//------------------------------// // Final Preparations // Story: Gathering Pieces // by Random_User //------------------------------// Pinkie checked the last strap of the harness and patted Shining’s shoulder. “You ready to go?” “Ready,” he said, rolling his shoulders. Pinkie motioned to Care, Cobalt, Windless, and Spike. “You four are on escort duty. Make sure no pony tries to get a bite of the goodies before they’re supposed to.” “Can do!” Spike said, as he and the foals saluted. “Let’s get this pre-party on the road!” Pinkie said, taking the lead. Freight shook her head. “Where does she get all that energy?” “I’ve been trying to figure that out,” Twilight told her. “I think it’s a form of earth pony magic.” Amore hummed. “It very well could be. Earth pony magic can manifest itself in a variety of ways. Have you been able to figure out how the energy is flowing to her or through her?” “I’ve tried to isolate both, but have had no success.” “I think it would be a challenge getting her to hold still long enough for you to try,” Freight said. Twilight snorted. “You have no clue.” Flurry looked up, giggled, and reached towards the sky with her forelegs. “Incoming!” Windless announced. “It looks like an alicorn!” “If it’s Celestia, guard the cakes!” “Pinkie!” Twilight groaned. “She’s got a point, though,” Spike said. “You’ve seen what Celestia can do to a cake if you leave her alone.” “Spike!” “It’s Cadance,” Cobalt said. “Stand down cadets, the cakes are safe,” Pinkie said, still looking towards the sky as if expecting trouble. “At least for now.” Cadance landed beside Twilight. “Welcome home. I hope you found the materials you needed in the Royal Canterlot Library.” “I found some interesting materials, but don’t play miss innocent with me. I know you, Celestia, and Luna, are up to something. Vinyl Scratch was on the same train coming home from Canterlot. She told me she was ‘exited that she would be the first pony to rock the new castle.’ Then Shining and Flurry were there to greet me at the station and none of the girls were.” “Me, conspire against my favorite sister-in-law?” Cadence put a hoof to hoof to her chest as if she had been besmirched and gave Twilight a smiled that was too broad to be genuine. “Unless Mom and Dad are hiding something, I’m your only sister in law.” Twilight glanced back at Flurry. “At least you don’t go plotting and scheming behind my back.” “Would you like me to take her?” Cadance asked. “No, thank you, she’s mine for a little while.” Twilight leaned her head back and got an affectionate hug and nuzzle from Flurry. “I don’t get to see her or give her rides near enough.” “You can visit us whenever you’d like, Twily,” Shining said. “You’re always welcome.” “I see that you have conscripted to help with the desserts,” Cadance said to Shining, moving so she walked beside him. “Something like that.” Shining gave Cadance a peck on the cheek. “How is everything shaping up?” “Everything is falling into place well.” She glanced back at Twilight. “There are some details that still need to be ironed out, though.” “I hope Starless hasn’t driven everypony crazy ordering them around,” Freight said. “Not yet, but I have to say things are getting done.” “That’s Dad and Aunt Mercy,” Windless said. Cadance gave him a curious look. “Aunt?” “Mercy is Dad’s company’s medic,” Care said. “Mom and Dad have been her friends a long time.” “That explains a lot.” “There’s a story behind it,” Twilight said, “the kind you would like to hear.” “That sounds intriguing.” Cadance asked Freight, “Would you be willing to tell it?” “I would be glad to, but let’s hold off on that till a little later,” Freight said. “How did your meeting with Stone and the others go?” Cobalt asked Cadance. “I can’t say much beyond it went well.” “More secrets,” Twilight grumbled. “Soon, Twilight,” Pinkie assured, “soon.” ***** Bonsmara paused in her work and watched members of the Crystal and Lunar Guards file in and out of the Long Haul’s cargo hatch and to and from the castle itself. “They are efficient, I will grant them that. I guess when you have to protect ponies from threats like hydras, cragadiles, and chimeras every day you have to be.” Stone stared at the