//------------------------------// // Episode 2: The Hunter's Prey: Part 2 // Story: My Brave Pony Starfleet Magic: Season VII // by DakariKingMykan //------------------------------// “Previously on Stafleet Magic…” The ponies had finished testing Starla’s new droid to make certain it was fit for action and just in time for when Sienna, a wicked galactic treasure hunter came to United Equestria, with nothing short but of a look of trouble to all. EPISODE TWO Everyone glared at her with sickening feelings inside of them. At home, Starla held Lightning’s hand firmly, and he softly squeezed her hand back. “Are you scanning them?” Lightning whispered to Starla. His wife merely squeezed his hand once for “Yes” rather than speaking out loud through the droid. The readouts showed these creatures, whoever they were could not be identified in the database, yet the other scans revealed them to be very strong in attack, defense, and had high speed as well. As for the Raiders, they were artificial non-living creatures that could be destroyed. Grand Ruler stepped forth, “I am Grand Ruler Celesto; Commander-in-Chief of Starfleet and co-ruler of this planet. My wife: Queen Celestia. My sister-in-law: Princess Luna.” The alien captain scoffed softly, “Well, don’t you sound important.” The majesties looked livid, and the team felt insulted for their majesties. “Why you…!” Rainbow grumbled softly, but Artie held her back. Slash and Omnisha snickered. “Who are you?” asked Celestia. The captain stood tall and proud, “I’m Sienna; Intergalactic Treasure Hunter Extraordinaire. I work for no one in particular; I’m just out for myself and my crew. I specialize in rare and valuable items, and for nearly two-hundred years my crew and I have dedicated our lives to pillage the galaxy of its valuables.” “In other words, you’re nothing but a band of thieving space pirates.” jeered Buddy. Slash threateningly pointed his sword at him, “I’d watch what I say if I were you. We can get very nasty.” Sienna held up her hand, telling him to hush! “What is it that you want here?” asked Luna. Sienna sighed irritably, “I just told you, I’m a Treasure Hunter. “Trea-sure… Hunt-er” But anyway, there’s something here on this planet that I seek… …I wantThe Elements of Chaos.” The three royal ones all stiffened, while the rest of the team all looked confused. “The Elements of Chaos?” asked Fluttershy. “What in the hoot is she talkin’ about?” added Applejack. “It is but a myth.” said Celestia “Just as The Elements of Harmony were forged from The Light of Purity, the left over dark energy created their evil counter parts.” “But as was said, it is merely a myth, for no such objects exist.” said Luna. “Wrong…!” snapped Sienna “It is no myth. The Elements of Chaos are real, and they are hidden somewhere here on this planet.” “And just how do you know of this, And that your mind isn’t a miss?” asked Rhymey. Sienna reached in from under her armor, “…Because I havethis.”And she held up the pendant of the severed alicorn horn she wore round her neck. Celestia took one look at that pendant, and gasped! Her eyes widened greatly. “That… it can’t be…!” “Celestia!” cried Grand Ruler. “Sister… what is it?” asked Luna. She didn’t know who the horn belonged to, neither did Grand Ruler, but they were still both surprised that Sienna had such a thing. “What is it?” asked Dyno. “Please tell us.” said Myte. Celestia felt her insides quaking with disbelief, but there was no denying it, “That is a piece of horn of… of…” she paused, “…Queen Galaxia… my mother!” Luna gasped in shock. “What?” snapped Grand Ruler, and all the team stood puzzled and shocked out of their minds. “But… but that is impossible!” cried Luna “I was told Mother had died while I was but an infant!” Celestia almost felt tears coming to her eyes, for she was only no more than two years old when she last saw her mother over one-thousand years ago, and she remembered her mother’s appearance anywhere. Sienna explained, “I found this a while back while we were raiding another planet, and everyone knows how rare and valuable the horn of a unicorn or alicorn is.” Omnisha then stepped forth waving her hand over her crystal-ball, “I have the ability look into souls, and see into the past present and imminent future, with the help of special items, and this horn fragment confirms the story.” Sinnea then touched the horn piece to the crystal-ball. A ray of light then shone from the ball showing a still image of Queen Galaxia, and what a sight she was to behold She looked like a much larger version of Celestia. Her coat was white that faded into soft brown at the edges. Her mane and