Like a Vacation

by Agrith

Chapter 1: Prologue

Chapter 1: Prologue

“In other news I am completely out of my mind,” I said to myself, “For the full story, let’s take it over to the chest at the foot of my bed. Azure.”

I pointed at my dolphin plushie. Silence.

“And how is the rest of the world dealing with it?”


“Is there anything you recommend our viewers do to avoid something like this?”


“Look, I know I’m bored and the incident with the lighter was completely uncalled for, but can you at least do something?”


“Fuck you.”

I spun around in my chair, thinking of anything to occupy my mind. I looked at my book shelves.

“Read them all. Don’t feel like rereading.”

My nerf guns.

“No one to shoot and I hate picking up the bullets.”

My laptop.

“I know you get lonely but I need to spend time with all the other things I have. I can watch ponies later.”

I sighed and spun around some more, contemplating on my boredom. It wasn’t a lack of things to do, I just didn’t feel like doing anything. I looked over at all my stuffed animals, hoping for a spark of inspiration. Nothing.

“Wait a sec,” I said.

I got up and walked over to the stuffed animals.

“What the hell is that?” I said as I picked up one I didn’t recognize.

It was a black, four legged thing with translucent wings. Its eyes were blue and it had a small horn on its head.

“A changeling? Since when do I have a changeling plushie?” I said to myself.

I thought for I minute on how the plushie got here in the first place before I shrugged.

“Meh. Looks nice, though I would have preferred a Fluttershy. But beggars can’t be choosers, or whatever the hell I am.”

A rustling from behind me caused my head to turn. I saw nothing but felt a pain in my wrist. I yelled and dropped the plushie. I looked at my wrist and saw two little puncture marks oozing blood slightly. I sucked the blood up with my mouth as I made my way to the bathroom.

“Little bastard,” I mumbled to myself as I cleaned the wound.

It didn’t occur to me until I put a bandage on that it was just a plushie.

“Then how in the hell did you bite me?” I asked it as I walked back into my room.

It was standing up on its legs staring at the door.

“No way in hell that’s how I left you.”

I picked it up and could have sworn it was smirking at me.

“You think that was funny? Well let’s see how you like barbeque.”

I looked over at Azure.

“No offense.”

I went into the kitchen and grabbed some matches and lighter fluid. I went outside and threw the plushie into the fire pit. I doused the fire pit in lighter fluid, careful not to splash it everywhere. After I felt it was soaked enough, I lit a match and looked at the plushie. I smiled.

“I like me changeling crisp,” I said as I threw the match into the pit.

Common sense told to the stay back several feet, but I still felt like I got crisped. I stood there until the flames died down.

“Now you’ll think twice before biting meeeee…what the hell?!”

I looked into the dying flames to see the plushie, completely unharmed.

“You little bastard. How dare you be fireproof.”

I glared at the plushie, hoping it would spontaneously combust under my intense glare. I continued staring at it until the flames died down enough that I would risk trying to pick it up. I lightly tapped it a few times and to my surprise it wasn’t hot at all. I gingerly picked it up in case it decided to attack me. I looked into its eyes, trying to determine its secrets. A glimmer appeared in its eyes and it smirked at me.

“You think that was funny?” I asked it, “Well, I have a few more ideas for destroying you. Tell me, do little demon possessed toys like sharp objects?”

I saw a hint of fears in its eyes.

“Hehe, well you get to meet Mr. Stabbity Stab.”

I took the possessed changeling plushie inside and set it down on my kitchen counter. I opened the knife drawer and began taking out several knives, starting with the smaller ones and working my way up to the large butcher knife.

“You know, I think this butchering needs a more sinister mood to it.”

I set the butcher knife down and shut the drawer. I walked over to the other side of the kitchen and started looking through some drawers for various objects. I pulled out some red and black electrical tape, a hammer, a box of nails, several matches, and few candles.

“Now let’s get started.”

I turned around in time to see the changeling jump off the counter.

“Oh hell no!” I yelled as I jumped after it.

I grabbed it around the midsection, trying to keep my hands away from its mouth. It continued struggling to escape my grasp. I pinned it down to the floor with one hand and opened the fridge with the other.

“I’ve always wanted to do this,” I said as I repeatedly slammed the fridge door on its head.

After a minute of crushing its head, I picked it up and shut the fridge.

“Now, let’s keep you from trying to escape.”

Dazed from its beating, it barely resisted as I duct taped its legs and wings to its body.

“Try escaping now,” I dared it.

I laughed when it hissed at me.

“Now, now. You’re the one that bit me first. I didn’t do anything to you.”

I looked around for a suitable area to preform my butchering, but couldn’t find anywhere I would want to mark up.

“Hmmm, I think there’s a piece of piece of plywood in the garage that would suit our needs. Now to make sure you don’t think of running off…”

I picked up the bound changeling and threw it in the freezer.

“I hope I don’t come across as being too cold.”

I laughed manically at my own stupid joke. I walked into the garage and began to search for the piece of plywood.

“It should be over here,” I said to myself, “Hello, what do we have here?”

I bend over and pick up a rusty saw. I inspect the teeth and find most are in good condition, minus a few at the end.

“Not what I had in mind, but I’ll take it.”

I look over the saw again and my gaze drifts past it.

“There you are.”

I moved a five gallon bucket to expose the plywood I was looking for.

“Now we can get started.”

I brought the saw and plywood inside and set them one the kitchen table. I took the red electrical tape and drew out a pentagram. I used the black tape to make a circle around it.

“There. Now for the sacrifice.”

I grinned evilly as I made my way over to the freezer. I could hear muffled thumping noises coming from inside.

“Like you really could escape,” I said as I opened the door.

The changeling stared at me, shivering slightly.

