Summer Sun, Dawning Chaos

by CTVulpin

Act III, Scene 6: Despression

The town of Overlook had once been known as Vladeksfoot due to its location at the base of a solitary mountain known as Vladek’s Peak, after some ancient figure of myth. That mountain had been where Tau’rin had established his fortress in Valden and where the Order-naries had had their final confrontation with him prior to their Equestrian adventures. Shortly after, Vladeksfoot had changed its name to Overlook because Vladek’s Peak no longer existed. In its place was a deep pit that looked like someone had dug a perfectly round bowl a quarter mile across and lined it with smooth black glass several inches thick. Ash stood on the lip of this crater with Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Carmilla, the other four having stayed back at the Traveler’s House for various reasons. The Equestria natives were staring in open-mouthed wonder at the pit while Ash and Carmilla, who had seen it enough already, waited patiently for their minds to finish processing the sight.
“Is this what Ultimate Chaos could do?” Twilight finally asked in trepidation.
“Consider the fact that the mountain was over a mile high and the blast went off a couple hundred feet short of the peak,” Ash said, “and then try to tell me Tau’rin didn’t need to be stopped.” Twilight’s eyes bugged out a bit as she tried to picture a magical explosion that large.
“It’s impressive,” Rainbow said, less overwhelmed than her magically gifted friend, “but what does it have to do with the portal to Equestria?”
“I repeat,” Ash said, “The center of the Ultimate Chaos, the point where we and Tau’rin were standing when we were ripped from Valden and flung into Equestria, was near the peak of a mountain which no longer exists.”
“So… high,” Fluttershy said.
“Indeed,” Ash said with a nod, looking up into the sky, “As a humanoid once more, I’m at my peak of magical potential, but I cannot lift ten full-grown humanoids – including myself – to that height with any degree of safety, and even if I could, I’m afraid my other self-”
“Thamule,” Carmilla said insistently.
“Thamule, yes,” Ash said with some irritation, “while he knows the trick to re-opening the dimensional rifts, I do not have that knowledge. Either Discord gave him the power or he figured it out pretty quickly.”
“So, how long has the Ash in Equestria actually been Thamule?” Rainbow asked, “You were acting a bit off recently…”
“You were dealing with me up until I tried to go to Canterlot after the Twisted Desire was cured,” the mage answered, turning away from the pit and starting to walk away, “My… Thamule may have existed longer than that, but he only took my place after Discord forced me to take the Order-naries into the Everfree instead of Canterlot, where Thamule ambushed and incapacitated me, and then the others shortly after.” He came to a stop just as the others turned to start following him, and he stood in silent contemplation for a moment before turning to face them. “I understand why Carmilla and M’Dales insist on not blaming me for Thamule’s actions,” he said, “seeing as they’re stubborn as ever about trying to support me, but you four, and Rarity and Pinkie as well, have seen the darkness I’m capable of first-hand and practically unfil-”
“Just stop there sugarcube,” Applejack said, “Yeah, what he did was pretty bad, and we still don’t know the extent of what he did ta Pinkie, but it wasn’t you what did it to us.”
“Besides,” Rainbow Dash said, “we wouldn’t blame you even if that had been you, just with your mind all messed up by Discord. He flipped all of us around once you know, and that’d make us… uh… real jerks-”
“I think you mean ‘hypocrites’,” Twilight cut in.
“Gesundheit,” Rainbow said, smirking at Twilight’s eye-roll before turning her attention back to Ash and concluding, “if we held what you did under his influence against you.”
Carmilla chuckled at Ash’s speechless expression and walked past him back into town, giving him a light flick on the head as she passed. “Why you still haven’t learned that others can forgive you and move on when you can’t do so for yourself is a mystery Ash,” she said, “I’m going to go see if Bora has a job opening at his forge, in case you need me.”
“Job opening?” Applejack said, frowning, “She’s really intendin’ ta settle in, ain’t she?”