table before him. “How are you doing?” Bonsmara asked, giving pat his shoulder. “You seem lost in thought.” “I’m all right. I’m a bit overwhelmed is all.” “That is to be expected.” She offered half of a table cloth to Stone, who took it in his mouth. “Your entire world has changed in the last month, and it will change even more soon.” She guided their efforts, as they put the cloth over a table. “There is one question you need to ask yourself.” Stone smoothed his end of the cloth out with his hooves. “What is that?” “Would you have done anything different, knowing what you know now?” Stone looked up at her and smiled. “No.” Stone looked toward Puca, where she and Field were chatting and covering another of the tables. “I wouldn’t change a thing. Helping Cobalt on his adventure and meeting you and others has been the best thing that has ever happened. I don’t know if I can balance my job, possible adventuring contracts, now I’m part of the team, and what I’m supposed to help with if Twi-” “Stop there, before you get yourself and me into trouble.” Bonsmara hugged Stone and patted his back. “We will help you keep your balance, and you will help us keep ours when we need help." She gave him a squeeze. "Thank you. I have been wanting to get a hug from you for a while." “Stone, have you been denying this lady hugs?” Mosaic teased, as she approached them. “I’m sure Puca wouldn’t mind if you shared a couple.” “Cobalt didn’t give much of anypony a chance to give Bonsmara hugs, except Fierce.” “I’m not surprised.” She looked to Bonsmara. “Cobalt would snuggle a timberwolf, if it gave him a chance. I hope he didn’t pester you.” “Not at all. I must confess, I am as bad as he, in that regard, and encouraged it more than I should.” She gave Stone a little squeeze, before letting him go. Mosaic nodded towards a group of ponies approaching the castle. “Speaking of Cobalt, it looks like he has become an escort for royalty.” She smiled and shook her head. “What am I going to do with him? It seems like every time I take my eyes off him that he ends up involved in royal business.” Cobalt pointed a hoof towards them. Breaking away from the cart, he, Care, and Windless raced towards them. “All we can do is hope he doesn’t get into any trouble he can’t get out of and support him when he does,” Stone said. Cobalt ran to Mosaic. “Mom, I want you to meet somepony.” He stepped aside and introduced Care and Windless to her. “They’re Freight’s and Starless’ foals.” “Pleasure to meet you both,” Mosaic said. “Whoa.” Windless looked up at Bonsmara. “I thought you we’re big when you were sitting. You must be crazy strong!” “She can pick me up with one hand,” Cobalt said. “Really?” Bonsmara scooped up Cobalt using only one arm. “Simple as that. While most minotaurs are strong, I train, so I am an outlier for strength.” She nodded towards Stone. “He is even stronger, for his size, without gems fueling him. With gems, he would best me without effort.” Stone appeared flattered. “I don’t know about that.” Bonsmara put Cobalt back on the ground. “You are being too modest.” Care blurted, “Miss Mosaic, thank you!” She hugged Mosaic and buried her face into the mare’s chest. “Thank you for letting Cobalt and Stone help with the Nightmares. If they hadn’t, Mom and Dad could have...” Care trailed off and sniffed as she cried. Mosaic hugged Care, stroked her mane with a hoof, and told her, “I am glad they could help.” “What happened?” Field asked, as he trotted up. “Who is this? Is she okay?” “She’s my daughter,” Freight said, as she walked up to Care and Mosaic. “She has been wanting to thank you for helping me and Starless make it home.” Freightrubbed Care’s back with a hoof. “To tell the truth, her losing both me and Starless was something I was worried about while everything was going on. I became a supply pilot to keep off the front lines so something like what happened never would. It was against protocol for me and Starless to both to be active during a time of conflict.” “We, the members of the Guard, serve as the watchful eye, strong shield, and unerring blade of Equestria. We will give of our lives so that our kin, our fellow ponies, and their loved ones may live and sleep