Tengu of Sky and Earth Rewrite

by mattchilly

Welcome to Gensokyo and Equestira pt 1

It was the perfect kind of summer day. No clouds in the sky, a gentle breeze blowing in from the ocean. It was the kind of day where many people went to either the beach or a pool. Me? I was in my room marathoning the Project Touhou games. I’m wearing an olive-green shirt with the image of a brown tree with the word Yggdrasil under it, and blue jeans. Currently I was on Mountain of Faith, which is the tenth main game in the Project Touhou series. I had just died to the final boss for the tenth time. Deciding to take a break I stood up to stretch but when I did I heard an odd sound behind me. It almost sounded like a balloon had both popped and been unzipped at the same time. Turning I saw a tall woman in a pink and purple dress. She has long blond hair and two red bows tied in her hair. “Yukari? How! Why?” I gasped.

Yukari simply smiled as a tear in space opened underneath me as Yukari said in a sing song voice as I fell, “I found you.”

Being inside one of Yukari’s portals was… interesting. Everywhere I looked I saw purple and giant red eyes and even though I was falling I had no idea which way I was falling. Not to mention all the eyes that seemed to be looking at me even. Being the ‘fearless’ person I was I did the only obvious thing to do when someone was falling to their death. Scream. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!”

Eventually I had to stop to take a breath and when I did a hand was placed over my mouth. “I’d forgotten how fun it was to see someone’s first reaction to being in the Gaps, but this screaming is really getting annoying. I mean seriously it’s not like your falling to your death or anything.” Standing right in front of me was Yukari who was rolling her eyes.

“We’re not falling?” I asked after she removed her hand.

“Nope. Your mind simply said, you were falling because this Gap is so different from the world you know and the way you entered it, you stopped falling the moment you entered. Now then we have lot of work to do.” Yukari said.

“What kind of work? And why were you looking for me?” I asked.

“I was looking for someone to help me with something and you just happened to be the first person I found to match the criteria I was looking for.” Yukari said as she sat down on nothing.

“What would that be?” I asked curious.

“I don’t feel like telling you yet. For now I think I’ll teach you the basics of the traditional Gensokyen greeting.” Yukari said as a wide smile spread across her face.

“You don’t mean…” I said as I went pale and a feeling of dread appeared in the pit of my gut.

Yukari’s parasol appeared in her hand and pointed it at me with a large smile on her face. “Yup! We’re going to have a Danmaku battle.” Yukari said.

“NO! And not just no, but HELL NO! I already have a phobia of things flying at me, especially if they can cause me pain! This is just going to make it worse!” I said taking a few steps back.

“And now you don’t” Yukari said snapping her fingers. “Lesson one. Dodging.” With this a purple kunai, shaped energy bolt flew out of the tip of her parasol and hit me in the face sending me flying.

“SHIT!” I yelled before time seemed to speed up, and before I knew what happened Yukari had finished teaching me everything I needed to know. After a moment, I asked. “What just happened?”

“Oh, I just made time go by faster than normal, that way we can, not only get your training done but also get to the good part of this story, much faster.” Yukari replied.

“Did you just break the fourth wall and is my theory that your power over Boundaries lets you control whatever you want was correct… I’m never going to get an answer to either of those questions, am I?” I asked. Yukari didn’t answer me and just gave a knowing smile. I sighed before asking. “So, what do you need me to do?”

Yukari’s expression became serious. “Now onto why you’re here. I’m going to send you to a certain world. Your job is to simply help keep the peace between the residents of Gensokyo that I sent there when Porky’s invasion caused Gensokyo to become unstable and the residents of this new world.”

Closing my eyes I took a slow breath. “If I ever find Porky or anyone who works for him then they’ll wish they NEVER messed with Gensokyo.”

“Glad you’re so fired up about this because they’ve made themselves blood enemies of all Gensokyo. Unfortunately that includes versions of Poky who are… well I would day ‘good guys’ because as far as I know none fall into that category but at least decent people. Now if you’re going to do the job I require of you, you’re going to need something more. Something that’ll make you unique.” Yukari said before placing a finger on her chin as she began thinking.

“As far as I’m concerned, just teaching me Danmaku is more than enough,” I said.

Yukari suddenly snapped her fingers and said. “To bad, I just came up with the perfect thing.” Suddenly the top of my head, ears, and back began to burn. A full-length mirror appeared and I could see large black feathery wings burst out of my back, ripping holes in my shirt, as a fluffy black furred tail did the same to my jeans. Reaching up I felt my where my ears were only to find smooth skin and instead were two wolf like ears on the top of my head. They had pitch black fur, the same color as my hair.

