My little pony respect is friendship

by Rainbowdash5995

Prologue 2 The Element Of Trust

My little pony respect is friendship: The element of Trust








These are the six elements that holds equestria to this day, and no matter what evil knocks at their doorstep the heroes of respect will defeat in any way. But before all their victories and before they even met, these are the stories of how they became their elements.


This story starts with the element of trust. A earth pony who lives in ponyville, who loves the nature and loves to experiment all types of plants.

Her mane and tail was poofy and frizzy as soft as clouds and as swirly as lollipops, with light pink and floral white locks. Her eyes were wide with determination and misty rose as the pink roses in her garden. She was shorter than most ponies and a bit chubbier than most mares but was always quick on her white hooves, and has a cutie mark with a salmon potion with petals around it. This mare was named Flora Bloom.

“Ugh! Stupid fillies! I’ll show them I can make a potion! A potion that can cure poison!” Flora Bloom stomped her hooves in the strange forest, ever since her first day of school Flora was always teased by some of the unicorn fillies about her ability to make potions better than all of the unicorns in her school, one day she was dared to go into the everfree forest and come back out with a potion. Confident she could do it, she grabbed her potion kit and rushed inside.

Flora started to look at her surroundings realizing her mistake of ever coming here. The dark, scary trees making scary faces, weird black and teal vines moving slowly, yellow eyes glaring at you, the awful smell of the rotten plants. It was every foal’s nightmare.

" Aw man! I should of brought my camera with me! This place looks awesome!! " Flora Bloom started to giggle, not even noticing the rockadile she just walk on across the swamp. Flora notices some weird-looking plants and walked towards them still not noticing the rockadile now getting closer to her then ready to eat her. The rockadile screams seeing a bright Golden frog hopping to his direction, Flora turns to see the frog in front of her and the rockadile going back into the swamp.

“Oh hello there!” Flora Bloom puts her blue gloves on and puts her hooves on the so the frog can hop on, she looks at the frog with a grin as the frog tilts his head curious of the pony.

“I’m Flora Bloom, I been studying plants lately and I been dared to make a potion here! Yes I know it’s a little dangerous but I need to so I can prove that I can make potions better than those other girls!” The Golden frog shakes his head and points at the swamp near the lilypads where other poisonous frogs were.

“You’re all by yourself? Why? I thought poison dart frogs are usually together” The frog droops his head and turns around, Flora gasps and sees purple dots behind his back.

“Oh you poor thing that’s why you’re by yourself don’t worry i’ll.. I’ll try to cure you no matter what!” The frog hops happily and Flora starts to take samples from the plants. It took five hours for her to create a potion that got rid of the spots but it was worth it.

“There you go, go on play with your friends now.” Flora Bloom places the frog down, puts her potion, takes some plant samples, her potion set away in her bag then she walks into as different direction before she looks around the forest feeling lost.

“Ribbit..” Flora turns around to see the gold poisonous frog following her.

“Oh uh.. Hey there again.. Since your here do you mind directing me to the entrance?” The frog nods hopping on her large afro mane, Flora Bloom got out of the forest right before bedtime and kept the golden frog since it never left her. Flora’s potion making skills made her quite famous in the town, as a adult she started making a record of new recipes from plants, flowers making potions, having her own personal garden, even moved near the ever free forest

“Goldie Can you get me a doll’s eye and three petals of a daisy?” Flora hears the frog ribbit as it hope to get the ingredients. Flora continues to mix the midnight blue liquid in the black caution. She hears Goldie ribbit again and turns to see Goldie have the white berry and the petals on his head, she grabs them with her mouth and places them in the liquid, mixing them again as the now blue liquid turns snow white.

“Thanks Goldie!” Flora pats Goldie’s head, he ribbits in response. Flora hears the door knocks and opens it and sees it’s Lily grace. Lily grace had a lily that was a white bowl-shaped flower with a golden ray down the center of petals and crimson spots on top of her flavescent and cornsilk waterfall mane along with her tail, her fur was deep peach, her eyes were cornflower blue, her cutie mark is a bottle of perfume with a white lily next to it and she had a long but small horn.

