//------------------------------// // Chapter 16: Not just a Princess anymore // Story: Our new Friends, Our new Enemies // by The Potato Guy //------------------------------// Solar Virtue Hours had passed and the Moons indiscriminate glow covered Canterlot like a great flood. The night wasn’t particularly cold by any means, and Solar sat quite comfortably in the open on this late summer night. The location, the Moon Garden. Solar looked around at this unfamiliar place. Even as a Guard, this was still an unknown place to him, such was the exclusivity of it. Only the most trusted of Guards were stationed here and looking at the few Night Guards currently on duty, Solar couldn’t help but laugh at the fact he recognised no Pony. When he was a Guard, despite being highly rated as one, he was not ever a pony to take the job seriously and as such, didn’t associate with ponies of that missing quality. Bucking Luna nerds. He knew he shouldn’t mock, not now that he was in Luna’s service once more, and far more willingly than those years ago, but regardless, Solar found comfort and humour in the fact that these Ponies probably had to do a lot of sucking up to be here while Solar was offered good positions without ever being such a pet of the Princesses. He had saved himself some embarrassment there at least. Looking away from the Guards, he examined the Moon garden. It was a pretty place in all honesty. The very definition of tranquil peace. Unlike the rest of Canterlot’s architecture, this place wasn’t bright and all in your face. It was elegant for sure, with a certain ornate grandeur that was surely very sought after and trendy back in the day of its construction. The Garden itself was away from the prying eyes of the Court and rest of the Palace. It was nestled almost in a walled off area at the back of the giant Palace, close to the mountain itself but almost on its own platform, hanging high over the land. In short, the surrounding area had a bit of everything. Within the comforting walls was a place of even more comfort. It was large but still cozy. Elegant hedges separated the garden into various sections, each of which was different than the last. One section was even more secluded, with the hedges almost constricting the small area, but it was perhaps the most recluse part of the Garden, and one Solar guessed was invaluable in Luna’s harder times. Another area was the near opposite. It was a section dedicated to the night and its sky. Open and beautiful, the few structures present there were tall and grand, but without great detail which would divert attention from the sky. Solar saw it akin to an observatory, with tower like structures that reached to the heavens. In reality, there were no such true observatory here, but multi columned structures aligned this area in a dominant but peaceful way. The third area was perhaps the most untamed area. Natures was heaviest here, with overgrowing vines and other plant life consuming ruined pillars and stone stair ways which snaked through the greenery. Various structures were now no longer bare, and nature had retaken this area, but surprising Solar was the fact that it all looked so managed and purposeful, as if the overgrown part had been designed this way. It was chaotic but clean in a way. The last section couldn’t be any different. It was a triumph over nature, Subtle but powerful, various levels revealed their stone paths which led into this dominating area. Nature was still present, but this definitely had been designed this way, a statement of the power which Pony kind had over the land. Along the paths were various classically styled constructions. Arch ways and tall multi pillared frames of stone flanked the paths. Everywhere a pony looked in this area, there was a sight for the eye, but it was all never too dominating so. Impressive yes, by far, but peaceful and content enough to tell the occupant that he was still in the Moon Garden, this was a section that was meant to be walked through in a pleasant stroll. Each of these sections surrounded the central area, where Solar currently was. It was the more traditional part, very alike to other grand palace and mansion gardens with a long central piece of land that was relatively open. Here it was smaller, more comfy, but impressive none the less. It had a bit of everything, beautiful nature in a managed way, great feats of construction with ponds and water features, with one pond just situated off the area which included a small island containing a multi columned stone gazebo. Back to the stretch however, Solar saw benches and statues flanking fountains, bushes and smaller hedges showing the way to the bottom. It was indeed very much like other Palace gardens, but peaceful, less dominating and less noisy, both audibly and visually. Solar, nor nearly every other pony could afford something like this, regardless of its smaller size. It was too elegant and fancy, the only difference was Luna had shaped it all in a fashion and feeling more akin to her. Speaking of which, as Solar had noticed prior, the stonework and overall colour scheme wasn’t flashy like the rest of Canterlot. It was subdued, more respectful of its surroundings. It wasn’t over bright and energetic like the Palace, but it was warm and comforting, despite not being bright as the its neighbouring architecture. It wasn’t dark or black either like Luna, just more naturally looking in terms of nature and the stone constructions. A classy, beautiful and opulent but restrained, tasteful and undoubtedly calm at the same time. Solar understood why Luna liked this place so much. It was this revelation which also made Solar realise why Luna was uncomfortable with any disturbances or variations in this sacred place. At the end of the central area, situated and connected to walls and either side, was an averagely sized metal barred gate, and through this gate loomed a great structure, the Sovereign Tower. The Tower itself wasn’t too close, practically having its own garden to boot. Neither was its height an issue. It could be seen from this central section of the Moon Garden, but it wasn’t offensive by any means. What Solar knew was offensive to Luna was that through this gate, was now the Human centre of Command.In fact, as Celestia had secretly arranged, Human guards could be seen, silent and vigilant in this strange land. There those odd beings stood. Fully armoured in well-crafted plate, full helmets hiding their faces in a mysterious and ominous way. Solar still didn’t fully trust them, he regrettably knew too little about them. This was the reason behind his presence here of course. Yes, he could visit this unique part of the Palace now he had privilege, but his venture here was primarily an official one, and seeing Humans from his current position was a good start. There wasn’t something quite right with these strange beings. They were hiding something just as Celestia was hiding something about them. Solar knew it was just his mind racing, but seeing Human Guards wasn’t like seeing a Pony Guard. He couldn’t decide why though. Looking at a pony