“I’m… I’m a Tengu, but I thought Tengu were either crow or wolf like. I’ve never heard of one with aspects of both.” I said after the burning sensation ended, “And did you have to make it burn?”

“That burning sensation was a small side effect of your DNA being altered, trust me when I say it could have be a lot worse. I only alter DNA on incredibly rare occasions but when I do there are always a few side effects. Besides you can think of that burning as some growing pains. Hmmm since you’re no longer a human you need a new name. I got it! From now on you are Arashi.” Yukari said with a clap of her hands when she chose my new name. “So, with that out of the way it’s almost time for you to get to work. Once you get there just let them I sent you and you should be fine. I already told them that I was going to get some more help. I also gave you the knowledge on how to fly with AND without your wings but I suggest you ask one of the Tengu for help if you want to get faster.” Yukari explained.

As I continued to examine my body I noticed two green wrist bands with maple leaves on them. “What’s with the wrist bands?”

“Thanks for reminding me about them. Those are your new weapons. The one on the right will turn into a sword while the other turns into a shield when you focus on them. They’re perfect copies of Momiji’s so have her teach you how to use them, and before I forget again if you want to dismiss your wings just focus on looking more like a human. Unfortunately you can’t hide your ears or tail this way but it’s better than nothing. You’ll also have some traditional Tengu geta shoes and tabi socks waiting for you. They might take a while to get used to but once you’ve learned how to walk in but take your time.”

“What is this, a video game? I’m feeling a little over powered with everything you’ve done for me even though I know how powerful everyone from Gensokyo is.” I chuckled.

Yukari chuckled. “Trust me despite everything I’ve done for you, you’re in the lower tear of Gensokyens. So you have a lot of work to do if you want to keep up with Reimu.”

Nodding I looked at Yukari and smiled. “You know… You’re a lot less of a troll then fanon made you out to be.” Yukari only response to this was to point down. When I looked I saw that once again there was a Gap under me. “Hey Yukari?”


“I take it back. Screw you!” I yellded before falling out of the Gap and after a few moments crashing into the ground.

“Ah you’re here. I was wondering when Yukari would get around to sending you.” Looking up I saw a woman in her early twenties with black hair a red bow, a red dress with long white sleeves sitting on the porch of a shrine with a cup of tea in her hands.

Getting to my feet a cricked my neck and said. “I should have known Yukari would have sent me to you Reimu. Considering you and Marisa her go to person for resolving Incidents.”

“More like Marisa pokes her nose into a few of them because she’s bored.” Reimu said.

“That too.” I nodded before moving to sit next to her and looked at the sky. “So where exactly did Yukari send me?”

“The planet is called Equess and the kingdom we’re in is called Equestria. The forest around us is called the Everfree Forest.” Looking down I saw a unicorn with a purple coat.

“Hey Twilight what are you doing here?” Reimu asked the unicorn.

“Looking for Marisa. She still hasn’t fallowed through high her promise and let me take a look at that Mini-Hakkero of hers.” Twilight said.

I smirked. “She also stole some books didn’t she?”

Twilight looked annoyed and gritted her teeth. “That too. I swear she never learns!” Shaking her head she looked at me and smiled. “I assume you’re the one this ‘Yukari’ sent?”

“That’s me. Names Arashi.” I said before Twilight noticed that I had both wings and a tail and zipped over to examine me.

“I’ve never seen a Tengu like you!” Twilight said as Reimu chuckled.

“I’d be surprised if you did considering Yukari turned me into a unique kind of Tengu. For lack of a better term a Crow-Wolf Tengu if you will… you know what? I’ll just stick with Crow-Wolf Tengu when describing myself.” I said

“That’s not that creative you know.” Reimu smirked.

“Meh” I shrugged. “It works doesn’t it?”

“I guess.” Twilight said. “How about I show you around the nearby town Ponyville.”

“Since you know of Gensokyo think of it like the Human Village, except a few of its residents have magic but more skittish around the unknown.” Reimu explained.

I couldn’t help but chuckle. “I can only imagine their reaction to seeing everyone from Gensokyo. I bet Hina was having a field day with all that misfortune.”

“Hina? You mean that person who’s always hanging around Pinkie? What does she have anything to do with misfortune?” Twilight asked.

