//------------------------------// // The Moment Equestria Stood Still // Story: Vinyl's New Opponent // by OctaScratchRock //------------------------------// The two cars pulled up at the start. Rainbow Dash started the countdown. The second she shouted "GO!" she felt the ground shaking beneath her as the two machines blew past her. She was knocked to the ground by the air flowing past, but got up just in time to see the two cars vanish into the night. "Go get 'em, Vinyl." she said to herself. The R32, of course took the lead as the two car sped down the highway straights. "I never thought a car with such less horsepower could be so much faster." said Muscle Power to himself. "This race should be just as exciting as I hoped it would be." Vinyl sat with her arms around the steering wheel, a serious look on her face. "Yes. I feel tension as if my blood is boiling....now THIS is a race! I'm going flat out until the end! HOW LONG CAN YOU KEEP UP!?" she said out loud. The two machines swerved to avoid a large truck in the way. When they regained their lines, they were side by side. Vinyl looked over at the Charger beside her. She smiled and floored the gas pedal. The Charger quickly fell behind her. Vinyl smiled as she began to talk to herself. "This is the fastest car on the professional racing circuit, and it's the fastest car here! It won the Bathurst 1000 four years in a row. Even the "GT-R" badge on the rear is the legendary symbol for invincibility! Can he get close enough just to read it!?" she said. The fastest machine on the highway was indeed the 32, for she was beginning to completely lose sight of Muscle Power in her rear view mirror. "This race will be a piece of cake." she said to herself. "That R32 is seemingly even faster than everypony said it was." said Muscle Power to himself. "How in the world am I going to keep up with it? Am I supposed to just MAKE myself win?" he asked himself. He reached over into the empty passenger seat and pulled up a phone. He looked down to quickly text somepony, and then threw down the phone. "They'll take care of her." he said. Meanwhile, Vinyl was about 500 meters ahead of the Charger, and was feeling quite cocky. Suddenly, all of her cockiness turned to shock when she noticed another car pulling out of traffic and tailgating her. "Who's that?" she asked herself out loud. She felt an extremely sharp jolt as she was bumped. She looked hard into her rear view mirror, trying to see what kind of car was bothering her. It was a 2005 Ford GT, and its driver was sticking his hoof out the window holding something metallic. Vinyl looked back at the road ahead and heard an ear-piercing BANG. The item that the GT driver was holding was without a doubt a gun. Vinyl broke out in sweat and fear as she swerved around trying to avoid getting shot. "I knew I shouldn't have battled this guy. I just knew it. What the heck was I thinking when I said that I enjoyed living dangerously!?" The GT driver looked ahead and could see a perfect shot. He aimed his gun straight ahead and was ready for the perfect shot at Vinyl's LR tire, when the gun was suddenly knocked out of his hoof by a huge jolt. He looked to his side to see that somepony else had rammed him: a blue Skyline R33 GT-R. Beforehand, the RB26 engine that Vinyl had ordered had already arrived, so Octavia had them drop it in her R33 so she could go and check on Vinyl. Fortunately, she just happened to arrive at the second Vinyl needed her most. Vinyl looked in her rear-view to see Octavia's unmistakable R33. "Tavi!? I thought her car had no engine! Wait, they must have gotten another." she said to herself.