Guard wasn’t of great concern, unless you had done something wrong of course. Yes, they were armed, and yes they probably weren’t very pleasant to be around, but an odd sense of security was felt around them. This wasn’t the case around the Humans. They were new and unknown, Solar knew that, but they stood there like statues, no flesh or any non-metal part of their body on show. From just looking at them, Solar felt something else. There was literally no evidence to suggest so, and he might be crazy for thinking this, but seeing these Humans through the gate, Solar saw beings of destruction. They stood there with incorruptible discipline and they would cease such an action when it was time to commit to heinous acts. Now if Solar was unnerved by these halberd wielding steel towers, he couldn’t imagine how Luna must feel here, with a land and country to protect. It was very telling of Luna’s initial response to the Humans that they too weren’t trusted by her. Still, regardless of their strange nature, the Humans presented an opportunity still to Solar, and learning about them would help him climb the ladder of power and gain the most valuable prize of all. Luna’s trust. That was true power, and if Solar was to have the power of the Princess of the Night, he needed to ensure he and Luna were on the same page in regard to these Humans. Obviously a plot was being hatched among them, the death of their Commander confirmed so, and it was this that could prove a useful tool in influencing Luna to his view point. He knew not what the Humans were up to, but should Luna see the importance of this species in a way like Solar did, not directly as an enemy but a more opportunistic way, he could perhaps inject themselves onto the plot somehow, choosing a side if need be. For that, Solar needed to learn more of the Humans, this was his purpose here, and now true knowledge was a possible reality. Yet with his proximity to the Humans at an all-time low, Solar found himself more distracted and thoughtful than ever. Here her had the very real opportunity to get what he wanted. But alas, he could not. And it was all Celestia’s fault. Solar wasn’t a big fan of her, especially recently. He agreed with Luna in that Celestia was hiding many things, and her secrecy in regards to the Humans especially was concerning. However, there was no true anger in Solar’s heart for her, for now at least. On his way to the Moon garden, and after his departure from Victus, it was Celestia who he met next. At first, he expected her to view him as some sort of lackey to Luna. The relationship between the two was obviously strained right now, for multiple reasons Solar guessed, and Luna essentially using Solar for her own purposes made him think Celestia would view him as a toy of Luna’s. This was far from the case. Fearing his initial thoughts of her at first, Solar at best hoped she would just ignore him. This was neither her chosen response. She instead greeted him politely. “Ah, dear Solar, it is so great to see you again” she beamed, albeit in a far more tired tone, considering the lateness of the day. Obvious two facing, Solar initially thought. Her usual fakery that was so easily and commonly found in politics. Again, this was not the case. Celestia presented herself to her subjects as a kind, caring and almost mother like figure. This charade worked on other ponies who falsely believed she cared, but not Solar. He thought her as just a smile who would lie and control as she saw fit. It had been confirmed with her little antics and decisions with the Humans. Today would be the day Solar was proven wrong. Solar had nodded respectfully in return. He was no idiot. He knew the power of the Sun Goddess. Still, he found her smile annoying to say the least. He didn’t suspect her of actual genuineness. Small talk followed after, all of which Solar wished would end soon. He wasn’t used to talking to a Princess truly, and still found it an overwhelming and unusual experience. He wasn’t star struck by any means, but idly small talking with Celestia was a boring waste of his time at least, a completely foreign one at most. But he persisted, using the act of pretending and his own fakery that he had learned along the way so that he may end this encounter with no issue. Celestia asked him how his time was here, and Solar told her what she wanted to hear. Then the small talk ended, and not for the better. Her tone started inquisitive enough, full of intrigue and determination, but as soon as it all began, so entered a tone Solar wished so greatly he wasn’t subjected to. “How is the position my Sister Luna gave you?” “How is it under Luna’s command?” “What sort of commands has Luna issued you?” A theme had started to emerge here, Solar had noticed. Celestia’s tone had now transitioned to one that seemed to be born of paranoia. Most notably, this theme consisted of mentioning Luna in every sentence. “Everything is as well as it can be, your Highness” Solar replied in an almost hurried tone. “As it can be?” Celestia questioned, picking apart Solar’s words to which he cursed his choice of such. Solar didn’t want to be here and had decided to act as neutral and almost boring as possible so conversation topics may be limited. Alas, Celestia did not see this, instead sensing and hearing points of interest in whatever Solar said. It was hysteria, Solar concluded. The great Princess of the day, one of if not the most powerful Ponies around, grounded by jealousy and hatred from not knowing all. Solar could have laughed at her shameful display, were it not the fact that Celestia could quite easily blast him from existence. He instead nearly rolled his eyes at Celestia’s misguided intrigue, but luckily prevented himself from this dangerous action, instead choosing to reply as plainly and sprightly as he could. “I just meant there’s not much to it, Princess. Nearly boring in fact”. Solar had thought that was that. There was nothing to further shine a light on in his words. They could not be deconstructed any further. Of course he was proved wrong. “Oh?” Celestia replied, a hint in her voice that could possibly indicate she saw straight through Solar’s lie. “That does surprise me. It’s a rare thing for my Sister to accommodate a new recruit into a rank previously not even existing.” Solar froze entirely. He felt his blood turn cold and freeze in his veins as a great fear of discovery was approaching. He had been figured out before, his lies been lain on show for the treacherousness that they were. The difference there however, was that he was no longer lying to criminals and other lowly scum, he was lying to the Goddess Princess Celestia, and this wasn’t a mistake he could fight his way out of. He awaited his fate, but it never came. Celestia instead seemed intrigued still, but with no hint of anger. Her face was soft, regal and almost welcoming. It was oddly comforting to be in her giant presence, her large wings and untold power did create a sense of protection for Solar, even though he disliked her and thought his end was coming. The subsequent smile eased his fears a