untroubled while within its borders. If our Princesses ask for our strength, we will give it until none remains or life is taken from us.” Windless’ voice wavered as he said, “It’s a lot different to think about when you don’t know if you’re parents will come home.” Freight kissed the top of Windless’ head. “I hope you never have to worry about either of us ever again, much less both of us at the same time.” Mosaic put her chin on top of Care’s head and rocked her. “My dad was in the guard. It was the hardest thing, waiting for news or for him to come back.” Care, her tears all but stopped, looked up at Mosaic. “Is he…?” “He’s fine. He should be here, in a couple of days.” “Granddad’s coming?” Cobalt said, his ears perked. “He couldn’t make it for the…” she glanced towards Twilight, who was coming closer to them, and continued in a whisper, “event, but he wants to see both of you.” “What is going on?!” Twilight asked, as she looked at the tables that stood outside and the air ships resting near her castle. “Why is there an airship and guards here and why are table’s being set up?!” “That is classified, Princess” Freight said. “Celestia said that she would breif you about what will happen tonight.” “Celestia’s here too?!” “And Luna,” Pinkie said. “Come on, Twilight, you wanted to know what all the secrets were about, now’s your chance to find out. Ooo! I rhymed like Zecora and I didn’t even mean to!” Cadance trotted over to Care and the others, after waving for Amore, Pinkie, Shining, Spike, and Twilight to continue towards the castle. “Is she okay?” Cadance asked, looking at Care. “She’s been bottling up emotions and needed to let them out.” Mosaic stopped rocking Care and looked down at her. “Are you feeling better?” “I am.” Care looked up at her and sniffed. “Thank you.” “Any time.” Mosaic smiled and touched a hoof to Care’s mane. “Your mane and coat are so silky. What do you use?” Cobalt said, “Freight’s coat is like that.” Starless asked Cobalt, as he joined them, “Just how would you know how soft my daughter’s coat is, young stallion?” “Don’t be mad at him,” Care said. “I hugged him without asking.” “It was a full wing hug too,” Windless tattled, “in the middle of a shop, with lots of ponies watching.” “Care, giving an appreciative hug is fine, but a wing hug is too much for somepony you met,” Starless said. “What if that pony isn’t ready for it? You could be hurt, if they pull away, or you could offend them.” “I know not to pull away from a wing hug,” Cobalt told Starless, “and I didn’t mind.” “Judging by your blush, I’m sure you didn’t,” Starless said, in a joking tone. “Still, she should be more careful.” “Take it easy on her,” Freight said. “I’m sure this is a one time thing. She was thanking him for helping us, and it was precious.” “It was embarrassing,” Windless groaned. “I’m glad he helped you and Dad, but giving him a wing hug in the middle of a shop?” Windless made a teasing, disapproving face. “At least he she didn’t kiss him.” Starless gave a deep, rumbling laugh. “I will not say anything about not giving an appreciative kiss.” Windless looked surprised. “Why not?” “I gave your mother an appreciative kiss, a while back.” He looked at Frieght and smiled. “Thanks to that kiss, and a few more after that one, I now have a beautiful wife and a wonderful family.” Mosaic gave Care a light pat on the back and let her go. “After that confession, there should be no more talk about Care hugging Cobalt from you or Windless.” “Yes ma’am,” Starless said with salute and a smile. “Now back to what I was to be doing when I came over.” He made a show of putting on a serious expression. “Enough chit chat everypony. We’re behind schedule setting things up. Let’s get back to it.” “Can I help?” Cobalt asked. “All three of you can help. Mercy needs support getting things arranged in the castle.” Starless said, looking at the Care and the two colts. “Form up and come with me.” “Yes sir!” the trio of foals answered. Freight shook her head, as Starless led the foals away. “If only I could get Windless to behave that well for me.” “He is a good colt,” Mosaic said, “but he’s full of himself.” “That he is. Since my husband marched off with your