//------------------------------// // Day 29: Nosedive // Story: Through the Darkness of Space // by Lt Rainbow Slash //------------------------------// 11 December, 3603 Day 29 8,740LY from Cel Frankly? A very normal day. Other than the fact that I didn't actually go much further from Cel. Most of the day was spent heading 'down' to the galactic plane. Basically parallel to home. Other than that I did some holo-crewing with Sky again. He's been hunting thargoids with a wing of another Anaconda and a Royal Corvette. First time I've seen one and I'm buzzing around shooting the shit out of it in a F-63. Fun. May or may not have gotten blown up a few times but eh, I'm not actually there, thank Celestia. Until next time, -Con Today's Discoveries: Traikeou ZI-Z b30-1: 2 High Metal,tf Traikeou FK-X b31-1: High Metal,tf Traikeou LL-V b32-1: Water World, Chivi Traikeou EN-Y c15-5: High Metal, tf Traikeou OE-W c16-5: High Metal,tf Traikeou HC-L d8-11: 2 High Metal,tf