“That is the plan for now,” Ash said with a nod, “I’m sure it’ll be hard to let go of Equestria, but there’s no going back that I can see. Maha will put us up as long as we need to, but she’ll be more than happy to point you toward somebody who can get you started on a career if you ask.” He looked toward the Traveler’s House in the distance and sighed. “As for me, I need to see just how forgiving Pinkie and Rarity will be…”

Just stay away from me!
“Pinkie, please,” Rachelle said in a calming tone, “We only want to help you.”
“I don’t need help,” Pinkie squealed, trying to pull herself deeper into the corner of the common bedroom room, “I don’t deserve it.”
“Pinkie,” Rachelle began again.
NO!” Pinkie screamed.
“This isn’t working sis,” Ray said, massaging the headache Pinkie’s shrill voice was giving him, “She’s too hysterical. I really think we should just give her the treatment.”
“No!” Pinkie said, “No treatment, whatever it is.”
“You really think you can fight that without doing more harm?” Rachelle asked her brother in a murmur.
“Having problems with the pink party-pooper?” The twins turned to see Ash standing in the doorway.
“Back already Ash?” Ray asked, “How’d the others like the crater?” Ash started to answer, but stopped when he saw Pinkie rise unsteadily to her feet and make a beeline for him, crawling over every bed in her path to do so.
“Hey Pinkie,” Ash said with an awkward attempt at casual as the pink-haired girl got right up in his face. He averted his eyes down to the floor as she tried to stare straight into them.
“You never lie, right?” Pinkie asked, leaning into Ash.
“I will answer any direct question with the absolute truth so far as I know it,” Ash responded, “And I never go back on my word unless circumstances render it impossible.”
“Does Bad Ash always tell the truth?” Pinkie asked a gleam of desperate hope sparking in her eyes.
“No,” Ash said simply, trying to put a comfortable distance between himself and her, “At least, I doubt it. Thamule is a reflection of me before I remade myself as an honest soldier of Order.”
“Then. Then. Then!” Pinkie said, sliding up to his face again, “Was he lying? Was what he said about me just mean lies? Tell me Ash!”
“Pinkie,” Ash said, holding her at arm’s length, “I can’t answer that; I don’t know what he said to you. We’re the same, he and I-”
“Not,” Ray said.
“Fundamentally we are the same,” Ash repeated, “but I know nothing of what went on in his head. Pinkie Pie, only if you tell us what he said to you to break your spirit can I try to help you.”
Pinkie was silent for several moments, staring at the floor, but finally she looked up and tried to meet Ash’s eyes not noticing how he looked firmly away. “He told me that I was reason Discord was able to do everything he’s done recently,” she said, “It was my fault the seal didn’t stick like it should have, because I didn’t really want some of the chaos to end. Was he wrong Ash? Tell me he was wrong!” Her eyes were huge, wet with unshed tears, and pleading.
Ash grimaced and released his grip on her. He sat down hard, barely managing to avoid hitting his head on the wall behind him. “I… I…” he said, downcast, “I can’t say that Pinkie.”
“What?” Ray and Rachelle exclaimed as the light in Pinkie’s eyes died and she sank to the floor as well.
“I saw a weak-point in the seal shortly after Discord was defeated,” Ash said, “I tried to theorize why the Elements of Harmony would have done an imperfect job, when the previous seal had lasted for millennia. The only conclusion that made sense was that there had been some hesitation in the unification of the Element’s power, and…”
“Pinkie, the silly and off-beat Element of Laughter was your most likely suspect,” Ray finished coolly, “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“That’s why,” Ash said, pointing to Pinkie, “Who am I to threaten the crucial bond between the Six? If they’d remained ignorant of a possible weakness, at least until after the seal was fixed, there would have been no harm. And of course, if I had spoken of it, I would have done my best to soften the blow. Thamule had no such compunctions. Pinkie, I am truly sorry.”
“You were doing the right thing Ash,” Rachelle said, “It got away from you in the end, but that was a secret worth keeping.”