little, and then Celestia continued this newly found comfort. With a gentle and soothing laugh, Solar felt his tenseness and worries wash away, albeit leaving a little residue confusion at Celestia’s sudden kindness. “It’s ok my dear Solar, I wouldn’t ask you to divulge your entire day to day activities. I understand you are most likely a very busy pony”. It was a great relief to Solar that his lie hadn’t been uprooted, but still, he did wonder what she meant by stating that he was a busy Pony. Was she more aware of his activities than he thought? “I only ask these questions because you are indeed a rarity”. Solar, no longer feeling concerned for his fate, took the bait. “What do you mean, Princess?” “I won’t pretend to understand her reasons, but it is a rare thing for a pony to so quickly advance through our ranks, especially for a pony of your…. Qualities”. Solar appreciated her tactfulness in her sentence. Choosing not to frame his past as some sort of crime or great shame. Whether or not her words reflected her true thoughts, that was another matter indeed. “I have wondered why Luna did such a thing, she does respect tradition so”. Celestia was right, and a similar thought had entered Solar’s mind. Unlike Celestia however, Solar was fully aware of what had transcribed in that Throne Room a couple of days ago, and he put Luna’s decision to discard tradition down to that. The Princesses eyes then changed. Gone was the gentle warmness that emitted from them, and in came a look Solar was all too familiar with, especially now. A great look of hunger and determination leaked from them, and it was instantly clear what that meant. Just as he was hungry for power and knowledge, so was she, bar the power bit, she had plenty of that. Solar was in the clear, but perhaps Luna wasn’t and as he knew all too well now, secrecy and mistrust and manifested in the Sister’s relationship, and it was because of this Solar knew what was to come. “What, in fact, does Luna want from you?” she asked firmly. Solar hesitated, unsure on how to answer. He hoped that Luna wanted what he did, a greater working relationship, mostly for his gain. Quite realistically, this wasn’t the case, but Solar still wished he had a proper answer for Celestia. “I’m…not quite sure, Princess” Solar stuttered out. Celestia didn’t seem convinced, or perhaps satisfied, Solar couldn’t tell. She seemed determined to figure out her very own Sister. “Hmm, I do wonder if it has anything to do with our Human guests. Their presence here was a swift one”. Yeah, for us more than you, secret hording bitch. Solar didn’t appreciate her words here. Now probably feeling as Luna was on the matter, he could only dream how much more he could know of these Humans if Celestia shared what she knew of the Humans, at a much earlier time. “Perhaps” Solar simply responded. Celestia seemed to not even hear him, such was her thoughts on Luna’s own secrets, secrets Solar was now a part of. “She is hiding things from me, I know this. I just wondered if you had a part in this, knowingly or not”. Solar’s interest peaked here. The exact thoughts found in Luna in relation to the other sibling were replicated in Celestia also.It was proof of a toxic and boiling relationship indeed. “I apologise for pulling you into this Solar, but her sudden inclusion of you in her ranks is a concerning one. Drastic and, please forgive me for saying it, completely illogical choices are a bad sign, and I’m not sure I trust her to make clear and conscious decisions because of it.” Trying to ignore the fact that Celestia had stated his promotion to be illogical, obviously because he was a pony with a bad past, very akin to hiring a killer to be a healer, Solar instead focused on the fact that not only distrust was present between the two sister, but Celestia went as far as calling Luna out on her actions, as if she had lost her mind and was no longer in a fit state to rule. He wasn’t sure how he felt about this sudden discovery. “It carries very real and potential danger to me and the land, should any action prove to be overhoofing the line”. Celestia’s tone was now bordering on protectionist, all for herself. That was an extremely selfish and small minded characteristic, and without second guessing himself, Solar felt quite sick at the fact that Princess Celestia of all Ponies was being as petty and stupid as that. From what he was hearing, she didn’t care for Luna. She cared for knowing what she was doing, like a jealous ex Mare friend, or an overly smothering mother who refused to let Luna out her sight. The distrust on her side made sense now.To her, Luna was practically a figure head only, a Constitutional Monarch lacking any power. On the contrary, Luna was as important as Celestia, and while Luna had not been present for many years, it was no excuse for Celestia that she assume all power and treat her Sister like some sort of Filly who couldn’t been trusted with any responsibility. Solar went as far as theorising that Celestia would go as far as preventing as anything she saw in Luna as a ‘mistake’ before it occurred. Such a heavy hoofed and rudely interventionist attitude was defiantly not welcomed by Luna, who valued her personal space. The regal and majestic Celestia now appeared ugly in the eyes of Solar, and she appeared not as the wise and omnipotent being he saw her as a Foal, but as a jealous, paranoid and nearly dangerous Pony. Solar couldn’t do anything about this, at least now. Thinking back on that moment, Solar remembered he wasn’t sure what he could do. He wasn’t used to dealing with such large ramifications, especially of the Princess variety. He remembered considering the option of telling all this to Luna. He probably would have been expected to, but the question of Luna’s reaction was a big one, a dangerous one. But now, this was all in the past, and Solar was relieved it was. It all began with the long and heavy sigh that came from Celestia, a fair while after she had said her final words. Coincidently, it began with an appropriate apology. “Again, I am truly sorry for this Solar”. Solar was even more confused at this point, having only felt anger for Celestia until this point. Her tone had changed once more, no longer hungry for knowledge, instead turning into one of worry and concern. “For what, Princess?” Solar asked in disbelief. Celestia again paused, unable to reply. She gave many hard looks at Solar, but they were not ones of anger for him, nor were they any of any look that made Solar feel worried or uncomfortable. He didn’t know it then, but now, looking back, Solar concluded they were looks of perhaps reassurance, of preparation for what she said next. Now Solar knew these looks were ones that indicated that Celestia was asking herself if she should divulge what came next, asking herself if she could trust Solar with this knowledge. “I hesitate in telling you this Solar. You must be aware your presence her is nearly as new as the Humans. It hurts my heart to say such things, for I know none of my Ponies are beyond hope, but you made many mistakes in your past, this you