tail were two-toned-- peach at the starting halves, and purple at the ends-- which shimmered with glittering sparkles. The team was just speechless! What a goddess! “Oh, my…!” Celesto said so softly. This was the very first time he had ever seen any image of his mother-in-law, as well as Luna seeing her mother for the very first time as was too young to remember her face, but Celestia… her tears were falling now, but she didn’t cry. Her anger was starting to catch up feeling all this was an insult to her mother, “You are lying…! I don’t believe you!” “But it’s true…” sneered Omnisha “See for yourself.” and surely enough the images shown Galaxia creating the Elements of Harmony from The Light of Purity-- a cosmic force induced through sunlight and combined with the energy the six pure elements… Magic, Generosity, Kindness, Laughter, Loyalty and Honesty… but just as was promised, the Elements of Chaos were created by accident from the leftover, unused dark energy. Each one representing the exact opposite of the forces of harmony… Normality, Selfishness, Hatred, Sadness, Treachery, and Deceit…! There was a great burst from The Elements of Chaos as something dreadful seemed to occur… …but those were all the images that could be viewed from the horn piece, like only holding one piece of a jigsaw puzzle. Lightning and Starla saw everything through the droid’s eyes, “Galloping Galaxies!” cried Lightning. “It’s almost unreal!” said Starla. Sienna and her team heard that, “Oh, it’s as real as real can be.” said Slash “With those elements in our possession, we’ll become invincible, and no one in the entire universe will stand up to us. Sienna nodded and she glared at Celestia, “You are Glaaxia’s eldest daughter. Therefore, I believe you know where the elements are hidden.” “That’s right!” snapped Mako “Now hand them over and make it snappy!” Celestia clenched her fists tightly “I don’t know where these elements are hidden, and even if I did I would never hand them over to the likes of you!” Sienna was starting to lose patience, “You’re lying.” “No, Captain… she isn’t.” said Omnisha. She was using her power to read Celestia’s mind, “She really doesn’t know where they are. We will get nothing from her.” Sienna growled. Lightning had seen enough and felt this would get really ugly. “I’ve got to get over there!” he said as he removed his visor. “I’ll have some guards come here to look after you.” Starla, more than understanding, agreed, and they pecked each other goodbye. As Lightning headed out the door, he instructed two guards, “Watch over my wife, and don’t let anything happen to her.” “Yes sir!”replied the guards. Lightning nodded, and then flew up into the sky, and rocketed off for New Canterlot. Back at the palace ground Sienna’s patience had run out. “Well, I guess that means we go to Plan B after all!” hissed Slash. “What’s Plan-B?” asked Grand Ruler. Sienna glared at him deeply, “Since you cannot give us The Elements of Chaos, I’ll simply have to seek them out myself, even if it means breaking this planet up… bit-by-bit!” Starla-droid stepped forth, “We’ve heard enough out of you!” she thundered. The team all agreed, and then Grand Ruler whistled loudly for guards and other fighters to come forth. Sienna and her team were completely surrounded. “I give you this one, chance!” sneered Grand Ruler “Surrender, or face the consequences!” Sienna bent down to her brother, “I want you to go back to the ship. This is going to get dangerous.” “Okay Sis.” and Mako and a few of the raiders teleported off and was gone. This gave away that she was going to get rough, so the friends all agreed, and transformed. “STARFLEET MAGIC!!” “HARMONY HOUR, FRIENDSHIP POWER!!” “Dragon Power!” Celestia and Luna touched the cutiemark symbols on the fronts of their garbs, and changed into their warrior outfits. “ATTACK!!” shouted Grand Ruler and all the fighters rushed forth, but the second they did, Sienna, and her two minions leapt upward. “Whoa! She’s fast!” exclaimed Rainbow. “Where did she go?” asked Artie, and that’s when a swarm of laser blasts fired at them from above. Sparks explosions flew everywhere. “Up there!” cried Spike, pointed up a tall, tall tree where the three villains stood. Sienna blew onto the tip of her ray-gun, “You don’t rob the galaxy of its riches without being a skilled fighter. You should’ve known that.” She the signaled for the Raiders to attack, and her army rushed forth. The Equestrians and the other Starfleet fighters agreed to take down the raiders, while the space ponies and their majesties attacked Sienna and her crew. “Let’s party!” shouted Pinkie, and she leapt up and