Ash nodded in gratitude, and then moved to kneel in front of Pinkie. “Pinkie Pie, listen to me,” he said, “you are not a weak link, you’re simply mortal. Everyone has their weaknesses, but those can be overcome. Do you understand me?” When Pinkie didn’t respond, he grabbed her chin and lifted her head up, coming as close to meeting her eyes as he dared. “Thamule is evil,” he said, “and he was created by Discord. Discord was wrong about your strength and friendship before, and both he and Thamule are wrong now. Put yourself back together and show them what Laughter truly means, ok? Never forget who your friends are and what they have and will do for you. And again, I apologize for any pain I have caused you, even indirectly.”
“I… do you mean it?” Pinkie asked weakly.
“I never lie,” Ash said with a smile, “and on top of that, I cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” Pinkie let out a small giggle and smiled slightly, but her hair remained straight and flat. Satisfied, Ash stood up and went over to Ray and Rachelle. “That’s the best that I can do for her I think,” he said in a low tone.
“I’m surprised you took that route,” Ray said, “We can’t get back to Equestria, so why bother using proving Discord wrong as a morale booster?”
“It was the only weapon I had,” Ash answered, “even outside of their universe and separated from the Element necklaces, the bond they share is their strongest tool. On that note, do you know where I can find Rarity?”
“Private room, one floor down,” Rachelle said with a knowing smile. Ash ignored it in silence as he left the room.

“Doesn’t it seem to be… in poor taste to be putting on a show tonight?”
“Certainly not Harlequin,” Trixie answered with affected shock, “Why, with all the anxiety and fear caused by recent events, ponies will be crawling over one another for some light-hearted entertainment to help them escape for a moment.”
“That and if you don’t bring in some bits soon you’ll be broke,” Maggie Pie added without glancing up from the finance ledger she’d recently acquired for the troupe. It was sadly lacking in positive numbers at the moment.
“I’m still not sure,” Harlequin said dubiously.
“Don’t be a sourpuss Quin,” Barnacle Salt said, looking at something beyond the field the troupe had come to for the day’s rehearsal, “There’s an ill wind brewing from starboard as it is.” Everypony turned to see what he was talking about and saw a purple-on-red unicorn standing a short ways off, looking disgruntled at being detected.
“Well, I was wondering what happened to you Tremolo,” Trixie called out, “I was almost convinced you’d finally had enough at the Summer Sun Celebration!”
“Oh, I was around Trixie,” Tremolo replied as he stalked closer to the group, “Biding my time and feeling out the currents. You’ve been having such a tough time on the stage, I figured I didn’t need to get involved again, but now I’ve learned some of what’s been going on behind the scenes and-” he stopped and froze as the ground began to tremble. Several small tremors rolled through the dirt from various directions and then sinkholes began to form, one nearly underneath Tremolo’s hooves. With a panicked sound, the red unicorn leapt away and joined Trixie’s group in huddling defensively near the wagon, watching the holes form and grow around them. Clawed hands covered in grey and brown fur and attached to thick arms rose from the holes and were soon followed by helmeted canine heads with disturbingly blank eyes that surveyed the area and one by one locked onto the ponies.
“Run,” somepony said, and the troupe bolted. Barnacle took to the air with Cabbage Patch held tight in his front legs while Tremolo and Harlequin ran for their lives in opposite directions, leaving Trixie and Maggie debating quickly and furiously about the risk of trying to save the wagon. The Diamond Dogs hauled themselves out of their holes and, as if driven by some other force, turned as one to pursue the fleeing ponies. Trixie and Maggie shared a confused glance and then got the wagon moving in the direction everypony but Tremolo was headed: toward Ponyville.
Once the hole-riddled field was empty, Thamule hauled himself partly out of one of the holes and watched the receding dust cloud with satisfied green eyes. “Not an ideal army,” he said, “but it’ll do for a distraction.”

The door to Rarity’s room was locked, and Ash wasn’t the least bit surprised by that fact. He stood in front of it for a while, trying to decide what he wanted to accomplish with the fashionista and knowing deep in his gut that his personal vow never to lie was going to bite him even harder than it had with Pinkie Pie. He told himself he’d be happy if Rarity had truly decided not to have a crush on him anymore, but he couldn’t live with her outright refusing to speak with him ever again. “Skomata ne bara…” he intoned under his breath, a grudging acceptance of difficulties as he knocked on the door. “Rarity, it’s me,” he said, “Ash.” When there was no response from within, he briefly considered just walking away, but he had never been one to retreat before the fight had even begun. “I’m sure you’re in there Rarity,” he said, “and I’m not above using a spell to confirm it.” He caught the faint sound of something shuffling through the door and took a deep breath, thinking. “Look, I know you’re upset about something Thamule said to you, but you know it wasn’t me, so there’s no point directing that anger at me.”