cannot deny”. He couldn’t, and so he remained silent. “All this is greatly personal knowledge, know this Solar. Matters that relate to my Sister and I are on a very exclusive basis, to say the least, even the Heroes of Ponyville have a limited knowledge on such matters.” In that moment, Solar felt anticipation of what was to come, and when it did, all the preparation in the world wouldn’t have helped. “I beg of you Solar, keep this to yourself. I need you to promise me that”. Solar concluded Celestia knew nothing of him. The amount of promises he had broken probably numbered around the amount of hairs he had in his mane, but still, he played his act. “I promise, Princess. To the death”. Again Celestia sighed, in a way that carried a tone of great sadness. “I know things haven’t been easy for the Sister. Excluding the obvious with her banishment, she has found it difficult to readjust to this changed world. It is all so different to her. Different cultures, different cities, different Ponies. I do not envy her position, but even though her situation may have been assisted over recent times by many loving Ponies who care for her deeply, I regret to state that no issues have been totally fixed.” Solar couldn’t say anything, he was receiving the mother lode of knowledge right now. “To my great shame and regret, I’m well aware Luna is alone in this world. She has no real friends of her own, and aside from her official duties, she rarely if ever ventures out of her premises, part of the reason I allowed the Humans to accommodate themselves near her Moon Garden. I had hoped their nearby presence could possibly ignite some basic diplomacy between them and her, at the very least.” Solar understood where she was coming from. It was basically tough love, forcing Luna to talk to the Humans if they were so close to her Garden. Still, it had obviously not worked and more importantly, it was a dumb move of hers, like Luna would thank Celestia for this ‘opportunity’. “Furthermore, I know she grows worse by the day. Continued isolation is not good for the soul. Every day, there’s less chance of her venturing out, to make friends. She dislikes her current life, this is obvious. I know she now curses her duty as a Princess. She wishes only to box herself from the world, to ignore that she is a Princess.” At this point in the future, Solar still didn’t fully know if this was true, but regardless, it was amazing to here. Every pony knew Luna was different to say the least, very unlike Celestia in most ways, but the extent of this difference was now being told. “She is disconnected from the world, dangerously so. Unable to live a life of normality. I know she feels the burden of leadership, but her condition is detreating in too many ways now but I---I…” Solar still felt the question burn into his thoughts. Is she….crying? Obviously trying to contain it, Solar saw moisture form in Celestia’s eyes. She kept them in, probably not wanting to cry in front of Solar, but it was very telling of the severity of the issue, at least to Celestia. “The reason I talk to you today, and the reason I have seen some pressing of knowledge is because… I need to ask for your help”. Another bomb had been dropped on Solar, he literally was having difficulty keeping up with these revelations. “Me? Why Princess? She’s your Sister”. To this point, Solar was both amazed and shocked at her question. Him, a lowly Pony of the dark, who had lived a life completely different to most Ponies, was now being asked by Celestia herself for assistance. No pony would believe it, but this was actually happening. “Trust me Solar I have tried, and I will continue to do so, but I now have to admit, I can no longer do this alone. I do not wish to…make any mistake again.” Celestia’s solemn tone was obvious. It had a degree of fear within it, with even greater regret. She was referring to the incident that led to Luna’s transformation into Nightmare Moon, and her following banishment. Now her attitude and the strange show of magic in the Throne Room the other day made more sense. Luna was obviously in a time of great trouble, probable depression seemed likely. Solar now understood why Celestia needed help, but still, why him specifically. His question was subsequently answered. “Like I said, I don’t know why she chose you to be her ‘Night Warden’, but it seems your association with her is unique and I now ask you- “ Solar remembered his thoughts. He was aware what she was thinking. That because he was unlike other ponies here, and because his little trick with assisting Luna promote him, that he was qualified to be Luna’s personal phycologist or something. “Princess I have to stop you. I understand my rise here is unique, un heard of even, but I know I’m not the pony to help Luna. I’ve had no experience doing things like that, I’d probably make things worse in fact”. Celestia seemed saddened at his words. As if Luna’s fate was sealed, but as any family would do for each other, she persisted, and tried again. “I understand this Solar. I shouldn’t be asking this of you, I know full well I wouldn’t ask you for help in any other situation”. Solar felt the sting of that meaning. “But like it or not, you may be the only Pony Luna trusts even in the smallest amount. You are not part of this establishment in any way, and that may work in your favour. Luna will see you not to be some failed attempt of mine.” Solar didn’t respond, instead allowing himself some consideration at least. “I don’t ask you to hover around her in constant monitoring Solar, neither of you would like that, I just ask you to stay by her side. A pony who isn’t so ‘official’, a pony who can possibly understand her mind-set and help her when necessarily.” It was true that he was probably more understanding of the lonely, darker personality of Luna that most Ponies were, but still, this was a big decision…. That was until he remembered his usual self. This could be the perfect chance to gain her favour and ear, and all the power that came from it. But while this proved an unmissable opportunity to advance his plans, now came something far, far different. He felt something else, and it wasn’t his opportunistic nature. It was something new, something unfamiliar, but something he had felt around Luna the other day. Both she and him were essentially outcasts. Not one for the norms of today’s Pony life. Both of them had distanced themselves from it, and as such, had gained a darker and different quality.Both of them seemed to have similar mind-sets in regards to work and non-reactional life. When he was a Guard, Solar thought Luna was bearable, at least compared to Celestia, for both he and Luna proved with the other day’s consideration for his advice of seeing the bigger picture. In plenty of ways they were alike, in other ways, they weren’t, so why this strange feeling. Solar wasn’t dumb or blind. He could see she was a beautiful pony, stunning even, Dark and mysterious unlike the bombasity of Celestia. Still, that was no basis for this new feeling. Perhaps it was the fact Solar saw Luna not as a pony to be easily