“Hina is a Goddess of Misfortune but instead of spreading misfortune she collects it and gives people good fortune.” Reimu explained as she got to her feet. “Didn’t know she was hanging out with Pinkie though, but do you mind if I go with you? I’ve needed to go grocery shopping.”

“I still don’t understand how you have enough money to go shopping when only my and I friends come here frequently.” Twilight said.

“I don’t know either but I just classify it as ‘Gensokyo Logic’.” I replied with a shrug.

*One short walk out of the Everfree later*

“…and that’s how I know about Gensokyo.” I said as I finished explaining how I knew about the Touhou Project games.

“Wonder how your world knew of Gensokyo. The Barrier should have made it that no one knew of it.” Reimu said.

I chuckled. “There are some theories but we won’t know for sure until Yukari tells us. After all if there’s anyone who knows it’s her.”

Twilight nodded. “True.” Then she pointed at a small town with her hoof. “That’s Ponyville. I run the Golden Oaks Library with my number one assistant Spike the Dragon.”

“A dragon huh? That must have been a weird meeting.” I said glancing at Reimu.

“Oh you have NO idea. Iku almost fainted when she heard how many dragons there are here.” Reimu said rubbing her temples.

Just then two people landed in front of us as we were hit by strong winds. “Hey Reimu, Twilight. Who’s the new guy?” Looking up I saw a woman with a red hat, black hair, pointed ears a white dress with a yellow scarf covered in maple leaves, a black tie, a red arm band covered in kanji that I couldn’t read, a black skirt, black socks and red shoes that were part Geta. Next to here is a light blue Pegasus with a rainbow colored main and tail.

“Never seen a Tengu like him before.” The Pegasus said. “Who and what is he?”

(I just KNOW I’m going to regret this but considering who this is, there is no way I’m avoiding this.) “I’m Arashi a Crow-Wolf Tengu. Yukari sent me to help Reimu keep the peace.” I said extending a hand.

“Ayayayayayaya! So YOU’RE the one the Gap Hag chose! I’m Aya a Crow Tengu.” Aya said as she shook my hand with a gleam in her eyes. “Think I could interview you for my paper?”

“I’ll… get back to you on that. I did just arrive in Equestria.” I said hoping Aya would let things drop.

“Not a problem. I’ll just ask again tomorrow.” Aya said before shooting a grin at the Pegasus who was staring at my wings with a curious expression. “You gonna introduce yourself or stair at his wing span?”

The Pegasus blushed and shot a glare at Aya before looking back at me. “Names Rainbow Dash, fastest Pegasus in Equestria!”

(Oh this is just too perfect!) “Hello Rainbow Dash Fastest Pegasus in Equestria, it’s nice to meet you. Although that’s a rather long name, maybe I’ll just call you Pegasus for short.” I said smirking making Aya and Reimu burst out laughing as Rainbow spluttered incoherently while Twilight face hoofed.

“That’s not my name!” She finally managed to say.

“Then why did you say that was your name?” I asked my smirk never leaving my face.

“My name’s just Rainbow Dash!”

“Then why did you introduce yourself as ‘Fastest Pegasus in Equestria’? If your name’s ‘Just Rainbow Dash’?”

“Why you!” Rainbow growled before realizing why I was smirking. “You pranked me the moment you met me?”

“Yup.” I said before glancing at Aya. “Before Yukari turned up I was just a human who loved to learn about mythology and from what I learned Tengu’s can be rather mischievous, and when you introduced yourself I saw a chance and took it.”

“I’d give it a six out of ten.” Aya shrugged before she realized something. “You said you were a human before Yukari grabbed ya?”

“Yup.” I nodded. “She even suggested I talk to a Tengu to help if I wanted to get faster but I think I’m good for now.”

“You’re kidding right?” Rainbow asked.

“Yeah! What kind of Crow Tengu are you if you’re as slow as a pidgin?” Aya asked. “You’d better prepare yourself! Rainbow and I are gonna teach you what speed is all about! Come on Rainbow! We’ve gotta get the course ready!” With that Aya and Rainbow took to the air and sped off.

“I can’t remember the last time Aya was that round up when it wasn’t about some kind of story.” Reimu said smirking. “And Aya called out Rainbow for staring.”

“I know right?” Twilight chuckled. “Congrats Arashi you’ve been here for less than an hour and you’ve already got a few admirers.”

“What are you talking about?” I asked.

“Oh nothing.” Reimu said. “Just that for Tengu the larger the wings span the more… attractive the person looks as a mate. I guess Rainbow’s been hanging around Aya so much she picked it up.”