“Aww, is the wittle changeling cold? I could make you feel warmer.”

Its eyes widened and it stopped shivering.

“That’s right,” I picked it up and held it up in the air, “Microwave time!”

I opened the microwave and threw the changeling in. I slammed the door shut and put in two minutes. As my finger reached towards the start button, I hesitate. I sighed, opened the microwave, and took the changeling out.

“Okay, I’ll admit that this is a little cruel, even for me,” I said to it, “Death from the molecules in your body heating up and causing you to explode is something I would do only to something actively trying to kill me. And I don’t think there is enough water in your body for you to explode.”

I threw the changeling onto the plywood and taped it down. I then set up the candles around the pentagram and lit them. I undid the duct tape on its back legs. It began waving them around, trying to keep me away. I laughed at the futile attempts of escape. I picked up two nails and the hammer.

“Now this won’t hurt a bit,” I said as I nailed its back legs to the plywood.

It hissed in pain and started to convulse.

“I guess I lied.”

I undid its front legs and nailed them down as well. I removed the duct tape holding it down as well as the tape holding its wings. They fluttered weakly before falling limp.

“Now for the final effect.”

I picked the butcher knife and turned off the lights. The light from the candles cast an eerie glow as the changeling struggled to pull its hooves off of the nails. I smiled sadistically as I drew the flat of the blade across its stomach causing it shudder.

“Now for the first cut.”

I positioned the knife right below its throat, preparing to cut its abdomen open when I heard a faint crackling behind me. I turned around only to be blinded by the burst of green light. When my sight recovered, before me stood something I never expected to see, but with the changeling plushie I shouldn’t have been surprised.

“What are you doing to my subject?” it hissed at me.

“C-chrysalis, what a surprise. I never expected to see you around here,” I said.

“How do you know who I am monster?”

“Monster? Who the hell you calling monster? I didn’t pose as someone’s fiancée to steal their love and try to take over Equestria.”

“Answer the question,” she said angrily, horn glowing green.

I dropped the knife and took a step back.

“F-from a show called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. The season 2 finale was of when you posed as Princess Cadence and tried to take over Equestria but was stopped when Shining Armor cast his shield spell with the help of Cadence’s love.”

I dropped to my knees.

“Please don’t kill me,” I begged.

“I should for threatening one of subjects,” Chrysalis said as he pulled the nails out of the changeling’s hooves.

I shifted away from her and picked up the dropped knife.

“Tell me, what do you call yourself?” she asked me.

“Y-you can call me Anthony,” I responded, “And in case you’re wondering I’m a human.”

“Interesting. Tell me, what do you know of me and my kind.”

I thought back to the only time changelings were on the show. It wasn’t much but it was enough to distract her.

“Well, I know you are Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings. You managed to beat Princess Celestia with the power you got from Shining Armor’s love. As for changelings, you can take the shape of any pony you desire, mimicking them perfectly, in order to feed on the love from the ones closest to them,” I managed to say in one breath.

“And do you know what I due to subjects that can no longer preform their purpose,” she said as she levitated the changeling in front on me. I gulped and shook my head.

“They fuel the flames of my anger.”

The changeling plushie burst into flames, screaming as its body turned into ashes. They formed a neat little pile at my knees. I looked up at Chrysalis in time to feel a force grab my throat. Her horn glowed green as she lifted me up to my feet.

“Now my little human, you are going to show me how you know so much about me and everything else about where I come from. Any questions?”

“Just one,” I managed to squeak out.

“And what is that?”

“What the hell is that over there?!” I yelled and pointed in some random direction.

She turned her head and I threw the knife at her. It clipped her neck and one of her wings. She hissed in pain and the magic holding me up was broken. I fell to the floor and rolled away as a green fireball struck where I was lying. I jumped up to my feet and ran out of the house screaming, dodging fireballs sent my way.

“Come back here you weak human,” Chrysalis yelled at me.

“Fuck you I don’t wanna die,” I yelled back.

I ran across the road into a corn field. I continued running deeper until I was out of breath. As I sat down to catch my breath, I saw Chrysalis flying overhead.

“Come out, come out where ever you are,” she said in a sing song voice.

I flipped her the bird and continued resting. After several minutes I could tell she was getting agitated.

“If you don’t want to come out peacefully, I guess I will have to smoke you out,” she said as her horn glowed.

“She’s gonna set the corn on fire…shit,” I said to myself.

At that moment, I had two options: a. get burned alive but deny her any information she could use to take over Equestria or b. surrender, show her everything I know about Equestria and probably get burned to crisp when I run out of information. Before I could decide on a course of action, a voice rang out across the cornfield.

“Chrysalis, what are you doing here?!” the voice yelled.

While it was distorted with power, it sounded awfully familiar to me.

“How-how did you find me here? Your powers shouldn’t be able to reach this place,” Chrysalis said fearfully.

“My powers can go where ever you go Chrysalis. And I will not let you enslave a race for whatever your twisted reasons are.”

The voice was so familiar, yet I still couldn’t place it.

“Oh Princess Celestia, you are not the ruler of this world so how would you even try to stop me?” Chrysalis drew out the princess.

Celestia. Oh. My. Gawd.

“I do not need to stop you. Your hive will do that for me.”

“What are you talking about-ahhh!” Chrysalis was cut off by a ball of white light surrounding her. A lance of green flame shot out but nothing else escaped. The ball of light started to shrink until it was the size of a basketball. It then shot off in a random direction with a clap of thunder.

“Okay, if people didn’t realize something was going on, they will now,” I said to myself as I ran out of the cornfield towards my house.

I stopped dead in my tracks when a glowing white being landed in front of me. Celestia, and she did not look happy.

“I gonna die,” I said, my right eye twitching.

“Oh far from it,” Celestia said.