exploited, not a weak one he had beaten so much in the past. She was different in many ways, and Solar was attracted to life’s little oddities. He found them comforting and fresh. But again, that didn’t seem the likely reason behind all this. He still wasn’t sure, but something struck him in that moment. Even in his service as a Guard for many years, at best, Solar saw Luna as ok, nothing more, nothing less. It was only recently, with his new found and purposeful desires and plans that Solar had seen Luna as more than just an ok Princess. Initially, she was an opportunity, a good one at that, but nothing more. But as he had found out, she wasn’t one so easily used. He had to understand her, to get closer to her and respect her to fully exploit. He had to ask her to consider his wishes, and he had to show that he cared for the greater good, for Equestria. These conditions were things he never had to make in the past. Sure he had to lie through his teeth, but he had never had to divulge and explain his motives. He had withstood Luna’s rage and emotions the other day, and he saw a new side to her. This was important, because again he had been exposed to a side of the Princesses few ever saw. Right now, Solar concluded the reason he had this feeling was because Luna wasn’t just an opportunity anymore. She had been fleshed out to him, and proven herself to be so much more. The main question was, what really was he feeling specifically. Only now, hours into the future, with him sitting in the Moon Garden, that he concluded on what it may possibly be. Did he…..have feelings for her? It could be. It had never been with any Pony before, at least romantically, and of all Ponies he had known, Luna may well be the most bearable. She defiantly was the most crucial to him right now, his plans depended on her. Solar couldn’t be sure. Could this be what he thought it could be? Perhaps it was too early at this time? Perhaps he didn’t know much about it. He had never wished it so, but now Solar relished the idea of Princess Cadance and her advice on such matters. “So? Will you help me Solar? Will you help Luna?” Solar at that point had almost forgotten Celestia was still there, and while he had yet to make any conclusions on what he was feeling, his answer was less indecisive. “Ok Princess. I’ll do it, I suppose it won’t be a drastic change from my current servitude”. The Princesses face lit up like her sun. She maintained an act of regality, but Solar knew her to be an outgoing Pony and like most things he encountered in his life, if he wasn’t him, he guessed Celestia’s reaction would be very different, more hug based. “Oh thank you so much Solar!” Solar didn’t feel so great for accepting, it made him feel like… a good pony, and that thought still produced the same thought now. Ew “I just hope your efforts succeed, my little pony, for all our sakes. She is so dear to me, and I worry for her”. Celestia was without doubt being very genuine right now. Her heart was open and pumping for Luna and, amazingly, it was proof Solar’s presumption of her earlier was wrong. She wasn’t being paranoid. She wasn’t being so petty in regards to Luna. Well, she may not have been perfect. She was still hiding secrets of the Humans for some reason, but perhaps when it came to Luna, she was actually quintessentially showing care for her Sister. “Me too, Princess”. When he said that, he wasn’t sure what his feeling meant, but thinking back, it was further ammunition to his current conclusion. Why else would he unconditionally accept Celestia and similarly hope his new job succeeded. Even now his mind hurt at this all. He had been all over the world, faced mighty beasts and dangerous foes but he had never been through something like this. He wasn’t prepared to accept any feeling yet, it was all too much, too fast. Perhaps it was because of this Solar remained silent in front of Celestia after his words. Perhaps that was awkward for her, reason why she too didn’t say anything. Or perhaps she was to beset with worry to what Solar would do, and if it would work. Either way, it was cause enough to end the encounter. “Well, Solar. It is late and I hope you un-“ “Of course Princess. Get some rest” Solar replied, his mind too deep in thought to have any hidden motive behind his words. “Thank you Solar again” Celestia practically whispered. She too had opened up like Luna had to him, and she too had allowed true emotion to be put on show. Was it just something about Solar that caused the Princesses to open up to him? That was an entertaining though as he continued to where he was now, but hearing Celestia’s last words to him, they certainly did strike a different cord. “You’re a good pony really, Solar. I know you are. Somewhere within you, despite what you’ve done, I know it’s there”. Solar couldn’t look back as we heard Celestia proclaim this while he walked. He couldn’t show his face at such a statement, it was too radical. Literally any other time but now, he wouldn’t even consider such a thing, but as he sat here in this tranquil Garden, thinking on what had happened earlier, he considered it. Maybe for now that’s all he could do, all he would do. He would never be a good pony, but it was…interesting hearing some pony say it. He had been sat here for the best part of an hour now, in pure peace and thought. He should be investigating the Humans, but he just didn’t, instead stuck within his own mind, and bogged down with his own feelings and thoughts. This would have been fine if he was left alone. He could concluded he thoughts for now, and get back to the task at hoof. That was a hard thing to do when Princess Luna essentially appeared out of nowhere. This shouldn’t have happened. Solar had checked the Garden so that such an incident may not occur. He did not come here to disturb or otherwise annoy her in this treasured place of hers, but it appeared that venture had proved fruitless. “Princess Luna! I didn’t see you there!”cried out Solar, startled. Luna however, didn’t seem irritated of Solar’s presence in her place, nor did she confirm any of Solar’s fear, should he meet her. Perhaps quite appropriately, being in the Moon Garden, she seemed at peace, not quite emotionless, but more content with life, puzzling considering Celestia’s information. “Solar Virtue, we-I did not expect to see you here” Luna said gracefully, a softness to her voice that Solar had not ever heard. Her statement kicked Solar into full alert mode, not wanting to trip up over any question. He was her Night Warden now, and failing miserably to report, even talk, to his boss was a poor sight indeed. He never admit it, but any other Pony would have said he was trying to make her proud. “Neither did I…Except you to be here I mean; I knew where I was going”. Well done Solar. Stuttering like a love struck teenager. In perhaps a fortunate stroke of luck, Luna didn’t pick up on his mistake, or didn’t care for it. She seemed totally oblivious to him fact, bar her surprised acknowledgement of him. Quite understandably, now that she was here, she seemed more focused on the seclusion