//------------------------------// // Prisoners // Story: The kind evolve: return // by Blacklight Brony //------------------------------// I woke up to the sound of beeping... or the lack of beeping. All I heard was a long beep. Right, no heartbeat. Damn, this is going to be a long day. I took all the wires and hollow tubes off or out my body and healed it with biomass. My body screamed in protest as I sat up. I got to my feet and walked out. There was no sound and I didn’t like that. I knew that Cadence was a fake, but I had no proof. A thought ran through my mind. I would go visit the changling I injured. I used the blood I got from her to navigate through the castle. It was morning, but nopony was inside. I was getting suspicions grew as I rounded each corner and passed through each hall. Eventually, I made it to the dungeons. I walked in preparing for the worst. I didn’t bring my weapons with me, but I’m still dangerous or even more so. I saw her, in her cage with a few books. I sighed knowing that she was okay. “Hey.” I said kindly. She looked up and her eyes widened. Her breathing became heavy and irregular. She backed up frantically to the back of the cage with her ragged breathing worsening each second. “Woh, woh, woh, I’m not here to hurt you. I just want to talk.” I gave a kind smile as she relaxed a little. “Let’s introduce each other. I’m Conner Jackson, who are you?” I lowered my self in front of the bars to show I didn’t mean any harm. “I’m number 92. There are too many to name.” 92 said. I frowned, but gained an idea. “What if I name you?” She cocked her head to the side. “I’ll give you a name so you don’t stick out.” Her eyes widened and she nodded vigorously. “Okay... what about... Chastity. It’s a nice name, don’t you thank.” She grew a wide smile and nodded even more vigorously. “Yes, I love it. Thank you, thank you!” She jumped in joy which put a smile on my face. “So what did you want to talk about?” My smile faltered. “I actually wanted to apologize for what I did. It wasn’t fair. Plus, you didn’t deserve it.” I felt another changling walk behind me. I knew who it was. “So... I’m sorry for stabbing you. I know it isn’t enough, but it’s all I have to offer.” I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw Chastity giving me a forgiving look. “You apologized and didn’t yell at me like most of the guards. I forgive you.” She let go as I stood up. “Got to go?” I nodded and left. “Your not afraid of us?” The changling disguised as Cadence asked. “No. I don’t judge by looks. I judge by actions. I don’t know your intentions, but as long as no one is hurt, I’m fine.” I said. She gave a kind smile as I began to leave. I heard foot steps follow me as ‘Cadence’ was close behind. I began to run at full speed to lose her, but... magic. She appeared right in front of me. “I’m going to ask you something.” Her tone was harsh. I don’t know why her mood did a complete one-eighty. “What are you?” I wasn’t intimidated or scared. “I’m an evolve. Shapeshifters like you.” I morph my are into a blade as my face contorted into a scowl. “Move. Now.” She held strong. “Or I could kill you.” She backed off slowly. “Don’t think ill of me.” I walked into a different hall before bolting to nowhere in particular. “We’re the same. Evolve are seen as weapons instead of people.” I walked to my room in silence remembering all the faces that always looked down on the evolve. ‘Never people, only weapons’ was what we were told by our general, our fucking general. GenTek had all of the world on their side to make us look bad and now all the see are monsters. I clinched my fists in anger remembering all the people I saved that still treated me like dirt. We were never praised for everything we did. And we never will. I sighed trying to get rid of all the frustration through noise. Damn her and that suspicion of her’s. Prisoners or of our past is what an evolve is. We don’t even have freedom anymore or else the nation will go into an uproar saying that we’re not people. We are... We are... are we? I past by Rainbow and Pinkie bumping into them in the process. “Hey, Conner. What’s your deal. Damn evolve.” She said. I broke. None of us asked for this. We are treated like second class citizens and if we weren’t... there would be an uproar. We aren’t humans... and we’ll never be. I bolted away to the roof of my room. I run past by a lot of ponies and the rest of the other three we and Twilight. We weren’t humans. All the shit we take. All the discrimination. All the pain. Just because were evolve. I give and give and give but get disrespect in return. My anger flared as I stopped. I yelled a mighty roar as I punch the wall, effectively putting a hole in it. My anger began to subside. I walked back to where ‘Cadence’ was. I didn’t mind the stares I got from others. I was now outside of her room ready to ask why she questioned me. I gave her the answer she wanted, but why that. I opened the door with ease and care muzzle to face with how the changling really looked. I wasn’t able to take in any features as a blast of magic forced me to go unconscious. I wake up in a crystal cavern with a pink image beside me. I was soon getting crushed like a can and it hurt. My vision cleared and I saw Cadence, the real one. “I’m so happy your back.” She said with her arms still rapped around me. The wall behind me broke and I found Twilight. “Let me guess. You figured it out?” I asked flatly. “You did two, it seems.” Twilight responded smugly. “No. I knew from the beginning. I just saw her true form.” “Then why didn’t you say something.” “I thought I could talk her out of it.” An echo caught my attention. I walked over to the seemingly normal wall. I Punched the wall and it crumbled. I looked back at the two which had low hanging jaws. “Found our exit.” I felt something go through my chest. I looked down to find a blade coated in my biomass. “Big mistake.” I whipped around and grabbed the attacker by the neck. Tendrils shot out of my back and into the attacker. I absorbed it and my skin changed. A black chidden coated my skin and my hair turned clear blue. My eyes were the same color. The wings on my back were the same as my hair with the exception of the holes. I saw all of this in the crystals in the cavern. I turn my body back to me and I lead the two out the cave using the memories. One thing came to mind over and over. I just consumed something. I’m a true evolve.