured only those who’s magical field registered within the lock could unlock it- before using her magic to gently swing the door open and remove an object from within. Closing the bookcases door with a soft click, a smiling Celestia made her way back over to Luna as an elegant leather-bound book, held within her magic, trailed behind her. When she sat back down, however, rather than putting the tome in front of either of them, Celestia pushed the book to the end of the table furthest from them. An act that earned the solar monarch a confused head tilt from her younger sister. “You know, Spike has known you ever since he was a hatchling,” started Celestia before taking another sip of her drink, “though I like to think that he has known you much longer than that.” Giving her a laugh, Luna regarded her sister with a disbelieving expression. “Surely thou must be jesting Tia, I have only been returned these scant few weeks. How could dear Spike possibly know me outside of our time today?” “He may have only met you in the flesh today Luna, but let me ask you this,” replied Celestia as she suddenly levelled a serious gaze upon the younger Princess. “Do you truly believe that I would not have told my son all about my beloved little sister? His own aunt?” Taken back by the seriousness of Celestia's answer all Luna could manage was to blink, stupefied by the sudden revelation that she, by all rights, should have already known. Of course, Celestia would have told Spike all about her; it went without saying that even after her transformation into Nightmare Moon, her sister still loved her deeply. To this very day, one thousand years after the fact, she could see the tears that flowed down her sister’s face as she used the elements of harmony on her, banishing her to the very moon that she once controlled. With that in mind, Luna could only imagine what new pain her sister would have felt if she were to hear her very son speak about her little sister with the same fear and hatred that she was sure so many of her subjects regarded her with - especially in the aftermath of the first endless night. “I used to tell stories to his egg you know,” continued Celestia, “I used to vent to him whenever I heard my, our, little ponies talking in hatred of you; and even sing to him when I was happy. "Then when he hatched, I used to tell him about all the adventures we used to go on. The day we found the tree of harmony or the rise and fall of Discord to name just a couple.” Celestia then allowed herself a soft giggle, “I also told him about our years working on Staryard Farm when dear mother sent us on envoy to the Stardew Vally." Pausing for a moment, Celestia giggled into one of her hooves, "he really loved that story when he started to get a bit older.” “So that’s where he got the idea from,” said Luna softly, thinking aloud as a gentle smile spread across her face, “I’m glad to see the spirit of that magical place has survived, even now.” “You and me both Luna,” replied Celestia, joining her sister in smiling at Spike. “Though for all the stories I told him. There was always one that he would ask for over and over again," Celestia turned her gaze back to Luna as a large smile spread across her face, "the tale about how his Aunty Luna valiantly defeated the evil King Sombra.” Luna gave Celestia an incredulous look at this revelation, after all, they had taken King Sombra down together. If it weren’t for them watching each other’s back throughout, they would have both fallen to the dark king’s power, though this did nothing to detract from the grin still stretched across her sister’s face, especially as that playful spark once more flashed across her eyes. “Oh, don’t go giving me that look Luna. I told my dear Spike the events as they happened, albeit with slight censoring when he was much younger," continued Celestia with a wave of her hoof. "It seems that your final clash with Sombra stuck a cord with that son of mine, however. Even to the point that he asked one of the Black Watch to teach him dual swordplay.” “Dual?” asked Luna, her eyes widening slightly at the through of the young dragon learning her style of combat, "was he any good?" “Oh, most defiantly. Even if, given our dear Spike's short stature, all he could manage to wield were a pair of daggers. And before you go and get big headed over this Woona, he also wanted to learn spear combat like his dear mum as well. Something that I taught him personally," boasted Celestia as she turned her muzzle up smugly. Her smug attitude soon deflated, however, as a sheepish look fell across her face, “that was until he tried showing off to his cousins and... well. Let’s just say he lost his confidence after that.” Celestia looked down at the table, a