//------------------------------// // Chapter Three // Story: The Shadow Guard // by Theatre Pony 66 //------------------------------// Greycoat looked at the group of ponies who were talking to each other that he assembled so that he could pair then up and send them off. He gave a quick cough so that he could get their attention as he watched them all look up at him. “Okay, so I assume you all realized why you are here. You are going to be sent out do to a sweep of Equestria and then report what you find as you already know. So now i will be telling everypony who their partner is going to be and were they are going to be sent. Do you all understand?” The grey unicorn asked as he watched the group in front of him nod their heads. “Okay then.” he said as he levitated a scroll, unrolled it and scanned it over. “So the first group will consist of Blaze Flair and Mach Breeze, and the location you will be sent to is Appleoosa, were you will be going to survey the town and the dessert.” Grey coat said as he looked at the two stallions. “ALL RIGHT!” Blaze screamed at the top of his lungs as he turned to look at the purple coated and blue maned stallion let out a loud and clearly annoyed sigh. “Of all the ponies.” he said under his breath as he did his best not to look at Blaze. “Okay the next group will be Citrine Arrow and Albion Hoof, and you will be going to Froggy Bottom Bog.” Greycoat said as he looked at his daughter and the Green coated and tan maned earth pony. “Thank you father, we will not let you down.” Citrine stated as Albion nodded in agreement. “And the final group will be Cedar Twig and-.” “I work alone.” Cedar said. “Well, I’m sorry but you're going to have to change how you-/” “I work alone, or I leave. Do you understand?” Cedar responded as he glared at Greycoat. “Fine then... Cedar you will be going to the Everfree Forest, and Light Feather you will be going to survey the surrounding area. Including the old villages both on the ground and in the sky.” He said as he looked at a red coated and maned Pegasus who gave a nod showing she understood.” “Okay you all have your partners and know where you will be being sent for your assignment. I want you all to go and start to prepare for the trip as I will be sending you all out later tonight, so I want you to have the day to prepare. You are now all dismissed” Commander Greycoat said as he watched the group of ponies nod their heads in understanding and then turn to leave the room, leaving him standing there thinking to himself on what was going to happen now. **** Spike watched as the hammer hit the thick piece of metal again and again as he continued to slam his hammer on to it until it was as thin as Steel told him it needed to be before Spike took it and placed it in the water, hearing the loud wisp as the metal cooled off before he took it out of the water and handed it to Steel who took the blade and started to sharpen it. “Why are theses ones so thin?” Spike asked as he watched the white unicorn cheerfully sharpen the edges of the blade. “Well my young apprentice these are used to make wing blades.” Steel said with a smile. “Wing blades?” spike asked as he looked as Steel with curiosity. “Yes, well you see we take a large about of these small blades and make then into a armor that a pegasus can slip onto their wings. The blades are made thing and light enough so it does not add a large amount of weight to their wings, so they can still fly with ease, but the blades are razor sharp so if a something is slashed by them with the pegasus going at top speed... let’s just say the end results are not going to be pretty.” Steel said as he looked at the dragon. “Oh but that reminds me! I have something for you, I want you to close your eyes for a second. Can you do that for me?” He asked. Spike slowly nodded in confusion and then closed his eyes. “Well this is weird, wonder what he wants to show me?” Spike thought to himself as he kept his eyes closed. He heard to sound of hooves moving around the room until he heard the hooves come in his direction before they stopped. “Okay you hold out your claws.” he heard Steel say, and Spike did so as his soon felt something with some weight to it being places in his claws. “You can open your eyes now.” Spike opened his eyes and looked at what was in his hands as his eyes widened when he saw the sword in a black sheath that had been placed in his claws. Spikes slowly looked closer at it so he could get a proper look at it. Spike looked in amazement at the silver hilt, and the sliver pommel in the shape of a dragons head with two small emeralds were the eyes should be. Spike slowly took his claw and touched the black leather grip of sword as his claw slowly wrapped around it to get use to the feel. He held it in his claw for a few seconds before he unsheathed the sword and he started at the glowing metal blade in shock and amazement.” “Amazing isn't it?” Spike heard causing him to look up at the smiling unicorn. Spike who was still at a loss of words only nodded his head to agree. “This baby took me a while; as you can see it can be used with one or two hands... depending on how you want to fight. I have also made a few magical additions to it.” Steel said as he walked over to the dragon. “What do you mean by magical additions?” Spike asked as he looked at Steel with a hint of curiosity. “Well it’s a good thing you asked. The first special things about that sword was that since you are a dragon and to be honest I have no idea how big you are going to be when you get older I made it that the sword will grow to the length and size that you need it to be.” Steel said as he pointed a hoof at the sword. “And the second thing?” Spike asked. “Could you do me small favor?” The unicorn asked as he looked at the dragon who gave a nod. “Could you burp on the blade for me, if you can? Steel asked which caused Spike to stare at him for a moment. “...Okay.” Spike said before he moved the blade closer to his face and let out a small burp which caused a small amount of green fire to come out of his mouth as it soon hit to blade and for a moment, nothing happened. Suddenly a green fire engulfed the blade as Spike watched in amazement as he held the now enflamed blade in his hand. “I also gave the blade the ability to catch fire with out it damaging the blade itself, thought it was appropriate for a dragon. Also there is the fact that you now have a blade that can use your dragon fire as well, and that in what I believe as the young ones say will make you look like a badass.” Steel