over, stomping on the head of the Raiders. “Coming through!” hollered Rainbow and she flew right through a gaggle of them, knocking them down like a bail of bowling pins Krysta flew along, and though she was small, being as strong as three-thousand times her own weight, she flew straight at the evil creatures with the strength of a rhino. SMASH!! BOOT!! POW!! She even managed to outwit several more as they charged at her at once. Due to her small size, she was able to easily avoid them as they all jumped at her and ended up smashing into each other. “Don’t you know a small fairy always wins against a gaggle of big blundering bozos?” she teased. “These guys aren’t nearly so tough.” said Spike as he slashed the creatures down with his sword. The remaining Raiders decided to step up their game, and held out swords and small pirate cannons. “Uh, oh…!” cried Fluttershy, “I think you spoke too soon!” added Applejack. The Gun Raiders fired shots from their cannons, forcing the fighters to leap up high into air and flutter, this helped to distract them and the others so that the other fighters below could rush in and attack. The other Starfleet fighters knocked the swords and guns away from the Raiders, and the fighters with horns blasted the evil creatures with beams of magic, hitting the Raiders hard and vaporizing them into black dust. “Blast ‘em!” shouted Buddy, and, multiple shots from all their horns were fired, but Sienna and Slash repelled and deflected every blast with their swords. “Now try this…!” shouted Slash and he unleashed a rain of blasts from the tip of his blade. The Twins held their hands together,“BOOM-BOOM ROCKETS!!”and unleashed their rockets to intercept some of the blasts and make big clouds of smoke. “Where are they?” grumbled Sienna. Omnisha shut her eyes tightly, placing her hand over her crystal ball, “Get ready to jump… …NOW!!” and the trio jumped away a split second before a whole salvo of magical blasts hit them. The tree was roasted to bits, but the villains were safe. “I don’t believe this, Every shot was a miss!” growled Rhymey. Omnisha snickered, “No, duh! I told you, I can see into the imminent future. I can tell every move you’ll make before you make it!” The team all growled in frustration, “Now what do you say we step this up a little.” said Slash, “Captain… may I?” “You may.” agreed Sienna. Slash nodded and pulled off one of those gem-capsules from his belt. “What is he doing?” wondered Luna. “Jema-Nite Crusher, I summon you!” Slash declared as he threw the capsule, and unleashed a huge hulking monster, three times the size of the ponies. Its skin was all shiny, almost like real diamonds and gems, but its muscles were huge and pulsating. “What is that?!” cried Celestia. “A Jema-Nite!” said Grand Ruler “I’ve seen these before in my travels through space; they’re artificially created creatures, forged from gems and infused with deadly magic to bring them to life. They may not look like much, but they really are strong and tough.” “Isn’t that nice; you all got your Jema-Nite lesson for the day.” mocked Sienna. The team felt annoyed with her sneering, and the three royal alicorns tried to blast her again, but just like before, Omnisha predicted this allowing the trio to zip out of the way to safety. “Where’d they go?” snapped Grand Ruler. “Never mind that now.” said Luna, and she hinted at the monster which was snarling and growling at everyone. At home, Starla cracked her knuckles and held her droid’s controller. “It’s go time!” Her droid stood poised and ready, and the other space ponies stood near her. The monster roared and charged at them all. It was surprisingly fast for a big bulky creature. It aimed a strong punch at the ponies, and they all jumped up over it and then Starla sprinted back and kicked it hard in the chest sending it skidding backward a bit. “LEAF SWARM!” “DRILL QUILL!” Buddy and Rhymey unleashed a barrage of razor-leafs and sharp quills at the creature, stunning it softly, but hardly doing much damage. “We need stronger attacks!” shouted Buddy. The others all agreed, and they got out their weapons. “STAR BOW” “VINE WHIP” “SUPER STAFF” “WARD SWORD” Dyno and Myte didn’t have any handheld weapons, and still felt no need for any as their fire powers were good enough. The ponies all charged forth, but were suddenly intercepted by powerful blasts that hit them from above. It was Sienna and her crewmates, standing up on a rooftop. “Did you forget about us?” Sienna teased. The ponies growled, but the three royal alicorns fluttered up to where the villains. “But we didn’t!” sneered Grand Ruler. “Ha!” snapped Sienna “You think