“Oh. It’s you..” “Do you have my vanilla perfume yet Flora?” “Yes, yes no need to rush.” Flora rolls her eyes and leads Lily to her lab where tubes of potions and her caution laid. She pulls the spoon out and gives it to Lily which she held with her magic along with a perfume bottle that was clear. Lily smells the liquid before nodding and putting the liquid in the bottle.

“Good. Alright here’s your bits.” Lily pulls out a bag of bits and hands it to Flora. As Lily turns around she sees Goldie glaring at her.

“Ugh! You still have that thing around?”

“That thing is a golden poisonous frog, his name is Goldie, and if you say anything cruel to him, I’ll dig your grave”

“I’m surprised you’re still alive, anyway I’ll be going now ta ta~” Lily slams the door on her way out which causes one of the beakers to fell, luckily Goldie caught it with his tongue.

“Whew thanks Goldie man I hate girls like her!”


“Oh well, let’s see what we got here how man-”

Flora opens the bag that has bits that smells like chocolate.

“Really? Again! I really hate her!!...She’s lucky I like chocolate…”

Flora grumbles eating the chocolate bit and giving one to Goldie which he eats gleefully. Lily Grace owned a perfume shop but she became too lazy to make her own. So when she found out about Flora she made a deal with her a win win situation expect that sometimes Lily gives Flora fake bits or gumdrops.

It was now the afternoon and Flora is grocery shopping with Goldie on her mane, after buying some apples and strawberries there was one item that caught her attention.

A cloaked mare was selling seeds that were blue and funny-looking with name poison joke on it. Flora approaches the mare and points at the seeds.

“Good afternoon Zecora how do you? I would like six packs of poison jokes please.”

“Afternoon Flora Bloom I am well as you, the purchase is ten bits but beware of your silly jokes my friend just like your Golden frog the poison of your jokes will not only poison your target, but the mind of others as well” Floral Bloom nods taking her advice, and giving Zecora her money and Zecora giving her the seeds.

“Do not worry my friend, it will just be one prank for trying to trick a witch”

Flora wave goodbye to the Zebra and went back to her cottage where she planted her seeds, watered them, then used her own fertilizer made from dirt, Silver Torch Cactus petals, earthworms, and Rafflesia arnoldii. The fertilizer made the flowers grow quickly, she puts her blue gloves, picked the flowers up and set them on the wooden table in her lab.

“Alright then Goldie I’m going to need your help if I’m gonna make a hilarious perfume!”


“Okay let’s get started!”  Flora places Goldie on the table and opens her book and opens  to a page the a poison joke perfume steps were.

“Step 1! Collect your flowers the look doesn’t matter as long as it is not rotten.” Flora looks at poison jokes and sees their still there.


“Step 2! Put them all in a pot and grind them with a mortar and pestle. Make sure you hold your breath don’t want to lose your funny bone after laughing too much” Flora did as the step said holding her breath and putting it in the caution after grinding them.


“Step 3! Add some water and a drop of rue and alcohol, can’t make the joke too poisonous” Flora turns and grabs the cup of water and bottle of alcohol Goldie was holding and proceeds to dump the water and drop a bit of the alcohol before giving it back to Goldie.


“Step 4! Strain the flowers, cut the stems off and sprinkle the petals in the pot! Sparkle sparkle sparkle!” Flora gives the stems to Goldie to throw away.


Step 5! Then stir until the cows come home.. At least till it turns blue” After a few minutes the liquid turns into a navy blue, Goldie hops on Flora’s mane and puts a perfume bottle on her mane as well.

“Thank you Goldie!”


“Step 6! Now after your done put the perfume in your bottle and press!”

Flora puts as much liquid in the bottle as much as it can handle, she tightens the cap on it and gets a box and wrapping paper with ribbons from Goldie. She puts the perfume in the box wrapped it up and placed it on the table.


“Good job Goldie! You get fruit flies!”

Flora climbed up her ladder and grabbed a bottle with a gold cup filled with holes on top of the self then went back down opened it having  three files coming out, one is a Apple fly, the second one is a cherry, and the third one was a orange fly which Goldie catches with his long tongue and eats.

“Hmm.. Maybe next time I should write normal steps instead of corny steps what do you think Goldie?”