frown now set on her lips as she recalled the still vivid memory of that day, “it took Cadence nearly an hour to get him to calm down, after which, he wouldn’t go near any weapons again. The closest we got him to one after that was when Twilight’s brother convinced him to try holding an antique lance that he was transporting back to the armoury.” Resting one of her small wings upon her sisters back, Luna did her best to give her a reassuring smile, “perhaps, if thou art willing, We will have a talk with young Spike. After all, We had our fair share of mishaps when first developing our style; perhaps we can convince him to find faith once more.” Smiling, Celestia nodded as she embraced her little sister with one of her own majestic wings. “Thank you, Luna. Hopefully, he will listen to you when he would not listen to any of us," she then paused as some concern crept into her eyes and voice, “though, perhaps you should wait until you have regained your strength? I can't help but think it would be unwise to take up your sabres again when you have yet to regain full control of your magic.” Sighing, Luna moved away from her sisters embrace and took another sip of her drink. “Mayhap you are correct, dear sister. Though make no mistake. As soon as We are able, We will be speaking to dear Spike about this," lowering her cup, Luna flashed her sister a smirk, "then we can see once more that spears are of no competition to the might of dual sabres.” "If you say so little sister," replied Celestia with her own smirk. A comfortable silence then descended between the two sisters, broken only by the occasional snores of a sleeping dragon and pops from the fire next to him. A silence that was soon broken by Luna, who, with a puzzled expression on her face, turned to her sister and gave her a probing look. “If We may ask Tia? Why does thou refer to us a 'Woona'? Twice this day thou have called us such a sickeningly sweet name, and yet We cannot recall any time previous that you or any other from our past have.” The playful spark returned to Celestia with new strength, shining brightly behind her eyes, as she gave the Princess of the Night a wide grin. “That is quite simple, little sister. When my dear Spike was growing up, he was forever struggling with your name. Always calling you his aunty 'Woona' rather than 'Luna'. If nothing else, it was one of the cutest things I had ever heard.” Pausing, she giggled gleefully at the memory as she pulled her forelegs to her chest. “I was quite sad when he grew out of it if I must admit. Even if it does give me plenty ammunition to embarrass him with.” Blinking, Luna felt herself blush slightly as she imagined a baby Spike pulling on her sister’s mane, begging for another story about his Aunty Woona. Allowing herself a moment to squeal internally at how cute an image it must have been, she shook her head vigorously to clear these thoughts from her mind before catching a glimpse of the hefty tome that her sister had recently placed towards the edge of the small table. Curious, Luna pointed a hoof towards the book as she tilted her head at her sister. “And the reason for the book?” Celestia, giving a gentle 'Ah', used her magic to gently lift the book in question over to her sister, allowing the Princess of the Night to getter a closer look at the hefty tome. The book in question appeared to be a high-quality piece of work. The bindings where pristine and each page looked to be edged in gold.Upon its cover was an image of a sabre and a broadsword, inlaid in gold leaf and crossed behind a full silver moon with a purple dragon scale embossed in its centre. Looking over the rest of the book, Luna also took note of her and her sister's cutie marks inlaid in gold and silver on the back cover while upon the spine of the book, written in gold script, read the words… “Of Scales and Moonlight,” said Luna softly, tilting her head to the side in confusion. “Indeed, little sister.” Opening the book to its first few pages, Celestia flashed Luna a proud smile. “As it turned out when he was first learning to write, my dear son developed a taste for writing stories.” To aid her point, Celestia pointed her hoof towards the pages in front of them, “though, I'm afraid, the first few are quite illegible. Even so, I’m sure you can make out a couple of words within the scrawl.” True to her sister’s words, no matter how much Luna tried to squint and turn the pages she could find very little sense in the squiggles that lay haphazardly across the page, that is, save for two words. “Anty, Lonaur,” muttered the Princess of the Night. “'Anty Lonaur', indeed,” replied Celestia with a giggle, “there is also a ‘Prinses Sellesteah’ buried somewhere on that page as well. And on the