of this place, and the peace that it inspired within her. Walking gracefully over to a spot by the central pond, Luna proceeded to sit down, just as if Solar wasn’t even here. For a moment, Solar was lost in his own thoughts, just as Luna turned her back to him and eyes could grace her without fear of reprisal.This quickly and suddenly turned into a train of thought he lost control of, completely derailing from his better knowledge. All he could do was look at her, and for no other reason than he couldn’t stop.All sense and self-realisation had gone with the Wind, as had every single thought screaming at him to stop. He knew this wasn’t him, it had never been, but now it was, and now he had no say on the matter. This place was very pleasant, he had no trouble admitting that to himself, but seeing Luna quietly settle in her sitting spot, that was a sight so powerful, it couldn’t be described by him, even within his own mind. His eyes didn’t blink, not once, not when this was in his sight. Still he couldn’t conjure any words for what he was looking at or thinking. He didn’t want to run away, far from this place, that much he did know. It was simply a picture he couldn’t, perhaps wouldn’t, want to end. “I know you met Celestia”. Those words, however sucked and stuck into an unfamiliar feeling like he was now, regardless of his never ending stare, they were something that hit him like an arrow in his heart. An implosion was surely felt within him as he totally taken back to being called out for his stupid antics back in basic training. A voice of authority, strength and power suddenly inducing fear and panic within Solar. Whatever he may be, whatever he may have done, in this familiar moment, he was a foal in the eyes of the world. He had been put on the spot which, once he was on it, confiscated all his prior power and strength. In that moment, Luna had control of him. Solar bit his tongue as the tension began to rise. Luna was somehow aware of his meeting with Celestia. How that was possible, he didn’t know. There were no Guards around, nor any other ponies for that matter. Had it been possible that, ironically, that another of Luna’s information seekers, a real member of the Shadows, had overheard him? Had Luna provided him with his own trailer, so that she could an eye of him? It wouldn’t surprise him, not with his past of exploitation and crime. “Y-you do?” asked Solar, his heart plumping within his chest as his fear rose. The main worry right now is what if Luna now thought he was somehow working for Celestia? Yes, he had agreed to only help her, but to Luna, this may seem like he was spying on her, a pony to be used by Celestia for her own purposes. “Indeed.” Was all Luna said. That didn’t help Solar’s current heart palpitations. He couldn’t even tell if she was mad or not, such was her emotionless state.He simply didn’t know what to do or say, apart from just standing there, ready to take what was about to come. He must have seemed like a total awkward loser at the point. His tongue went numb, unable to formulate even the simplest of words. Defend yourself, idiot! Solar tried to somehow defuse the situation, but not having the ability to even talk somewhat sapped those chances. He was embarrassed, fearful, panicked and pressured to the point of no return, of literally failing himself in front of the Princess. That was truly shameful. It was left to Luna herself to intervene with more, ironically saving him somewhat. “My Sister would surely would not appreciate any indications of such a conversation being leaked, and thus I will not breathe life into such a discovery”. She still didn’t seem mad, so perhaps the specifics of that encounter weren’t known, only the fact It happened. On the other hoof, she may be aware of what was said, and actually somewhat appreciate Solar on board to help. Solar only wished he had the guts to ask, never the less, his was grateful for a halt to this conversation. After a moment, Luna turned her head to face Solar, startling him a little. He in turn froze, as if her sight was movement based, but this foalish motion had little effect on what came next. Luna beckoned, with her head, for Solar to approach, and as if he were under a trace, he did that exact thing. Almost sleep walking towards Luna, Solar still managed to remain a respectful distance from her, something that seemed to satisfy her at least. In this moment Solar was still frozen, his min devoid of thought and he was just as any Pony would be, should the Princess of the Night summon them. “I have been in deep, serious thought, Solar Virtue” she said proudly. “What about” Solar instantly responded. He didn’t even voice her title at the end of his sentence, such was his trance like state and anticipation for her words. “You, dear Solar.” If Solar was worried before, this was on a whole new scope. His fearful anticipation for whatever Luna had to say about him was so great, he feared for his…bodily functions. “As you know, I am well aware of your time here as a Guard, and all your transgressions against the land thenceforth”. Her voice was powerful, full of pride and authority, for she knew she had total power of Solar right now, and knew it well. “But I have to admit, your activities following your timely departure are of little knowledge to me. When you arrived here recently, your past was filled of cloud and unknowns, but unknown they are no more”. Solar swallowed hard, trying to prepare himself for exactly how much she knew. “I will say only this. You are further from Virtue than any of my Ponies. How you acquired such a name baffles me, but I make no attempt to understand. All I need to understand is your past is stained with shameful acts of darkness that I do not wish to say out loud.” Solar didn’t enquire further. Should she know everything or not, it was clear she knew enough. Even a limited knowledge of his past was bad enough to make a Pony sick. His bad deeds were numerous, and sure enough to horrify Luna. “As you are also well aware by now, your title of the Night Warden has not been given lightly, or often. Question it all you like, but you know that a Pony of your ilk did not deserve it…” Don’t I know it “…and in spite of all that, all you have done, and now all I am aware of, I find you here of all places, in my Moon Garden, a sanctuary for me when the Night’s darkness mutates into a horrible form”. Solar knew it, she was mad at him. Officially, he knew he was allowed here, but it was her place after all, and Luna could retract that privilege any time she wanted. “Princess, I am sorry, I really am!” he pleaded. Luna seemed confused though, unprepared for this apology. “Sorry? Pray tell, what for? You are permitted here, are you not?” Solar paused, considering his words. This could be a test. Luna was a mysterious Pony, and she seemed in total control of nearly every conversation the two had. “For….being here?” Solar said uncertainly. “Hm, you believe your presence here offends me, that you trespass into my personal space? Curious indeed, were you not here to fulfil your purpose? To investigate these