colt, I guess I should introduce myself.” Field offered her hoof, which Mosaic shook. “I’m Freight, the captain of the ship that Cobalt help guide.” “Thank you for taking care of him for us.” “I did what I could. If he needs to stow away again, please tell me first. It would do me in if something happened to him while we were on a flight.” “Can do,” Mosaic said. “This is my husband, Fieldstone.” Field shook Freight’s hoof. “Cobalt and Stone have told us a lot about you.” “I deny everything. Unless it was positive, then I take full credit.” “We have said nothing but good things,” Stone told her. “Glad to hear it.” She nodded towards Puca. “How are things between you two?” “Going well,” Puca said. “How well?” “She moved in with me,” Stone said. “Oh, things are going that well.” Freight paused. “Wait, how did you move in that fast?” “She had four saddlebags and a small box worth of stuff. I carried one of the pair of saddle bags and the box, and she carried the rest. It took all of about thirty minutes to get her moved.” “I’m so glad for both of you.” Freight pulled both Puca and Stone into a hug. “How did Cobalt react to the news?” Cadance asked. “He was elated,” Puca said. “He loves you and all of your adventuring group,” Mosaic said. “If you were to just vanish, after all you have been through together, it would do him in.” Bonsmara grinned. “If things go the way they seem to be, he will have not have to worry about that at all.” “Speaking of which, I am glad you are here,” Cadance said. “We need to coordinate one last thing before tonight, and we will need all of you to pull it off.” Field gave a deep belly laugh. “I have a feeling we’re about to conspire against my youngest son.” Cadance nodded. “In the best of ways.” ***** “Twilight looks like she’s about to burst.” Mosaic said, looking toward the platform where the alicorn princesses were sitting and dining. Puca snickered. “That’s an understatement.” Cobalt looked to Puca, his ears angled in concern. “Is she all right?” “She having to hold something in is all.” “She won’t have much longer to wait,” Amore said, putting her dessert fork down. Care rushed up to the table. “You got to come see this! Rarity is about to introduce Windless to Fluttershy!” Cobalt glanced towards Mosaic. “Go on. Just come back as soon as it’s over,” she told him. “You don’t want to miss Celestia’s announcements.” “I’ll go with him,” Amore said. “I would like to see this this too. We’ll be right back.” “How did Rarity find out about Windless and Fluttershy?” Cobalt asked, as they weaved through the tables and party goers. “Mom stopped Rarity, when she was going by our table, to say hello. I’m not sure how Fluttershy came up, I was talking to Gauze while they were talking so I didn’t hear, but Rarity said she would introduce him to her.” “Gauze is with you?” Cobalt asked. “All of the Lunar Guard that were with Mom and Dad are. So are all the unicorns that were ponynapped. Dad said Sombra and Hope were here somewhere too, but we haven’t see them.” “There you are,” said Freight. “I see you found them.” “You seem nervous,” Amore said to Windless. “I am.” “Whatever for?” “I’m meeting an Element of Harmony, who knows I’ve been drawing her because I saw her on the front of a magazine.” Windless swallowed. “I can’t even count the number of ways this could go wrong.” “You keep being your cute little self and everything will be fine,” Gauze told him. “From what I’ve heard about her, Fluttershy will melt if you act cute and defenseless.” “It won’t be much of an act. I’m so nervous I pretty much am.” Starless chuckled. “You don’t have to worry. She’s a mare, not a manticore.” “Dad, I’ve seen Mercy in action. I’d rather face a manticore.” “You have a point,” Starless said. “She scares me too.” Mercy sighed. “I’m sitting right here.” “At least you know we don’t talk about you behind your back,” Starless said. Mercy narrowed her eyes at him. “Just wait till I run drills next time. I’m going to work you so hard your tail will drop off. I’ll have Gauze put it back on you, and I’ll make you work it off again.” “Leave me out of this.” Gauze smiled at Cobalt. “Hello again, Unofficial Recovery Mascot. How have you been?” “I’ve been