//------------------------------// // Tide // Story: Out of Time // by Onomonopia //------------------------------// Fillydelphia looked all too familiar for Trunks liking. It wasn't that he had visited the city before, but he had seen the city before. A city overrrun with military supplies, thousands of civilians that had arrived in hopes of being protected and lots filled with the fallen. He could hear the cries of pain and the pleas of desperation even from the sky. Even though he had just arrived, Trunks had seen enough of the ponies city. But he knew that answers awaited him down there, so he steeled his nerves and descended when Pinkie told him to descend. They landed in front of a large building that he believed to have once been a library, but had been taken over by the military and made into a makeshift command center. Ten guards yelped open Trunks landing and recovered a moment later by charging towards him with their spears extended. "Hold on everypony!" Pinkie exclaimed, leaping out of Trunks arms and extending her forehooves to stop the attack. "I know this looks bad, but this here is Trunks. He's our new best friend and the solution to finally putting an end to this war." The look on the guards faces showed that they did not believe her. "I'm serious! Trunks flew in and pushed back and entire sector of Sombra's forces without killing any of them!" Pinkie informed the guards. The guards faces didn't change in the slightest and Pinkie began to catch on that maybe her words sounded crazier than she would have liked them to. "Um, Trunks? Can you back me up here?" "Pinkie, I'm a flying alien from another reality alltogether. What could I possibly say to them to get rid of their suspicions?" Trunks asked. Despite the guards having weapons aimed at him, he kept his hands in his pockets and a blank look on his face. The first reason for the posture was so that he seemed non-threatening to the guards. The second reason was because he was sensing for energy. Not the energy of any pony, though he was keeping an eye out for dark ki that Sombra would emit, but to try and see if the being made of metal was in this land. Trunks hadn't sensed him when he had first appeared, but he had hoped that the being had been using technology at the time to unravel the world and he was capable of using ki. "Stand down, as hard as it is to believe Pinkie is telling the truth." Trunks and Pinkie looked up to see that Rainbow Dash had finally caught up with them. The moment she appeared the guards all snapped to attention and saluted her. She raised a hoof halfheartedly in reply before glaring up at Trunks. "Just to let you know if I still had both of my wings I would have left you in the dust." "If you say so." Rainbow made a face at his words, but instead of saying anything she turned her attention back to the guards. "Pinkie's words are true. Trunks here assisted us in repelling an surprise assault from Sombra that would have most likely killed us all. And now he's willing to help us bring down the king of shadows once and for all. Go inform the general of this. I think she'll be interested in meeting him." Three of the guards saluted once more and raced inside, while the remaining ones opened the doors for the group and allowed them to enter into the building. Upon entering Trunks found that his earlier assumption had been correct and the building had indeed used to be a library. Some of the shelves still held some books in them, but for the most part the shelves now held items of war, from weapons to maps to medical aid. All too familiar. "Thanks for the save back there," Rainbow said suddenly. When Trunks turned to look at her he found that she didn't seem happy having to thank him. "I wasn't joking about the ambush. The soldiers seemed to appear from out of the shadows. One moment I'm commanding a force of ponies five hundred strong and the next thing I know I'm back to back with Pinkie, surrounded and out gunned. Had you not shown up..." "None of this should be happening in the first place," Pinkie said bitterly. Then she looked up at Trunks with confirmation in her eyes. "There is something wrong with this world, but I just never knew what. But now, with your arrival, i now know. This isn't our world. This isn't the way things are supposed to be." "The question now is why are things like this," Trunks finished up for her. Pinkie nodded to show she was thinking the same thing. "Look, I don't believe in parallel worlds or anything like that. But if you're right and this isn't how the world is supposed to be, well...then we should focus on fixing it, right?" Rainbow asked. "I mean, provided the way the world is supposed to be is a better world than this one. Is it?" "From what I saw, it's the most peaceful world that I've visited yet," Trunks replied. "Alright then, I'll help." "Just like that?" Pinkie asked "I've been fighting this war for three years. I want it done and I want Sombra gone. Whatever it takes to do that," Rainbow replied. Pinkie smiled at her response and even Trunks felt the corners of his mouth start to go up. 