//------------------------------// // I Must Confess (Chapter 3) // Story: A Dash Of Love // by FluttersForeva //------------------------------// "How about we play I must confess?" Twilight said, relieved that the silence had been broken. Fluttershy nodded and smiled. Pinkie Pie was always happy for a game so she squealed and hopped around on her sleeping bag. Applejack and Rarity both nodded and then all looked at Rainbow Dash. "Why don't you go first Rainbow Dash?" Rarity said, winking at Twilight. "Yes!" Twilight chirped. "Rainbow should definately go first!" Applejack started to get the hint, and played along. "What do you have to confess Dash?" she said with a mischievous grin. Rarity, Twilight and Applejack all looked at Pinkie Pie, but all she was interested in was more gumdrops. The whole pack was nearly gone. "Uhmm.." Rainbow said trying to think. "I..must confess... umm" Rainbow tried hard to think of something other then Fluttershy. She wasn't ready to confess her undying crush on her. And she knew for a fact that the others where trying to get her to do so. "I must confess I have won every race I have entered." Rainbow said with a smirk, yet this was a lie, as when she was a filly it took her ages to work her way to the top. Everypony looked disappointed, apart from Fluttershy of course. "Wow Dashie, that's amazing!" Fluttershy said grinning at her friend so big that the ends of her mouth where up to her ears. Of course this made Rainbow Dash's stomach feel all strange, as if she was riding on the love roller coaster. Rainbow Dash blushed, even though she had lied. Twilight quietly laughed to herself. She hoped that they were close to getting Rainbow to confess her love for fluttershy. Pinkie Pie went next. "I must confess, that this year I have eaten exactly 295 cupcakes in total!" she said hyper actively hopping up and down non stop on her sleeping bag. Everypony laughed at Pinkie's silly confession. Then Rarity went, then Twilight, then Applejack. And now it was Fluttershy's turn. Fluttershy brushed her mane out the way of her eyes and thought, not realizing Rainbow Dash was still staring at her helplessly. "I must confess, the reason I was absent to our normal pancake breakfast last sunday, was because I was busy helping out at the ponyville hospital, caring for sick filly's that had caught the flu or broke a bone." Fluttershy quietly said, hoping not to get a telling off by her friends. "It makes so much sense!" Rainbow said in her mind. "That's how she was so great at applying the numbing ointment on my wing and putting on the cast!" Fluttershy wasn't finished. "And after all the sick ponies were ok, one of my animals was upset because no one was including him at the sanctuary, and so I stayed with him." Fluttershy said, trying to bury herself in her mane. Rainbow couldn't believe she was hearing this. Fluttershy's confession didn't help Rainbow's trip on the love roller coaster one bit, in fact, Rainbow loved her even more then she previously did. She thought Fluttershy was the most caring pony ever, she didn't have a reason not to love her. She's beautiful, she's clever, she's caring and her element is kindness." "Gee Fluttershy. That was a sweet confession!" Twilight said, putting her hoof around her friend. "SWEET?!" Rainbow yelled hopping from her sleeping bag onto Fluttershy's. "It was sweeter then sweet! It was the most awesomeness, most epic, most spectacular confession EVER!" Rainbow squealed, pouncing onto her crush, trapping her in a tight hug. Which hurt Rainbow's wing, but she didn't care. Everypony was looking at one another grinning, knowing that Rainbow had just admitted her crush for Fluttershy without having to say it. The thing that nopony knew at that moment, was that underneath Fluttershy's mane, the yellow pegasus was blushing. It was Rainbow Dash's turn. Everypony went silent and stared at her. Rainbow was still holding Fluttershy tight. And blushing so out of control that she wasn't even thinking of her actions. Suddenly, Rainbow said it. She said what everypony was waiting for.. "I must confess..." "I have a crush on Fluttershy"