Humans?” She was surely toying with him right now, Solar concluded. Her voice and demeanour was deathly serious, but her intentions seemed all over the place, even to a Pony such as Solar. “Well, yeah, I was” Solar replied, narrowing his eyes in wonder. “I believe you” quickly replied Luna, “I have no choice but to admire your initiative and determination to execute the orders I gave you”. With this Luna turned back to face the water, its clearness soaking up the white glow of her moon. Silence then followed. Luna seemed to have no intention on furthering their conversation, as she seemed back to the point of ignoring him, forgetting he was even there. “Begging your pardon Princess” Solar said, reaffirming his presence to her as he pondered on why he had not been sent away. To this, Luna turned her head ever so slightly towards him, just so she may let him know she was listening. “But why do you say all these things to me tonight?” It may well be just because she could. To warn him she knew who he was, but for whatever reason, Solar felt this was not the case. “You are a very unique Pony, Solar Virtue. A true rarity” Solar instantly remembered this was something Celestia had said to him. He entertained the thought that Luna was divulging she knew exactly what was said between he and Celestia, reigniting his worry. “You would never lie to me, would you Solar Virtue?” she asked. Sadly, Solar knew his answer. He already was, all for his selfish desires. Truthfulness was never his forte. “Never, Princess” Solar instantly confirmed. This time, Luna turned to face him fully, even walking over to him so that she may look down upon him. Their eyes met, and a still silence conquered Solar’s world. His dark gaze sank easily and quickly into the dark deepens of Luna’s blue eyes. He became lost in their glory, their vastness, their beauty.His felt his soul dance to their tune, and all instances of his true self were finally lost, and Luna achieved full supremacy in this dominating like look. “What is it you desire, Solar Virtue? Why do you serve me so, why do you persist in your responsibilities to me?” Luna’s question seemed initially simple. Because he had to of course, under the threat of Imprisonment. Yet as Solar thought upon it, and as time went on, Solar uncovered new depths to her words. She asked him of his true desires and intentions. She was in the process of digging into his very being, to figure out his true self. Under any other circumstances, Solar would harden his outer shell, even worry for this potential danger. Should he be exposed for what he was, his life should surely collapse. Luna would drop the full force of her laws upon him, and no longer would he long road to success and power be in reach, only a distant memory of how he nearly achieved his goals. It would be a monument to his failure. This in turn meant he needed to fool the Princess of the Night, no small feat. He needed to seem genuine and truthful, to ensure the Princess saw him as an asset, not a lie. So Solar answered truthfully, in a fashion. “I do it for Equestria. For the greater good”. Technically, he was telling the truth. Like he said to her the other day, the greater good was his primary goal, it was just that it meant he being in a high position of power if he were to see that accomplished. Solar received no sign of belief on Luna’s face, nor of any suspicion. His fate remained unknown. Unknown for so long in fact, thanks to Luna’s continued silent observation, Solar decided he need to further explain his intentions. “I know I may be a bad Pony, one side-lined by society, but I honestly do what I can to further the future of all Pony kind, even in ways most would find disgusting” In the face of Luna’s unchanging appearance, Solar wondered if he even believed himself. Not every part of his life was for the greater good, not even for good at all. He had joined the world of crime and darkness and performed feats that served none but himself, maybe it was because of this stained track record that Luna did not believe him. “The truth is Princess, I have never had a normal life, never a life all these happy Ponies in Canterlot have had. I’ve been neglected, side-lined and spat on in any attempt I try and replicate that life. I am just not meant for it. I’m not sure our fates are written for us, but I passionately believe that I’m not on this forsaken planet to sit around and make friends. I’m here to do something! To have an impact, to influence the ever changing tide of the world. I’m here to make a difference, however I go about doing such a thing. Ponies may keep me down, and I may failure many times, but this is me, Princess. I’m not giving up! I’ll fight against the forces that hold me back!” Solar now had no control over his actions. His words seem to just flow out automatically. More concerning however, was the fact he meant these things, that he was being genuine. He couldn’t stop himself, and he felt his entire world be played out in front of Luna. “I may have lived in the shadows all my life, that may be me and my lasting legacy, but I’m determined to be seen within them at least, to be noticed for doing something. I can’t do anything if I’m hidden in the shitty underworld and buried by life’s regularities and burdens. I need to be free, to be allowed to expand my wings and fly, never to be held back by the bucking way of the world. I’ll be something, someday, somehow…” Solar felt out of breath. He wasn’t even sure if he had been ranting. He felt like he had been shouting all this in front of some audience in a passionate rally like fashion. He felt exhausted even, feeling like he had just performed a great feat in his life. Whatever he had done, and whatever truthfulness had just been revealed, it had an impact. Luna no longer seemed to just watch and study. A look unknown to Solar appeared on her. It wasn’t sadness, neither was it shame or regret, but it had the marks of all three. It was a look new to this world, a degree of understanding, realisation and nostalgia also nestled within it. In fact, it seemed to be one of too many emotions and thoughts.The only one Solar thought he could be sure of was a depressing one. Hopelessness. Yet Luna didn’t take any drastic actions. She seemed to be deep in though and consideration. Solar had never seen her like thus in all honesty. His words actually made her ponder on something, and it was all about him. The Princess of the Night was actually having trouble contemplating him. She was making her mind up about something, or deciding something about him, this much seemed obvious. Then, within the time it took to blink, Solar saw a new look on her face, one that most Ponies would have missed on, but it was a feeling that Luna only felt because she knew of what Solar was, and it was all too familiar. Pity. Solar hardly realised it, bar what it was, but Luna looked upon this Earth Pony and felt pity for him. Had he had more time to study this look, then maybe he could have protruded this to the matter of Luna’s own past, and all the darkness that played into it. If any other Pony where