said as he let out a smile as he watched Spike swing the blade in a mock fashion. “Please be carefully, that is a weapon not a toy as well as the fact that it is on fire.” Steel said as he glared at the dragon who looked up and stared at the white unicorn. “Sorry, um... How do I, you know?” Spike asked as he pointed to the still flame cover sword. “Oh, just sheathe it” Steel said as he watched Spike put the blade back into the the black sheath. “So, I take it you like it?” Steel said as he smiled at Spike who stared at the for a moment. “Thank you” Spike said with a smile. “Good, now let’s, get back to work.” Steel said as he watched Spike put his sword to the side of the room. He went back and grabbed another piece of glowing orange metal and started to hit it with a hammer. “So it’s going to be a bit different with all those guard members gone” Spike said as he let out a small sigh. Which caused Steel to look up at the dragon. “Man he really want’s to be a member of the guard.” Steel though to himself as he stared at the dragon for a minute before he returned his attention to the blade that he was sharpening thinking about what he was going to do next. **** “Please be careful when lifting and moving all of the weapons”. Steel said as he watched several members of the guards take the weapons that would be needed for the ponies that would be traveling across Equestria as he followed them out of his work shop and through the castle till they reached the doors that lead to the outside of the castle. As Steel looked outside he saw four carts that were packed with supplies with their respected ponies standing next to them he watched as Mach Breeze and Light Feather got received their wing blades. He watched with a smile as he saw Citrine being given a quiver of full of arrows and Albion received his battle hammer. He then saw Blaze get his short sword and let out a loud reaction that caused Steel to roll his eyes. Steel then noticed that there was one cart that did not have anypony standing near it. As he looked over to the side to see and brown earth pony taking a nap clearly get a some sleep before the trip. As he started at the pony he suddenly realized something. “I forgot Cedar’s axe!” Steel thought to himself as he mentally facehoofed. Steel turned around as slowly walked back to the castle. As Steel entered it the Castle he looked in the directions of his workshop when an idea suddenly came to him as he slowly weighed the many possible consequences of this idea as he walked towards his workshop to retrieve the axe. **** Spike starred the ceiling to his room as he lay awake on his bed unable to sleep thinking about what the adventures the guard members were going to be going on. When he then hear his door suddenly burst open. Spike in shock looked down to see Steel standing in the door way with a bag and a woodcutting axe hanging off his back. “What are you doing here?” Spike asked as he looked at the unicorn in shock. “Well you see somthing has come up and I need you to come with me so get out of bed.” Steel said as he watched the young dragon nod and slowly get out of his bed. “Oh and I need you to do me a favore and put these on.” The unicorn said as he levetated a black cloak and the bag to Spike who put it on qucikly. “Oh and grab your sword and then follow me.” Steel said as he watched the dragon qucikly walk over to his desk and pick up his sword before they both left the room and walk down the halls of the old castle. “Could you at least tell me what is going on?” Spike asked as he followed his mentor who then stoped and turned around to look at him. “Listen, in order for my secret plan to work your going to have to be quite and do what I say. Got it?” He said as he watched Spike nod showing that the dragon while confused, understood and they oth continued to walk though the castle till they reached the front doors. “Okay now keep quick and stay low.” The white unicron orders as he slowly opened the doors and pecked out before motining for Spike to follow his as they both walked out the door and qucikly travled down the started to were all but one cart remained. Steel looked around and saw he only pony in sight was the sleeping Cedar and qucikly walked over to his cart as Spike followed him. When they both reached the cart Steel turned to the younfg dragon. “Okay so in that bag there is some food: fresh fruits and vegtitables as well as some gems because I know you eat those. It also has scrolls containtg basic beginers sword fighting technqiues because you never knowwhat you may encounter on the road”. Steel said as he opened a chest on the cart and saw that it was farily empty. “I still have no idea whats going on I mean what is the poiny to all-” Spike said before he was suddenly lifted off of the ground by Steel and placed the dragon in the chest. “Listen im going to need you to shut up and be quite okay. Oh and by the way you owe me big for this favor.” Steel said smiling as he cloed the chest before Spike could open his mouth. “What are you doing?” A voice came from behind him causing Steel to turn around and see Cedar saning behind him. “Just here to give you your axe.” Steel said as he levetated the axe to Cedar who took it and ooked at the meal handel and glowling axehead, before he placed it in his wepons holder on his back. “Thanks you.” The brown earth pony said as he gave a nod to Steel before he moved to the front of his cart. and started to pull it with him away from the castle. “I wish you luck on your trip and be carefull! The Everfree Forest is a dangerous place! Steel shouted as he watched the cart move away from the castle. “Thanks you for the heads up!” Cedar shouted as he contunied to pull. Steel watched as the cart move farther and farther away, when he soon noticed the chest in the back slowly opened and he could see a pair of emerald green eyes looked out of it before it qucikly closed. Steel smiled to himself as he turned around and walked back up the stairs to the castel to get a much need good nights sleep as he would likely have to fact the incoming storm he would receive for this decision in the morning when Greycoat found out about the little stoaway. “Well that can wait until tomorrow.” The unicron thought to himself as he walked though the castle door and then quickly closed it behind him. **** (Well there is Chapter Three of the Shadow guard now this chapter is a little shorter, but I promise the next chatper will be longer. I would like to thanks my editor Insane Guy of DOOM. Hope all you readers enjoy the chapter.)