Equestria's_____Sorcerer Supreme

by Gravestone

Let us start at the beginning shall we.

In front of a portal within the Dark Dimension, a lone figure stood holding his own against the ruler of the said realm of evil. This figure was none other than Dr. Steven Strange also know to those who wield the mystic arts as the Sorcerer Supreme.

"Tell me how many times have you tried this and failed Dormammu?" The Sorcerer Supreme said as he dodged a blast of magic from the demon. " To be honest it is getting quite embarrassing on your part," He said as he launched a spell nocking the fire-headed demon back.

"Insolent cur, your arrogance will be your undoing," The demon roared releasing a large blast of fire at the human only for it to be deflected by a shield of light.

"Come now I thought you would have known better than to open a portal directly into my Sanctum Sanctorum," The human known as Dr. Strange or the Sorcerer Supreme to those of the world of magic.

Unbeknownst to the Sorcerer a figure hidden in the shadows watched and waited for the right time to strike. Releasing a powerful spell, not at the man but the portal causing it to shimmer for a brief second before returning to normal. With this done the figure returned to the darkness. Seeing that his servant had accomplished his mission Dormammu released a wave of magic pushing his hated enemy back to the portal where its magic began to pull at the man like that of a black hole.

"By the Sons of Satannish! What have you done?!" Dr. Strange yelled as he felt himself being pulled into the portal.

"Hahaha, you fool that portal now is your prison for once you pass through it you will forever be trapped in the void," The demon Dormammu said as he watched as his hated enemy was being sucked it the portal.

Strange was about to use a spell to counteract the portal when a blast of magic hit him knocking him unconscious and into the portal. But unseen by all the Eye of Agamotto sensing its master was in danger opened and used its own magic to aid the Sorcerer Supreme by stopping all-time in this dimension and altering the destination of the portal. The eye would not be able to return its master home to his sanctum but it could take him to a place that the eye has seen many times as it slept.

A world of pure magic where the Sorcerer Supreme could rest and recover to learn new spells to aid in his fight against the darkness.

A world called Equestria.

"Ugh, how could I be so stupid I should have known this was a trap forgive me Ancient One I have failed you," Strange said to himself as he watched as the portal closed in front of him.

"Fear, not you have not failed the Ancient One, but for now, you must rest and regain your strength," A voice said to Strange.

"By the Eye of Agamotto who are you?" Strange asked the voice.

"You have already answered your own question, my master," The voice said. I only wish I could do more but alas I have used all but a spark of my power to help you, for now, I must rest and regain what I have lost," The voice now known to Strange as the Eye of Agamotto said. "But fear not for you will be safe your destination is not the void but a world of pure magic there you must learn a new," The Eye said as its voice began to fade.

"Wait my friend tell me who must I seek out to teach me this new magic?" Strange asked holding the amulet in his hand.

"Seek out the Diarchy of sisters and the Bearers of the Elements only they can help you," The Eye said before it went silent.

"Thank you, my friend and I will do as you ask but what is this world I will come to?" Strange asked himself only to hear someone giggling.

Turning around Strange's eyes widened at the form standing before him. To him, she was the most majestic creature he had ever seen a winged unicorn with a mane and tail of scarlet red.

"Thank you for the compliment Dr. Steven Strange Sorcerer Supreme of the Marvelverse," The being said still giggling at how the man was staring at her. " I am Lauren Faust the Queen Mother of the Ponyverse and I'm an Alicorn just so you know.

Hearing this Strange kneeled to show his respect to her only to feel a hoof on his shoulder.

"Rise you need not bow to me as I see all equal in my eyes as friends," She said stepping back smiling at the man. "Now it has come to my attention that you were in a battle of magic with the demon Dormammu before arriving here and due to the action of his lackey Baron Mordo tapering with the portal it would have sent you to the void if not for the intervention of the Eye of Agamotto you would have found yourself there," She said receiving a nod from the man. " Very well I will allow you to enter my realm, but even the Sorcerer Supreme must follow the laws of the Omniverse and a true human is forbidden from entering the Ponyverse so you must choose a new form," Faust said looking into the eyes of the sorcerer before she lit her horn having multiple figures appear before her.

Dr. Strange looked at the images studying them carefully one appeared to be a minotaur which he found peculiar as they had not existed in his world for a long time. The next was a dog of sorts that was bipedal but the one next to it caught his eye it was slender it appeared to have a cape and its color match his he could feel the magic flowing off of it even from here.

"That one I will choose that one," He said pointing at the third figure.

"Oh, thank the one above all you chose that one I was afraid if you had picked an alicorn body it might have caused a problem with my ponies," Faust said looking away for a second. "Now that you have chosen a form I wish you luck oh before you go I would like to ask you a favor?" She said looking at him with pleading eyes for him to just nod. " Would you tell my daughters that I love them and miss them?"

"As you wish My Lady," Strange said bowing his head. "But may I ask the names of your daughters?"

"They are Celestia and Luna, oh I must warn you of two small details first there is a creature of chaos living amongst them but pay him no mind for he is reformed and the second is," Faust said stopping and looking a little embarrassed for not remembering the second item. " Oh my I simply can't remember what the second thing was but I'm sure it is not that important so I bid you good fortune and pray you succeed Dr. Strange," Faust said lighting her horn once more as her magic engulfed the human making him glow as his body began to change form before he disappeared from sight.

Strange felt his body rearranging its self as he was engulfed by the magic as the light increase he closed his eyes and waited for the spell to be completed. As soon as he felt the magic leave him, he opened his eyes to take a look at his new body. Studying it he found not only did he have his cloak but a set of leathery wings a long tail and horns on his head knowing full well what his new form was Strange then let out a chuckle before taking a deep breath then releasing it with a plum of magical flames. After all what type of dragon doesn't breathe some sort of fire?

After his little self-demonstration, Strange looked around to see he had stepped out of a portal next to a small dirt road.
" Now I wonder which way I should go?" He said to himself looking in both directions of the road as one was heading to a small town and the other was heading into a forest.

Looking in the direction of the forest Strange shook his head as he felt a source of unstable and dark magic there. "Nope, not that way I guess the town it is then," He said to himself as he turned and started walking down the road.

As he got closer to the town Strange saw a signpost moving closer he read what was upon it.

Welcome to Ponyville the Friendliest town in all of Equestria.

"Well, every journey begins with a single step and it would seem mine starts now," Strange said to himself as he started heading into the small town of Ponyville.

Back in the center of the Ponyverse Faust was laying in her bed eating bonbons when she sat up with a scared look.

"Oh, Horseapples, now I remember what else I wanted to warn him about, The Heat starts next week and how he looks now every mare in Equestria is going to want him to buck them silly even my girls," She said before shrugging her shoulders. " Pfff, I don't need to worry he can take care of himself, besides I know for a fact that guy hasn't dipped his wick in over five years," She said as she laid back down lifting another Bonbon to her mouth.