The moment Reimu said that my face was engulfed in a huge blush as I instinctively dismissed my wings and I muttered. “Why me?”

When I heard Reimu and Twilight giggle I shot them a glance. “I’m just messen with ya Arashi. Rainbow was probably wondering how fast you could fly.”

“WHAT!” I yelled.

“I’m just glad Reimu caught onto what I was doing.” Twilight giggled.

“I…hate…both of you!”

“Come on, Fluttershy’s home is closest then we can introduce you to Applejack.” Twilight said as she began walking along the edge of the forest. Soon we came across a small cottage covered in grass and bird houses. Sitting on the lawn outside was a yellow coated Pegasus next to a short woman with pink hair in a light blue dress with light pink hems. She also had a red sphere with a black eye and tendrils coming out of it that connected to what looked like clips shaped like yellow hearts. “The Pegasus is Fluttershy and her friend is Satori.”

“…and then Rin sent thousands of spirits to the surface to find someone to stop Okuu…oh it seems like we’ve got company. Two of which already knows what I’m talking about.” Satori said turning her head to look at us.

“Hello Reimu, Twilight. Who’s your friend?” Fluttershy asked.

“Hello Satori, Fluttershy it’s nice you meet you, I’m Arashi.”

“So you’re the one Yukari chose. Interesting.” Satori said before shooting Twilight a small sad glance. Seeing this I sighed. “Do not worry.” Satori said. “I’m used to it.”

“Doesn’t make it right.” I replied. “It’s not your fault you were born with the ability to read minds.”

“Sorry. Guess I’m still a little nervous about it.” Twilight said lowering her head. Satori nodded her head.

“Perhaps you should get going. Lots of people to meet today and the sun will be setting in a few hours.” Fluttershy said.

“Hope to talk to the two of you again.” I said with a quick good bye wave as the three of us continued on our journey. Soon we were surrounded by apple trees but I did notice that there were hundreds of butterflies and what I assumed were honey bees and my movements stiffened slightly.

“You ok Arashi?” Reimu asked.

“Not really. There are too many bees for my liking.” I replied. “Never been comfortable around them, ya know?”

“Don’t worry Wriggle making sure they’re just pollinating the trees.” Twilight said. “Just make sure you don’t take any apples from the trees without Applejack’s or her family’s permission.”

“Wasn’t planning on it.” I muttered.

Soon we came across an orange pony wearing a stetson hat walking next to a green haired person with two antennae that if I didn’t know better I would have assumed was male. She wore a white button down shirt baggy blue pants that were tied off at the knees, white socks, red shoes, and a long cape that was designed to look like insect wings.

“Hey Applejack, Wriggle I want to introduce you to Arashi.” Twilight called.

“Howdy Arashi, Welcome to the Sweet Apple Acers.” Applejack said tilting her hat with a smile.

“Considering I never heard of someone like you in Gensokyo I’m guessing you’re Yukari’s new lacky?” Wriggle asked.

After thinking for a moment I chuckled. “Ya I guess Yukari is my boss all things considered.”

A small Gap opened between me and Wriggle. “I’m not your boss!”

“I’ll say considering you’re not paying me, to do the job you asked me to do!” I said as the Gap closed. “But that’s not gonna stop me from calling her my boss.”

“Apart from Reimu, Yukari and I who have you met from Gensokyo Arashi?” Wriggle asked

“Aya and Satori. I didn’t really get a chance to talk to her because Twilight was a little uncomfortable with Satori’s ability and once Aya and Rainbow heard that I was comfortable with my current flight speed they raced off to get some kind of course ready, but can they really blame me for wanting to get used to my current speed when I couldn’t fly before today? Heck I haven’t even flown yet.”

“Unless you count when you fell out of Yukari’s Gap.” Reimu smirked.

“Ha…ha…ha…” I said with as much sarcasm that I could muster.

“How about the three of you come join the family for lunch?” Applejack asked.

“What so Wriggle’s not invited?” I said with a joking smile on my face.

“After helping save the entire orchard from parasites ironically called ‘Parasprites’ I’m an honorary Apple.” Wriggle said.

“I am getting a bit hungry.” Twilight said.

“Same here. We’ve already met three of your friends so the others can wait till after lunch.” Reimu agreed.

“Right this way ya’ll.” Applejack said.

“Arashi, Wriggle and I will fly there. You’re gonna need to get used to those wings before Aya and Rainbow fly you into the ground.” Reimu smirked.

“Oh joy.” I sarcastically said holding my fist in the air.