we’re scared of you? Remember, we have the advantage.” Omnisha snickered as she rubbed her Crystal Ball, “I’ll be able to determine anything you try.” Grand Ruler looked at the ladies, and they each blinked once at him, and stood their grounds. “Let’s get ‘em!” thundered Slash, and he and his comrades leap forth, attacking and striking the ponies hard and their majesties made no attempt to raise any defenses or move. They just stood there taking the punishment as sparks flew all over them with each hit. The Equestrians were still fighting with the Raiders, and Pinkie looked up “No! We’ve got help them!” Rainbow tried to fly up to help their majesties, but she was ambushed by more Raiders that gang up on her and held her down. Rarity tried to use her magic to telekinetically hold each raider in place, but the Raiders armor blocked out such powers; they couldn’t be held down that easily. “That does it!” snarled Spike, and smoke was seeping through his nostrils and his mouth. “Stand back!” he shouted, and his friends managed to clear the way as Spike glared at the gaggle of raiders,“DRAGON FLARE!”and he unleashed a huge wave of fire roasting the Raiders to ashes and clearing the way. “YEE-HAW..! Great one, Spike.” hollered Applejack. “Oh, no!” cried Fluttershy, and she pointed up to the rooftop where the three royal alicorns lay flat after enduring so much punishment from the villain trio. “No!” groaned Rarity. The space ponies could see from the corner of their eye, but they were far too busy dealing with the monster to show much concern yet. Starla pounded her controls at home… “STARLIGHT ARROW”and her droid launched a powerful arrow at Crusher, but the monster just stuck out his huge arms and blocked the around in his huge hands. “A’RGH!” growled Starla. The monster than slammed his huge hands into the ground making it shake, and knocking everyone off their feet. “Let’s try and hit him from behind.” said Artie. “Right!” agreed Starla “Team division!” She, Buddy and Artie stayed up front. “Hands together!” shouted Buddy as he flicked his whip and lassoed the monster’s huge arms together.  “Go, guys!” Starla and Artie leapt up high. “STAR SHOWER” “PAINT BOMB” The two attacks collided in the monster’s front, hardly damaging him, but it gave the other three ponies their chance to come in from behind. “Ready?” asked Dyno. “Let’s fire up.” replied Myte. “BOOM-BOOM FIREBALLS” The flames struck the creature hard in its back, and gave Rhymey the chance to leap in with his sword. He cut, slashed and thrashed at the monster hard making showers of sparks fly. “If they never learn, They’ll feel the burn!” Rhymey teased. The villains saw this, and Slash couldn’t believe his eyes. “Not many are able to stand up to our forces.” “Never mind that.” hissed Sienna, and she moved in towards the royal alicorns, still lying flat on the roof. She then reached for her sword ready to finish them off as her first victims of her hunt. Suddenly, the alicorns bolted upright onto their feet, smirking cockily at the villains. “What?!” snapped Sienna. “Impossible!” growled Slash. Celestia snickered “You didn’t think you could beat us that easily, did you?” Grand Ruler snuffed “We let you attack us on purpose, and now we’ve studied you. The sound of your breathing will give away your own moves to us.” “I think you’re bluffing!” sneered Slash, and he lunged forth to attack while calling back to Omnisha “What are they going to do?” Unfortunately, reading breath was much faster than mindreading, and Omnisha couldn’t predict in time what would happen. Slash thrust his sword at Grand Ruler, and he grabbed the blade, clasping it between his hands safely, and allowing Celestia and Luna to punch and kick him hard and send him hurling into Sienna, knocking her down. “Get off me!” she bellowed. The three alicorns then charged at the villains, but zipped off at the last second. “Two can play at this game!” sneered Sienna, and she zipped as well, traveling at the same speed as the ponies. Slash and Omnisha did the same, making it three for three. “Where are you?” Slash growled as he search and sprinted all around in his rush, when suddenly, “Here I am…” called Luna. Slash sprinted right at her to slash her, but all he slashed at was this air…! Luna had sprinted out of the way just in time, and Celestia came and kicked him hard in the side. “Got’cha!” she teased, but then she zapped at by Sienna’s ray-gun, “Now I’ve got you!” she hollered, and she charged right for her, only for Grand Ruler zip in front of her and punch her hard in the gut sending her crashing into Omnisha, and causing her to drop her Crystal Ball off