page after,” Celestia paused to give a bit of overdramatic effect, though it was really more of an excuse to flash her sister a teasing smirk, “is a picture he drew of you.” “A picture of Us?” asked Luna in surprise, watching as her sister’s magic turned the page. Upon initial inspection of the page in question, Luna was about to point out that there was no picture there or that her sister had accidentally turned two pages at once. A moment passed, and then another, and another, before Luna let of an undignified snort and started to laugh. “Is that Us!?,” asked Luna between fits, “did thou tell younger Spike that We only have one horn? Or that We have two wings, not four?” The younger of the two Princesses sobered up quickly, however, when she saw the new look her sister was giving her. “If We do recall, dear sister. Thine own artwork was no more stunning when thou were the same age.” Gulping slightly, Luna gave her sister a sheepish look. “We are sorry, sister," spluttered Luna in apology, "We did not mean to insult…” then she saw it, the spark playing in her sister's eyes once more. Luna sighed crossly and hit her sister gently, “hilarious Tai. Thou almost had us there. Especially with the use of thy proper tongue.” Smiling at her sister, Celestia moved her attention back to the book before them. “The early pages aside, Spike got quite good at writing his stories. How could I not get them properly bound when he finished them? I even pulled a few stings and had the chief of the royal binders work personally on the cover!” Motherly pride shone clearly on her face as she spoke, though, as she came to her last words, Luna saw her sister’s eyes harden ever so slightly. “Not before I convinced each and every one of them to sign the official secrets act, however.” “Nothing like abusing one’s powers,” muttered Luna, shivering slightly as she suddenly felt a now very real, very cool, gaze from her sister upon the side of her head. Deciding to change the subject quickly, if only to save her own hide from an irritated Celestia, Luna moved the book closer to herself. “If We may ask? Where did thou come up with the title? T'is quite a pretty one.” "Ah. That, little sister, comes from the title of the final story,” answered Celestia, using her magic to turn the book to its last few pages, her eyes once again filled with their full warmth, “give it a read.” …“No! You can’t!” cried Sparks and he reached out to her. Tightening his hand on the hilt of his sword, as well as that of the moonlight sabre in his other hand, he made a desperate charge towards Nightmare Moon. The pain from his wounds was forgotten as he threw himself forwards, only one thought was in his mind. He had to save her! It couldn’t end here, not like this, not when they were so close. Sparks faintly heard Princess Celestia cry out his name over the sound of the Elements of Harmony, spinning through the air like a rainbow of shooting stars, their powerful hum getting ever louder as their ultimate spell neared its completion. He was nearly there, he could still save her. Then, to his horror, he stopped dead in his tracks; frozen in place by what he could only conclude was a powerful spell. Straining against the magic that now surrounded him, he heard a soft, melodic, voice drift through the air. “It’s okay Sparks. No matter what, we’ll see each other again. I promise," came the words of his aunt as she smiled at him. A smile betrayed by the heartbreak in her eyes. “NO!” cried Sparks as he struggled harder against her magic. “We are so close! We can stop her! We can do this, just let me help you!” With another mighty pull, he felt her magic slip. “After everything we’ve been through! All our adventures! It can’t end like this!” “This isn’t the end Sparks, I promise. Whatever happens, I will always watch over you. And when I return, even if it's a thousand years from now, I will find you, and we can be a family again. You, me, and Tia…,” though she continued to strain against Nightmare Moon, holding the monster in place, Sparks could see the tears flowing freely down her face, “so smile Sparks! Please! Please don’t let this be my last memory of you until then...” Tears now running down his own face, Sparks swallowed hard as he felt his hands tightening around the hilts of his swords. They had been together for so long, she had always had his back, and he hers. She had always been then for him, no matter what. Yet now, as he stood there looking up at her, he felt his blood run cold as realisation set in. This was the end, at least for now. There was no way, no matter how hard he fought or how valiant a fight the both of them put up, it was too late to stop it; too late to save her. Lifting his head, he dug deep into his