Through the Darkness of Space

by Lt Rainbow Slash

Day 31: Deep Space

13 December, 3603
Day 31
9,360LY from Cel

So. Two interesting things today.

First of all, I was just going along as per usual. And boom, come out of hyperspace right between two stars. I have never scrambled for my heat sink button so fast. Got uncomfortably hot for a few seconds. Nearly cooked me alive. But hay, that's exactly the scenario I brought those heat sinks along for.

On the other hoof, I found a interesting world today. It looked like your standard boring snow ball. But there were some weird sensor returns so I went in for a closer look. I spent some time trying to figure out what was causing the strange sensor feedback before deciding to go land on the damn thing.

And lo and behold, there's an entire ocean teeming with life down there, under forty meters of ice. I got a look at a huge alien whale thingy swimming around down there.

The last half of the day things got dull. I seem to have stumbled upon another patch of old space. Old dead stars galore. I'm just hoping I can get though this patch to more interesting things.

Pretty happy with today,

Today's Discoveries:
Traikeou LQ-R b45-11:
High Metal, tf

Traikeou JI-B d13-13:
High Metal, tf

Traikeou ER-N e6-8:
Metal Rich
High Metal, tf
Iced Over Ocean World, Dynamor

Traikeou MD-R c18-6:
High Metal, tf