The next day Lily comes by with clear perfume bottle and a small bag.

“What are you doing here? You didn’t call me saying you had me a new perfume to make!”

“I know that but I ran out of ‘Ruby & Sapphire’ perfume I need more!” Flora sighs but then gets the idea to pick up the gift and gave it to Lily.

“I didn’t make any today because I have a life unlike you, here because I feel sorry for you.”

“Why thank you Flora Bloom I’m so happy you pity me.”

Lily glares at Flora before throwing a bag of bits at her and slowly closing the door on her way out.

“That’s strange she always slams the door..”


Flora opens the bag and sees actually bits, she gasps now starting to feel guilty.

“Wait a minute there were rumors that her mother’s coming to vist and... Oh no..”

Goldie hops on Flora’s head and Flora grabs a herbal spray then Flora rushes to ponyville.

“I’m starting to regret living near everfree forest!”


Flora made it to ponyville but too late, she sees many ponies affected by the poison jokes. A pony was spitting fire, a Pegasus was flying all over the place with one wing, a unicorn’s stripes were polka dots, a pony was gigantic while a another pony was tiny.

“Oh no, the perfume has already been brought?!” Flora sprays her antidote to the pranked ponies as they slowly turn back to normal. Flora gets to Lilly’s perfume shop to see Lilly getting yelled at by her mother.


“I-I’m sorry Mother I didn’t mea-”


Flora was about to step forward but hears the mayor calling for her.

“Flora Bloom thank Celestia your here, please help these ponies their sick with the poison joke!” Flora nods and continues to help the ponies in need, Lily glares at Flora as she continues to get yelled.

It took a whole day to cure many mares and foals from poison jokes, Flora went back home tuckered out and forgetting to apologize to Lily. Lily was scolded by her actions which she didn’t caused, she hated Flora now along with everyone else so she decides that night she decided to have her revenge.

Lily walks to the cottage and walks to the door but then hears rumbling in the ground, she jumps before her hoof gets chomped by two Hydnora Africanas.

‘When did she plant fly traps that can do that?!’ Lily sighs and uses her magic to unlock the door, she then hovers over the plant traps all over the floor and goes into the lab. Everything was sealed expect Flora’s book on top on a bookshelf.

“Heh, easy.” Lily was about to grab the book but Goldie grabbed the book with his tongue.

“What the-!?”


“Give me the book!”

Lily tries to take the book from Goldie but his tongue was too strong. She huffs and smashes one of the small glass cases and grabs a nearest tube she could before jumping out the window. Flora wakes up from Goldie croaking and runs to the lab to her window and one tube missing in the broken glass case.

“Goldie are you okay?!”


Goldie points at the glass where the missing tube was.

“Don’t tell me she-”


“Lily must of took the thorn potion, come on Goldie we have to stop her!” Flora ran out of her cottage and sees Lily in the distance running to her perfume shop.

“Lily Grace stop! You don’t know what that is!!” Lily stops and turns around holding the tube with a smirk.

“Yes I do thanks to the label on it!”

“That’s not a label, its just a sticker I brought!” Lily glared at Flora before seeing the fake symbols and flower stickers all over tube.


“Give me back my tube!”

“Now tell me why did you gave me a false perfume!”

“Because I just wanted to prank you that’s all, I didn’t realize you would make copies of the perfume and just give it to other ponies before you took it!”

“It’s my job to sell! I thought everything would be fine today, Mother would be proud of me finally, you wouldn’t be the one on the spotlight but no! You just had to ruin everything! Now I lost my job, my Mother hates me, and now I have no one to rely on anymore..” Lily starts to cry, Flora tries to reach out to her.

“Lily..” Lily slaps Flora’s hoof away and pushes her to the ground.

“ALL BECAUSE I TRUSTED YOU!! I wanted to make amends, say I’m sorry for all the fake bits but I guess I’m already forgiven.. I have nothing to lose now and you can’t change that! Now watch as I finally have my way!”

“Lily wait don’t!!” Lily pops the cap and drinks the potion and her hair starts to grow longer and more larger and her body starts to grow into a tree like state. The ground rumbles and ponies come outside to see the commotion, Lily’s hair turns into rose thorny vines that grabbed multiple ponies and colts off the ground.