soul and pulled forth all the light that he could muster; focusing it all on one last beaming smile as he met her eyes. “See ya latter Woona.” As fresh tears flowed from her eyes, she returned his beaming smile with one of her own. Then in a brilliant spectrum of colours both her and the nightmare vanished, banished to the moon above as the elements of harmony around Celestia grew dim; their work now complete. A faint voice remained, however, whispering throughout the room of the ruined castle. "...love you Sparks..." Slowly the swords he held slipped from his grasp, clattering loudly to the floor as the young knight collapsing to his knees. His smile was now gone as fresh tears poured down his face, pooling beneath him as he punched the tiled floor. The world lay forgotten to him as he turned his face up to the sky and chocked out one last mournful farewell. “Goodbye… Aunty Luna...” ... Luna put the book down, cutting the story short as she looked away from the page. How much time had passed she wondered. Minutes? Hours? She was unsure, but however long it was, it was long enough for Celestia to have cleared the table in front of them, save for a glass of water that Luna was confident had not been in the room previously. As she looked at the glass, she suddenly noticed a dampness on her cheeks and a slight sting in her eyes. Bringer a hoof to her face and dabbing her fur, Luna was surprised to discover that they were tears. Scanning the room, she spied her sister walking towards her from the fireplace. “Tia,” started Luna hesitantly, “this chapter? This story?” Smiling, Celestia gave her sister a hug. “I told you, Luna. He loves you. Even to the point that for the longest time he truly refused to believe that you where Nightmare Moon, insisting that you sacrificed yourself to save the world rather than trying to destroy it.” Giving her sister a gentle nuzzle she added, “even to this day I’m not entirely sure he ever grew out of that belief.” Feeling a pit in the bottom of her stomach, Luna gave a slight sniffle before moving away from her sister's embrace. “But why Tia? Why would he hold such faith in us? There is no reason for him too.” “Only Spike can answer those questions for certain, little sister,” Replied Celestia as she turned to look at her sleeping son before reaching out and lifting up the younger Princesses chin gently with her hoof. “I can tell you one thing that I know for certain though. No matter what happened in the past, or what may happen in future. No matter how many slings and arrows are thrown at you for what you have done. You will always have your number one fan.” Celestia tilted her head towards the glowing fireplace and gave her a warm smile. “Now. Perhaps it’s time to finally make good on that promise. Wouldn’t you say?” Almost as if on auto-pilot, Luna stood from her cushion and slowly made her way to the young dragon, her legs aching from being seated for so long, her heart and mind racing from the revelations that had just come to pass. He loved her, he thought of her as his Aunt, yet refused to call her as such. Why? Was it because of her own fear? Her indecisiveness? What kind of heartache had she bestowed upon him by denying him the chance to get to honestly know the aunt he held in such high regard? The aunt he had waited so long to meet? Quietly approaching the sleeping dragon, Luna reached one of her hooves out towards him; only to freeze. Her mind was blank, unable to think what to do next, what to say next. Feeling the same panic that she felt earlier that afternoon in the Stardew Allotment set in, all Luna could do was stare at the sleeping dragon in fear. Suddenly, she felt something within her click into place. Almost like a long-stuck gear had finally shifted into alignment, Luna knelt down and smiled softly at the slumbering dragon before her as her eyes flickered with a renewed flame. The fog of fear shrouding her mind burned away to reveal a renewed clarity. A new purpose. “Dear Spike. Upon our very night, upon our very moon, we promise. From now until the very stars in the night-time sky flicker and die, we will work every day to return the love and faith that thou hast shown us. "Even when We were shrouded in the darkness of a nightmare, thou never lost faith in us, guarded our memory.” Leaning down she kissed him gently on the head before curling up next to him as she draped one of her wings lovingly over his back. "Thou loved us, and for that, we will forever be grateful to you our... my... beloved nephew." Smiling in his sleep, Spike shifted himself closer to her before muttering softly. “Welcome home Aunty Luna… love you…” Feeling a warm tear slip down her face, Luna smiled and nuzzled him gently. “Love you too, Sparks.”