the roof and down to the ground. “My crystal ball!” she cried. “I’ve got to get it!” and she was about to leap off the roof, when suddenly,“UNIFORCE!!”a blast of the might power struck the crystal-ball and shattered it to nothingness, much to Omnisha’s horror. “Lightning!” cried Grand Ruler. All the other friends saw him and smiled, glad he made it. “I always did love sneak-up attacks.” Lightning said with a smirk. Starla-Droid smiled at him, as his wife was smiling at him form back home. “I think it’s time we crushed this crusher!” The others all agreed, and everyone allowed Starla to have the honor, to test out her droid’s finisher. “Engaging finisher move!” said Starla, and she rapidity and rapidly pressed a single button on her controller to build up the energy for the droid’s attack,“GALACTIC PROJECTILE!” The attack was fired, and struck Crusher hard. The monster roared and screeched as it sparked and flared up before falling over and exploding into a pile of dust, and all that was left behind was its capsule, resting on the dust, which then shattered into bits with the monster’s destruction. “My Jema-Nite!” cried Slash, but the loss of his monster was the least of his worries…! The three villains were cornered, surrounded on the roof by their majesties and Lightning. While up on Sienna’s ship, Mako saw everything on the monitors. “No! Sis!” he cried “Quick! Activate the transport beam!” The Raiders agreed and quickly dashed for their consoles. Grand Ruler and the others prepared to capture the villains, declaring “You are under arrest for terrorism, genocide, and murder of a Starfleet officer!” Then, just as they all shot their powers, a beam of light shot down from above, encircling the villains and shielding them from the powers. “What?!” snapped Grand Ruler. “A transport beam!” cried Celestia. Lightning punched, kicked and zapped at the light, but that light was more like a tube of energy-- a force-field-- and attacking it was no use. It was almost like trying to punch through a strange alloy. The villains got up snickering as they were carried off, back up to the ship. “Know this, Starfleet:” thundered Sienna “You’ve made rather a bad enemy of me today, but I’ll be back to strike again and I will not rest until The Elements of Chaos are mine!!” Pinkie could only childishly blow a raspberry at her, but Sienna and her comrades were gone. Lightning clenched his fists angrily, “I guess we all know what this means.” And everyone else agreed; the planet was plunged into another war against a new enemy. When the villains got back to the ship, Sienna hugged her little brother, “Good thinking, Mako. You saved us all form what could’ve been a horrible fate.” “Hey, I couldn’t bear if I lost you Sienna.” said Mako. He really meant it, the way he looked at his sister almost tearfully. “Ever since our parents died… you were… all I had!” Sienna felt a little sore inside remembering all that as well, and she hugged her brother again tightly. Slash merely scoffed, “Sorry to break up the mush, Captain, but what are we supposed to do now? These creeps aren’t like other forces that stood up to us before.” Omnisha was just as furious over the loss of her crystal ball. “It was a new model too.” She grumbled as she polished up an old one she hadn’t uses in decades, “This old one will have to do, but it has less power than my other one did. I won’t be able to predict imminent events now. All I can do sense if whether or not we’re closer to finding The Elements.” Sienna pondered deeply and deduced, “Perhaps it would be nice to have some worthy adversaries to clash with.” Her crew agreed with her. So far, in their many raids and treasure hunts throughout the cosmos, most races they fought or stole from were weak and spineless, and those that did put up fights didn’t last very long and always met with defeat shortly after. “Yes…” hissed Sienna “We’ve lost today, but we learned from this, and we’ll use this to help in the hunt for The Elements of Chaos.” She looked out the windows of the ship and down at the planet, “They’re hidden down there somewhere, and I won’t rest until I find them!” She snickered softly and wickedly. (Promo) In our next episode: While making a special delivery from the farms, The Cutie Mark Crusaders discover a mysterious cavern and end up inadvertently unleash evil bat-like creatures whom threaten to infect all of United Equestria, and transform all ponies into evil bat-like hybrids. Is United Equestria doomed to fall victim to these evil creatures, and what do they want from ponies? Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!” (Next Episode: “Going Batty”)