great.” “Here they come,” Care said, in a stage whisper. She leaned close to Windless. “Is she as pretty as you thought she would be?” “Care please don’t,” Windless said, sounding vulnerable. Care bumped shoulders with him. “I’ll behave, I promise.” “Here we are,” Rarity said. “Your admiring fan is right here.” She glanced back over her shoulder. “Fluttershy? Are you all right, dear?” “I don’t know if I can do this,” Fluttershy said, her voice coming from behind a nearby table, where she had hidden herself behind the table cloth. “Don’t be anxious,” Rarity said. “You should see him. He’s just as nervous to meet you.” Starless gave Windless a light prod. “Now is the time to be brave for her sake and yours,” he whispered to Windless. Windless swallowed, nodded, and got up from his seat. He moved to stand beside Rarity. “You don’t have to come out, if you don’t want to,” he told Fluttershy. “My name is Windless Night. I wanted you to know I liked using you as a reference for my drawings, and I felt bad about you not enjoy being in the shoots.” “Did Rarity tell you about that?” Fluttershy asked, still hidden. “No, I could tell by the pictures.” Fluttershy peeked over the table top. When she saw Windless, her ears perked up. “You’re a bat pony.” Windless smiled and nodded. “I’m sorry, that was rude of me. It’s just Rarity didn’t tell me much about you, and I wasn’t expecting to meet a bat pony.” With timid steps, Fluttershy came from behind the table. “I thought it would be a nice surprise,” Rarity said. As she got closer to Windless, Fluttershy’s demeanor changed from being scared to being delighted. “I’ve never seen a bat pony colt up close before. You’re precious.” Windless blushed. “Thank you. It’s good to see you smile. There weren’t that many photos where you did.” “What told you that Fluttershy didn’t like her photo shoots?” Rarity asked. “When I was drawing her eyes, I could tell. It made it hard to draw those pictures. I felt was like I was helping whoever was making you feel bad when I sketched them, so I stopped drawing any picture where you looked frightened or sad.” His ears fell and his tail tucked. “It made me feel bad, when I realized that you didn’t like being a part of the shoots. I’m sorry.” Rarity giggled. “My word, Fluttershy, you have quite the young fan. He’s appreciative of your form and concerned about you as a pony too.” “You did nothing wrong, so there’s no need to apologize.” Fluttershy gave Windless a warm smile. “It wasn’t all bad, I got to go to some fantastic places and I used the money to help a lot of my animal friends.” “You wouldn’t have one of your sketches with you?” Rarity asked Windless. “I would love to see one.” “They’re all at home. I didn’t even bring my drawing stuff.” “I hate to do this,” Amore said, but it looks like they are getting the main table ready for the announcements. Cobalt and I need to get back to our table.” “That’s quite all right, darling. Fluttershy and I need to get back to our table too.” “Thank you for thinking I was pretty enough to draw and caring about me,” Fluttershy said, half hiding her face behind her mane. “It was nice to meet you.” “You’re welcome.” Windless bowed to Fluttershy. “It was an honor to meet you.” He turned to Rarity. “Thank you for introducing us.” “I’m glad I could. It was wonderful to find out that somepony else was looking out for our dear Fluttershy, even without having met her. You’re a fine colt.” She reached out and patted his shoulder. “If you come back to Ponyville I hope we’ll be able to see-” She paused, letting her hoof linger on his shoulder. “I absolutely must know, what do you use on your coat?” “Just soap.” “You’re joking.” Windless shook his head. “I promise. I use plain soap.” She reached up touched his short cut mane. “Your coat and your mane are so soft.” “It’s part of being a bat pony,” Freight said. “Our coats and are soft and fuzzy like a bat’s fur so we don’t make noise and to keep us warm during night flights.” “If you could make stuffed toys that felt like this, you could make a fortune,” Rarity said. “I bet it’s perfectly huggable.” Windless blushed, as Rarity touched a tuft on one of his ears. “And these are just precious.” “You