Ashes to Inferno

by Sun Aura

Friendship Games Part III: Inferno

Sunset had thought it would be fine, that she could fix things with this Twilight as soon as the Games were over. It would be fine.

But then she felt it, when Twilight had stepped up, ready for the next round in the Games. She felt it in how scared she looked. Terrified not of Sunset, but of her Team, of her Principal. The way they looked at her, not of encouragement but like a sort of hunger that made her breath hitch in her throat.

Sunset realized too late what the tingle in her fingers meant, the moment it turned into a cold electricity down her spine. Surging forward, she tried to stop it, she had to stop it, but the energy blast knocked her off her feet.

Everything froze as the girl rose up from the ground, a ball of Magic glowing in her hands. She struggle, cried, screamed for help, but Sunset couldn’t get her legs to move. She wasn't sure if she could feel what the girl felt, or if she was only feeling the ghost of her own pain. Either way, she knew what was happening, what would come next.

It was not a Demon that burst forth, but a Dark Angel, though the differences were only in physicality. Gleefully mad with Magic was a term that could be used to describe her. Her smile just a bit too wide, her teeth just a bit too sharp, hair going wild and eyes aglow.

Within seconds, the girl destroyed a statue and sent a blast at her. Sunset barely thought to dodge it, watching as Portals opened up to places all over Equestria. Students panicked and ran as more Portals opened, but some stayed frozen in place.

Sunset was one of the ones left frozen. She stared as the world literally began to fall apart. Despite fear and pain, she pushed through and walked up to the source of the destruction.

“Twilight! You can’t do this!” Sunset called up to her.

“Why not?” the girl grinned maniacally back at her as she opened another Portal. “There’s a whole world right there, and it’s just filled with magic!”

“But you’re destroying this world to get it!” she shouted.

“So what?” she wondered. “There’s more Magic there, and I want to understand it all!”

Sunset dodged another blast, jumping to the side. Landing hard, she opened her eyes to see the device Twilight had used earlier. As much as she wanted to chuck it through a window, she was more focused on the portal opening up from where they’d been and the people in danger of falling in.

Her friends had grabbed those that fell, though even they were barely holding on. She watched other students surge forward to help, school rivalry quickly snuffed by a need to help others. By budding Friendships that would’ve existed if it hadn’t been for this stupid competition turning them against one another.

It was then that she felt that tingle in her fingertips again. As the device she picked up went wild, she saw her friends all feel the same thing, saw them all glow. Magic. The Magic of Friendship coming through the need to protect, to keep friends, partners, family, and even strangers from being hurt.

She knew what to do. Holding the device tighter, she turned back to the girl floating above her.

“This isn’t the way!” Sunset shouted. “I know you feel powerful right now, like you can have everything you want! I’ve been where you are, I’ve made the same mistake you’re making! I put on a crown and, just like you, I was overwhelmed by the Magic it contained! I thought it could get me everything I wanted!”

“Oh, you’re wrong,” the girl shouted back. “Unlike you, I can have everything I want!”

“No, you can’t,” she said. “Even with all that Magic power, you’ll still be alone!”

Sunset held up the device, and let her own Magic go wild. Her friend’s Magics reacted, melding with hers, bursting into a thrumming heartbeat that matched her own. She called out each Element as she felt it well up within her.

Kindness was care. It was warm soup and holding someone close in the night. Soft, but a firm shove that you need, belief that you can do anything.

Honesty was blunt, straightforward. It was words bubbling up in her throat and spilling from her mouth. It was trusting someone with the truth, confiding Dreams and Fears.

Loyalty was fierce, fighting to protect those you love, and the ruthlessness of that protection. But it is also Family, feeling safe in their presence.

Generosity was a gift itself, things given without thought of personal gain and chosen through Love. Time and Energy given to others for nothing, no matter how long it takes.

Laughter was happiness. It’s a song in your ears that resonates through your soul, smells and tastes that make you smile. It is the thing that chases away the Nightmares and cheers you up on a bad day.

Friendship was everything, the Spark and the Fire it lit. Love of all kinds, of Family and Friends and Romance, even of Self. It’s the potential that every stranger brings, and a bond that transcends Time, Space, and Dimensions.

“I understand you, Twilight,” Sunset said. “And I want to show you the most important Magic of all….The Magic of Friendship!”

The device was smashed to the ground, pieces scattering to who knows where. Magic welled up in her. It was not a thrumming heartbeat or a fire, but the roar of an Inferno.

The Magic had transformed her, though she couldn’t tell how. She felt her Pony ears, even if she was sure the wildness of her hair would hide them anyway. But there was more, her horn existed as well, glowing brightly with Magic, as did wings made of flame, Magic Fire.

She held her Magic, wielding it far more calmly than the other girl. She reached out with it, sending it to close the Portals around the school. She felt the students' fear settle, knowing that she was fighting back.

The girl rushed at her, but Sunset put up her own Magic to block her. Both staggered back before the girl sent a blast of energy. Returning her own Magic, Sunset fought on.

But it wasn’t quite enough. Perhaps it was because the other girl had a power boost from the Portal, or perhaps it was because the other girl had no hesitation. Sunset knew all too well that Dark Magic tended not to care if someone got hurt, while she was still trying to keep it even.

Then the girl faltered. It was just a second, but was enough. It was Twilight’s hesitation, realizing she did not want to do this.

Sunset pushed her Magic forward, trusting in it. It was her Magic, her Friendship. It was a power that could do anything, except harm. Something made of Love could never hurt.

She was met with a white void. So familiar, having been here twice before. Yet this time, the emotions she felt were different.

The feelings of Friendship were still there, but so was everything they stood against. Fear, betrayal, hopelessness. All of it emanating from the girl in front of her. The scene was far too familiar, though the roles were in some ways reversed. Continuing the familiarity, she sent her own emotions into the void, and offered her hand.

“Take my hand, Twilight,” Sunset said. “Let me show you there’s another way, just like someone did for me.”

Fighting through hesitation, Twilight took her hand. Sunset’s Magic surged, calming all the emotions that the Dark Magic fed off. As the void cut out, she used the last of her Magic on a healing spell, knowing all too well how Dark Magic leaves other scars.

A new friend, and a few disasters diverted. All in all, a pretty typical day for your typical Interdimensional Unicorn. Perhaps Sunset was getting too used to this, but a picnic lunch with the girl who, just a few hours ago, had been mad with Magic and tearing this Dimension apart was just the sort of thing you get used to.

Other things a typical Interdimensional Unicorn gets used to, is a typical Interdimensional Alicorn Princess suddenly bursting through the Portal to interrupt said picnic.

“I’m so sorry I didn’t get here sooner!” Princess Twilight exclaimed. “I didn’t get your messages until just now because I was caught in this time travel loop and, honestly, it was the strangest thing that’s ever happened to me!”

Sunset smirked, watching her face fall into shock at the other Twilight. The rest of the girls, being so very used to this, just kept eating.

“Make that the second strangest,” Twilight said with a small chuckle.