Memoir of Misery

by Silvak

Chapter XXI: Vanhoover

"Huh, this doesn't look to be that much of a city compared to Canterlot or Manehatten."

"Does this displease you, Princess Sapphire? We can return to Canterlot and you can choose another destination if you so desire."

"Oh for the love of Luna..." Sapphire muttered to herself as she resisted the urge to glare at Foggy, mostly because she had a feeling that if she did so, he would break into tears within a matter of seconds. It was midmorning when the train finally arrived, where Sapphire looked out the window of the train car to see what looked like Vanhoover. It turned out that it wasn't that large of a city, based on the lack of sprawling neighborhoods with large manors like Canterlot or the skyscrapers of Manehatten. Instead, Sapphire saw some neighborhoods that reminded her of Ponyville, though there was a city center with some buildings that appeared to be four or five stories high. There was also a rather large port with quite a number of ships, but recalling from the map, this was the only Equestrian settlement on the North Luna Ocean. Oddly enough, there was a large farm on the outskirts of the city, which fondly reminded Sapphire of Sweet Apple Acres.

As the train slowly came to a stop at the station where Sapphire saw a crowd gathering, which caused her to fold her ears at the sight as Foggy asked, "Princess? Do you want to return Canterlot?"

"No... but I do wish there wasn't a crowd to meet me, but that's part of being a princess, I guess," Sapphire answered as she rolled her shoulders just as the train came to a stop. Hopping off her chair, Sapphire continued, "Go wake up Midnight. You might need her help in fending off the crowd if they go into a frenzy," as she pulled out a suitcase, opening it up to reveal her royal regalia. The crown and silver shoes that she had from the coronation were there, but it was also accompanied by a silver peytral that had a sapphire that was in the shape of a water drop inserted into it.

Saluting, Foggy said, "As you command, Princess," before he went off as ordered as Sapphire slipped into her regalia. Waiting for a few seconds to pass first, Sapphire sighed as she followed Foggy. She began exiting the car and into the passenger car that it was connected to, where a few ponies bowed down to Sapphire, much to her irritation. Coming to the car's door, Sapphire took in a deep breath before opening it, despite not having her guards with her yet. Instantly, the crowd outside the car bowed before her, about fifty ponies worth with a pair of earth ponies and a unicorn standing in front of them who promptly came up to Sapphire as she walked out of the car.

"Welcome to our fair city of Vanhoover, your highness! I'm Mayor Copper Field, and we're honored that you decided to choose our city for your first Royal Visit, Princess Sapphire Rain!" declared a red earth pony stallion with a dark orange mane dressed in a black suit with a yellow tie along with a scroll and a shovel as his Cutie Mark.

Stepping forward past him, a silver-coated unicorn mare with a long golden mane, who was wearing a light blue dress that oddly matched the color of Sapphire's coat. Giving Sapphire a smile, the mare said, "And I am Baroness Silver Clock, current head of House Clock that had lived here for four generations, and I too am honored by your presence, your majesty," as she bowed as Sapphire spotted a silver watch as Silver's Cutie Mark.

"And I'm Harrow Delight of the Pear family. I'm fairly certain that you saw my family's farm on your way here," stated a light green earth pony stallion with a red mane as he bowed down before her. He had a reddish pear for a Cutie Mark and was only wearing a simple yellow bowtie.

As Harrow raised his head to look at Sapphire like he was expecting something, Sapphire turned her head to see that the other two had the same look, along with the crowd that was now leaning their heads up just enough so they could look at her while still bowing. Blinking for a second, Sapphire realized that she was supposed to say something, causing her to spread out her wings as she straightened her neck up. "The honor is mine, dear citizens of Vanhoover. I do hope that my visit to your city is a pleasant one for all parties. Now rise, my little ponies, so my Royal Visit can commence," Sapphire declared, allowing the crowd to raise their heads back up, with a few of them rubbing their necks a bit.

Bowing once more, Copper said, "Yes your highness, let us begin by taking you to where you will be staying for your visit. Shall I lead the way?"

Nodding, Sapphire answered, "Yes, lead the way Copper Field," causing the mayor to turn around and let out a whistle, where a carriage pulled by a pair of ponies came in.

As the trio started to head towards the carriage with Sapphire in tow, she heard a racket behind her. This caused her to glance back to see Foggy stumbling out of the train car with a yawning Midnight following right behind him as he said, "Wait, Princess! You forgot about us!"

Sitting in the carriage that had room for six ponies, Sapphire stared at the three leaders before her, Copper in the center with Silver to his left side and Harrow to his right. Meanwhile, Foggy was seated at her left side and Midnight snoring at her right side, much to Silver's annoyance. Looking hopeful for some reason, Copper asked, "Your majesty, while your presence in Vanhoover brings us much joy, I'm curious about something over this Royal Visit. Would you permit me to ask a question in regards to that?"

Raising an eyebrow that brought a bit of surprise to Silver, Sapphire answered, "Umm.. sure... go ahead and ask your question, Copper."