to look at them now, and peer inside them, then they would have seen two comparable identities, two akin souls. The two Ponies may seem different, and in many ways they were, what with their pasts, but the relations between the two connected and without Solar ever knowing it, Luna saw a part of herself within this fallen young Pony. Luna’s emotions ran wild, all because Solar was a unique specimen to this world, save herself. All her alternating thoughts and emotions in her mind and appearance, all because they were what Solar made her personally feel and remember.Few other Ponies could inspire such thought, deliberation, emotion and impact on her, and this fact was not lost on her. She had made her decision. “I stand by my words that were given to you, but two days ago.” Luna proclaimed, flooding the sphere of the two Ponies presence with life and talk. Solar seemed confused at this initially, still recovering from his unintentional show of genuineness. “You are a Pony in need of a drastic change of circumstances, and one necessitous of righteousness…however…. you have proven yourself to be honest of your intentions, able to commit absolutely and appropriately to your given tasks and ….” Luna paused once more. Her words sounded commanding, as if she was reading them off a speech, but this was not to continue. Just as Solar had bled validity and integrity, so did Luna now. She seemed vulnerable once again, like she had been in the Throne Room the other day. She seemed like Luna, not Princess Luna. “….and I…and I…” She began to show difficulty in this open and rarely seen way to her. Solar realised how much of a blessing this was, how exactly fortunous he was to see this exclusive look to Luna. “And I accept that you are here, to act as my hoof in situations” She said this far more confidently now, but only as if she had forced herself to do so. That true Luna was still there, and Solar for the first time, saw it for all it was. Incredible. Solar now also understood. On the surface, she may have only just said she is ok with the fact he was doing what he had always been doing here since he arrived, but he was no fool. This was a breakthrough, a major change to Luna’s attitude, and acceptance of him. It was now obvious to him Luna had basically accepted what Celestia had asked him to be. A shadow of her, to stand by her but always out of sight. She was ok with him there now, in full. This was the final door he needed to break through to start working on Luna herself. He was no longer just the Night Warden. He was no longer just in her service. He was noticed by Luna herself, no longer a mere member of her Court. Even the Shadows, for all their skill, necessity to Luna, and trust of her, they were still mere names on a piece of paper. Existing only to be in her service, for now at least. The Shadows may outrank him by far, they may have power and influence he could only dream of, but he was something else to Luna now. He was Solar to her, not just the Night Warden. He was sure he needed to gain her trust by much more. So many ponies were trusted more than him in certain ways, and many were known far more personally than he was, but this new position his exclusively owned, like his rank, was unique. Right now, it was merely a position of opportunity, but Luna had allowed such opportunity, and with time and great effort, that could be the means to his true hungry desires… “So, what have you learned of these Humans, Night Warden?” Luna cut off Solar’s increasingly excited train of thought, but he all too happy to allow this right now. “Bar what you already have been informed about Princess, little. I hope to use this opportunity to find out more.” He had meant this opportunity of being in the Moon Garden, but such a word carried so much more weight now. He had the starts of access to Luna herself now, and that could mean so much, least of all more influence on the matter of these Humans. “Hm, no matter. I believe a change of diplomatic doctrine is in order, now these Humans are present”. Solar knew this to be a decision he would have previously been unable to be witness to, only its orders being passed down upon him. She was now plotting with him, and by Celestia, he loved it! “As you are full aware, Celestia refuses to cooperate with me on these crucial diplomatic matters, and as such, we cannot leave any probabilities to chance, less the land suffer from it. No longer can we hide in the shadows while Celestia’s mistakes are laid down. We must act independently, with Celestia backing us or not.” Solar smiled. This was the Luna he liked, Strong, fierce and independent. “Celestia acts conciliatory and polite to these Humans, but she also shuts them away, ignoring them save for when they require audience. She acts like a one Pony crowd in need of a show to them. Real leadership is needed here, leadership that takes these Humans seriously. We know little of them, and while they may be dangerous, we will not wait to find out like Celestia is happy to do. I admit, I know not if these Humans will be beneficiary to us or not, but I must ask this of you now, Solar Virtue”. Solar stood up straight, ready for command. He too knew he needed to take the Humans seriously, but perhaps for different ways than just leader like ways. Be they good or bad, he could use the Humans down the line for his own ends and now was the time to make connections and understandings. “The Human Commander is dead, and a fresh leader shall take his place. We must engage with whomever that may be before Celestia gets her hooves on him, and shuts them away from us. We shall be Equestria’s chosen representatives to deal with the Humans, whether Celestia likes it or not!” Solar could hardly contain his energy here. Luna’s repetition of Celestia and referring her in such competitive, almost enemy like ways was exactly like Solar wanted. He was on team Luna right now, his team, maybe exclusively his team one day… “At once Princess! I won’t let you down!” proclaimed Solar proudly, now finding his calling even louder. “See that you don’t. I will not forget what you have said to me. Serve me well, you serve Equestria well, for that is what you desire, is it not?” Here Luna seemed stricter, less open and more dark, but it was a strength in Solar’s eyes. Friendship and kind like qualities were weaknesses, and Luna was showing none right now. This was proven further when Luna didn’t wait for pleasantries and useless repeated confirmations to occur. All Solar could possible say, should he chose to, was ‘Yes Princess’. Such small talk was again a weakness, and Luna didn’t stand for it.She spread her powerful wings out and hastily made good her leave. This left Solar, alone and in the peace of the Moon Garden with what he had been wanting. Power yes, progress in gaining Luna’s trust yes, but something new also. Something that complemented his earlier strange feelings. All still wasn’t so clear, but he had liked what he had witnessed from Luna today, very much so. Like how he could be with power and influence, he now felt Luna could be so, so much more to him…