could give him a hug to test the idea,” Care said, a scheming smile on her face. “I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.” Windless gave her a look that seemed to thank her and call her a traitor. Rarity’s eyes flashed with a devious spark. “I think I’ve taken enough liberties with him as it is. However, I know somepony who could test my theory and give him a thank you at the same time.” She looked to Fluttershy. “Go on, darling, give him a hug. I want to know know what you think.” “What if he doesn’t want a hug?” Fluttershy squeaked. “Nonsense. Who wouldn’t want a hug from you?” Fluttershy peeked around the edge of her mane and asked Windless, “Would you mind if I gave you a hug?” Windless shook his head. “There you are.” Rarity made a gesture as if presenting Windless to her. “Hug away.” Moving as if she might break him, Fluttershy gave Windless a delicate hug. “Oh my goodness, you are the softest thing!” She gave him a more energetic embrace and ran a hoof over one of the tufts of his ears. “And these are adorable.” Windless managed to say, “Thank you.” Rarity giggled. “It appears I have my answer whether or not he would make a good doll.” She paused for a moment. “Come to think of it, I don’t believe I’ve ever seen a bat pony doll.” “Ponies don’t ask for bat ponies dolls, so there aren’t that many outside of our colonies.” Gauze said. “I guess we’re too different and scary to most ponies.” “Don’t you say such a thing! You are not scary!” Rarity drew herself up. “I should know. I’ve fought with nasty, scary things.” She gestured towards Fluttershy. “Look at her. Fluttershy’s not scared of bat ponies, and she’s scared of everything.” Rarity flinched. “Sorry dear.” Fluttershy shook her head. “It’s all right. It’s true.” “So, what do you think? Would you like a Windless doll for yourself? You could be the first tester to see how true to the original it is.” “It would be nice, but I know how much work you put into them,” Fluttershy told Rarity. “Please don’t go through all of that trouble just for me.” “It’s no trouble at all. Finding the right material for the coats could be a challenge, but I would enjoy it and it could help me with my future projects.” Rarity smiled and looked towards Care. “If I could make the patterns, I have a friend that might end this problem of there not being any bat pony dolls or plushies being available.” “You would do that for us?” Gauze said. “That could do us wonders in the public relations department.” “Of course I would.” Rarity asked Windless, “Would you be willing to model for me?” “Sounds great.” She looked to Care. “Would you?” “I’d love too!” Rarity looked back to Fluttershy and giggled. “Fluttershy, you can let him go now.” “I don’t he will complain if she keeps holding him,” Care said. “True as that might be, we need to go,” Rarity said. Fluttershy let go of Windless. “Thank you for letting me snuggle you. It was nice.” “I should be the one thanking you, for giving me a hug and for everything you have done for Equestria.” “We must arrange the time for me to get your measurements at a latter date,” Rarity said. “Maybe then Windless could share his drawings with us.” Freight assured Rarity, “I’ll make sure he brings his sketches.” “Wonderful. Come along, Fluttershy, the others are most likely thinking we got ponynapped.” Rarity said, guiding Fluttershy away from the table. Windless, turned to Care. “Sis, that was an underhooved thing to do.” He grinned. “Thanks.” Care grinned back. “Now we’re even. I don’t want to hear anymore about me hugging Cobalt.” She held out her hoof to him. “Got it?” Windless bumped his hoof to hers. “Got it.” “I’m impressed that you came up with on the spur of the moment,” Mercy told her. “I thought Rarity would be the one to hug him, to be honest,” Care said. “She took my idea and made it even better.” “Spike said that was her talent,” Cobalt told her. “We need to go,” Amore said, patting Cobalt on the shoulder. “Just putting in my two bits worth, I think bat pony dolls sounds like a good idea,” she told Gauze. “Thanks for inviting us,” Cobalt told Care. “It was fun to watch.” “You’re welcome.” “I’m glad I could provide such entertainment,” Windless muttered.