"Thank you, your highness," Copper replied with a bow as Sapphire resisted the urge to groan. "Now, I mean no offense, but I'm curious about why you chose Vanhoover as your first Royal Visit since we're a city at the outskirts of Equestria. After all, there are larger cities like Manehatten or Cloudsdale that are closer to Canterlot."

Looking aghast, Silver turned towards Copper as she stated, "How dare you question the princess's decision! That's practi—"

Raising up a hoof to silence Silver, who saw and promptly closed her mouth, Sapphire answered, "It's alright Baroness Clock, it's a perfectly legitimate question to ask." As Silver simply nodded, Sapphire turned her attention to Copper who pulled at the collar of his suit as she continued, "The reason I have chosen Vanhoover was partly due to my nature as the alicorn of water. This city holds an important trading port to the west, taking in the incoming naval traffic from the northern ports across the North Lunar Ocean. Furthermore, I have been in Manehatten once before, and I desired to visit a city that is still young and growing."

As Sapphire internally thanked Raven for giving her a quick understanding of Vanhoover, Copper nodded as he replied, "Ah, indeed our city is an important port, serving as a destination for Equestria's Neighponese trading partners."

"Not to mention that this city is home to one of the biggest sources of pears for Equestria," Harrow stated, puffing his chest out with obvious pride.

"Hmmm... I saw it, and I must say, it reminded me of Ponyville, a town that I once resided in before... my reveal as an alicorn. Your family farm reminded me of Sweet Apple Acres, a farm of a similar size," Sapphire responded, before looking confused at the sight of Harrow's right eye twitching a bit when she mentioned the word apple.

"Regardless of your taste in fruit, your majesty, I must thank you for marking Vanhoover as your first Royal Visit. This occasion will be marked down in the history books, bringing glory to Vanhoover, which will help serve to bring in ponies that would love to live in our splendid city. This will cause it to grow to match other cities like Manehatten or Baltimare, before even surpassing them!" Silver declared as Sapphire started to think that this mare was another power hungry noble.

Before Sapphire could comment on Silver's declaration, the carriage came to a stop, causing Midnight to fall forward and land on her face, yet she didn't come out of her slumber as Copper stated, "Ah, here we are, your abode for the time you spend here," as Harrow reached out to open the door. Standing up, Sapphire came out of the carriage to look upon the sight of a three-story structure that had a central building with two wings flanking it. As Sapphire raised an eyebrow, Copper came out as he explained, "This is city hall. We’ve always kept a portion of the right wing prepared for any important visits, though we had to spruce it up for you, your highness. I hope it will be to your liking."

Keeping a neutral expression about this, Sapphire turned to look at Copper, who noticed the expression as it made him sweat a bit. "How's the food here?" Sapphire asked, quirking an eyebrow as Copper pulled at his collar again.

Before Copper could get a word out, Harrow leaned forward as he said, "Why, we got some of the best cooks in Equestria ready to serve you, your highness. Coupled with the fact that we have some of freshest pears that anypony could get, I can assure you that you will be fed some of the best dishes you never tasted before!"

As Silver was cursing under her breath about Harrow making such a brash statement, Sapphire simply smiled as she said, "Then I will be more than satisfied with my accommodations. Now if you three would excuse me, I would like to spend some time in my 'personal abode' until lunchtime, but I would appreciate it if you have somepony take my bags to my room."

"That won't be a problem, your majesty. I will have a servant fetch your bags in a prompt fashion," Silver replied as she and the other two bowed their heads, only to raise them as Foggy fell out of the carriage from dragging a snoring Midnight out of it.

Rolling her eyes, Sapphire lit her horn up to levitate the pair into the air, causing the trio to look at her in surprise. Snorting in response, Sapphire explained, "As amusing as the sight of a Royal Guard dragging a sleeping Night Guard into the city hall, I rather be able to settle into my quarters sooner rather than later," before she started to trot into the building.

"Princess Sapphire, you don't have to do this, you're not sup—"

"Private Foggy," Sapphire interjected, causing him to freeze up as they were entering the building, where Sapphire judged that the trio was out of hearing range. "I'm doing this because I need a moment alone from those brown nosers, though Harrow seemed to be more prideful of his family's pears than trying to gain my favor. Though I have to ask, why didn't you just put Midnight on your back?" Sapphire said as she looked at Foggy, who blinked at her for a moment before slapping a hoof against his face.

"Augh, my apologies princess. It just slipped my mind as I didn't want to keep you waiting on us like what happened at the train station," Foggy explained, causing Sapphire to roll her eyes at him.

"Foggy, there was a crowd waiting for me, and I didn't want to keep them waiting. Which was actually to your benefit since Midnight doesn't seem to be the mare that likes having her sleep interrupted," Sapphire responded as she turned her attention to the snoring Midnight.

"Ah, a wise decision, princess," Foggy replied, to which Sapphire had to repress the desire to let out a loud snort.

He thinks that was wise thinking on my part? Wait until he sees me actually ruling, if I ever do that, Sapphire thought to herself, shaking her head as she wondered if this vacation will turn out fine, or it would have her fleeing from a burning city. In her eyes, she would think that it would be a safe bet to put money on the latter.