'Even in a completely different version of their world they're still close friends. Some things truly do not change.' Their conversation was brought to an end when the guards Rainbow had sent away returned, motioning to Trunks and Rainbow Dash to follow them. They did so and Pinkie tried to follow after them as well, but the guards held out their hooves to stop her. A pouting look appeared on Pinkie's face and she opened her mouth to argue, but Dash shook her head and ended the defiance there. Pinkie sat back down and Trunks was finally admitted to see Celestia. He followed the guards through a set of double doors, leading into the main library chamber, and found the princess. He had to admit, she wasn't what he had been expecting. Normally when one thinks of a pony princess, they think of pink. Not white, orange and crimson. But those were the colors that made up Celestia's form, with her coat being white and her mane a mix of red and orange, though Trunks believed his could see faint blues and purples in there as well. But it wasn't just her coloring that drew his attention. It was the power he could sense coming from within her. For a pony, she was pretty strong. The two then locked eyes and Trunks became aware that she had been analyzing him just as he had done to her. Realizing he was being rude, Trunks bowed slightly to her. As he rose back up he saw a thin smile on Celestia's face, but she then turned her attention to Rainbow Dash. "I am glad to see that you are unharmed. When I heard of the ambush, I feared the worst," Celestia said in a tone that was both kind and powerful. "You were right to assume the worst, your highness. If not for Trunks here I would not have made it out alive," Rainbow replied with a smirk. "Sombra's force seem to become one with the darkness more and more each day. It won't be long before we are literally jumping at the sight of our own shadows and for good reason. We need to turn the tide." "I agree, but doing so has been incredibly difficult," Celestia replied with a sigh. She rose to her hooves and extended her wings, which were large than Trunks had expected, before she motioned down to the map that lay across a large table before them. "Sombra has been impossible to find. We have searched everywhere that we can and yet he still continues to elude us. Not to mention that with each town he takes, his forces of darkness only grow. I have been seeking for a way to turn the tide for a while...though it seems you brought somepony who may be able to do just that." Realizing she was offering for him to speak, Trunks stepped forward. "It is a pleasure to meet you, your highness. I am Trunks and I...am not from this world." "I can see that. I also know that if you were from this world, even a place I had not heard of, Sombra would have been using some of your kind in his army, as he has with the griffons and dragons." "Actually, I mean that I come from another reality alltogether. One where there is not a terrifying war with a king of darkness tearing apart your world," Trunks corrected. This time Celestia said nothing, though she did raise an eyebrow and a small smirk crossed her face. "I believe that the timeline of your world, maybe the very fabric of your reality, has been altered by a villain that I've been hunting. Why he has done this or how I do not know, but I will find out." "So Pinkie was right all along. Today is truly a scary day," Celestia muttered to herself before a more serious expression crossed her face. "That is all well and good Trunks, but at the moment I am dealing with a villain of my own, so I will be blunt. Why are you here and what do you plan to do next?" "I am here to bring down the villain that is causing this temporal anomaly and stop him from causing any more harm," Trunks said as a Time Patroller. Then his eyes darkened and his hands clenched into fists. "However, I will not sit by and watch as another monster of darkness seeks to tear apart a world. I will help you bring down Sombra. Hell, I'll do it myself if you want." A look of approval crossed Celestia's face, before a thought appeared in her eyes. "Brave words my friend, but Sombra is powerful and crafty. How do I know that I will not simply be sending you to your death?" "Driving off his forces wasn't proof enough?" "Seeing is believing. Please, humor an old mare." "Alright. Come with me." Trunks flew towards the large windows and opened them, bowing slightly and offering for Celestia to go first. With a small smirk she flew out before him and sailed to the top of the library. Trunks joined her a moment later and the two of them looked out across the lands, which, even in a place without fighting, were still barren and dead beneath a clouded and dreary sky. "It's sad," Trunks muttered before he could stop himself. "In the other version of this world it is filled with so many life and colors that I actually felt at peace simply by standing in it. This version of it...feels like a blow to ones heart." "Indeed, Equestria used to be a land of joy and life. Now it is filled with pain and death. But one day, I shall return it to its glory," Celestia said with confidence, before turning back to Trunks. "Now then, I believe you were going to show me a demonstration of you power?" "Certainly. Is there anywhere you don't mind me blowing up?" Celestia raised an eyebrow at Trunks words, before she narrowed her eyes and started to look around. "About fifty miles out that way is an area of the land that has been condemned due to Sombra having raised an army of undead there. We have managed to contain them, but we cannot be rid of them. If you can get rid of them, I will allow you into my forces." "Got it." Trunks then outstretched both of his hand, before whipping them around faster than Celestia could keep up with. "Burning Attack." A massive ball of yellow and orange energy erupted from Trunks oustretched hands, the force of which nearly knocked Celestia out of the sky. She righted herself in time to see the ball of energy land right in the area where she hand pointed out...before a colossal explosion of power that was enough to shake the ground and sky detonated. She watched with a shocked look on her face as what had once been one of the more dangerous areas in Equestria was reduced to ash. She glanced over at Trunks as the explosion died down, noticing that the warrior had a thin smile on his face. "So, did I pass?" "Trunks, I believe you may just be the key in turning this war around."