“You leave me no choice Lily, Goldie go and fetch me the fire beans and get me my drink..” “Ribbit..”

Goldie jumps off and hops back to the cottage leaving Flora to fight Lily who is now a tree monster. One of the vines attacks Flora and grabs her. Flora doesn’t struggle and the vines tighten their grip.

“Lily I don’t understand! Besides..the whole prank..thing..” Lily moves one of vines that was holding a pony, it was her mother who was struggling and screaming.


“QUIET YOU!” Flora yelled at the pony making her quiet, Flora sighs and sees Lily cry large tears from her wooden eyes.


Lily explained that her family revolves around perfumes so when she got her perfume cutie mark, her mother worked her to the bone making perfect perfumes, but her talent was actually flower arrangement which explains the lily on her cutie mark. So she was desperate to make her Mother proud and rely on Flora to make perfumes for her in exchange for bits.


Flora looked at the ground trying to figure out what to do when she spots in a explosion in the distance. A rainbow shines on in the sky and it reflects Flora’s eyes before she blinks and looks back at Lily.

“If you wanted to be friends, why didn’t you just ask?” “wHaT?”

“Look I’ve been called a freak my entire life, hay even if I’m known around this town most are still afraid of me or just think I’m super weird which I am. I had trust issues especially when it came unicorns, so when I met you I just always felt betrayed when you kept giving me the wrong thing every time and thought you hated me. The only friend I had was Goldie other than that you were the most pony I talked to, I wanted to be your friend really! But my hatred for unicorns caused me to hurt you in the worse way. I’m sorry for my immaturely, and all the actions I caused that you took the fall for I will see to it that I shall be punished for my prank that gone wrong and for getting you to become this. And if all that still doesn’t mean anything to you can you at least be my first pony friend?”

Lily looked at Flora for a few minutes before putting her down she still had some other ponies in her grip including-


"You are hurting my ears, and before I can even let you down you need to apologize to Lily for what you done.” Lily’s Mother sighs and looks at Lily.

“I’m..I’m sorry okay, I was just only trying to impress your grandmother so she could see I’m a great mother but I failed.. I’m so so sorry...” Lily’s Mother starts to cry putting her hoofs on her face. Lily starts to cry again putting her Mother down along with all the other ponies in her grip. Goldie comes back with the beans and a can of 20% cooler.

“Thanks Goldie close your eyes will ya, this may hurt a little.” Lily closed her eyes then Flora ate the beans then drink the soda. Her stomach rumbles and she spits a huge blast of rainbow on Lily, Lily grows back down and back into her pony form.  Lily falls but Flora catches her, three pony guards took Lily and put cuffs on her.

“Wait there’s no need to arrest her!” Lily’s Mother tries to stop them while Flora just looks at the mayor.

“I’m sorry Flora but she tried to kill every pony!

“With my involvement! If you don’t put me in that jail with her than I guess I’ll just blow up the whole town you know I can!”  The mayor sighs and points at the jail.

“Fine go on ahead just don’t do anything involving explosives okay?”

“Woohoo! Jail time! Come on Lily! You too Goldie!”

Flora prances to the jail with Goldie on her mane and falling in it sleeping, the rest of the ponies just look at her like she was insane which she kinda was.

‘Who in the hay would be excited to go to jail?!’

And so Flora and Lily was in jail for two weeks, Lily got three weeks for the damages she caused while the rest of the two weeks Flora was complaining that jail was boring and did not fit her tastes she even gave the police advice to get more torture devices. After Flora was out (A relief to the police) she took over Lily’s perfume shop for her sake and added potions and ingredients to the mix she even made a potion kit for the kiddies. Flora also decided to sell her book about potions and supernatural and even started to become friendly and nicer.

“Hey there Nate you know why I’m here.”

“..Hello uh...Flora she’s waiting for you.”

Flora nods and went down the steps to where the jail cell were, she stopped by cell number 5 and sat down taking out a book. Lily saw Flora, smiles and walks to the bars.

“Hello Flora Bloom and Goldie”


“Hello Lily Grace ready to hear a new tale of Daring Doo?”

Lily nods and Flora opens the book and starts reading the book.