Lightning's Bizarre Adventure

by Lightningflash101

Chapter 10: The Cure for a Curse pt. 1

An hour passes

With the school closed, Sunset arranged an interrogation with Rainbow Dash and one other stand user in the detention room. There would be no interruptions and no way for Erros to call for back up.

So far, Sunset was the only one there. She tied Erros to a chair with primal flame. Ensuring that his stand wouldn't appear while she and her friends got everything they needed from him.

When she was finished tying Erros down, Rainbow and another girl entered the room. This other girl had a soft silver colored skim and wore a short skirt with a pair of jeans, a t-shirt that bore a dark blue gemstone with stars inside of it as her mark, and a pair of sneakers.

"Good, you two are here," Sunset said

"Whats this all about Sunset?" Rainbow Dash asked, "what happened?"

"Remember the guy from sugar cube café?" Sunset asked

"The one with that cryptic card?" Rd said, "what about him?

" Well," Sunset started, "after he left the café I decided to follow him home. I wanted to make sure he wasn't going to be an enemy in the future. But when I got there, I found this guy attacking him."

Sunset kicked the chair Erros was sitting on as she spoke.

"His standability transformed Lightning into a dragon." She finished

"A dragon?" The girl questioned

Sunset nodded and turned to Erros.

"We need to find out how we can turn him back to normal," Sunset stated

"Then let's get this over with," Rainbow said, walking to Erros "I've got soccer practice in the morning."

The girl followed Rainbow to Erros. The three watched him for a moment before sunset poured water, from an abanded water bottle, onto his face.

Erros woke up with a jump. Before his scenes could clear out, a bright light blinded him.

"Sapphire," Rainbow said, catching the girls attention, "put a truth symbol on him."

"R-right" she nodded, a notepad and pen appearing in her hands as she began to draw

"Good luck trying to get anything out of me girly." Erros stated, "Lord DIO had new recruits endure Mysteries truth venom. A stupid mark won't do anything to me!"

As if on Que, a symbol of four loops with a diamond in the center shoot out of the notepad and attached itself to Erros' neck. The sudden force made him recoil slightly.

"Now," sunset started, "how can I get my friend back to normal?"

"Only my dovakkiin can change him back" Erros replied calmly, then suddenly shaking his head, "what the hell?! How did you-"

"We're the ones asking the questions here bub." Rainbow interrupted, grabbing Erros' chin for a moment only to let go

"Why does DIO want him dead anyway?" Sunset added, continuing the interrogation

"Only because my lord deemed him inadequate to be apart of our army." Erros stated, "and to ensure that he doesn't become a pest like the worms you all are, he hired Mystery to find him. Then kill him. Obviously, he can't do that right."

When Erros finished talking, the girls took walked away to discuss their options.

"We can't just leave Lightning like he is now," Sunset said

"But the moment we let him loose, he'll run to DIO and tell him everything that happened today," Rainbow added

"I cold lock his memory of three hours ago with Farytale," Sapphire stated, "that way, he'll have nothing to tell DIO. It'll be like he blacked out before fighting anything today."

The two girls constipated over this for a moment.

"Alright," Rainbow said, " we'll do that."

"And when we're done with this guy, we'll leave him out in a dumpster or something" Sunset added

All three of them nodded agreement before returning to Erros, who was squirming in the chair. Sapphire then drew three Z's with her stand. Te symbol planted itself onto Erros' forehead, knocking him out cold.

Current time

(Perspective change)

Dark. Everything is dark.

"Youll never find her," a voice said in my mind, "she's already dead."

I open my eyes to find myself in an area unfamiliar me. The color red covered everything in sight. Everything but a human silhouette standing in front of me. A man was crossing his arms at me.

"You should just give up flash." It said

"What was that?" I questioned, more angerly then I wanted

"I said give up" the man repeated, "you'll never rescue your mother in the state your in."

"You don't know that!" I shouted, anger consuming me, "I'll find a way!"

"How would you know?" He tainted, chuckling, "you got detracted and taken out"

I wasn't in control of myself. My body moved on its own as I rushed to the silhouette. Fists clenched as I go to attack.

Left. Right. Uppercut. Everything I threw at him, he dodged at the last second. Tapping me every time I missed.

"You can even hit me with your snail speed." It taunted, "how do you expect to rescue someone who means so much to you?"

"Shut it!" I retorted, "and let! Me! Hit! You!"

The man ducked a right hook when six copies of him appeared me. Surrounded. Angry. Cornered like a wild animal.

Suddenly a bright light drowned out the red and black. Blinding me in the process.

Moments before

(Perspective change)

"And what that thing is?!" Rudy shrieked upon seeing her now dragonlike father.

The sudden sound caused the dragon to stir awake, opening one eye to see Secret. Her reflexes sprinted into action as she jumped away from the creature's tail, which whipped the wall behind her.

The Dragon then began to stand up in the room. Keeping its gaze on Secret, the dragon growled angerly, preparing to spew fire at its target.

"Secret, look out!" Ruby shouted out

But it was already too late. The dragon had shot is firey breath at Secret, who couldn't do anything but cover her face and look away.

Nothing. The fire didn't consume her. Moving her arms away, Secret found another flame, in a form of a shield and appeared in front of her. Blocking the jet of fire that could have ended her life.

"Wh-what?" Secret gasped, "b-but how did-?"

"What are you two thinking!?" Sunset shouted as Eclipse called back its shield of fire, " it's not safe to be here, run!"

Sunset, Rainbow, Sapphire, and Erros had entered the building just in time to find that the dragon had awakened from its peaceful slumber. Rainbow's stand, an anthropomorphic bird-like creature with powerful wings on its back (named Spread your Wings) appeared and was prepared for battle. Sapphire's Fairytale was ready to create any symbols within her power.

"Commander Shimmer?!" Ruby called out