“It could have been you,” Rarity snapped from inside, “He’s a part of you, isn’t he? That part you keep buried under your gentlecoltly behavior and self-redeeming hero façade.”
“Yes,” Ash admitted grudgingly, “but mixed up with aspects of Discord and lacking any of the morals and empathy I’ve managed to develop since fleeing the Shadowstar Empire. You’ve seen how I behave under more normal circumstances.”
“Yes,” Rarity said sourly, “I’ve seen your calculated actions and listened to your expertly-chosen words. Now I see the truth in what that awful double of yours said. You’ve only been humoring me, constantly on the edge between annoyed and amused at how I tried oh so very hard not to fawn over you every chance I got, displaying my childish attraction in a way that seemed mature and respectful. To think, I thought I had learned how to look below the surface of a handsome face and a high title, but still my gaze has been too superficial.”
“Those are starting to sound like the words of another person Rarity,” Ash said, “You can’t have forgotten what I said about you just a short while ago, in the presence of seeds of truth at that!”
“You paid me simple compliments and said you couldn’t reciprocate my affection,” Rarity said, and even through the door Ash could feel an icy glare directed at him, “All of which was true of course, but not in the way I first thought.”
“Rarity,” Ash said, surprised at how hurt he felt, “I could never-” He cut off as Rarity unlocked the door and swung it open, her eyes hard and determined. Ash averted his gaze instantly, focusing on her grim, frowning lips.
“Say it then,” she challenged, “No more mincing words Ashen Blaze. Look me in the eye and tell me the truth.”
“Rarity,” the mage began.
Look at me,” Rarity screamed, “How can I believe you when you won’t meet my gaze?”
“You don’t want me to do that Rarity, trust me,” Ash said, “I explained this to you once a long time ago: my eyes, my human eyes, hold an intimidating power that I cannot turn off. It doesn’t matter if they’re a friend or foe, to meet my eyes is to experience unbeatable fear.”
“Look me in the eye Ashen Blaze, or you will lose my trust forever,” Rarity snarled.
“No,” Ash gasped, “The trust of others is all I…” He sighed in defeat. “Forgive me for this,” he said, “for you know not what you have asked.” He placed his hands lightly on Rarity’s shoulders and looked straight into her eyes. The effect was almost immediate, as Rarity’s azure eyes widened in shock, all the anger forced away by fear. With a cry, she tore herself away and fled to the other side of the room, hugging herself tight as she trembled. Ash let her be for a few seconds, and then walked slowly up to her, reaching out hesitantly to touch her shoulder. “Rarity,” he said quietly when she did no more than flinch, “I would not be able to live with myself if I couldn’t make things up to you. The obvious solutions are gone; I can’t get us back to Equestria and I can’t look you in the eye as we talk. Please, if there’s anything I can do to earn your forgiveness…”
Rarity was silent for a long time, and Ash began to despair of receiving a response, but before he could muster the will to speak again or turn to leave, the young woman broke the silence herself. “Tell me this,” she said, “are we dancing around the topic of love because you are unable to feel it, or because you want to deny yourself of it out of guilt?”
“Love, affection, and even friendship were unknown to me as Meis Thamule,” Ash answered, “but I have long since learned what they feel like. I just… I’m not worthy.”
“Then,” Rarity said, turning around and catching Ash off-guard in a hug, “You are a very noble and sad fool Ash, and I am sorry I mistreated you.” She chuckled as Ash stiffened in her grasp, arms visibly twitching with indecision. “Oh,” she chided gently, “just forget yourself for a moment and hug me back already you silly colt.”
“The proper term would be ‘boy’.” Ash replied, finding the will to put first one arm and the then the other around the purple-haired lady.